Only Human: Before and After

By LucindaCroft9

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In this third book of the Only Human series, June Jackson has many hard choices to make. Who does she trust... More

Chapter 101: June Jackson
Chapter 102: Jason Hendrix
Chapter 103: June Jackson
Chapter 104: Destin Moon
Chapter 105: June Jackson
Chapter 106: June Jackson
Chapter 107: Destin Moon
Chapter 108: June Jackson
Chapter 109: Destin Moon
Chapter 110: June Jackson
Chapter 111: Jason Hendrix
Chapter 112: June Jackson
Chapter 113: Lannister Fleet
Chapter 114: Jimmy Keller
Chapter 115: June Jackson
Chapter 116: Jason Hendrix
Chapter 117: Lannister Fleet
Chapter 118: June Jackson
Chapter 119: June Jackson
Chapter 120: June Jackson
Chapter 121: Geralt and Destin
Chapter 122: Jason Hendrix
Chapter 123: June Jackson
Chapter 124: Jason Hendrix
Chapter 125: June Jackson
Chapter 126: Lannister Fleet
Chapter 127: June Jackson
Chapter 128: Destin Moon
Chapter 129: June Jackson
Chapter 130: June Jackson
Chapter 131: June and Cenderion
Chapter 132: June Jackson
Chapter 133: Lannister and June
Chapter 134: June Jackson
Chapter 135: Jason Hendrix
Chapter 136: June Jackson
Chapter 137: June Jackson
Chapter 138: June Jackson
Chapter 139: Lannister Fleet
Chapter 140: June Jackson
Chapter 141: June Jackson
Chapter 142: Destin Moon
Chapter 143: June Jackson
Chapter 144: June Jackson
Chapter 145: Geralt Emrick
Chapter 146: June Jackson
Chapter 147: Jason Hendrix
Chapter 148: June Jackson
Chapter 149: Jason Hendrix
Chapter 151: Lannister Fleet
Chapter 152: June Jackson
Chapter 153: June Jackson
Chapter 154: June Jackson
Chapter 155: June Jackson
Chapter 156: June Jackson
Chapter 157: June Jackson
Chapter 158: ?
To be Continued...

Chapter 150: Destin and June

165 24 4
By LucindaCroft9

Change of POV

My mate was in danger. My mate was being threatened. My mate was being held against her will by some blood-sucking joke of a gangster. The more I thought about it the more I wanted to strangle the bastard until his eyes popped out of his skull. My hunger for his flesh lodged between my teeth made it near impossible to stay out of my beastly form. I had just barely gotten over her brush with those fish-fuckers, and now she was being held out of my reach. Blood and gore. That was what would rain from the sky by morning.

"Alpha, who is June?" Brent asked again. By now Hendrix and them were making preparations for his meeting with that worm who thought himself a snake. Brent and I were heading to the conference room where I had summoned all my betas to gather.

I glanced at Brent uncertainly.

"Alpha, I am your right claw. If you cannot tell me, then how can I support you as I should?" He insisted with narrowed orange eyes.

I sighed. He had a point. Brent had always been loyal and dedicated to the pack, but that made the thought of losing him even more daunting. "You know her." I said.

Brent made a face and searched the air for answers. "The only June I know is Celine's masseuse..." He froze, but I kept walking. "Wait, that June? The human June? That's who everyone is so desperate to save?" He asked chasing me down.

I nodded pursing my lips together and directing my eyes straight ahead.

"I heard about her rescue at Tathens' Bay, but is it really worth risking Miss Lupine's safety over?" Brent asked confused.

I finally stopped and Brent nimbly avoided running into me. "I should tell you before I tell the entire pack. It's only right." I sighed.

Brent gave me his full attention just as any good beta should.

"As you know, Celine Lupine is just a stage name. Her publicized image an altered hologram based on her basic form." He nodded. "But what most do not know, is that she also isn't a werewolf. She is human. A human with a great magic inside her that she shares through her singing. The persona of Celine Lupine was just to veil this truth. To protect her and those who have come to care for her." I said seriously.

Brent stepped back shocked. "Celine Lupine isn't a werewolf? She's a human?! The whole of Vania has been simping for and praising a human?! And you allowed this?" He asked bothered.

I nodded. "I did, because I believe in her. No matter her species, what Celine has done not only on stage but for Wistering Heights as well, is enough to prove her worth. I know that this will be hard to take in, but it's the truth." I stressed.

Brent fell silent, but eventually nodded. "It would explain her identity being a big secret... So you want the pack to go in and rescue this June, because she is the real Celine Lupine." He reasoned.

I groaned. "That and..." I trailed off.

Brent gave me his attention again and waited patiently.

Taking a breath I quickly took off my shirt and showed him my marked shoulder. Brent gasped. "You're marked... You have a mate! We have a luna! That's why you haven't joined us on our nightly prowls like you used to. How long? I mean who—where? When are you going to introduce us?" He asked suddenly excited. His excitement was understandable. A new Luna was a big deal for a pack. It was typically met with a large party of welcome. I had also taken longer than most alphas to find theirs, so this was an announcement that many in my pack were looking forward to.

I put my shirt back on. "Once we save her." I said.

Brent paled. "Alpha... Destin, you couldn't... Even if she were Celine Lupine, she is still human. How could she handle the responsibilities of a luna? How are we to face other packs without being ridiculed? How are you to have strong pups for our pack to watch grow? What have you done?" He asked repulsed.

I growled under my breath. "I have found a luna that is strong, noble, and never falters when facing peril. She does what's right even at the risk of her own well-being. She saved that pup in the bay, but she has done even more than that. She is in disguise. Her original appearance is of hair liken to the tips of cattails that grow by the creek, and eyes of warmed liquid honey." I cleared my throat realizing I was getting off topic. "She was there when the shades attacked. Not only as Celine Lupine, who I remind you was the sole reason we were able to fend off those shades as cleanly as we did, but as June the human. She refused to hide and risked her safety to get the pups in the nursery over that wall and out of danger. You can call me a fool for marking a human, but don't ever suggest that June is lacking." I finished strong.

Brent's eyes widened. "That was her? She saved my cousins. My uncle and aunt tried everything to locate the human who saved them, but it was always a dead end. There was only an unclear video of a human woman leading them to safety. We assumed she was a marked human of the nursery, but... My family owes her gratitude." He sighed. "I don't know if the pack will agree to this, Destin. But I believe in you, and I have a debt that must be repaid to her."

I smiled relieved and rested my hand on his shoulder. "Thank you." He nodded his head with a smile. "Now to repeat this conversation in front of 29 other betas who most likely won't feel the same way."

"After you, Alpha." Brent said while waiting for me to take point.

We made it to the conference room where I shoved the double doors aside with a resounding clang. This worked to both capture my betas' attention and silence their inane conversations. Once they saw me, they parted and bowed their heads in respect. I strode up the aisle they made for me in complete silence while Brent followed behind me. I stepped up onto the raised platform that was to be my stage for this meeting. Gathering myself I turned and addressed my pack.

"I know the hour is late, but we are in a state of crisis." I started. Werewolves quietly mumbled and glanced at one another. "One of ours has been taken hostage, and our only solution is to storm in and take them back." The murmurs grew louder and heads were looking back and forth as if to take count of who was here in order to decipher who was missing. Some were already growling from the mere thought or suggestion that someone had gone after our pack. "Hendrix and the members of the AFC have volunteered their assistance in this matter. The plan is to have them act as the distraction while we sneak in and infiltrate where the hostage is being kept."

"Who is it, Alpha? Who did they take?" One beta asked in the back. I guess my foolhardy plan to just keep it anonymous wasn't going to work. They would need to know who they are looking for and who they should be protecting or helping.

I cleared my throat. "It is the human, June." I said.

The room erupted in small conversations, gasps of surprise, and confused glares. "And?" A gruff werewolf asked. "She has nothing to do with us. I don't see the crisis."

"Yeah. So Celine loses a masseuse, we can find her another one. A better one probably. I mean how strong can a human really be, and werewolf muscles are tough." A younger werewolf pointed out.

One werewolf stepped up and faced the crowd. Jax, I believe. "Wait a moment. This is the same human who dove into a bay to save a werewolf pup she didn't even know back in Tathens." He growled.

A brown werewolf followed his lead. "Yeah! And she didn't even receive proper thanks for that."

A black werewolf joined them. "We cannot just sit back like cowards when an ally is in need."

A grey werewolf. "We have to pay it forward." He said.

Finally a red werewolf stepped up. "She showed one of our kind kindness, now we must return the favor."

My ears perked in surprise. June was right. These were good betas. Loyal even to a human. They recognized value in a species most dismiss. Better than even myself not too long ago. The crowd hesitated hearing this group's support.

"Bullcrap! Even if she did save that pup as you say, it wouldn't be our responsibility to pay it back. That would be that pack's concern. These are two entirely different situations!" An annoyed werewolf growled. Quite a few voices grunted their agreement.

"Now hold on! Didn't the alpha say hostage? Why would they be holding a human hostage? Who are they, and what do they want?" A wiser and calmer werewolf asked. My pack turned their attention back on me.

"It's Dracula, and they want Celine Lupine's true identity." I explained.

Several werewolves scoffed. "Like we'd risk Miss Lupine's safety for some human. Dracula must have really gone down hill. What idiot thought that would work." They said at different points.

"Sure, but Dracula is not a group I'd like to mess with, stupid or not. I don't think this human's worth the risk." A sniveling poor excuse of a beta whimpered. I can't believe I allowed this omega to join my pack. Despite my thoughts, he wasn't the only beta who thought this.

"Hey, this is a request from your alpha! Who gave you lot the right to bicker and question his authority!" Brent snarled preparing to shift and take on the dissenters. It would be easy to force my pack. My word was law to them, and I didn't need them to share my opinion. But... I looked at the five werewolves who stood up for June's defense. June had the makings to not only be a capable luna, but a brilliant one. Even Balto saw it in her. If I hid things now, it would only make when the truth comes out more difficult. Besides, they deserved to know what was at stake.

"Thank you, Brent. I've got it from here." I said stepping up. Brent immediately calmed and stepped back. "I would not risk the safety or wellbeing of my pack on a well-meaning stranger. No matter how kind she may be."

"Then why—" One beta started, but I snarled at his interruption.

"You mentioned that you didn't want to risk Miss Lupine's safety. Is that still the case?" I asked.

"Of course! She's like one of the pack!" Someone shouted.

"Then you are implying that June is like one of the pack, because June the human is the true identity of Celine Lupine." I said firmly.

Silence. Even the five who were defending June earlier turned to study me. Then a small group of betas to the side started laughing hysterically. "Alpha, you made this sound so serious! Was this just a joke to lighten the tour? You can't do that?! We were really concerned." They managed to shout out. Some others chuckled and laughed nervously with them, but my face remained unchanged.

"I am not, and I'm sure some of you may have noticed some things by now. Like how there never seems to be an extra or random werewolf that could have been Celine, how June is never present when Celine is, how several important individuals including myself keep her company, and even how she is never left alone for long." I explained.

The laughter stopped and betas started conversing. Some were nodding their heads, while others shook them. The brown werewolf who came up before raised his hand. Hank. I'm pretty sure his name was Hank. I nodded to give him the floor.

"If June is Celine Lupine, then how can she sing in the first place? Celine's voice holds so much power. It stopped the shades and freed us from their influence, right? How can a human do that?" He asked.

My tail flicked. We didn't have time to explain everything. In due time all will be made clear, but for now I had to say just enough to get them moving. "June is not a typical human. She has great inner strength and magic. She is special, but not only that, she is also special to us. June is my mate, and your projected luna." I said ripping off the enormous Band-Aid.

The room erupted into roars and gasps of confusion and disbelief. So many voices were speaking at once, that I couldn't tell who was speaking of what exactly was being said. I did hear enough "human" and "how could he" to get the gist of the general consensus. I raised my hands waiting for the room to calm, but it was taking longer than I liked.

"Silence!" Brent yelled over the crowd with deep authority. Right-claw betas were able to temporarily use alpha authority, and he always used it well. My pack all stilled and directed their wide disbelieving eyes back at me.

"June and Celine are one and the same. Not only did June save that pup at the bay, but she rescued our pups from the nursery during the shade attack. She is currently in disguise as she normally has brown hair and eyes. Some of you may have seen the video." Voices murmured their agreement. "And as Celine, she fended off those shades. Do you know what June has asked for in return for these heroic and lifechanging deeds? Nothing. Not one single thing. Why would a human do that for werewolves like us?" I paused and surveyed the crowd that became pensive. "Because she doesn't just see werewolves. She sees children, parents, friends, lovers; she sees us as people. People who may need help. People who she respects and treats as equals. And before you say it's because she's naïve or ignorant, she's not. She has been hurt or disrespected by many a werewolf, including myself. Still she forgives and she gives the benefit of the doubt. Right now every complaint I've heard is that she's human. That's it. Can anyone tell me why she can't be Celine, why she can't be my mate, or why we shouldn't save her outside of the fact that she is human?!" I shouted exasperated.

My pack looked to one another opening and closing their mouths, but no words came. I narrowed my eyes and waited a few more moments. Still nothing. I sighed. "Then she is better than all of us. I know that some if not most of you are not ready to accept her as your luna. I understand that. But for Celine Lupine's sake, for my sake, and for June's sake let's put that aside and beat some vampire ass. Even if it is only for the fact she saved Wistering Heights, let's get her back."

I could only hear my heavy breathing for a heartbeat or two, but then some clapping hands could be heard out in the pack. The number of werewolves applauding slowly increased until cheers could be heard. The five who stepped up smiled and cheered.

"For our alpha! For Celine Lupine! For Wistering Heights!" Jax yelled with cheers following after every shout.

I sighed relieved and looked back to Brent who nodded with a smirk. Even he was impressed with our pack. There were still some steely faces among my betas, but as long as we got June back it didn't matter. I turned back to my pack and they fell silent.

"So here's the plan..."

Back to Original POV

I sat in the hard chair with my hands tied to the arm rests. My legs were also restrained to the chair's legs. I couldn't move an inch. I looked up at the two men before me. Mathew was grinning ear to ear, which couldn't have been a good sign, and the leader of Dracula called Dean studied me like the cheshire cat.

"Is this really necessary?" I asked with a glare. As vampires they could hold me down with one hand, but to be honest I preferred this to being held down by them. At least in this position the chances of rape were lower, which I had been threatened with for far too many times.

Mathew's smile fell and his eyes flashed red. "That mouth of yours better learn to stay shut when it isn't wanted." He bit out. Hendrix was nothing like this bipolar mess. He was much more level, considerate, and playful. It was hard to believe they were related.

Dean shot a look of annoyance at Mathew. "Why don't you take a seat, Mr. Belgrave. I'd prefer to handle this." He said. His voice was cold and light, but it was enough to make Mathew retreat immediately.

"Belgrave? Isn't he Hendrix's brother?" I asked confused. Maybe they had different biological fathers, or Belgrave was a code name...

"Unfortunately. That blood clot was kicked out of the family. He doesn't deserve to be called a Belgrave." Mathew scoffed from the sidelines.

"More like he ran off, and the Belgrave family disowned him. It was probably the biggest mistake that family ever made." Dean said sweetly while coming closer to me. Mathew growled under his breath and shook his head. "Now you've asked several questions, I think it's time I ask some of mine. Who is Celine Lupine?" He asked.

"She is a singer who is growing in popularity during her first tour across Vania." I answered.

Dean chuckled and his pale green eyes narrowed. "You know, with Jimmy it was annoying. But with you, it's just cute. Let me paint the picture you seem to be missing. You are currently restrained in a chair at the mercy of two vampires, locked in a room located in one of Dracula's strongholds, guarded by the highest members of Dracula, and hidden from the bustling city around us. No one is coming to save you, and there is no escape." He leaned closer making me push as much into the seat as I can. "No one will even here you scream." He whispered in my ear.

"And even if they did, they wouldn't care." I finished for him. "I know the drill." I said indifferently. Dean backed off looking even more amused, which was the opposite of what I was trying to do. I wanted him to be bored. I wanted him to either get mad or dismissive of me. I needed to convince him that I really didn't know anything.

"You're fun. This is fun. Alright. Threats won't work, I see. Fear is not a motivator for you." He said in thought. Of course it was. Fear motivated everyone, but I wasn't afraid of him. Rather I was more afraid of him discovering the truth, than him beating me around the room for information. Pain was familiar, and I could heal. Besides it seemed they didn't only bring me here for interrogation, but as a hostage. He wasn't entirely certain what I knew about Celine Lupine. My earlier response could have been marked as nerves. He wasn't a mind reader. So if they killed or seriously maimed me, they wouldn't be able to use me as effectively to get Hendrix to talk. Not that he would... Or would he?

"It's possible Jason was just too light with her. Give me a couple hours, and I'll get her answering any question you can dream of." Mathew said. He licked his lips and narrowed his red eyes on me when I glanced in his direction. I involuntarily shuddered. Please don't. He seemed like someone who would enjoy it way too much. I could handle pain, but not while someone was getting off on it.

Dean caught onto my shudder and disgusted glare, and he laughed. I really should get a better control of my expressions and reactions when around this guy. "She didn't like that idea, so promising, but no. You tend to let your anger take things too far. We need her in one piece if we want Hendrix to tell us the things she can't."

Mathew scoffed. "What makes you think Jason will really come for this thing? There isn't anything remotely enticing about her, and that common vampire already told us she's just a loaner."

Dean's eyes like eerie swamp water showed some sparks of red as he took me in. I cringed. He was excited, but what about this was exciting? "Agree to disagree." He said with a deep voice. He looked back to Mathew allowing me to breathe again. "However, I have several reasons to believe that this human is much more important to Hendrix than one might think. For example, come take a look at her right wrist."

Mathew pushed off the wall he was leaning on and strutted over to take a closer look. He stared at the bracelet completely lost. Eventually he touched the bracelet and spun it around my wrist to inspect it closer. I was unable to stop him or pull away. "Property of Jason Hendrix..." He read. "So? I have collars on all my wenches too. Doesn't mean she's anything special."

"Ah, but that bracelet is made of andraxium. A very expensive and exclusive metal to Hendrix's business. It's known for its extreme resilience to both magical and physical stress. That isn't just a collar, but a permanent one." Dean said gleefully. I held back the urge to point out how impulsive and wasteful Hendrix could be. I doubted he planned to keep me forever when he first had this thing made.

"What's this? An elven crystal?" Mathew asked once he got to the glowing purple spot on the bracelet.

Dean nodded. "It's a tracker I assume. He's lost you a couple times?" He said glancing at me.

Good. Stay distracted. The longer we talk about this nonsense the more time I was giving Hendrix to come up with a plan. He was good at those. "More like a few." I said honestly.

Mathew stood up quickly and searched about the room. "Then he already knows where she is." He said.

I smiled. Not too smart for Hendrix now. "You'd like that my little captive, wouldn't you." He cooed riling me up in response. "Nothing to worry about, Mathew. All of Dracula's strongholds have defenses against unwanted signals coming in or out. He has no idea where we are." Mathew relaxed.

"Alright. So she's got a fancy collar. You said there were several reasons." He pointed out.

"My second reason was good ol' Jimmy. He bragged up and down at Riftan's about his new high paying job. That he was the private body guard of the Celine Lupine." I held back a groan. What the hell, Jimmy. You left that part out of your little run-in with the demon at Riftan's story. "But my intel informs me that Jimmy was following around and tracking this human, not the Celene Lupine he bragged about. I'd understand why Jimmy wanted to cover it up. Being a body guard for a human is the most humiliating job for a vampire with his skills, but the pay won him over."

Mathew nodded. "So why would Jason hire her a bodyguard if he didn't care for her... I'm following you." He said with a smirk.

"He has also been dragging this sweet human all over the place with him. At Prince Ronald's party. On this tour. He has a soft spot for her, that's for sure. The only question is if he cares for Celine Lupine's privacy more than he does for her. That we'll know once we get his phone call. For now, let's get back to our friend here." He directed his attention back on me and I swallowed down a clump of nerves in my throat. "I'm sorry, we got a little off task." He said with faked sympathy.

I shook my head. "No worries. You can both continue. I don't have anywhere else to be." I said.

Dean laughed again. "Are all wild humans this entertaining?" He asked Mathew.

Mathew gave Dean a confused look then shook his head. "Normally they are whiney and demanding. Always, 'Don't hurt me', 'I want to go home,' 'please don't kill me,' and stuff like that. Once you break them in, they become more timid and mild-mannered. You might get a violent one at first release, but they quickly tone it down after a harsh lesson or two. I don't know what went wrong here."

"Yeah, it's like she thinks we're equals. It's adorable." He mocked.

I bit my tongue and glared at them. Whatever I could say to argue with them would only be seen as more of my "cute antics." I didn't need to waste my breath.

"Like that!" Dean exclaimed. "It's like she's trying to intimidate us, when she's the human in the chair!" He laughed again, and I clenched my teeth and looked away. Even Mathew started to smirk. Fine. Keep laughing. I could handle some humiliation if it meant more time for Hendrix.

A firm hold grabbed my chin and wrenched my head to make me face Dean head on. "Let's try this again. Who is Celine Lupine?"

"I don't know more than what I already told you." I lied. Dean's eyes bore into mine before he released me.

"Lying won't work... June, was it? I have been interrogating low lives that could lie circles around you since before you were born." His eyes shot towards the door and a dark smile bloomed. "Mathew, fetch my human bitch, will you?" He asked sweetly.

Mathew shared his smile and quickly left the room. I looked to Dean uncertainly. "Wh—what are you planning?" I asked.

"What? Nervous? Don't worry. I don't want to hurt our hostage, so you will remain unharmed." He reassured. I didn't like the way he sounded when he said that. Why was there so much emphasis on the "you."

I sat in the uncomfortable silence while Dean strolled around the room. It felt like ages before the door squealed open and Mathew came in holding the door for a woman. I immediately recognized her from that human party. Jasmine. I remembered because she looked so much like the Disney princess. Similar to when she was at the party she was in silks, but the clothing was much more revealing now. She had a salmon color brazier and hip-hugging bottoms where the legs of the ballooned pants were entirely see-through. Only a triangle piece of cloth covered her lady parts like a bikini. She was adorned in jewels and elaborate henna tattoos. A veil covered her serene face, but it too was see-through.

"You summoned me, My Lord." She said keeping her eyes on the ground.

Dean smiled and held out his hand that she gracefully and immediately took. He then pulled her into him and then led her as if he were parading her around for me. It was then that she finally looked up and noticed me in the chair. The look of surprise and confusion only lasted for a moment before she resumed her serene presence.

"Isn't she lovely." Dean said. "I got her as a gift from one of my clients who forgot to pay on time. I was so taken with her, that I only took one of his fingers instead of his hand. She never speaks out of turn, has impeccable manners, and turns heads where ever I bring her. I dress her in the finest clothes and trinkets, and other vampires salivate at what they can never have. I think we are getting close to our first anniversary." He started monologuing. Jasmine gave him a smile, but then he led her to Mathew who's smile was much more nefarious. "But, I've seem to have lost interest in her lately." Jasmine's smile completely fell and her eyes widened, but she remained perfectly poised as she walked towards Mathew.

Once he handed her to Mathew, the eager vampire pulled out a knife and held it to Jasmine's throat. I jerked against my restraints as I saw the panic in her eyes. "What are you doing?" I demanded.

Dean turned back around to face me. "Now that's the response I was hoping for. You showed such concern for little Jimmy who is a vampire, that I wondered how you would feel about a fellow powerless human in peril."

I tensed and glanced at Jasmine. The bastard was using a hostage against another hostage. There had to be rules against that! "You wouldn't..." I said losing my confidence.

Jasmine's reaction to my statement told me all I needed to know, but Mathew still took the knife and pulled it from her neck. He then traced the blade lightly down her arm following the line of one of her tattoos. The scent of blood hit me before I could see the red bead and start running down her arm. To her credit she didn't scream, but her face collapsed into pained terror. I shook my head in disbelief. Before Dean said, "I would."

"Stop!" I yelled. "She's your human! She did nothing wrong! She has nothing to do with this. How could you?" I asked losing all my composure.

He shrugged. "Like I said, I've lost interest. She has gotten too predictable. I'd much prefer a firecracker like you. So I can do with her as I see fit."

"No! Let her go! If you don't want her, then sell her or send her off with a recommendation." I spat.

He smiled. "You have a point. How about this? You tell me what I want to know and I'll do just that. But if you keep playing games with me..." Dean paused as Mathew raised the knife and moved it to her sternum. My heart hammered against my chest and every cell within me wanted this all to stop. I couldn't sit here and watch someone get tortured in front of me. Not when I could stop it. There was also no telling when my rescue party got here. If I was careful, maybe I could answer his questions without revealing the truth.

"Okay, stop! I'll tell you what you want to know. Just please don't hurt her." I said looking to Dean to make Mathew stop.

He smiled. "Bleeding hearts are quite a dangerous thing to have, but it does make my job easier. Who is Celine Lupine?"

"What exactly do you want to know?" I asked trying to narrow the question down.

Dean nodded. "Fair point. What is her name?"

"Same as mine." I said.

Dean raised his brows. "Aw. Clever." He said.

"What?" Mathew asked confused. Jasmine was standing still, but she was beginning to look pale as the blood continued to trickle and drip from her fingertips.

"They have a human close to their singer who has the same name. That way, if they ever misspeak they can claim that they were talking about the human and not Celine's true identity." Dean mused.

I discreetly sighed. This could work.

"Alright, what does she look like?" Dean asked.

"Brown hair and eyes." I said.

"Pretty average for a werewolf, but I guess that's why she wanted a persona. Temperament?" Dean continued as if going down a list.

"She can be stubborn and thoughtless at times, but she cares for others." I said.

"What pack does she come from?"

"I don't know packs." I said truthfully.

"That's right. Wild human. Fine. Where does she often go?" He asked.

I glanced at Jasmine and it seemed the blood was starting to coagulate. "She stays where it isn't too crowded. Her hotel room, the tour bus, or the woods typically."

"She doesn't even go to the after parties?" He asked surprised.

"She does not."

He continued to pace with his hands behind his back in thought. He then stopped and turned towards me. "How old is she?"

"Twenty." I said.

"Her favorite food?"

"Depends. Popcorn or watermelon tend to be a good choice."

"Favorite color?"


"Favorite animal?"

"Horses or cats."

Dean came closer to me in thought then smiled looking down at me. "For someone who said they didn't know Celine Lupine, you seem to have all the insider information." He said.

I blanched when I realized I answered a lot of personal facts. Things Celine Lupine wouldn't tell to just anyone. "We're really close." I said.

His eyes zeroed in on mine. "Really? Then where is she right now?" He asked.

Well, right in front of you, but I couldn't say that. "How do you expect me to know that?" I asked.

Dean raised his hand, and Jasmine's cries of distress pulled my attention off of him. Mathew was now carving a different tattoo on her sternum, and this time she was crying and trembling as he did it. I strained against the chair and I felt a panic fall over me.

"Stop! Stop! I'm answering your questions!" I yelled.

"Where is she?" He asked again. I looked into his unwavering eyes.

"I don't know!" I shouted back desperately.

"Wrong answer." He said. "Mr. Belgrave. Maybe move up to the face. No one will want a scarred up human. This way I'll be the last vampire to have ever enjoyed her beauty." He instructed without turning away from me.

"Please, no! Anything but that! Please, Master! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Jasmine screamed and begged.

I squirmed and stretched trying desperately to get out of this damned chair and to see Jasmine past Dean's cruel gaze. "Stop it! I'll tell you! I'll tell you!" I screamed feeling sick.

Mathew's knife froze just an inch away from her cheek. "Well?" Dean asked.

I had nothing, but straws to grasp at. "She's in her hotel room..." I tried sounding as defeated as possible. "The room number is 826." I said using my actual room number.

Jasmine screamed, and I look up to see Dean's hand raised and a fresh nick on her cheek. "Try again. Remember, you can't lie to me. I can sense your every tell, from your heart beat to the corner of your lips twitching."

"That is her room number!" I asserted.

"Hmmm. Alright, but that isn't where she is. So I'll ask one last time, and I better get the right answer or my sweet Jasmine will be needing a lovely glass eyes. Where is she?" His threat held a growl that told me he was serious. I had no other options. I stalled for as long as I could.

I bit my lip and looked down. "Here." I muttered.

"Speak up." Dean demanded.

"She's here." I spat angry at myself and this stupid situation.

Mathew growled. "Where here? Here in Vespertil? Here in downtown?"

I groaned annoyed. "Like right here." I said again before looking up. "I'm Celine Lupine."

Dean stepped back from me and both vampires glanced at each other before giving me a hard look. Even Jasmine studied me with tears and snot running down her face tinging red from all the blood. Then Mathew started busting out laughing while Dean continued to stare.

"I can't tell if she's trying to fool us, or if she has completely lost it!" He coughed out between gasps. "You want us to believe that a human like you has not only the showstopping potential of Celine Lupine, but can sing with powerful magic? It's ridiculous!" He started falling back into fits of laughter, and I just watched him make a fool of himself.

Dean tilted his head and squinted his eyes. "You are Celine Lupine?" He asked clearly.

I glanced at Jasmine. "Yes." I said.

"Then prove it." He ordered.

I blinked. "Prove it? Did you want an identification card?" I asked more than salty.

Dean started to raise his hand, and Mathew directing his blade towards Jasmine's eye. She whimpered and gave me a pleading look.

Panic came over me again. Proof? How do I prove it right here while completely restrained. What is something only Celine would know? Or maybe something only she could do? The answer slapped me square in the face.

I took a breath and started to sing the chorus to my single "Cry Without You."

I don't want to cry without you,

I don't want these tears to go to waste.

I don't want to scream alone,

I don't want to forget that look on your face.

Even now I am waiting and holding; not folding

I don't want to cry without you.

As I sang each line, I tried to focus on anything but their faces. I didn't need to see them to know what they were thinking. They had scored, and they had won. They wanted Celine Lupine, and they got her by sheer coincidence. I looked to Jasmine to see if she was okay. Would this be something she could still recover and lead a whole life from? I stopped singing right as I saw her. The wounds on her arms, chest, and face were healing. The blood remained caked to her skin and stained on her silks, but the cuts and scars had vanished. My song could do all that? And what would Dean and Mathew think when they noticed? I had to distract them, but it was too late. Dean followed my line of sight and gave an ecstatic smile.

He strode over to Jasmine, and she flinched as if he was going to strike. Instead, Dean traced her fresh unmarred skin with his fingers. "The whole time she was human. The hologram, the secrecy, all of it makes so much more sense." He mused.

Mathew dropped the knife in his hand and it clattered to the floor. "No! This doesn't make any sense! How did she—How could she be singing? She's a human! No magic! Remember? This must be some trick." He said with a maddened laugh at the end.

Dean turned back to me with this look of greed and desire which made my stomach turn. "Maybe she isn't entirely human..." He pondered.

Dread slithered up my core. Of course he would think that. It was an accurate assumption, but I couldn't tell him. If he was this excited about having Celine Lupine, he would be absolutely salivating at having the only mortal angel.

Dean's coat pocket suddenly lit up and started to ring a standard ringtone. He took out the phone and glanced at its screen. "Ah. This must be Hendrix."

"Just hang up. It's not like you need him anymore." Mathew said releasing Jasmine and coming up to take a closer look at me. Jasmine scurried to the far side of the room watching with large terrified eyes.

"I don't, but I also don't need him to stay alive either. He knows the truth as well as we do, if we get rid of him this could remain our little secret. No one will be chasing after her, and we can do as we wish." He said with an evil smile just before he answered the phone.

I stared into his swirling red eyes. "I was waiting for your call, Master Hendrix..."

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