By Disnaycinderellakook

133K 5.7K 2.6K

"You are caught up in my obsession, means there is no escape for you in this lifetime neither in any other." ... More

SIX [18+]
SEVEN [18+]


3.7K 148 23
By Disnaycinderellakook

[heyo! Everyone. Here's the update. I know I updated late but I was literally not feeling well and was also out of idea but Now I updated. It's the past view, mostly the presents are connected to past, so there would be chapters were would be flashbacks, well....I hope you guys will enjoy this, ty;))]


Last year of college.

The wind blowed like a whistle, creating the ambiance of calmness around the Seoul city, sun on it's peak because the beginning of the summer was on the edge, it was starting of april month, means finals were on hands of every student's of colleges.

The famous campus, SNU was full like always, the students were roaming here and there because it was the time of Lunch, 5 minutes of bell, the students were already started to fill the campus canteen, and the campus garden were students were playing outdoors or some were enjoying time with friends.

As like everyone was enjoying, there was this one girl who would enjoy her time at rooftop when she feels downs and why not, today she was feeling down because again, her heart was crying for Jungkook, the hold of her bag strap around her shoulders, she walked to the stairs of rooftop, when she stepped on the rooftop terrace floor she smiled when wind caressed her skin, her delicate white skin.

She walked further and sat down on the floor, adjusting her white floral dress, her side braid and her caramel brown bangs, she was indeed beautiful, not even author could describe her beauty, her brown eyes roamed over the blue sky which was enhanced with white clouds.

She sighed, and slouched her shoulders, closing her eyes, a string of calmness starts to trap her. Feeling the warm breeze she brought her knees close to her chest, hugging her knees she dipped her chin between her folded arms which was around her knees, humming a tune, which she always sings for Jae, enjoying the time of her with the nature while closing her eyes, forgetting everything of her hurdles, she stayed calm.

It was until for fifteen minutes when, A browned hair guy stepped on the floor of rooftop terrace, he was wearing a black hoodie and denims around his thick thighs, and he had glasses on, whenever he reads he would always wear glasses, like now, and maybe he would have forget to remove them as the guy with red bag walked near to her who was smiling while with closed eyes.

Her honey humming could be heard to him, as he silently placed his bag down and sat on the floor, looking beside him. He let out a soft inaudible giggles while looking at her bangs flowing on her face, her face was really beautiful, full of calmness, as her humming roamed in his ears, he looked at her side profile, eyes on her, he would lie if he said that he didn't felt a huge thump in his chest, her voice was heal to him, with unconscious mind he moved his long fingers close to her face, tugging a small hair strands around her ear which made her opened her eyes, as she straighten and looked beside her and saw who it was.

It was Taehyung.

She smiled,
"What are you doing here?" She asked with her soft voice. Taehyung then said, placing his hands on the floor.
"I am here to relax but then I saw you, smiling and singing in your world." His words made her blush. His heart warmed up when he saw the crimson colour on her cheeks, she gulped and looked up at the sky.
"Oh...uh...you heard me?" She stuttered, she then looked down in embarrassment, Tae giggled and said.
"Why are you shy? You were good. Your voice is really great, Y/N." Y/N smiled and looked at him,
"Uh-do you think so?" She asked and taehyung nodded.
"Thanks," a small thanks came out of her mouth, she, after giving him her smile as Taehyung passed his boxy smile as she looked up at the moving white clouds, a minute of silence engulfed them as Taehyung supported his weight on the plams of his hands which was on the floor. He sighed and looked up at sky, the moving white clouds were calming, from the rustle and bustle of canteen, the rooftop was silent and relaxing.

Tae sighed and looked at his watch while moving his wrist close to his eyes, he saw the timing it was about the end of lunch time, he turned his gaze to Y/N and saw her emerged in her world, looking at the sky while smiling, he don't want to distract her but he had to tell her that lunch was about to over.

"Which lecture is after the lunch?" He asked. Y/N turned her neck and looked at him.
"It's...Maths," she replied
"What about you? Which lecture do you have?" She asked him afterwards, Taehyung bite his lips and sighed and while gazing up at the sky.
"It's literature," Y/N giggled.
"So, you should be early, Hoba's father won't like it if you will be late in his lecture," she said, Tae smiled and looked at her while turning his gaze to her.
"So, you should to. Mrs. Kang is neither different from Mr. Jung," Y/N nodded.
"Hmm...you are right. We should leave and it's almost the end of lunch," she said as she took her bag strap and wrapped it around her shoulders as Taehyung also mirrored her actions and stood up, while dusting his pants, he saw Y/N still on the floor adjusting her dress, her white floral dress, Tae smiled and forwarded his hand to her, Y/N saw the veiny hand being forwarded to her, she followed the trail and saw Taehyung was smiling at her.
"I hope you aren't planning to get detention togather," which made her giggle as she took his hand, the brush of her soft plam on his rough hand made his heart rip out of his chest, he felt as if he touched a softest skin in the whole World as she stood up and dusted her dress from her back.
"Thanks, Tae." He smiled and they both walked from there.

Reaching to the hallway, Y/N
"I need my maths textbook from the locker so you should go. You will be late," she said, as they both were walking in the mid full hallway.
"No it's ok, I will accompany you,"
"No, Tae. I said you should go. I don't want you to get detention and on top of it, I don't want you to ramble on the missed lectures of his so, you better go," they both stopped when they reached her locker, it was 23. Far away from Tae. He sighed and said.
"Ok, mom." Y/N smacked his chest with her small fist which made him giggle.
"You better go early too. Ok," he said as he ruffled her hair.
"I will."
"Ok, so I am leaving. Meet you after the school" Y/N nodded and waved him bye as she sighed and turned to her locker.

She got out the keys from her bag and opened her locker, when she opened it, her vision fell on a rose pink coloured bouquet, it was wrapped up in a white paper and had a red ribbon knot.
"Again," she said as she sighed and took the bouquet from the end, wrapping her hands around the ends of bouquet she took it out and smiled, her favourite flower. Pink roses. As the innocent the rose was, her eyes was like them too.

Pure and eternal, full of love and innocence. She sniffed the flower and a warm smile plastered on her lips.
"Who would have put this in my locker?" She would get this flower everyday in her locker with heart melting notes, there was a white paper poking out from the rose bundle, she took it out and opened it, still the bouquet was in her hold.

Dear Y/N,

The world's most beautiful lady, I would love it if you will love those flowers like you because they made me miss you, as they resemble you so much, pure and innocent, the world is beautiful for me because of you, you are my every sole reasons of everything, my love for you will never die like the laws of gravitation.

Your dear, stalker.
Love you my Milky bar:)

She smiled and placed the notes in her locker but she saw a brown bag also, she firstly placed the bouquet in her locker and took out the brown bag as she grab the both sides of the bag and opened it, there was so many different brands of milky bars placed inside it. She smiled and took out one.
"He calls me milky bar and gifts me milky bars too. What a cringe stalker he is!" she giggled and placed the brown bag, getting her maths textbook she closed her locker while locking it. She unwrapped the chocolate and chewed on it. For her it was like someone was praising her, and it was true, not what she expected from her crush, Jungkook that he would atleast acknowledge her but if she would have forget he had a girlfriend and she hated that fact but now somewhere in her heart she was accepting him who loves someone else, as she knows she was falling for this stalker, as if not her crush but atleast she got her first love

She don't know who it was but whoever it was she will love him when he will reveal himself because she fell for her stalker, to unknown to her surrounds, there was someone in hoodie, black hoodie who was smiling while leaning on the wall, he saw everything that how she reacted and ate his chocolate, yes. It was her stalker, whenever he would put those, he would made sure to watch her reaction and her smile.

Her smile was the first thing he fell for and he knew, he would love it to fall more deeper for her.

It was like daily routine, whenever she would enter in the campus, there would always be a thrill in her veins of getting things from her stalker, she loved it. She always ate those milky bars, she never get bored of them infact she grown a sweet spot for her stalker. To more to be say while being honest, she fell for him and this time deeper. Her smile always made other thinks that why she always smiles si much but if they knew what she had in her heart, the butterfly wings flapping in her stomach and her cheeks getting crimson just at the thought of her unknown stalker.

Her pure nature become more eternal for her stalker who would watch her smiling while getting those gifts and notes and Y/N made sure of that her stalker's precious heart melting note to keep them safe, safe and secure to know that she had someone to love, she had someone who loved her.

As the times went by, the finals came on hand of everyone and the campus opened the campus gate for more time to for those students who wants to study in the campus library, and bangtan dorms members took that opportunity and studied day and night to pass the finals for their future, like it was one of the night when they all were gathered around the library table, which had atleast six to seven seats for individuals, and they were there, studying with their friends.

Y/N was there too, sipping her cold coffee from her straw, while her gaze was on the book she was reading. Literature, she was bad at it but still she always scored full in it, she was actually the topper in her class, as she was fumble in her litrature words, a voice heard.
"Well...guys. I will be back. I need to use restroom," it was yoongi. Everyone nodded at him with smile. Y/N looked beside her, he was silently studing beside her who stood up and smiled at her. She smiled to and he went to use restroom.

Y/N sighed and opened her bag to get her phone but like it wasn't there so she rummaged through it loudly, which was on top of her lap, she rummaged through it. Jin saw her moments as he was yawning with boredom.
"What happened? Y/N." He asked, as everyone gaze fell on her who was desperately going through her bag.
"I think. I fogot my phone in the locker," she stood up and placed her bag on the table as she straighten her dress, it was yellow floral dress.

"If you want, someone among us can accompany you to the Locker, it's dark outside, just want to made you safe." It was hobi who said. Y/N smiled at him and waved her hands at him.
"No, it's ok. I am fine. I will go by myself, I am not a weakling. I can take care of myself," Y/N said which made other giggled at her.
"Yeah..yeah, ok. Just take one heavy book to smash someone's head if they mistreat you by any chance in the dark at the hallway," Hobi said again as everyone nodded.
"Hobi is right. Y/N you can take this math book," it was Jungkook. He handed his maths textbook to her as she was hesitant to take. She gulped. Everyone knows about her cute crush on him. Everyone was looking at them like they were waiting for more drama, all the members were surpassing their smile while pursing their lips.
"It's...ok...I have this," she instantly took out math book from her bag and showed him with a nervous smile.
"Loo--look...I have..." She waved that book infront of his face. Jungkook smiled.
"Ok...make sure you are safe. Hmmm?" Y/N nodded and went away from there, she can hear some muffled laughters and she knew who they belongs to.

Y/N heavily sighed and walked in the dark hallway, the cold breeze blowed creating the ambiance of calmness as Y/N walked with smile on her lips, the book was attached to her chest.

When she was about to reach her locker, she saw a human going through her locker, she panicked and gripped harder on the book as her steps was slowing down. She saw that the human was in a black hoodie. When she reached close to her locker, she raised her heavy math book in the air, determined to smash his bones of skulls, when she stopped her steps she smashed the book on his head, which made something fall from the locker. The guy whined.
"What the fuck??? Who the hell are you going through my locker without my permission," she again smashed the book over his head. He again whined. He panicked to being caught as he gripped her wrist which again was about to hit his head. Y/N panicked but the guy made her twirl around like a dance and he losses his grip from her wrist and was about to run away but she grabbed his hoodie from back which made his minty hair to be visible.

The familiar hair colour made her lips parted, the guy bite his lips and was trying to removed the grip of her hands from his hoodie but it was no use when Y/N jerked his hoodie back and his face got visible to her when she saw the pale man, the minty hair falling on his forehead due to the jerk, as he was about to fall on her he balanced himself and gulped because he was close to her face, both eyes dipped into each other, nose brushing and air of breath mingling as they were breathing on air.

His heart was beating like crazy, while Y/N eyes were widened like balls of cricket. She gulped too, her heart was beating too and the flapping of butterflies made her cheeks grow in crimson and she was thankful to god that it was dark but she could see the male. She knows him.

"Yoongi?" She whispered his name. Yoongi snapped and blinked his eyes and step back.
"I-I-" he started to reason but he stuttered as he rubbed his neck, Y/N gaze moved to the locker to see what he was doing when she saw the brown bag in the locker and on the floor there was pink roses. She got shocked, eyes widened again and she instantly looked at him.
"Y--you--were the one who--who was putting all those things," she asked stuttering with the unfolding of the truth before her. Yoongi gulped, he knows there was no turning back.
"Y-yes!" He closed his eyes to hear something bad but he heard nothing, he opened his eyes and saw her, bent down and picking up the flowers while the note which also fell from the flower bundle.
He gulped again, his heart was going to ripped out from his chest because of crazy beating and he knows how scared he was feeling of something bad happening to their friendship.

She stood up and she was smiling, smiling like crazy. She told herself that she would love her stalker when he will reveal himself.

She turned to him and she was about to say something when he starts to rumble in nervousness while waving his hands in the air.
"I--I am sorry, I know what I did, shouldn't had been done. I am sorry about that but...but...I wanted you to know that there is someone who loves you, if not your 3 years crush that who don't acknowledges you then why not...put something in your locker to make you feel special that someone here loves you. Look Y/N...I know what I did is really inappropriate but...but...." He bite his lips, Y/N was frowning. ".....I love...you, I do love you so much that's why I started to being your stalker. It stings my heart when everytime I watch you looking at Jungkook and then smile, I hated that...well...I didn't liked that so...so, yeah.. I mean yes...I don't know what I am saying but....I do love you....I am sorry. I shouldn't say this now...urg! I-I am going." And he starts to run away from there.
"Yoongi, yoongi....." She was calling him with his name but he didn't stopped and ran away

And to her dismay that was the last time she saw him.


Next day°

The next day came, Y/N made a mental note to talk to yoongi about his confession, she wanted to know again that did he really loved her. Because she was happy to hear his confession. She really felt happy. With a smile she walked in the campus gate and ran to the class, determined to meet yoongi at the lunch time.

She was impatient in every lecture, she wasn't able to concentrate on the professors because her mind was roaming over Yoongi. After so much torture being in class she ran in the canteen to meet yoongi, her black knees length dress swaying in the air, while her smile made her more beautiful and black shoes, she mainly wore this for yoongi because he loved black colour, she wanted to impress him as she ran and opened the gate of canteen and screamed
"YOONGI!!!" Everyone looked at her as she stopped and was heaving up for air, as her chest was Falling up and down, she roamed her eyes here and there to find yoongi but he wasn't there.
"Where is yoongi?" She asked. Jin, Joon, Tae, Jimin, Jungkook and hobi were there, and all of them were looking sad as if something happened.
She looked around again to hear answer but no one said anything.
"I am asking where the fuck is yoongi?" She asked with anger in her voice. Hobi stood up and handed her a note, she frowned.
"Yoongi wants you to read this, Y/N." She gulped and took the note, opening it she saw his writings.

Dear love, My Y/N.

This is yoongi, I know what I did last night shouldn't be done and I know what I did wasn't so acceptable but whatever I did, I just did only for you. I wanted to see you happy. I wanted to know that You have someone who loves you, I did it to make you happy, I did it because I fell for you at the first sight of you smiling. Your smile, Y/N never let your smile die because I am alive Just because of your smile. Y/N ,I know you don't love me because you love Jungkook, But I just wanted you to let you know that, This crazy stalker of yours will be back and will take you as mine, if it takes to turn the world upside down. I will do anything to make you mine, Y/N. I hope you would wait for me Y/N. Don't be angry with me, I can't bare that, I can't but Till you will read this I will be gone. I hope you will forgive me for this things I have done so many things to you. And I love you, I fucking love you so damn much Y/N that I was crying while writing this. I being coward, ran away from his love because he is scared, scared to be rejected. I love you, please forgive and remember. This yoongi will only belongs to you, your meow.

Yours faithfully
Meow, aka your Min yoongi.

When she read it, her eyes glossed with tears. She fell on her knees, hobi eyes widened while seeing her vulnerable state. Everyone stood up when they saw her this way, Hobi. Bent down and saw she was crying.
"Hobi, why he left me? Why the fuck he did this? If he loved me then why he RAN AWAY!!" She cried harder as she crumble the paper in her fist and gritted her teeth, when they heard her everyone got shocked.
"H-he lo-ved you?" It was Jimin.
"He did, he was the one who was putting all those roses and milky bars in my locker. I just found out yesterday night, he confessed to me that he loves me and I was overwhelmed with the confession and was about to say something but before I would say something he ran away but then I thought. I will talk to him today but he actually ran away from me." She cried while finishing her words. Hobi hugged her and shushed her.
"Y/N. Don't cry. He might have went away because there must be a reason." Jin said, while everyone looked at him and then Y/N
"Yes...there is..." She pulled from the hug and stood up, walking to Jin. She said.
" Yes! There is a reason, and that reason is being rejected by me but I never thought of rejection. I never thought about that infact...I was ready to accept him, I was ready to love him but he being coward, ran away from me even without hearing anything from me." And this words of her impacted Jimin and Tae the most, as they felt some tightness in their throat.

"I will fucking not forgive him," as she said. She took her bag from the ground and went away from there, everyone watched her going away from there, Jimin bite his lips and a lone tear fell from his eyes, he fell for her then why she loved him, he was the first one to love her, he was the one who showed her so many new things to her but why she only fell for the minty haired guy. Tae was also disappointed to hear it, he felt his heart broke into pieces. They loved her but she loved someone else, but if they knew, from that year fate will bring the most unexpected twist and turns to them.

:) Updated

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