Claimed by The Moon (previous...

By rlbrowne

65.8K 2.7K 351

Book 1 - Moon series Part 1 of a Duet. This is book 1 of the Alpha series, but this book was so long that I s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 | PHASE TWO: Healer
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Part 2 of the Duet: Beta Enzo

Extra POV - Sienna

480 17 0
By rlbrowne


I woke up to my head bumping into something hard. I groan at the feeling looking around, only to see that we were in the back of a van.

Two men sat in the front and the other two were in the back with us. One of them Romello in his lap, rubbing his hand underneath his shirt.

A growl rips through me and it gets the attention of the other man in the back with us. I can't place their faces because they're all wearing masks but his voice was eerily familiar.

"Hey, the feisty one is awake." Man #1 yells and the one driving answers.

"So knock her ass back out."

The one with a black mask scoots over towards me and I try to back up but he grabs my ankles and drags me back to him. A startled yelp leaves my lips as my head hits the hard floor of the van again.

He holds his fist up and I turn my head away bracing for the impact but then I hear him gasp and my eyes open to look at him again.

"D, she's marked." He says.

"What?!" The driver yells.

"She's marked. What do you want me to do?" The man with the black mask asks.

"Make her reject the mate," Theo one with red mask says as he glances over his shoulder from the passenger seat. "We can't risk what we need to do dealing with their bond."

The one with the black mask nods as he faces me again. "Reject your mate." He demands and I shake my head.

"No please. You can't make me do that." I beg and his hand comes across my face.

I let out a deep breath from the impact and my face starts to sting, my vision blurring for a moment.

"Reject your mate. I won't ask again." He demands pointing a finger in my face and tears brim my eyes.

"Please." I whisper and the other cocks a weapon I've never seen at Romello who was still passed out on his lap.

"Ok ok please wait. Please." I beg, panic gripping me.

"Reject your mate. Do it now." The one in the black mask demands again.

With one last embrace against Bryce's tether, I take a few deep breaths and say the words. "I, Sienna Pierce, hereby reject, Bryce Duvall, as my mate forever and always."

The next thing I feel is an intense pain radiant through my chest. I scream out in agony and try to move my hands but they're cuffed firmly behind my back. I can smell the wolfsbane and I knew that's why they burned so bad.

I cried to myself feeling my bond completely severe from Bryce and I could feel his agony too. It would be three days before I stopped feeling him and the same for him with me, but that doesn't stop the pain that comes with rejection.


The van starts slowing down and I guessed we were arriving at our destination.

The men in the back put the sacks back over me and Romello's head and rush us out of the dark van. They drag us through the street, the rage ripping up my legs as I feel myself get shoved into the back of another car.

We drive for what seemed like hours until the car stops and I'm yanked from it forcefully then made to walk blindly into what was next for Romello and I.

It was a long walk before we stopped and I heard two more doors open before being shoved forward.

Stumbling, I fall to the ground, unable to brace myself and I hit my head on the hard ground. I'm quickly pulled to my feet before the sack on my head is snatched off.

It takes a moment for my vision to clear but when it does, I look around to see we're in some kind of warehouse and Romello is on the ground. He groans in pain as he finally starts to open his eyes.

I go to call out to him while two of the men drag me to one the nearby walls and chained me to it. They say nothing to us. Just chain me up, leave Romello cuffed on the ground and then leave the warehouse.

I watch the clock on the wall tick by as it went from 7am to 9:27am, distinctively remembering being dragged from the pack hospital around midnight.

That meant it took roughly seven hours of driving between two cars to get to where we are now.

My shoulders are killing me and the rejection still simmers in my bones. Akela howls in despair, her hurt adding to my own. My eyes crack open again, glancing at the clock.

I watch it tick for twenty minutes, relishing in the click of it because that meant I was still alive and Bryce could still feel me.

As the clock reaches 10:06am, I hear the metal doors unlock and a man comes inside that I recognize immediately.

"Alpha Drayvis?" I ask in disbelief.

"In the flesh darling." He smiles bright, causally strolling into the dark and dirty warehouse before clicking on the lights and giving me a better view of his scarred face.

When he notices Romello on the floor, he kicks me in the side causing my Lunos to groan again, briefly cracking his eyes open only to shut them again.

I blink in utter disbelief when he stops in front of me. "Why?" I ask, my mind swirling with confusion.

Alpha Drayvis shrugs. "Titus made an enemy of the wrong man."

I scoff. "You forced yourself to become an enemy. You attacked our pack after losing the Alpha challenge. That was completely unnecessary."

Drayvis bares his canines at me and I shrink back against the wall, arms still chained above my head, feet barely touching the ground covered in sand.

"You little wench," He snarls my way before forcefully gripping my chin and bringing his face to mine. "Titus could have bowed out gracefully. He didn't have to put on a show like he did. Of course I attacked after that, but what he did to my mate, was completely unnecessary."

He throws my head back and it hits the wall behind it. I grit my teeth through the pain before my eyes find his again.

I knew what he was talking about. The entire pack did. The entire Kingdom did because Drayvis made sure everyone did.

But he's wrong. It wasn't Titus who did it. . . It was Gemini.

"You see, two very powerful men needed some help with that one over there," Drayvis nods towards Romello who was still passed out on the sandy ground, his hands still cuffed behind his back and his body still having not healed from his wounds a few days ago. "When the Dark King came around to the packs who had it out for the Nightshade pack and asked for help with something, I offered my services."

Drayvis turns around and grins at me as he says, "My part in this little plan was to only be the one who captured and delivered, but now that I know that pathetic wolf over there is Titus' mate, I have other plans."

My heart drops when the doors open again and in walk Alpha Desmond and Alpha Nate. The same ones who threatened Alpha Titus a few weeks ago and lost their hearing against him.

"Titus should have never touched my mate," Drayvis snarls as I watch Desmond and Nate haul Romello's limp body up and uncuff his hands from behind his back only to chain them above his head to a hook hanging from the ceiling. "He killed her, even as I dropped to my knees and begged him not to!"

I can't focus on Drayvis' rant as I watch horrified that Desmond and Nate were helping him. They press a button by the doors and it immediately begins to haul his body up higher, putting more strain on his shoulders and his feet dangle off the ground.

"Enzo and Ryker held me down that day," Drayvis continues but I can't look at him. I'm too focused on my Lunos. "And your mate brought him the wolfsbane that they forced down my throat,"

That catches my attention and my head snaps back to Drayvis to see him fuming at me. "Bryce Duvall brought the wolfsbane that his brother and your brother forced down my throat. Rendering my wolf useless and then they forced me to watch as Titus ripped my mate's head from her neck!"

I try to open the link to Titus, seeing how I would still be able to access my pack link even through the rejection, but Drayvis is on me before I can.

"Aht, aht. Such a naughty girl," He coos and I gasp, feeling a sharp pain rage through my thigh. Wolfsbane. The burn radiates through my body and I scream out, thrashing in my chains.

"Don't you worry, that dose won't kill you, but it will take away the ability to link. It's the same dosage your beloved pack forced on me." Drayvis says as I heave through the agony.

He walks over to Romello, running his claw down his chest. "I was supposed to deliver this wolf to the Boss and the big bad Alpha, but plans have changed and now I think I'll give Titus a dose of his own medicine."

My eyes catch movement by the doors only to see Desmond come in with a lashing whip and Nate with a bucket of some kind of liquid.

"How many lashes are you thinking, Drayvis?" Nate asks as he sets the bucket down by Romello's feet.

Desmond chuckles. "How many hearings did you have against Titus that Kano and the Council denied?"

"Ten." Drayvis answers.

Desmond smiles, it's a sadistic thing. "Then I think ten should suffice. Do you agree?"

Drayvis nods. "I do." He answer before he looks at me. "Titus will know what it's like to feel his bond sever but not before I break this boy. He's going to know the pain I've felt for the last two years."

He moves from Romello, walking over to me. Drayvis grabs me by the throat and brings his lips to mine roughly before snarling, "And you're going to watch everything and hopefully your mate feels a little bit of what we do to you." He whispers against my lips before grabbing my face with one hand and making me face Romello.

"Break him." Alpha Drayvis whispers harshly, nodding to Desmond and Nate who both smile and take a step back.

Nate picks up the bucket and douses Romello in the liquid which makes him gasp and open his eyes immediately but no sounds come out. His wounds still healing.

A fourth man comes in and starts ripping the hospital gown from Romello's body, leaving him in only a pair of boxers.

Desmond then chuckles darkly and brings the lashing whip down hard on Romello's back.

I scream out as he does, we're both thrashing in our chains, mine keeping me to the wall and in Drayvis' hands but Mell's dangling body twists and turns with each lashing.

Desmond and Nate, the sadistic fucks just laugh as Drayvis counts out loud with each lash.

As if that weren't enough, they force their marks on him, knowing it wouldn't take. They didn't want it though. They wanted the pain that came with fighting them.

Drayvis sinks his canines in my neck at the same time and I cry out, feeling the burn rip through me as I fight against his baring.

I try to hold back my tears but the slip free. The pain is just too great. Romello's, my own. Bryce's. I can feel a twinge of him through the bond that's still there. He's going crazy, his wolf Danny equally as manic.

I feel a lump come into my throat as Alpha Drayvis pulls his canines from my neck and roughly shoves my head back into the wall.

"See you tomorrow." He smiles before walking towards Romello whose body riddled in lashes and old injuries that surely wouldn't heal now.

Drayvis twirls him as if he's some form of entertainment before turning the lights off in the warehouse and walking out, Desmond, Nate and the fourth man following close behind.

This is wrong. All wrong. What Titus did, what my pack did, I couldn't believe it. I knew it was Gemini. That's what everyone said when they came back for the shewolves and pups.

A small whimper catches my attention from Romello but I can't look at him anymore. Instead my eyes scan the warehouse for anything that I could grab and try to get myself off the wall when I notice it.

There was a camera in the room mounted on the wall. The light was green, indicating it was on and rolling.


Freaking help......

Thoughts on this one??
Predictions? Hopes? Fears?

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Thanks so much for reading,
Until next chapter,
Byeeeeeeeeeee Bestiessssssssssssss!!

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