Claimed by The Moon (previous...

By rlbrowne

65.8K 2.7K 351

Book 1 - Moon series Part 1 of a Duet. This is book 1 of the Alpha series, but this book was so long that I s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 | PHASE TWO: Healer
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Extra POV - Sienna
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Part 2 of the Duet: Beta Enzo

Chapter 38

592 15 0
By rlbrowne


Tired. So damn tired. It's the only thing that's kept me from losing my mind in my extreme exhaustion. The fact that I could feel myself slipping. If I could feel the exhaustion then I wasn't dead.

Although it sure felt like it. My body feels like it's been ripped apart, only to be sloppily put back together. Some parts are numb, some parts are a blazing inferno of agony and the other parts are so scarred from my lack of healing that I don't even look under the blanket anymore.

My neck is killing me. The soreness hasn't worn out despite me being here for two days already. It still aches. I can't twist it, eating is terrifying and breathing has become a true struggle. My ribs are still healing but it's slow. So slow. Too slow.

Thank Goddess that Shiro absorbed l the attack with Sebastian's wolf and Titus' wolf but the attack with just me and my mate in our forms, yeah that was all me.

My eyes close as another sharp wave of pain hits me that I can't even cry out from. I feel Sienna, Bray and Ryker rushing to my side, touching me, making everything worse, but they don't know that because I can't tell them. I can't even access the pack link because Shiro is so down right now, he can't even lift his head due to his own healing.

I just endure their fussing hands, causing prickling spikes of rage to burn through my senses. It's too much. Too much pain.

"Mell? Boo, are you alright?" Sienna panics. That's her. She's the only soft spoken one in the room when she's under pressure.

I just wish she could realize her hands on my chest was causing it to feel like it was caving in.

"Romello, can you hear us?" I place Bray's voice and I hear the machines going off due to my blood pressure spiking.

His hands grip my arm, it's gentle in its right but too firm for my body to handle right now.

The machines blare and I hear Ryker scream from Enzo through the pack link. He doesn't call for Titus. He calls for Enzo.

They don't know the machines are angry because they're touching me. They're making it all worse. I can handle the pain when I'm left to my own misery. Just don't touch me.

Enzo knew that. He could read me like nobody else could. Not even Titus.

"Oh shit, don't touch him!"

"What? He's in pain, we need to help him!"

"Enzo just said not to touch him! Move your fucking hands!" That was Ryker's voice. I know it. That man cussed like Titus did. He doesn't mean to be mean, that's just who he is.

It's a wave of relief that washes over me when their hands retreat and the agony they were causing slowly goes with them.

My body begins to come down, the pain starting to fade away. I can finally open my eyes again to see Sienna looking down on me with tear filled eyes. Bray has a deep frown that I find funny because he's always so serious and Ryker's eyes are glossed over, no doubt linking Enzo.

Enzo left his link open to me. Just me. So I can hear him talking to Ryker right now. It's so weird to hear inside someone else's head but it brings me comfort that I can. Enzo brings me comfort.

When he tells Ryker that he will come straight after his shift on border patrol, I feel myself relax into the bed. I trusted Sienna, Ryker and Bray. They were some of the best fighters in the pack. Ryker was the Gamma leader, Bray was one of his front line warriors and Sienna was a force to be reckoned with.

I knew they could protect me if need be, but I missed Enzo. My head stays still but my eyes move to clock on the by the wall mounted TV.


Enzo's shift should end around midnight. That's what he said and he promised if I needed him before then, he would leave duty and deal with Titus later for it. I was grateful for that.

Closing my eyes again, I try to will myself to sleep. If I could just pass the time with that, it would go a lot faster and hopefully when I woke again, Enzo would be the one looking down on me with those pretty hazel eyes.

Just three more hours and I'll have my chosen mate. That's a secret of mine. Enzo doesn't know. Titus doesn't know, but I've chosen Enzo. He was mine and I would keep that close to my heart until I could figure out a way to mark him.


My eyes crack open again to see that it's only been an hour since closing them and my heart plummets a little.


That's depressing in all its forms. Two more hours and I'll have my mate. But that seems too long.

Slowly other voices start to filter in and I find Bryce's pregnant shewolf, Harlow in my hospital room talking to Ryker while Bray kept Sienna busy on the opposite side. Although Sienna looked a hair off from slicing Harlow's throat.

"Where's Bryce though? I need him right now." Harlow pleads.

"You don't need him, you harlot," Sienna sneers from the other side of the room. "You just like getting under my skin. You've been assigned people to care for you. Ask them for help!"

"They're not the fathers of my pup!" Harlow snarls.

"Neither is Bryce!" Sienna snarls back, trying to shove last Bray but the large warrior doesn't allow it and Sienna scoffs a mixture of a laugh and a huff before she starts pacing.

"Harlow," Ryker sighs heavily, obviously exasperated with the girl. We all were. "Your pack attendees can help you with whatever you need. Bryce is on border patrol tonight and we have important matters to attend to."

When Ryker gestures towards me, Harlow looks over and I swear I see a hint of a smirk playing on her lips. I hate her. I really do.

"Looks like the Lunos is really suffering over there," Harlow comments. "I wonder how the Council and King Kano will feel about this? Alpha Titus putting his mate in the hospital, rendering him mute? It's outrageous really."

Ryker growls, but doesn't respond to that. "Harlow please leave. Bryce will come and speak to you when he's off his shift."

"And if I go into premature labor?" She bites back, rubbing her huge belly. "Then what? I need to be able to link him but he shut me out!"

"I'm sure if you went into premature labor, the attendees that Bryce and Alpha have assigned to you, would bring you straight here and you would be taken care of," Ryker reassures her, already figuring out a way to shuffle her towards the door. "Now please leave. You're upsetting the Lunos with all of these dramatics."

If I could laugh, I would. Ryker was the best and ironically, overly dramatic himself. Especially when it came to sing alongs.

"Fine," Harlow gives in. "But at least tell me which border he's at, just in case. Please."

Ryker doesn't divulge that information. It's Bray who speaks up this time. "Bryce is with a few warriors on the eastern side, there's warriors on the northern side and the southern side while Alpha and Beta Enzo are on the western side. They're closest to the packhouse. So if need anything, Alpha and Beta will get to you first."

Harlow stumbles on a response to that but eventually nods and then leaves the room and I'm thankful for it. I didn't need any extra dramatics to deal with. I was dealing with enough.

Now all I had to do was wait for Enzo to get off border patrol and cherish the time I would spend with him under the light of the Full Moon, to hopefully heal myself soon.


The next time my eyes open, it's because I hear muffled voices and a smell wafts through my nose that forces a chill down my spine.

I can't place it right away but it makes the hair on the back of my neck stand and Shiro growls weakly in the shadows.

I can faintly hear a commotion around me and see shadows moving in the darkness of my hospital room.

Looking up to the clock, it reads 11:45pm. Almost time for Enzo to be here but not quite.

So who's in here? The scents don't match Sienna's, Ryker's or Bray's for that matter.

Frowning, I blink - more times than I can count - as my vision begins to clear. The shadows slowly start to come into view and I see Sienna struggling in the corner of the room with someone much larger than Bray.

My eyes travel down to the floor to find where the smoke was coming from. Only to find Ryker's body laid out, the smoke wafting off of him as if he was set on fire and recently put out.

My eyes widen and I blink again, looking to the door as best as I could to see Bray's body on the floor, blood pooling around him. Too much blood.

My throat is still on fire. I can't scream and I can't feel the link with Enzo anymore.

My heart pounds violently in my chest when I feel my bed dip to my right. My body sways a little with the motion and that heavy scent fills me again. It makes my blood run cold when I place it. The same scent I'd found in my night terrors.

Burnt toast.

A whimper bubbles up from my throat and even though it's painful, it comes again and again and again. Especially when I feel hands on me.

I look up, unable to place his face at first because of the shadows in the room but when he leans down a little bit more, my heart stops.

"Hey sweetheart."

Dax. The one from my night terrors. The one with magic strong enough to do all of this.

"Enzo!" I shriek, it's hoarse but I get it out.

Not a second time though because Dax covers my mouth and shoves me down into the bed. He straddles my waist and puts all of his weight on top of me, pinning my hands above my head with the other.

I try to thrash underneath him but the pain is too great and then I see another figure enter the room. This one I don't know.

"Drayvis, hurry up and do what you have to," Dax snarls above me as my eyes fill with tears, my mouth still covered. "I'm already using too much magic. The Elves will know where I am in a few minutes. So move!"

I see the man made Drayvis come to to the other side of my bed carrying something dark. He places it over my head and everything goes black. I panic, crying out as best as I could but they get muffled in Dax's hand that comes over the mask too.

Then something sharp is jabbed into my thigh and everything starts to slow down as I feel Dax's weight get off me.

Someone rolls me onto my stomach and I feel something being clicked around my wrists. When I try to move away, the action causes a burning sensation and I get hauled off the bed and thrown over someone's shoulder.

"Shiro!" — I scream but I feel that he's too sluggish and a lot slower than normal. He hasn't healed yet either. It's taking everything in him to come forward but he can't. He doesn't make it before his tether to me snaps and I hear his distant howls of despair.

A sheer panic grips me and I go to kick my legs but my body feels like dead weight. I can barely even move.

I try to wiggle my wrists but whatever is on them, keeps them pinned behind my back and when it cuts into my skin, the burning intensifies.

I groan in pain when I hear a man's voice.

"They're deshifter devices. The more you move, the more wolfsbane will get into your system. I suggest you stay still. The Alpha and the Boss won't want you too damaged." He advices and I try to wiggle my head but it doesn't move much easier.

"It's a little late for that," I hear Dax comment as we descend down something. Maybe an elevator. Maybe magic. I don't know. "Looks like someone got him good."

"Yeah, they won't be happy about this, but we've done our jobs," The other man, Drayvis, says.

Just as I feel a gush of cold air hit me, I hear a plethora of howls coming from all around us. The ground vibrates through whoever's shoulder I'm on and then through me. I can feel the pounding of paws ripping through the earth. The scents of my pack warriors get stronger.

But I hear Dax chuckle. "I'll see you soon, Drayvis. Hang on tight to him. You might get a little nauseous when I teleport you."

"Got it. Thanks." Drayvis says before I feel something cold and dark wrap around me and my stomach turns.

It's almost violating, destructive in the worst ways. My body feels numb and so, so aware of everything around me as my head whips from side to side from the agonizing sensation.

But before I know it, it all stops and Drayvis is walking towards something. I hear a door open. It's a car. And then I hear something - someone else thrown inside before there's three more voices heard.

My body is tossed in too and I land on the side of my head. It hits something hard and I see spots for a second before the bag is ripped from my head and I see a fist coming at me.

It connects with my jaw and my body falls again, hitting a concrete block. The last thing I think I hear is Sienna's voice, screaming for me before everything goes dark.


Thoughts on this one??
Predictions? Hopes? Fears?

Share them all and don't forget to leave a comment and a like if you enjoyed this one!

Thanks so much for reading,
Until next chapter,
Byeeeeeeeeeee Bestiessssssssssssss!!

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