✔️7 Deadly Sins (Part-3)

By RiKaOt70608

967 127 88

She is getting trapped slowly in his web He is ready to do anything just for her trust and love Her sister is... More

Old Luna.1
Old Time.6
Night Date.8
Loving You.9
We will help!.10
I have a plan!.11
Doubt on her.13
Like a Queen.14
Lovely Night!.17
It can't be true!.18
Bad Idea.19
We're Sorry.20
Risky Love.21
Obey Me!.23
Truth and Dare.26
Love Me.27
Caught You!!.28
Sisters Night.30
Back To Inefrno.31
Portal Closed.32
Royal Court.33
Make you mine.34
Your Baby.35
Let you go.36
Romantic Night.37
My Soulmate.39
I Hate Her.40

My Feeling.22

22 4 2
By RiKaOt70608

--*Next Day*--

Jin Pov

I woke up and looked around me we three was lying naked our body was only covered with a thin sheet ahh...last night was good and lovely I chuckled thinking about this I saw Jimin ans Lucy is in very deep sleep won't they ho office today?nevermind I will ask them once they will get up

I walked out of bed and wore my t-shirt and track pant ahh...I am hungry I should cook something for Lucy and Jimin as well I walked out of our room locking the door silently not disturbing there sleep I was walking downstairs but I don't know why I stopped outside the Namjoon room

No.....its wrong to peek inside others room but fuck I can't control I want to slowly opened his room door with magic and peeked inside I saw all three of them was sleeping together Luna was in Tae embrace Namjoon hands was wrapped around her waist without making any sound I again locked there door

I started walking downstairs no one is awake yet and my mind is hazy why?I don't know the exact reason tho like fuck I can't even explain the feeling right now I am feeling like again I lose Luna I mean for sure now when everything is good between them she will not even talk to me

I closed my eyes and the moments of that night came infront of my eyes she was in my arms I was creasing her head I was crying that night maybe cuz I knew that we can't be like that forever, we can't even hold hands infront of eachother I opened my eyes and sighed sadly I wish we can able to spend some more time together

Ahhhh.....Luna why we are not together even after being the soulmate and life partner of eachother why we can't forget about everyone for just once and think about eachother I was washing the utensils to cool something but my mind is somewhere else for sure I was cutting carrots suddenly I felt sting pain and I realised I cut my fingers mistakenly

I hissed in pain and started washing it with cold water the blood stopped coming but I forget to turn off the tap suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder I turned and saw Yoongi he smiled and turned off the tap i also smiled lightly and wiped my wound with tissue i again started cutting vegetables he stood beside me and asked

Yoongi:what you cooking hyung? *looks at vegetables*

Jin:poached egg and vegetable oats *smile*

Yoongi:oww....Lucy favorite dishes *teasing tone*

Jin:yeah.....by the way you here everything good? *raised eyebrow*

Yoongi:oh....actually we both did it last night so i am sure she will be tired as hell I thought a good chocolate milkshake can relax her *unwraps chocolate*

Jin:you know I am happy that everything between you and Lia is good again *smile*

Yoongi:me too.....by the way wasn't you three was loud last night? *smirk*

Jin:not me it's was just Jimin ans Lucy *calm tone*

Yoongi:oh...please hyung I know you're not saint beside this I can recognize your voice very well your loud groans damn seems like you enjoyed very well last night *teasing tone*

Jin:ok enough teasing bro *rolls eyes*

Yoongi:you know yesterday Liana and Hoseok was locked inside the room whole day *chuckles*

Jin:why? *raised eyebrow*

Yoongi:your wife activated the silent volcano so our brothers Hoseok was just cooling her down *laughs*

Jin:don't laugh like donkey if somehow Lia will listen you she will kill you *chuckles*

Yoongi:hmm....right I shouldn't take any type of risk *pours milk in mixer*

Jin:why everyone is sleeping so late like aren't they go to there works today? *raised eyebrow*

Yoongi:oh...don't you know?the sisters decided that we will spend timed with our family today so yeah almost everyone is in leave today *looks at jin*

Jin:ohhh.....ok then I will also not go to office *smile*

Yoongi:Luna is finally happy ayer many days *side eyeing Jin*

Jin:that's good *calm tone*

Yoongi:today we all will just enjoy our time and talk to eachother *excitedly*

Jin:yeah.....it will be fun *calm tone*

Yoongi:sometimes I think how lucky we are that we have vampire sisters in our life *smile*

Jin:yeah....I agree *smile*

Yoongi;you're also lucky that you have Lucy in your life *looks at him*

Jin:agreed...but the Kim Brother's are more lucky afterall they have Luna in there life *smile*

Yoongi:Kim Brother's? *raised eyebrow*

Jin:yeah....Namjoon ans Taehyung *looks at yoongi*

Yoongi:yeah...I know but then you shouldn't say Kim Brother's cuz in that you're also included but here we are just talking about Namjoon and Taehyung so.... *side eyeing him*

Jin:yeah...yeah whatever but trust me Luna husband's are very lucky that they have wife like Luna *lost somewhere*

Yoongi:I agree with this hyung *melts chocolate*

Jin:that's right *chuckles*

Yoongi:well I was also thinking about you and Luna *looks at jin*

Jin:excuse me what about us? *nervous tone*

Yoongi:ohh....its just Luna was your kitchen helper right but why it seems like she tries to avoid you from past 1 year? *decorates glass*

Jin:n-no why s-she will avoid me we are good *eyes on pan*

Yoongi:really?but it doesn't feels like that I mean you both don't cook together now nor you both talk-

Luna:its not like that Mr.Min Yoongi it's just Kim Luna was very traumatized and lost *smile*

Yoongi;woah....ok Queen I will agree with your every word *dramatic bow*

Luna:you should be little cat *scrunched nose*

Yoongi:but how you woke up that soon I mean it's just 6:00 AM *raised eyebrow*

Luna:well I felt like someone is calling my name *eyes on jin*

Yoongi:probably Namjoon or Taehyung *side eyeing jin*

Luna:no why would they call my name they was beside me holding into me ahh....Yoongi yesterday night we three talked so much and played so many games *happy tone*

Yoongi:ah...huh...which type of games Mrs.Kim *teasing tone*

Luna:board games Mr.Dirty Minded *walks towards him*

Yoongi:damn what just I noticed my biggest enemy Luna is flirting with me *playful tone*

Luna:yeah....do you still have doubt *smirk*

Yoongi:aaah....why it seems like it's a new way to defeat me *leans towards her*

Luna:maybe by the way why you're making chocolate shake? *looks at bowl*

Yoongi:oh....its for Lia I want to treat her perfectly *smile*

Luna:good then go ahead spend time with her *smile*

Yoongi:yes I am going bye hyung and Luna you both should also enjoy eachother company *chuckles*

Luna:for sure we both will cook for everyone *chuckles*

He took the milkshake and walked upstairs towards his room Luna walked and stood beside me she was heating the pan for poached eggs and my eyes were on her finally she looked at me with a glare ok now what I did wrong?I was in my thoughts when she said

Luna:how many time I have to tell you that don't ruin my sleep don't call my name in your mind *gritting teeth*

Jin:sorry this time it was not intentional *looks down*

Luna:now let's focus on cooking beside this I smelled your scent in my room why was you there? *looks at him*

Jin:yes I was-

Luna:why?didn't I told you that stay away from us especially form me *walks close to him*

Jin:and how many times I told you that's it's impossible to stay away from you ahhh....Luna world will brun down but the fact that you're my wife will not change *angrily*

Luna:you're angry or jealous *smirk*

I rolled my eyes in annoyance and walked infront of her I pinned her between me and kitchen counter I slowly leaned towards her and said

Jin:not jealous but angry I know I am the most powerful King of darkworld cuz of you but knowing that I can't even hold your hands infront of anyone makes me feel so powerless man *whispered*

Luna:why you have to hold my hand?Jin I am good and happy with Tae and Namjoon you should go to Lucy *looks at his eyes*

Jin:I can't leave you Luna you're a part of me and I want to be with till my last breath *controls his tears*

Luna:you want to say something more right?say it I am listening *whispered*

Jin:I feel so bad Luna now when everything is good between you three you'll again avoid me,you'll again maintain a distance from me now I don't know when will we both again spend time *controls his tear*

Luna:its not like that Jin *looks down*

Jin:you're a liar you're lying to me,you're lying to yourself fuck Luna why you ignores my existence like this *backs off*

Luna:I don't ignore your existence I just try to avoid you so you will forget me slowly *looks down*

Jin:look at me Luna and listen carefully doesn't matter how much you'll avoid me I will not forget you never I fucking love you Luna and one day I will surely show everyone that you're my wife I will wait for that day *hold her chin*

Luna:the day it will happen many things will be ruined *hold his hand*

Jin:i don't care Luna cuz you don't even know how I feel when they both kiss you or hug you infront of me I don't feel jealous but unlucky that i can't do these things with you I can't even make eye contact with you directly or else they will think something weird *sad tone*

She didn't said anything just kept looking at me I wish you can able to feel the way i feel Luna I wish you fall for me harder one day I slowly leaned towards her forehead and pecked it she gasped and looked at me I just smiled and we both again get busy in our cooking work


Author=so this is for today I hope you all will like it well I will see you all in the next one bye bye now by the way what you think about me Jin thoughts actually I can feel his pain well he love her and the words he said to her is his feelings well.....bye for now I will see you all soon....

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