Sacred Heartache

Da KirkPatrickCandido2

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The Call to Serve

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Da KirkPatrickCandido2

Hi, I'm Ethan Drake, one of the teenagers who have been called, yet I still hold onto hope of being chosen. The words 'Many are called but few are chosen' have echoed in my ears countless times, particularly when one receives a special call. The weight of these two powerful words, 'Called' and 'Chosen', lingers in my mind. I find myself questioning which of these applies to me. Am I truly called? Will I be chosen?
Well, my journey commenced when I was merely eight years old, as the call first stirred within me. Becoming a priest was never my initial aspiration, for my childhood dream was to follow in the footsteps of my father, Sebastian, who served as a valiant soldier. Our family lineage was intertwined with the spirit of warriors, with a legacy steeped in the blood of soldiers.
However, there came a defining moment that altered the course of my ambitions. It transpired while I was engrossed in play amidst a vast field, a place where helicopters abruptly descended, unloading the lifeless bodies of fallen soldiers following a fierce gunfight in the uplands. Witnessing the sight of those wounded and deceased soldiers struck me with immense fear and trembling. In that instant, I instinctively fled from the field, vowing never to return again.
I was raised in a deeply devout Catholic family, where the echoes of prayer and the scent of incense filled our home. My beloved lola, a pillar of faith, would faithfully recite the rosary each day and attend early morning Masses. She served as my guiding light, my source of inspiration, whenever my young mind was filled with questions. But why not my mother? Hahaha! My mother, Olivia, on the other hand, had different aspirations for me. She didn't envision me entering the seminary; instead, she hoped for me to embrace a different path—one that involved having a family of my own and bringing five children into this world, so she could relish the joy of being a grandmother.
I was only eight years old when I received the call. It happened while I was watching a movie and saw a man wearing a white robe. I was so inspired by him that I started imitating his actions and even dressed like him until I reached high school. But my mother would always argue against my aspirations and never wanted me to pursue that path. She had different plans for me, offering me opportunities to attend prestigious schools and pursue a career in a field like her childhood dream of becoming a nurse.
In a quiet corner of the seminary library, I found myself engrossed in a deep conversation with Father Ben, a wise and experienced mentor. The scent of old books filled the air as we sat across from each other, the weight of my doubts heavy on my heart.
"You know, Father Ben," I began, my voice trembling slightly, "I can't help but feel torn between my calling to serve God and the desires of my heart."
Father Ben leaned back in his chair, his eyes filled with understanding. "Ah, my young friend, it's a struggle many seminarians face. Tell me, what led you to this sacred path?"
I took a deep breath, reflecting on my journey. "It all started with a deep sense of purpose, a calling that I couldn't ignore. But along the way, I've encountered love, Father. Love that has tested my devotion and made me question everything."
Father Ben nodded, his expression compassionate. "Love is a powerful force, my son. It can ignite our souls and challenge our commitments. Tell me about this love that has touched your heart."
I hesitated, unsure of how to put my emotions into words. "There have been three loves, Father. Three encounters that have shaken my resolve. Each one brought joy and pain, hope and heartache. I've learned so much about myself and the complexities of love."
Father Ben leaned forward, his eyes filled with curiosity. "Share with me, my son. Let us explore the depths of your experiences and the lessons they have taught you."
After receiving that initial call, I was filled with immense joy and cherished it deeply throughout the years, even into my 10th grade. I made a solemn promise to myself that I would never allow myself to fall in love with a girl, as my heart belonged to the one who had first called me, my true love. However, everything changed when I crossed paths with Aurora during my tenth grade. It was as if the world shifted, but deep down, I knew that our paths were destined to diverge. I realized that we belonged to different worlds, and I silently accepted that I would never have the opportunity to express my feelings for her.
As I advanced to senior high school, reaching the 11th grade, I was filled with excitement. The prospect of life as a senior student felt different, and as time passed, I felt the call growing stronger.
"Ethan! Ma'am Lucy is looking for you. She wants to meet you in the library for an important discussion," Sophia said, struggling to catch her breath.
"Why?" I asked.
"I'm not sure, but it seems really important."
"Okay, I'll go." A sense of unease washed over me as I walked down the aisle. Ma'am Lucy was known for her strict demeanor, and she rarely called on students unless it pertained to academic concerns. As I walked, I racked my brain for any undone assignments, but I couldn't recall any.
Standing in front of the library, I took a deep breath, waving my hands nervously. As I pushed the door open, I expected to see only Ma'am Lucy, but I was met with the sight of the student council engaged in a meeting with her. I stood there, stunned and silent.
"Oh! Ethan!" Ma'am Lucy exclaimed, enveloping me in a hug. "How are you, dear?"
"I'm fine, ma'am, just a bit nervous," I replied.
"Ethan, you've been performing exceptionally well academically, and I see leadership potential in you that needs to be nurtured." I wasn't quite sure what she meant, but I continued to listen. "The school year is drawing to a close, and the current student council will soon step down from their positions, including the President."
"So, what now?" I asked hesitantly.
"Ethan, I believe you have the potential to take on one of these roles," she said, smiling.
"But ma'am, I don't have any experience. I've never held a position on the council, and I'm just an ordinary student."
"Experience?" she asked. "Yes, ma'am," I replied. She laughed and said, "That's exactly why I see potential in you. This will be your experience. I want to give you a chance to become the next student council president, given your exceptional performance in my class."
"But..." I began, but she cut me off.
"Ethan, this will be your experience. I want you to try." I paused, contemplating the challenges and responsibilities that lay ahead, none of which I had asked for or desired.
"But ma'am, I have a dream to pursue. I need to focus and spend time thinking about it. I'm even considering transferring to another school to take courses that align with my future dream."
Ma'am Lucy's face turned angry as she shouted, "That's a foolish decision, Ethan! Why wouldn't the courses here coincide with your future dream? Priesthood is about leadership. If you can't practice it here, you'll never grow!"
After her outburst, she sat down and turned away from me. "All I need from you today, Ethan, is a decision. Will you take this opportunity or not? The school needs you... the students need you."
I knew accepting would mean facing challenging times, but I also knew I would regret it if I declined. I struggled to respond to Ma'am Lucy. I was aware she saw potential in me and trusted me, but I didn't want to handle such problems. If I said yes, I would be focusing on others and the school, leaving less time for myself. I didn't understand why my love (God) was presenting me with this challenge. "As of now, ma'am, I'll have to say no."
She turned her chair to face me, her face filled with anger. "Lunatic!!" she shouted in front of the council. "I'm going to call your mom! I need to talk to her." She threatened, "Ethan, I'm old and don't have much time left. If you say no and I die, I will haunt you." Her words filled me with fear. I handed her the phone, and she tried to call my mom. On the first try, my mom didn't answer. I hoped she would do the same on the second try, but to my surprise, she picked up.
"Mrs. Drake, Hi! This is Ma'am Lucy, Ethan's English teacher." For the first time, I saw her smile. She was usually very strict. "I see potential in your son to become a leader, and I've invited him to run for president this coming year." They had a pleasant conversation, but when Ma'am Lucy relayed my mom's response, she said the decision was up to me. I told her I would not run for election, and her reaction changed from anger to deep sadness. My conscience spoke to me, "You made Ma'am Lucy sad."
Feeling overwhelmed and exhausted, I decided to skip my second class and head to the adoration chapel. On my way there, deep in thought about my conversation with Ma'am Lucy, I ran into Father Con. I was surprised to see him. Father Con is a young priest, a friend of mine. "Father Con, I only have one year left before I enter the seminary." He looked happy and proud at the news. "But Ethan, have you ever been in a relationship with a girl? I mean, have you ever had a girlfriend?"
I was taken aback. Was that really a requirement? So I replied, "Ahh... hahaha... I've never had one, Father." He laughed and patted my right shoulder. "Ethan, you should challenge yourself to have a girlfriend before you enter the seminary. You should have that experience because you might regret it in the future. I think it would be better if you did." Where was God leading me? The closer I got to Him, the more confused I became. "Just come back to me, Ethan, when you're ready and have had that experience," the good Father laughed.
In the tranquil silence of the adoration chapel, I found myself seeking divine guidance. "Lord, I'm not sure what your plan is, but I trust that you will never lead me astray. Please guide me in my decisions," I prayed.
The deadline for filing candidacy was fast approaching, and as I made my way home, I was torn about whether or not to accept the challenge.
On the day of filing, I sought out Ma'am Lucy. I found her with her head down on the table, seemingly asleep. According to one of the council members, she was deeply disappointed with my previous decision.
"Ma'am..." I said softly, trying to get her attention.
"Yes? What can I do for you?" she asked, her hair disheveled.
"I've changed my mind... I... I will file... I'll run." Her mood instantly changed.
"Ethan, you will never regret this decision. Congratulations!" she said.
"Thank you," I responded, though my emotions were a whirlwind and I was unsure of what lay ahead.
Days passed, and the eagerly anticipated election finally came to a close. To my astonishment, I was proclaimed the winner, securing a resounding vote of 285 compared to my opponent's 85. I never expected such an outcome. My opponent was a popular figure, a school crush admired by many. He had an impressive array of agendas and seemed to be ahead of me in the race, while all I had was my unwavering faith and my ability to articulate my thoughts.
Days passed, and the eagerly anticipated election finally came to a close. To my astonishment, I was proclaimed the winner, securing a resounding vote of 285 compared to my opponent's 85. I never expected such an outcome. My opponent was a popular figure, a school crush admired by many. He had an impressive array of agendas and seemed to be ahead of me in the race, while all I had was my unwavering faith and my ability to articulate my thoughts.
As the news of my victory spread throughout the school, students and teachers congratulated me, expressing their confidence in my leadership potential. The weight of the responsibility I had taken on began to sink in, and I knew that I had to prove myself worthy of their trust.
One afternoon, I found myself in a conversation with Father Con, seeking his guidance amidst the whirlwind of emotions. "Father Con, I never expected to win the election. I feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. Can I really handle this role?" I asked, my voice filled with uncertainty.
Father Con placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder and smiled. "Ethan, God works in mysterious ways. He has chosen you for this position for a reason. Have faith in yourself and in His plan for you. Remember, true leadership is not about having all the answers; it's about listening, guiding, and serving others with humility."
His words offered me a sense of solace and renewed determination. I knew that I couldn't embark on this journey alone. I sought the guidance of Ma'am Lucy, the teacher who had seen potential in me from the start. I found her in her classroom, her face buried in a stack of papers.
"Ma'am Lucy," I called out softly, trying not to startle her.
She looked up, surprise evident in her eyes. "Ethan! Congratulations on your victory. I must admit, I was disappointed when you initially declined. But now, seeing your determination, I couldn't be prouder. You have what it takes to lead."
I smiled gratefully, appreciating her support. "Thank you, Ma'am Lucy. Your belief in me means a lot. I will do my best to fulfill the responsibilities entrusted to me."
Days turned into weeks, and I immersed myself in my new role as student council president. I faced challenges, made difficult decisions, and learned valuable lessons along the way.
Father Ben listened attentively to Ethan's story, his curiosity piqued by the mention of the first girl who captured Ethan's heart. He leaned forward, his eyes filled with intrigue, and gently asked, "Ethan, you mentioned that meeting Aurora in your tenth grade changed everything. Can you tell me more about how you crossed paths with her? How did your connection with her impact your journey?"
Ethan took a deep breath, his mind filled with memories of that fateful encounter. "Father Ben, it was during a school event when I first saw Aurora. She was performing on stage, and her voice captivated me. It was as if her singing had the power to touch the depths of my soul. From that moment, I couldn't help but be drawn to her."
He continued, his voice tinged with both longing and a sense of inadequacy. "But deep down, I knew that our paths were destined to diverge. Aurora was beautiful, confident, and came from a wealthy background, while I felt like an ordinary person with limited resources. The stark contrast between us made me silently accept that I would never have the opportunity to express my feelings for her."
Father Ben leaned forward, his eyes filled with curiosity. "Did you ever have a chance to court her or have a relationship with her?"
"Yes, Father," Ethan responded, his voice filled with reverence. Just as he was about to continue sharing his story, the sound of the bell echoed through the room, signaling the noon hour. Father Ben and Ethan paused, their conversation momentarily halted as they bowed their heads in prayer.
Together, they recited the Angelus, a traditional prayer commemorating the Incarnation of Jesus Christ. Their voices intertwined, creating a sacred moment of reflection and connection with the divine.
Father Ben stood up from his chair and smiled warmly at Ethan. "It seems that our conversation will have to wait until after lunch, my son. Let us take this time to nourish our bodies and rest, knowing that we will continue our discussion soon."
Ethan nodded, appreciating Father Ben's understanding. "Thank you, Father. I look forward to continuing our conversation later."
With a sense of anticipation, Ethan and Father Ben left the room, ready to replenish their energy and return with renewed focus and clarity. As they parted ways for the moment, both carried the anticipation of delving deeper into Ethan's journey and the lessons he learned from his relationship with Aurora.
And so, they went their separate ways, knowing that their conversation would resume, and the story would continue to unfold in the chapters that lay ahead.

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