Saved by you

By nam_fics_

10.3K 759 634

Build belongs to a family of elites and his father wants him to be more than that. So he was forced to stay h... More

Author's Note


505 27 52
By nam_fics_

"Do you think he will come?" Tin asked.

Build heard the tiny voices not so little far from them.

"I hope so. I gave him my invitation so I think he will come." Ta said.

He roamed his eyes and searched for the tiny bodies despite the crowded place. The place reeks of some smell that he cannot understand. Stinky. Parents and other guardians pass by him, excited for the activities for the day. If Wichapas isn't busy, he would have experienced this with the kids.

"Parents and guardians, please go to the homeroom teachers of your kids and register your name so we can start the activities."

Build hurried. He needs to find the kids to know where the kids are so he can sign the registration. He excused himself to the crowded area as he passed by. Few people passed by and he saw the two little gremlins talking to a teacher.

"Kids, where is your guardian? They need to sign here."

The kids were about to speak but Build cut them out. He can't afford to hear that they are with no one today. It hurts him just by thinking.

"I'm here." he said.

They all perked up when they heard his voice.

"Where should I sign?" Build went to the teacher.

"Please write your name beside any of their names and then your signature."

Build did as he was told. He signed beside Ta's name and drew an arrow to Tin's name to indicate that he was there for the two. The teacher left after that, thinking that he should find the other guardian for registration under Tin's name.

"P'Build!" The kids threw their grabby hands.

Build laughed and crouched down, giving the kids a tight hug. He looked down and tied Ta's shoelace. The kid smiled at him.

"P'Than is at the bench. He'll watch us play today." Build pointed to the man sitting in one of the benches, waving his hand. The kids waved at him, smiling widely. "Come on. Let's go to your area."

"Wait! We are still waiting for someone." Tin held his hand tightly.

Build looked at him. Seeing him this close, Build saw how messy his tuck is. He started fixing the kid's shirt.

"Who dressed you up today?" He asked, slightly laughing.

"Just me. We dressed ourselves today. We're big boys now." Tin proudly said.

Build smiled at him again. Then he looked at Ta.

"My tuck is nice and neat. Look." Ta turned around to make Build see.

"But your shoelace is not." He started tying the shoelace.

"Because I don't know how to do it." Ta sounds like complaining.

Build was about to speak again when they all heard a voice calling his name.


Build froze. Why is he here? I thought he's busy? Why...

"It's you." He felt a man standing beside him and Build immediately stood up.

There was a long silence between them. Build looking into nowhere while Wichapas is busy scanning his facial features, the sight he misses the most. The silence was disturbed by a loud whistle, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Come on! Let's go! It's going to start." Ta said and grabbed Build's hand and ran away. Tin did the same with Wichapas.

They are now in their area. They stand in the middle of the heat. It looks like the others are fine with the weather but it's too hot for Build. The area is so crowded and too stinky for him as well. People kept bumping into him and he's starting to have a headache. Wichapas is standing beside the rope barricade, Build is on the side where others are lined up too while the kids stood in front of them. Build frowns. He started to become irritated and feel uncomfortable with the skin contacts and the stinky smell. Wichapas saw it so he went near him and smoothly changed their position. Wichapas held the rope from. Him back to steady himself, half-hugging Build.

Build wanted to snap as he knew Wichapas was taking advantage of the situation but he smelled something. Something comfortable. He leaned in closer until his nose was on the crook of Wichapas’ neck. Taking a deep series of relief. This is what he has been looking for for weeks now.  Wichapas smiled to himself. But Build suddenly glared. Cigarettes. He smelled like cigarettes. So he pushed him away.

The first activity is a sack race. Each section chose four parent-kid pairs to compete. Tin volunteered and pulled Wichapas. But before he left Build, he removed his bull cap and wore it to Build. The sun is high and Build is not wearing anything to cover himself. Wichapas and Tin played the game. They laughed at how big the sacks are for the kids in their section so the parents had to lower the sack lower than their knees. Tin enjoyed the game even though their section lost.

The next game is to dodge the ball. Ta volunteered to join even though he is hesitant about it. Ta really liked active games. They will be fighting against the other section. Ta's section had to dodge the ball and if any of their team survived after the time was finished, they won. Build held his belly.

This game is delicate for him. He's carrying and might not be able to move properly. But he can never let Ta be disappointed. He saw how Ta like this game Build did his best, but with extra care. His head is aching and his vision is a little blurry from time to time. But he survived the game and they won.

The other activities continued but the four of them decided to go to the bench for a water break. Wichapas, Tin and Ta went to Prem as the man handed them water and towels. Build went to Than. Wichapas was about to hand him a bottle of water when Lord Aprhus suddenly appeared. Build, Than and Prem bowed to him. The man just smiled at them.

"I saw you playing in the ground so I bought you water. I also bought a towel and extra shirt just in case you need them." Lord Arphus handed Build a paper bag.

"You don't have to do this, Lord Aprhus." Build said. He wiped his nose because he doesn't like Lord Arphus' smell too. He smells like his father and Chat, stinky.

The man moved and slipped the handle of the bag on his hand. "But I want to. It's nice seeing you outside again."

Wichapas aggressively opened his water bottle and drank it in one go while glaring at them.

"Lord Wichapas and Khun Jakapan, please proceed to the other part of the field. Tin and Ta registered you for the obstacle race earlier." The teacher told them.

The children screamed in glee and started running to.the end of the field. Build once again held his belly. Another risky activity for him. His head pounded harshly this time.

"Build." Than stopped him by grabbing his arm.

"I'll be fine. I won't overdue it." Build smiled and handed him the paper bag.

"You're pale. At least drink some water." Than looked at his brother worriedly.

"It's because I haven't been outside for this long these past few days. I'm fine." And they heard a whistle. "I'll be back." Build ran away.

He went to his group and listened to the instructions. The race is quite long. They have to run almost half of the field to finish the race. Ta will get a folded paper from the table and use the monkey bars and run a few meters going to Build. Build will run a few meters, jump in the tires and run another few meters to pass the paper to Bible. Bible will lift a bag with a heavy weight, run to Tin and pass the paper. Tin will run around some safety cones and hand the paper to the next members. The last member will recite the tongue twister written on the paper. The race is designed for kids and adults alternately. Jumping over a couple of tires is safer for Build rather than lifting a heavy bag or crawling under the net.

They heard another whistle indicating that the game had started. Ta grabbed the folded paper and placed it in between his lips before climbing the monkey bars. Then, he ran a few meters and handed Build the paper. Build tried to focus on the way but his head was pounding so hard. He tried breathing faster to gasp for air. Build started jumping over the tires but his sight slowly got dim. He swayed multiple times but he managed to get balance again. He is now passing by the bench where Than, Prem and Lord Arphus are watching.

Wichapas is waiting. Build is a little far from him yet. He passed the tires already and is now running towards him. But Build is a little disoriented, Wichapas can say. Build removed the bull cap Wichapas wore to him and tried fanning himself while running. In split seconds, Build lost his consciousness and fell down.

The audience gasps in shock. Wichapas got alarmed. He ran as fast as he could but he saw Than, Prem and Lord Arphus already on Build's side. Lord Arphus is about to carry Build but Wichapas pushes him away.

"Hands off." He glared at Lord Arphus.

The other was about to snap back but Than interrupted.

"This is not the time to fight. He needs to get to the hospital now. Hurry!"

Wichapas scoped Build and started to run towards Than's car. They rode in the back seat, Build still on his lap. Than started to drive as fast as he could. Wichapas looked outside and saw Prem and the kids riding their car. Wichapas tried waking up Build but he got no response.

Than dialed Chat's number while still driving.

"Build collapsed. We're heading there now." Than said and didn't even wait for a response before ending the call.

Wichapas continue staring at Build's unconscious face. His lips are pale, his hands are cold, and there are beads of sweat on his forehead.

Than stopped in front of the emergency room. A male doctor opened the door for Wichapas and assisted him in putting Build on a stretcher. A female doctor checked his vital signs while they were going to the emergency room. They were stopped by the nurse from entering.

Wichapas felt longing. He looked at his hands, shaking. He was able to hold Build again after a long time. But he never felt relief. Build is unconscious. He looked up at the door.

"He'll be fine." Than tapped his shoulder.

Wichapas became restless. He wasn't able to sit for a long time. He stood beside the door, waiting for it to open. Than stayed at his seat. He may look calm but deep inside he's so worried about his younger brother.

The door opened and Chat went outside.

"He's fine now. His body collapsed due to excessive stress and tiredness. He's also a little dehydrated and..." The doctor looked at Wichapas. "His present condition is a little delicate."

Wichapas frowned. A little delicate? What does it mean? Is he in a dangerous condition?

"He's now admitted to a private room. Let's wait for the other test results."

Dr. Chat told them the room number and they immediately went there. Wichapas' heart broke upon seeing Build wearing an oxygen mask, had an IV drip connected to him and was still unconscious. He went near Build. Wichapas sat beside the bed and held his hand. His eyes are full of worries that he can't look away from him.

He heard the door click and when he looked back, he was alone. Maybe Than went outside to check something.

"Hey, love." Wichapas' voice broke. "How are you? Do you feel better now? Please wake up and answer me." His eyes started to get wet. He can't push away the worries in his mind. The doctor and Than know something about Build that he doesn't.

Did something bad happen during the days they didn't see each other?

He pressed the back of Build's hand on his cheek and kissed it several times, praying for him to wake up.

The door opened and the female doctor entered the room.

"Hi, my Lord." The female bowed to him. "I am Dr. Cherry. I am Khun Jakapan's obstetrician-gynecologist."

Wichapas frowned and then looked back at the sleeping body. Why does he need her?

"You don't have to worry for now, Sir. The baby is safe and is developing really well on his body."

A baby? Build has a baby? He is carrying?

"But Khun Jakapan is in a delicate situation right now. His body is quite not responding well to the changes in his body. He lost all his capabilities as omega at a young age and the sudden coming back of all of this shocked his body. At the same time, the pregnancy symptoms are making it hard for him." Dr. Cherry explained continuously.

"W-Wait. H-he's pregnant?" Wichapas started to get pale. He felt like floating and he couldn't feel his body parts.

"Yes, he is. You... You don't..." Dr. Cherry looked at the sleeping Build and Lord Wichapas alternately, confused.

The door suddenly opened, revealing Than, his father and Dr. Chat. Than and Chat immediately went to Dr. Cherry, a little panicked, while their father went in to check on Build. Dr. Cherry looked at Chat with questioning eyes.

"Lord Wichapas is the father of the baby, right? I mean, they are in a relationship and..."

Dr. Cherry was halted when Mr. Puttha spoke. "Build? Can you hear me?" They all went near him, except Wichapas who's still stunned with the news.

Dr. Chat started checking him. Build opened his eyes slowly. It took him a lot of effort to focus.

"How are you feeling?" Dr. Chat asked while checking his heartbeat.

Build sighed deeply. "I can smell you even when I'm wearing this mask." He said then touched the oxygen mask.

"Do I still smell stinky to you?" Dr. Chat asked, he faked an offended face.

Build rolled his eyes and then nodded with a small smile.

"What do you mean? He smells fine." Dr. Cherry asked Build.

"He always calls me and his father stinky all the time." Dr. Chat answered, still checking Build's heartbeat. "Your heartbeat is getting fast. What's wrong?"

"Smell." Build said.

"You're affecting his breathing. He doesn't like the smell of alphas. Let me check him." Dr. Cherry and Dr. Chat exchanged positions. "How about now? Do you breathe fine?"

"A little." Build's voice is muffled because of the oxygen mask.

"Do you feel any pain?" Dr. Cherry tried to get his attention and not focus on the unwanted smell.

Build raised his hands that had no IV connected and touched his belly.

"Is it painful?" Dr. Cherry asked. Build nodded once again. "You have to relax. Maybe the baby is feeling your stress. The baby is alright, you don't have to worry." She caressed his chest that is starting to rise in gasping air.

Build removed the oxygen mask with his other hand with IV drip. He's still having a hard time breathing and the doctors started to move fast, trying to figure out what is going on with him. Build roamed his eyes around the room until his sight pinned on a man standing near the door.

Wichapas never went near the bed. Build is stressed and he doesn't want to add to his misery. The past few weeks are hard for both of them because he kept forcing himself to Build. He is the cause of his stress. And he is an alpha. His smell will affect him too.

Maybe this will be the last time he will see him. But how about the child? The baby. Their baby.

Their eyes locked. Build is getting pale due to lack of air and Wichapas saw how hard it is for him to even just breathe. Wichapas wants to help. Wichapas wants to hold him. Wichapas wants to be there right beside him. But can he? Will Build let him?

"His pulse is dropping." Dr. Cherry declared as Dr. Chat and he kept doing something for Build.

Build raised his hand from his belly and held it out to Wichapas, eyes teary and pleading. The man froze, hesitating whether Build is telling them that he is the one stressing him or he is asking for him to come. He looked at Than and then at Dr. Cherry. Everyone in the room stopped.

"L-love." Build said with difficulty.

Wichapas heart melted. After several weeks, he heard Build called him like that again. He went closer as fast as he could. He almost ran and held his hand. Dr. Cherry gave way for him to get near.

"Hey, I am here." Wichapas said, smiling and eyes sweaty from tears.

Build brought his hand to his nose. He inhaled deep and closed his eyes. It was a relief. Build inhaled a few times before looking at him again.

Wichapas bent down and kissed his forehead. Build took advantage of the position and circled his hands on the Wichapas' neck. He buried his face on his neck and inhaled multiple times. Wichapas smells like fresh air. Like the sea breeze, calming and peaceful. Wichapas chuckled a little.

"Do you feel fine now?" Dr. Cherry asked.

Everyone in the room was surprised with the bold action of Build, except for Dr. Cherry. They are aware that the man is not fond of public displays of affection but what they are right now is different. Chat cleared his throat. Build let go of Wichapas with a red face.

"You don't have to be shy, Khun. Does your belly still hurt?" Dr. Cherry asked him.

"It's fine now." Build murmured.

"I think your body and your baby is craving for your alpha's scent."

Build looked at Dr. Cherry and then to Wichapas, shocked that the doctor disclosed his secret while Wichapas was around. The man just smiled at him.

"I told you before that you will crave weird things in the future and that's alright. I think staying with your alpha will be good for you." Dr. Cherry said.

"How far is he?" Wichapas asked.

"He's eight weeks pregnant, my Lord." Dr. Cherry smiled. "I'll be back tomorrow for the results of the tests."

"You need to stay here for a day or two, until we figure out what's really happening to you." Dr. Chat said.

Build pouted but nods. After that, the doctors left along with Than. Build's father went near them..

"Are you feeling better?" he asked.

"Did I scare you?" Build asked his father back.

"Of course you did. Why did you go there? You know it's dangerous for you." His father wanted to scold him but he couldn't, seeing his son laying on the hospital bed makes his heart clench in pain.

"I'm sorry, Dad." Build pouted like he was a child being scolded.

"Stop pouting. You always do that when you're in trouble." his father sighed, feeling frustrated that he can't scold Build enough at the moment. "I'll go home and get you some clothes and food. Do you want anything?"

Build shook his head but slightly smiled.

"How about you?"

Wichapas flinched as he realized Build's father was looking at him. He just looked at him like he was asking something. He absent-mindedly shook his head.

"Alright, I'll go now." The man was about to step away but he halted.He looked at Wichapas. "From now on, I will never address you as a Lord when it is about family matters. When dealing with the family, I am Build's father and you are my son-in-law."

"Dad!" Build shouted but his father already left the room.

Wichapas was left dumbfounded. He heard murmurs from Build. He looked at him as he was glaring to the door where his father went out. Wichapas smiled. Build is so red and shyness is evident on his face.

"Love." Wichapas held his hand. "Are you okay now?"

Build glared at him. "Why did you even go here? Dad thought we're together again."

"You called me 'love' in front of them." Wichapas said, amused with the sudden change.

"I was not thinking straight. I was in pain and..." he trailed off. He felt Wichapas' palm in his belly. He looked at the man and he's looking at it while caressing. Wichapas thumb slides up and down on his clothed skin.

Wichapas looked back at him. "Are we really having a baby?"

Build glared again. He pushed Wichapas' shoulder away. "Why? Do you think this is not yours?!"

The man laughed. "I'm not saying that."

"You're doubtful!"

"'I'm just asking."

Build removed Wichapas' hand from his belly. "Go away."

"You really want to? I'll leave now." Wichapas was about to step away.

"See? You don't want to be with me anymore." Build said, eyes flaring.

Wichapas laughed and bent down to kiss his forehead. "Just kidding. You cannot push me away anymore. I will never let you hide from me anymore."

Build sighed and hugged him tight. "You smell so nice. I'm sorry for..."

"Ssssshh. We'll talk about it some other time." Wichapas caressed his back.

Prem came to the hospital to bring Wichapas some clothes. His master told him that he will be staying in the hospital with Build. The kids were so worried and they wanted to come but Wichapas didn't allow them. Than went home with his father to freshen up so Wichapas and Build were left alone.

Mr. Puttha brought them dinner cooked by Aunt Praya, of course. Wichapas started opening the containers and placed everything on the overbed table. Build clapped his hands upon seeing the meals. Wichapas handed him the spoon and fork. Build accepted them while checking food. He started eating immediately. Wichapas looked at him full of love. He thinks Build is really hungry. He is trying to put all the food in his mouth.

"Slow down. You'll get indigestion." Wichapas whipped the side of his lips.

Build put some food on his spoon and brought it to Wichapas' lips.

"I'll eat later." Wichapas said.

Build stopped chewing and glared at him.

Wichapas had no choice but to open his mouth and eat the food. Build immediately smiled and pouted, asking for a kiss. And who is Wichapas to deny? He leaned in and pecked a kiss with their mouth full of food.

He missed Build so much. Coming back to Build feels like coming back home. Wichapas will never let anything bad happen again, to Build, to their baby, to their family.

They are now both lying on the bed. Build coaxed Wichapas to lay on the bed with him. He rested his head on the man's chest and from time to time, he moved to sniff on Wichapas' neck and then went back to lying above him.

"I can smell scents now." Build said.

"Really? Since when?" Wichapas asked, playing with Build's hair.

"I'm not sure. I think I sometimes get to smell your scent even before we break up."

Wichapas hummed, making Build close his eyes as he felt the vibration from his chest.

"How do I smell?"

"Before, you smell like fresh wood in summer. You smell like a forest. But now, you smell like the sea. Like the fresh sea breeze. It's calming and addicting." Build giggled.

Wichapas is confused. He is all matured now and it is very impossible for him to change smell. He made a mental note to ask his doctor about.

"I'm sorry." Build sighed. "I shouldn't have done that to you."

"You don't have to." Wichapas started caressing his arm.

"You have to know something." Build cleared his throat. "P'Than and Dr. Chat said there is a possibility that I would die if I continue being a broken omega."

Wichapas stopped, gripping Build's arm. "But you're not a broken omega now. You can now smell and are conceiving."

Build moved and pinned his chin to Wichapas' chest to look at him. "But we are still not sure about that. What if I die before I give birth to this baby?"

"Don't say that." Wichapas warned.

"Or if I lose my life while giving birth to the baby? I want to grow old with my child." Build started tearing up.

"Stop overthinking. We will stay with our child as long as we can." Wichapas bopped his nose with his finger.

Wichapas might look fine and calm but deep inside he is so worried. Will he be able to live again without Build? He can't. He knows he can't.

"And If I can't do that?" Build tears fell. He can hear his own heartbeat, fast and loud. Finally, his worries are being said out loud and he is being heard by the man he loves.

"Then I would die with you." Wichapas said, wiping Build's tears.

"Who will take care of the baby?" Build wailed like a child.. Thinking that his baby might become an orphan at a young age bothers him.

"That is why you have to be strong so we can stay for the baby." Wichapas sounded like a father coaxing a baby in tantrums.

Than came back to the hospital and saw Build and Wichapas lying on the bed, Build still on the other's chest and sleeping with his mouth a little open.

"He's drooling in your shirt." Than told Wichapas, smiling.

Wichapas just laughed at him.

"I just came back to check if you needed something."

"Nothing. Aside from his mood swings, we're good." Wichapas answered.

"It's because he's pregnant. Did he eat well?"

Wichapas eyed the empty food containers on the side of the bed. Than smiled.

"Finally. He can't eat and sleep well for weeks now." Than went inside the bathroom and got a vomit basin.

"I will put this here." he placed it at the foot of the bed. "He vomits every morning. Use this so you don't have to go to the bathroom. Can you be here alone tonight?" Than asked.

"Yes." Wichapas answered.

"P'Than." Wichapas halted. "Can you call me P'Than?"

Wichapas smiled at him. "Yes, Phi."

Wichapas is so happy. Build is really a gift for him. He now has a new and bigger family.

But the pregnancy journey will be tough for sure.

(A/N: I'm back! Sorry for making you wait. This girl is so busy (and exhausted) with her new job.

The next chapters are going to be tough for Wichapas dealing with the pregnancy. But I know we will have fun reading his misery. 55555+

To those who haven't followed me yet here on Wattpad, I usually post progress and announcements about this story in my conversations. So, if you want to get notified, follow me here. Thank you for reading! See you in the comments.)

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