The Multiverse of The Travele...

By KiranHarumi24

15.8K 199 104

A reboot of the Multiverse of The Traveler and The Trailblazer. More chaos and drama happens - and Icarus is... More

The Aeon Of The Hunt And The Destruction Gave Me Unspeakable Power
Task Force 141
Shit-Post: My Average Discord Conversation
Interlude - Images
List Of Chapters
The Tsar And The Executioner

Karaoke Night!

1.7K 20 5
By KiranHarumi24

[The scene begins with Kiran and Yūrei standing in the middle of the Teapot Bar™ karaoke stage, holding microphones as rock music began to play]

JUDGMENT - Shinpan -

Everyone's attention was immediately piqued when they heard the rock music coming from the screen, but they are even more interested when they see that Kiran and Yūrei were holding microphones - implying that they were going to sing onscreen.

"What's this?"March 7th asked with a rather thoughtful look, interested at seeing Kiran and Yūrei onscreen - she's heard them sing before, but she has no idea what's happening in this viewing.

"It looks like me and Yūrei are about to sing a karaoke song,"Kiran hummed before smirking to himself as he knew the opening tune of one of his favorite songs," And it looks like we're performing a duet too."

Yūrei couldn't help but sight exasperatedly, deny it he might, but he actually enjoys performing alongside Kiran on the stage. They're like an inseparable duo, like Aether and Paimon.

"Oh? Well, this should be interesting..."Kafka said with a small smirk, wanting to know how her rival sings. She may have been rivals with Kiran, but she's also interested to get to know him better and what makes him tick.

Sunday couldn't help but scoff, there was no way that this man can actually sing better than her sister. Guess he'll have to observe to see if he actually can beat his sister's perfect voice.

Kiran:That's more like it. You ready to rock, kid?

Yūrei:Yeah... Rock and roll...

[Kiran chuckles]

Kiran:I like your enthusiasm, kid. Now... We bring... JUDGEMENT!

[Kiran began to sing in his own voice - somehow it is soft and deep, enough to entice anyone]

Kiran:RAIL kara hazureta
furyouhin no norainu sa
Dakedo kantan ni wa
TAIL wa furanai ze

Shinobu, Mitsuri, and Daki immediately began to cheer for Kiran - his singing voice already having an effect on them as they've heard Kiran sing before and it has never gotten old. Tamayo simply clapped with a small smile.

"THAT'S OUR HUBBY OVER THERE!"Daki shouted to everyone in the room, as everyone was now in a trance when they heard Kiran sing onscreen with some even nodding their heads to the theme.

"Whoa - this is quite the surprise."Aventurine said before a small smirk appeared on his face, never having heard Kiran sing before. From the outside, Kiran looks intimidating as hell - but... He surely didn't expect that HE of all people could actually sing.

Misha also looked dumbfounded as he began to nod at the theme. He might have found a new favorite singer in the form of Kiran.

However, Robin looked floored when she heard Kiran sing, not expecting that he could sing - probably because that she based it on his intimidating appearance, but now hearing him sing... She thought that she has found a new competition against Kiran.

Kiran:YES MAN ni narisobireta

Both:(woah oh oh, woah oh)

Yūrei:We are BAD BOYS!

Kiran:Waru ni nokosareta "No" to iu na no Justice

[The screen then flashed to show Kiran and Yūrei standing in the middle of a stage, dressed up as rockers while accompanied by Aether, Caelus and... Pom-Pom?]

"What just happened...?"Misha asked, blinking his eyes - a bit astounded with the sudden change of scenery. It went from karaoke bar to in the middle of a stage, as if they were performing in front of a crowd.

"This happens everytime, kid. When we set foot on that stage... We just lose ourselves into the song..."Kiran said, as if it was a common occurrence when someone sings in front of the karaoke bar's stage, it's as if they were transported into said imaginations and lose themselves into the song.

"It is true,"Arlecchino said, surprising Lyney, Lynette and Freminet when they heard their Father speak," When I first sang on that stage, it's as if I lost myself into the song as well."

March, however, was more focused on seeing Pom-Pom playing a keyboard onscreen - never having seen the conductor do anything else besides keep the Astral Express in the best condition as it is. She looked at Pom-Pom, but was immediately beaten there by Pom-Pom, who, with a deadpan look, simply said,


March 7th then groaned, wanting a chance to see if Pom-Pom actually knows how to play a keyboard.

Kiran:Wow, Breakin' the law
Breakin' the world

Yūrei:Breaking the world...

Kiran:Kirisake Tenderness

[Kiran and Yūrei were now leaning with each other, playing their respective electrical guitars]

Kiran:Wow, Breakin' the rule
Roppou zensho ja shibarenai
hanran bunshi sa
Furiageta nigiri kobushi ga oretachi no JUDGEMENT

[The camera pans to show each respective member onstage before finally zooming out to see Kiran and Yūrei strumming their guitars for one last time as their song ends]

Everyone began to clap and cheer when they heard how Kiran delivered his song onstage, mostly impressed with Kiran's singing voice - most who have encountered Kiran, never expected to even hear himsing at all. Now that they know... They are very impressed.

"That was impressive, Kiran."Nilou said with a smile, clapping her father-in-law's (Kiran is Caelus and Aether's father-in-law, fight me) performance onscreen.

"Yes! Please, one more song, KIRAN-ANIKI!"Itto obnoxiously shouted, wanting to hear more of Kiran's performance onscreen. Kiran reeled a bit before smiling at Itto's praise for his singing ability.

"That was... Mostly unexpected, but a welcomed surprise."Acheron said, a small smile forming on her lips - she has witnessed Kiran's combat capabilities and is impressed, but seeing him be a master of something else outside of combat, most definitely impressed her.

However, Robin was still flabbergasted when she finished listening to Kiran's performance onscreen - never having expected Kiran to be even capable at singing. Sunday noticed this and looked at her.

"Don't let that man get to you, sister - you know your voice is nothing but perfection compared to his. Remember that."

Sighing, Robin nodded in reluctance to her brother's words... The screen then began to play the next song.

[The screen now showed Arlecchino standing on the stage, holding the microphone as heavy rock music began to play]


The Harbingers and Lyney, Lynette and Freminet were surprised to see Arlecchino onstage and holding a microphone, about to perform a song. They have never seen or know what Arlecchino does in her free time, but seeing this has placed a new perspective on them about the Knave.

"Oh? It seems the Knave is about to sing a song."Dottore said, smirking to himself at the mere idea of the ruthless Fourth Harbinger being able to sing in her own free time.

"This should be fun."Columbina merely said with a small smile, kicking her legs as she looked up at the screen, excited to hear her fellow Harbinger sing onscreen.

Freminet looked meek for a moment before muttering," I never thought we'd see or hear the day that Father would actually sing..."

Lyney merely chuckled at his brother's words and patted his head, making Freminet look up at his adoptive brother meekly.

"Neither did I, Freminet - but I guess that it's unexpected at best."He said with a small smile. (I still cannot believe that this is the same person who also shares the same voice with Blade)

Arlecchino:Jigoku de nabe PARTY
"Saa, Naoki-chan,
Kyou no yuushoku wa nani ga ii kashira?
BAGNA CAUDA? Soretomo... jigoku nabe ni shiteyarou kaaa!"

Furina couldn't help but flinch when she heard how much terror and menace Arlecchino put on her voice while singing onstage. Hearing her speak is terrifying enough, but putting that much terror and menace on her singing voice? It was enough to make her legs shake.

"It sounds like Arlecchino plans to cook someone alive for dinner."Kiran said with a blank look, translating the Romaji lyrics for everyone to understand - which made everyone look at him and Arlecchino in surprise. There were already enough rumors to make the Knave look like she was a monster in disguise, but adding this sort of theory made everyone's stomachs churn at the mere thought of it.

"That sounds something the Knave would definitely do."Yūrei deadpanned, which made Arlecchino glare at the former Sixth Fatui Harbinger at his words.

"I'd watch my words if I were you. We may no longer be colleagues, but I still hold enough power to put you down."Arlecchino threatened, which made everyone shiver in fear whoever heard it within her range. That threat sounded genuine and not the playful type.

Guess the Knave doesn't play around, does she...?

Arlecchino:Akuma no jigoku nabe wa
Kudaranu jinrui ga shokuzai sa
Kusoripu okuru dake no omae wa
Masa ni konya no MAIN DISH

"Heh. This reminds me of those times that the House of Hearth threw barbecue parties."Lyney said fondly, which made everyone look at the magician in surprise. The House of Hearth actually holds those kinds of events...?

"Wha-? You guys actually do that?"Paimon asked in surprise before her questioning look was immediately replaced with a hungry look," Oh... Now Paimon wants some barbecue herself...!"

Arlecchino couldn't help but smirk," Then maybe next time, I shall extend an invitation when that happens."

"Um... We're honored?"Aether asked, not knowing what to make of this - somehow it felt like a trap but at the same time, it felt like she was being genuine.

Arlecchino:Hakusai onegi buta bara
Donna najimi no gu yori
Akuma gonomi no odashi ga toreru ze

[The screen then flashed to show Arlecchino onstage, wearing a completely different outfit, while accompanied by Lyney, Lynette and Freminet onstage]

Arlecchino closed her eyes as she tried to drown any thoughts of seeing herself on such clothing onscreen. She mostly never complained about anything she wore, but seeing herself wear such clothes onscreen evoked a completely different feeling.

Childe whistled," Nice look, Comrade. Not bad, I must add."

"Indeed,"Columbina added with a small smile of her own," That outfit totally catches your aesthetic, Knave."

Lyney, Lynette and Freminet blinked in surprise - never having seen their Father in different clothing in the past, but now that they're seeing this... Evoked a new feeling that they have for their Father.

"Whoa..."Lynette merely said, blinking her eyes at the sight of Arlecchino's outfit onscreen," Impressive choice of clothing, Father."

Arlecchino looked at Lynette with her usual cold look before nodding her head at her daughter's words," Your praise is welcome, Lynette."

Arlecchino:KIMCHI yori mo akai chi no aka
Tarumi kitta hara niku umai ze

[Arlecchino and Lyney lean on each other's backs as they reached their hands out on the screen with a menacing grin before showing them sitting in a circle in front of a boiling pot, as if they were performing a demonic ritual]

Arlecchino:Yami nabe no zetsubousuru kurai
Kuraku fukai nabezoko

[Arlecchino removes the pot as red fumes came out of the pot]

Arlecchino:Jigoku nabe
Party Night!

[The scene then shows children from the House of Hearth holding various ingredients for hot pot before showing Arlecchino onstage once more with an evil grin as the song reached its end]

Silence reigned in the theater. Then... A clap was heard coming from Lyney, Lynette and Freminet. Slowly, everyone in the room also began to clap for Arlecchino's performance - clearly impressed with Arlecchino's menacing and melodic performance of her song onscreen. The entire theater was then clouded in claps and cheers for Arlecchino's performance.

"That was an astounding performance, Father!"Lyney praised, clapping at Arlecchino's singing onscreen. Lynette and Freminet were also clapping alongside him. Arlecchino could only smirk at her children's praise for her performance.

Robin... Was shocked that there was another person here who could sing better than her. The way she looked at Arlecchino, she pegged her to be intimidating, cold, and no-nonsense like Kiran. But... Seeing her perform, absolutely floored her as the next song began to play.

[The scene now showed Caelus standing with a microphone onstage as a melancholic and slow instrumental begin to play]

TONIGHT - restart from this night -

Caelus:This one goes out to you, Firefly...

Caelus looked down upon hearing the mention of her name, memories of what occurred in the Dreamscape still haunted him to this very day. It was as if it was a nightmare he cannot wake up from... And it hurts him deep inside.

"Kid..."Kiran said with a frown on his face, having also been a witness to the gruesome event in the Dreamscape alongside Black Swan and Acheron.

Caelus sighs and shakes his head," Please don't..."

Firefly, who was watching from a distance, looked down, as if she felt guilty for making Caelus feel this way... Did she actually hurt him this deep? Maybe she'll apologize later in order to soothe his sadness.

Caelus:Muchuu de tsuranuita itsuwari no JUSTICE
Nigitteita hazu no te wa itsushika hagureteita

[Caelus began to tear up as he continued to deliver his song onstage]

Caelus:Meguru kisetsu kizamu tokei michi wo tagaeta futari...

[The screen then flashes to show various clips of Caelus and Firefly's time spent around Penacony's Golden Hour, one that brought cheerful and bright memories]

"Oh Caelus..."March 7th sighed sadly, hoping that she could try and comfort Caelus, seeing how such bright memories made him sad. She wanted to wrap her arms around his shoulders and bring him in for a big, comforting hug.

"Kid..."Kiran said, looking beside him and seeing how Caelus actually started to tear up as Kiran placed his hands on Caelus's shoulder and squeezed it gently in an attempt to comfort the poor boy from his past experiences," I'm sorry... I should have done more..."

Caelus shook his head and wiped his own tears," It's not your fault... Please..."

The other women who grew close to Caelus also began to feel sad at the sight of seeing the Trailblazer tear up at such painful memories in a bright and joyous place.

Caelus:Sou Tonight kon'ya mo
Mata Tonight tameiki tsuku hitorikiri ja
Uwagakenai omoide

[More clips of Caelus and Firefly's time in Penacony's Dream's Edge is shown]

Caelus:Naa Tonight chikai no
Sou Tonight basho de matsu yo
Konna yoru wa omae ni aeru kigashite

Firefly looked guilt-ridden as she continued to listen on how Caelus poured all his sadness onto this song, making her even more guilty on Caelus's current condition.

"Caelus... I... I'm sorry..."Firefly said, unaware that tears began to trickle down her eyes and her throat dried up from trying to formulate words when she will confront Caelus once more.

Caelus:Futari mata aruite yukeru nara
Mune no furukizu mo hoho tsutau namida mo
Waraibanashi ni kaete miseru sa...

[The screen continued to display clips of Caelus and Firefly's time in Penacony before the song finally ended - showing the picture that Caelus and Firefly took on the Dream's Edge...]

And that was enough for Caelus, as the dam has finally burst open as Caelus began to sob uncontrollably as tears trickled down his eyes as he covered his face with his hands, his sobs loud and agonized.

Everyone was immediately taken aback when they saw Caelus go through his breakdown, not knowing what to do. Kiran immediately stepped forward as he brought Caelus close to him and trapped him in a comforting embrace, hoping to bring some comfort into the Trailblazer's mind after the agonizing events that took place in Penacony.

"Kid, it's all right..." Kiran whispered over his ear, patting his back," You're all right..."

Caelus, in between his sobs, choked out," I miss her... I miss her so much..."

"I know you do..."

One by one, each member of the Astral Express began to join in on the hug, hoping it would bring some peace of mind onto Caelus's sadness. Firefly, who was watching from a distance, was also crying. She wanted to approach Caelus and apologize for hurting him, but... She doesn't know how to approach him after supposedly faking his death in front of him. No words came to her head...

If I Can Stop One Heart from Breaking, my ass. Listen to TONIGHT - restart from this night - instead.

After comforting Caelus, Kiran patted his shoulder one last time with a sad smile as the next and last song began to play.

[The scene how shows Aether and Paimon standing in the stage, holding their respective microphones]

Summertime Groove

Aether snorted - oh, he can't wait to hear how Paimon would sing onscreen. First time he heard Paimon sing in the Teapot Bar™, she was screeching like a parakeet. But now? It's even more hilarious than it was the last time he heard her sing.

"Wait, wait - we're actually gonna hear the Floating Lavander Melon sing? Oh man! THIS SHOULD BE HILARIOUS!"Itto began to laugh at the mere thought of hearing Paimon sing, which made Paimon fume as she shook her fist angrily.

"Paimon can't wait to hear you sing as well, Bull Chucker..."

Aether and Paimon:"Hachinen kataomoishita ano ko ni kokutte furareta yo"

[Paimon then took over the vocals]

Paimon:Isse ichidai no LOVE LETTER
Yomare mo sezu ni yabura LETTER
Kankeisei mo hibiwa LETTER
Kizu ienu mama hi ga kureta...

Aether snorted as he understood the translation. Apparently, it says that a person that Paimon likes rejected her without even reading the letter she wrote. The image formed on his head and thought it was funny already...

"Paimon having a crush on someone? Well... That's new."Kiran said with a teasing grin as he crossed his arms, looking at Paimon with a grin. Paimon just punched Kiran's face with her tiny baby fists.

"Oh, shut up! Paimon only likes food and nothing else!"Paimon shouted, her face red in anger from Kiran's teasing.

Aether:"Omae ga suki datta ano ko no kareshi
Kiita tokoro ni yoruto, SOCCER-bu no CAPTAIN de ikemen de bunbu ryoudou.
Hensachi mo shinchou mo omae yori 20 mo takairashii yo
Korya mou oteage dane hahahahaha"

"PFT... See? Even Aether is making fun of you."Yūrei said, his teasing grin getting even bigger, which seemed to irritate Paimon even further as she wanted to land a hit on both their faces.

"Okay, okay - stop making fun of her, kid."Kiran said with a firm look, but deep down, he wanted to keep teasing Paimon about what he's hearing onscreen. It's as if they're hearing one of Aether and Paimon's usual conversations.

Aether:Kono tabi wa maji goshuushou-sama...

Paimon:Iyaa, hidoi me ni atta mondayo...

Aether:Zutto me de otteta monne chou geki mabu na kanojo
Jitsu wa tsukiatte mou yonen ni narun datte

Paimon:Eh? Yonen? Sonna mae kara!?

Aether:Sasuga ni futsu kizukudaro maji donkan sugiru zo

[Paimon then pretended to cry as Aether placed his arm around her shoulder]

Aether:Sonna nakuna yo genki daseyo
GA tto to kibun irekaenakya… Souda!
Ore to HAWAII demo iku ka!?

[The scene then flashed to Aether and Paimon singing on a stage in the beach. Aether was swinging a towel over his head as a crowd, where Kiran and Yūrei were seen as well, were also waving their towels]

Aether:Namida de gusho nure no

Paimon:Kono kanashimi wa kieru koto nai!

Aether:TOWEL mawashite odoridase! SUMMER DAYS!

Paimon:Dakedo HAWAII wa chotto ikitai

[The scene then showed Paimon crying on the beach as Aether was comforting her before pointing at something - an ice cream cone with arms and legs wearing a pair of swimming trunks as it flexed its muscles. Aether and Paimon looked at it in awe]

Kiran, Yūrei, and Caelus and Aether's other friends snorted when they saw how Aether and Paimon acted onscreen that even Kaeya choked on the wine he was drinking, surprised that even Paimon would imagine such a thing.

"PFT... A walking ice cream cone...?"Aventurine snorted, finding it funny as Paimon's face has finally turned red as she stomped her legs.


Aether:Nangoku hosei de motemote sa! 

Paimon:Moshika shitara wanchan aru kana?

Aether:Unmei no hito mo iru kamoyo!

Paimon:Manzarade mo nai ki ga shitekita!

[The scene switches back to Aether and Paimon singing on the stage]

Aether:Saikou no natsu! Ore to go shuushou SUMMER!

[Aether and Paimon took a leap before looking at the screen with grins on their faces]

Aether:Woooooh~ Go! Shuushou Summer!

As the song reached its end, everyone clapped their hands at the performances of Kiran and Yūrei, Arlecchino, Caelus and Aether and Paimon - even whistling at them to praise their singing onscreen.

"That was the most amusing song I've heard in a while..."Jing Yuan said with an amused look on his face, chuckling that such a song exists.

"Well, you have to agree that the Knave's song is definitely something..."Childe said with a smile of his own, actually liking his fellow Harbinger's performance with her song," I hope I could hear myself sing a song in the future as well..."

"Well... Caelus's song was definitely an emotional one..."Ruan Mei said, while her face was neutral, she couldn't help but deep down, she actually felt sadness for Caelus's current situation.

"Let's not forget that Kiran and Yūrei's song definitely fits the two of them..."Aether said, actually finding the song JUDGEMENT to be fitting for both Kiran and Yūrei.

Meanwhile, Robin was at a loss for words - after hearing such songs, she all of a sudden felt inferior after their performances came to a close. Their voices were something else compared to hers... It was as if her voice was nothing short but inferior compared to theirs...

"Oh, don't let such trivial matters get to you, sister,"Sunday said in a rather disappointed tone," You know you're still the best and you carry the perfect voice. So... Don't let such things cloud your mind. Understand?"

After hearing her brother's words, Robin reluctantly nodded her head...

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