Naruto the Child Rearing Bada...

By aliceaileen

10K 688 451

Naruto found a baby who turned out to be the devil king. (Highschool!Naruto!) More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 2

1.6K 128 45
By aliceaileen

Naruto's eyes snapped open as he stared at the ceiling of his room in a 1LDK apartment.

"To think all that was just a stupid dream... Koneko-chan being a youkai and a devil...and I become the devil king's dad..."

He got up and sat on his bed before his hand squeezed something sort of soft.


The Uzumaki froze hearing the familiar voice and looked down on his hand.

There, he found Koneko with cat ears and tail curling up beside him.

And his hand?

It's groping Koneko's budding chests.

"Calm down my hand..."

A grope followed by a moan.

"You're going too far there..."

Another grope, another moan.

"Huh...Koneko-chan has a cute butt–wait, where the heck did that come from?"

He took another glance at the Nekoshou's rear, appreciating the view in front of him before another familiar voice interrupted him.

"Are you done, pervert?"

The Uzumaki froze up and slowly turned to his right side.

There, he found Hilda with a flat look on her face and Baby Beel sitting on her lap looking at him. The disdain from the former and confusion from the latter were clearly expressed on their face.

"...I can explain?"

Hilda's stare didn't wither until realization dawned on Naruto.

"...wait, if you're here...and Koneko-chan has cat ears and tail..."

A mocking smile crept up to Hilda's face.

"Congratulations, it was not a dream and you're officially a father as of yesterday."




His scream woke up the sleeping Nekoshou who was drowsily looking at Naruto.

"" Naruto's finger shakily pointed at Hilda.

"You're his father and I'll be his mother." Hildegarde cut him off without allowing Naruto to make a rebuttal. "Starting today, we're going to raise him into a wonderful king to destroy all living beings!!"

"Da!" Beel cried out a warcry.

Koneko hissed at Hilda.

Naruto passed out.



Naruto took quite a while to process the information Koneko gave him before staring into nothing.

He nodded sagely.

"Ah, I see...dis a karma for what I've done...honestly was all their fault...I was only beating 'em up in self-defense..."

Koneko, Hilda and Baby Beel sweatdropped at the blonde teen.

"I guess this affected him a lot more than I thought..." Koneko mused before poking his cheek. Never once did she see him acting like this before.

Naruto quickly moved away from Koneko and pressed his head on the floor.

"Devil-sama, please don't take my soul away! I'm still a virgin and my dream of eating every ramen in the world isn't fulfilled yet! I also haven't confess to–"

"Da-bu!" Baby Beel slapped his face. (Idiot!)

Surprised by the slap, Naruto glared at the toddler before shaking him repeatedly.

"What the fuck did you just do, asshole!?"

Koneko sweatdropped and Hilda glared at the Uzumaki.

'Did he really do that to a baby? And confess?! Does Naruto-kun have someone he likes!?' thought the former.

"Da-bu!" The baby gave him a thumbs up. (Don't worry, I have your back!)

Naruto's eyes widened as if understanding what the baby was saying.


"Dabu! Dabu! Daaa!" Baby Beel waved his hands excitedly before pointing to himself confidently. (I know this is all new to you, but don't worry, both of us will overcome this together!)

Baby Beel offered him a fist which then Naruto bumped with his own.

Meanwhile, the girls deadpanned at the two.

"I guess this is a men's romance that Rias-senpai told me..." Said the white-haired devil with her brow twitching.

Afterwards, they gathered around the table once more before Hilda revealed Baby Beel's identity to Naruto and Koneko and what would happen now.

"You're chosen as the Devil King's father."

Naruto dropped his jaw with Baby Beel still excited in his hands.

While Koneko was skeptical about the baby being the Devil King that existed at the beginning of time, she couldn't help but do one thing for Naruto.

She laid a hand on his shoulder, causing the Uzumaki to turn to the loli devil.

A deep condolence was clearly written on Koneko's face.

"Good luck."

"Hey, what!? No! You're not backing out on me at times like this!!"

"Actually... I am. None of this concerns me so..."

"Aren't we best friends!?" Naruto asked and Koneko looked away. "Oi!"

The Uzumaki turned abruptly to Hilda who was drinking her ice tea.

"Quit joking already! What do you mean I'm the Devil King's father!" He pointed to Baby Beel who grabbed his finger.

"Just because some kid got attached to me!"

Baby Beel climbed his arm.

"Gimme a break!"

He climbed his shoulder.

"Like I give a damn! We're not taking a part in this!"

Baby Beel settled on his head with a victory warcry as the background sound to Naruto's complaints.

"'re not convincing anyone with Baby Beel on your head..." Koneko deadpanned. "And please don't drag me to this..."

Hilda stared blankly at Naruto before opening her lips.

"So you're backing out?"

Naruto picked up Beel from his head and shoved him toward Hilda.

"Fuck yes I am! Now take the kid and leave!"

Hilda closed her eyes.

"I see. That's great."

She said, surprising the devil and human in front of her before smiling beautifully that caused Naruto to blush.

Koneko frowned upon seeing the red hue on Naruto's face but it faded until the next words froze the two.

"I will now proceed to kill you."

Koneko tensed before the pressure overwhelmed them and watched her unsheathed a sword from the umbrella.



A part of Koneko's apartment room blew up with a flick of Hilda's wrist before both devil and human ran away.

Koneko swiftly took Naruto's hand and led him away from the insane woman, hoping that Rias and the others would notice her situation, which unfortunately wouldn't happen since Hilda had set a perimeter to block all magical energy from being sensed and used around Kuoh Town.

She would need to survive until then but right now she was afraid, terribly so. This woman was scarier than everything she had encountered in her life and her glare alone would have killed her if not for her priority to keep her crush safe.

"We need to get away, Naruto-kun! Even if I'm a devil, I can't win against that woman! We should get you to a safer place!" The girl said frantically and this was the first time Naruto had ever seen Koneko panicking like this. "I hope that Rias–"

"Calm down, Koneko-chan!" Shouted the blonde, gaining the smaller girl's attention. "It'll be ok! Besides, she only wants me and you'll be safer if we split up!"


"No buts! See you tomorrow if I survive this, Koneko-chan!" The Uzumaki ran off, leaving the half youkai alone. And true to what he said, Hilda didn't even bat an eye when she passed her.

Koneko gritted her teeth.

"...stupid Naru!"

The Nekoshou chased after her best friend and she couldn't help but wonder why her speed was slower than usual. While she knew she was a Rook piece, her speed shouldn't be this slow.

Shaking her head, she decided to think about that later.


"How in the hell are you still clinging on to me!?" Asked Naruto in disbelief after noticing Baby Beel hanging upside down on his back.

He swiftly positioned the toddler on his shoulder before the baby fell. "Geez, here I was having a peaceful life taking care of my fans and now I'm being chased by a gorilla woman who tried to kill me."

"Gorilla woman?" A voice chimed, causing Naruto to stop and sweat profusely. "I see. You really have a death wish."

The Uzumaki looked around before looking up above a pole.

Hilda was standing up there with her 'umbrella-sword' in her hands glaring at him.

However, there was another thing that caught the blonde's eyes.

"...high leg black lace..." the Uzumaki muttered with blood dripping from his nose. "Thank you...whatever God out there..."

Hilda blinked, realizing that she was giving him a free show.

She quickly pushed the skirt down to cover herself before gaining a tick mark on her forehead.

"I hate ecchi..." The woman growled.

"Hey! It's your fault standing over there!"

Hilda's glare intensified before she smirked.

"...very well, it seems like you really want to die..."

Seeing the look on the woman's face, Naruto knew she wasn't playing around any longer.



Baby Beel shook his head with his pacifier in his mouth.

"Akubaba!" the woman shouted, calling for a name before a massive bird-like demon landed in front of Naruto with a menacing stare.

Hilda didn't have any time to give an order to the demon though since Naruto immediately knocked it out with a kick to its head.

"Kya! Kya!" Baby Beel chirped excitedly seeing the Uzumaki defeated the demon with one hit.

The two then left the dumbfounded Hilda seeing a human easily take down a demon.

Even if it was a low class demon, it shouldn't be possible for humans to do such a thing.

At a much more secluded place, Naruto took a moment to regain his breath while ignoring the chatter of a few thugs recognizing him as Demon of Kuoh.

He didn't have time for them and had to continue his escape before that woman caught up–

"Are you giving up?"

Naruto heard Hilda's voice and felt something sharp beside his head.

"Oi! Look at the demon!" A thug said, noticing the Uzumaki was cornered by a pretty busty blonde woman.

"Nice! Let's help her!"

"Maybe we can have some fun with the babe later on!"

Hilda's ear twitched hearing that and she swore when she was done with Naruto, there'd be three less humans on earth.

Naruto turned his head slowly, trying to take a look at his soon-to-be killer only for her blade to graze his cheek, drawing blood.

"If you're done running away, then I should end you now before erasing those three–" Said Hilda before she noticed there were sparks of electricity around them.

The woman and Naruto turned to Baby Beel whose eyes were tearing up seeing Naruto's blood dropping to his cheek.


"Y-young master...!?"

Naruto turned to Hilda and the woman did the same, facing him.

"I'm blaming you for this, troublesome woman!"



A loud wail, and the whole place blew up as lightning struck everywhere, including the three thugs who turned to dust.

That was the scene Koneko saw upon catching up with Naruto.

Hilda managed to move into a safe distance while Naruto was being showered with multiple lightning strikes.

"Y-Young master! Please, don't throw a tantrum...aaah!!" reasoned Hilda before being struck by lightning itself, following the destruction of nearby properties and screams from other humans.

'This is way beyond a tantrum!!' Thought Koneko as she narrowly lowered her head from the incoming strike.

She then spotted Naruto dropped to the ground face first and swiftly moved beside Hilda who was watching the build-up electrical discharge in hopelessness.

"Hey, you! Can you do something about this!? We can't let this get any worse!"

"...we're doomed."


Hilda slowly nodded her head before calming herself.

Baby Beel's current power was enough to erase the whole continent and it kept rising.

"There's no way to stop the young master once he's gotten like that...and when he's built up enough energy, all living beings on the Earth's surface will be erased..."

Koneko turned pale after hearing that.

Hilda turned to the white-haired devil.

"Well, it is nice knowing you even if it's only a brief–" Was what Hilda was about to say until all of the sudden, the build up magical energy they sensed disappeared as if it never happened.


Their eyes widened when they heard a familiar voice before turning to the source.

The girls saw Naruto putting his hand on Baby Beel's head.

"No man cries out loud like that."


"You'll get made fun of, y'know..." The Uzumaki stared at the baby.

Meanwhile, Hilda was in disbelief and in awe seeing Naruto stopping her master's tantrum.

'No way!! I couldn't even get him to stop crying yet he was able to by just doing that!?' Hilda shook her head. 'Wait, that's not the surprising part...the real reason for the devil king to have a parent is so that it can act like a catalyst to help him draw out his massive magical power in the human world! And to be able to draw that amount of power in such a short time they met means that...Naruto is without a doubt, qualified to be the young master's father!'

Beel's eyes glittered before Naruto stood up and turned around.

"Now, don't cry again." He waved a hand without turning back, not seeing the amazed look Baby Beel shot at him. "I'll be leaving now, Beel."

'Damn, I'm so cool for saying that.'


The devil women noticed the noise and looked up at the utility tower slowly falling toward Beel who didn't notice it.

"Young Master!!" screeched the gothic maid in panic. No matter how strong Beel's magical power was, he was still a toddler and something like that would have hurt him.

Before Hilda could react, Naruto had dashed toward the baby and picked him up in his arms.

The two looked at the falling tower with widened eyes and before they knew it, Naruto unconsciously drew out the magical power Baby Beel built up and redirected it toward the tower, erasing it and the blast continued reaching up the sky and destroying a quarter of the moon.

This spectacle was noticed by people around the world including the supernaturals, wondering what could have destroyed a large part of the moon and how they should covered it.

"The destroyed..." muttered Koneko in fear with her eyes widened as saucers before looking at Naruto who was on one knee and Baby Beel in his arms. " that baby..."

" wasn't the young master who did that..." murmured the maid while shaking her head, catching Koneko's attention. "The young master would have destroyed this whole continent since he couldn't properly control his magical was that man's doing..." Continued the woman, surprising the white-haired Nekoshou. "He...unconsciously took in all the built up magical energy the young master had and used it to destroy the tower ...and some part of the moon too..."

The two then approached Naruto only to find he passed out either due to the near-death experience or exhausting everything he had to take in Beel's magical energy.

"Anyway..." Hilda poised her sword at Koneko who was caught off guard. "I can't let you go and inform your master about this incident, can I?"

"A-are you going to kill me?" Asked Koneko. With Naruto incapacitated, she couldn't do anything against this woman since only the Uzumaki dared to rebut her.

Or that's what she thought until a tattooed hand gripped Hilda's sword.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing to Koneko-chan, bitch?"

Hilda's eyes widened seeing Naruto conscious this soon.

It didn't stop there as a tattoo-like seal formed on his hand.

The contract with the Devil King.

"Stand down or else. I don't care if you're Baby Beel's caretaker or anything...if you hurt Koneko-chan, I'll hurt you 100 times over." His blue eyes narrowed and his pupils slitted, promising pain if Hilda did hurt the white haired devil. "I'll start by pulling your fingernails one by one before I skin you alive and drown you in a drum full of Spiritus."

Hilda swallowed hard at the threat while Koneko blushed at Naruto being protective of her.

At the same time, Hilda could feel her cheeks heating up at the cruelty he promised.

"Y-yes, Naruto-sam– ah, I mean, Naruto."

The blonde raised an eyebrow the same time when Koneko narrowed her eyes at the blonde woman.

"Dabu..." Beel's eyes watered a bit seeing the blood and while he tried his best not to cry, it seemed that he reached his limit.

Electricity started to spark around them once more.


Flashback End

" that wasn't a dream huh..."

The blonde sighed with Baby Beel back in his lap. He then looked up at Koneko who was now dressed with his oversized shirt and still had her ears and tail out for the world to see.

Embarrassed by the longest attention Naruto ever gave her, Koneko shyly looked away and her ears twitched several times.

"D-don't stare at me too's embarrassing..."

"...anyone who'll be your boyfriend is gonna be a lucky asshole..." grumbled Naruto, not noticing Koneko's deflated ears since the blonde didn't consider himself as her possible boyfriend in the future.

"Anyway." Hilda cleared her throat. "I brought the young master's necessities here and since we're going to be staying together from now, you're going to sleep on the floor while I take the bed with the young master."

Naruto sweatdropped while Koneko hissed at Hilda.

"This is my place and I'm the one who gets the floor? Besides, Koneko's place is ruined from your gorilla– Crash! –not gorilla strength...she should have the bed." finished the Uzumaki with a wary glance at the broken desk in his room.

Koneko decided to chime in at that moment.

"Um, actually, Naruto-kun, Buchou called me last night and I told her that my place got struck by lightning too."

Naruto raised an eyebrow.


"Yup. Those lightning bolts struck many places and Buchou asked me to stay with her at the ORC's clubroom."

The blonde sweatdropped hearing that before turning to Baby Beel who dozed off in his lap.

"So I guess you'll be staying in the clubroom from now on?"

Koneko nodded though she was reluctant to leave Naruto alone with Hilda.

"Oh well. We could have caught up with our game but if Gremory wants you to stay with her, it can't be helped..."

Naruto shrugged before Hilda decided to join their talk once more.

"Speaking of which, I took the liberty to call your parents yesterday– cue Naruto's eyes widened in fear –and they should arrive here from Tengu city around–"

"Where's my daughter-in-law and my grandson-ttebane!"

Both Koneko and Naruto jumped from the voice from the front door.

"...fuck me sideways..." he deadpanned at Hilda who smiled beatifically. "My mom's gonna murder me for this..."


The door to Naruto's room was kicked open by a red-haired woman in a casual outfit of long dark blue silk pants and cream colored blouse.

Koneko immediately hid her cat features and moved nearby Naruto, warily eyeing Naruto's mother whose beauty rivaled her King's sister-in-law.

The woman's hair swayed wildly behind her before her eyes found Naruto's.

"H-hi mom..." He greeted shakily with his teeth chattering.

"...Sochi..." the woman growled before stomping toward the blonde Uzumaki.

He closed his eyes, preparing for the worse.

The mother hugged him tightly.

"I'm so proud of you! Unlike your pussy of a father, you managed to give me a grandson in your high school years!"




The woman pulled away from Naruto before looking at Hilda.

"You must be Hildegarde, right? It's nice to finally meet you! I hope my stupid son doesn't trouble you a lot!"

"None at all Mrs. Kushina, in fact–"

"Shush! None of that Mrs. crap. Just call me mom!"

While Naruto's mother and Hilda chat with each other, Koneko felt something bubbling inside her.

She was the one who knew Naruto first ever since she met him at the taiyaki stall. 

This happened when Koneko was in the first year of her junior high school and Rias was in her third year.

The Nekoshou was finally allowed to join Rias in the human world after being drilled about common knowledge of being a normal human.

Around the first week before the school start, Koneko was allowed to roam the town and the girl  stopped when she smelled red-bean paste coming from an unknown food stall that had baked fish-shaped cakes being made.

She was curious about the food since in the Gremory mansion they didn't have this kind of food. 

Unfortunately, she didn't bring any money with her since she didn't plan to buy anything and all she could do was watch people buy and go with their taiyaki, except for a certain blonde haired boy with red highlights on his sun-kissed hair along with six lines shaped like whiskers, three on each side of his cheeks.

He offered her one of his taiyaki and since she was a bit disconnected to other people and almost showed no emotions, she was a bit wary of him until Naruto said that it was better eaten fresh.

Koneko took it immediately, ignoring the voice telling her to be wary of the human boy in front of her.

First bite and she fell in love with sweets, especially taiyaki.

First bite before she took in the boy's appearance carefully and memorized his smell before returning to her food.

Koneko unconsciously devoured it in an instant and when she felt the food was gone from her hand, the Nekoshou glared at the boy, thinking that he took it back.

Only for the boy to give her a small chuckle.

"Good, isn't it? Here, you can have the rest." 

Koneko could still hear the first words Naruto said to her.

That was the first memory she had with him and it was incredibly precious to her.

She was the first one to have a crush on him and hearing Hilda saying that he was his wife to his mother made her furious.

Noticing Koneko growling at the two women, Naruto couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

"Are you okay, Neko-chan?"

Koneko managed a stiff nod.

"Huh? Who's this girl, Sochi?" asked Kushina, noticing that the girl was wearing her son's shirt.

"Oh, this is Koneko-chan, she's my–"

"I'm his girlfriend."

Koneko cut the blonde Uzumaki off.

Naruto droppes his jaw, even Hilda didn't hide her surprise hearing Koneko's declaration.



Naruto slowly moved his hands to Baby Beel's ears to cover them seeing his mother's hair swaying wildly behind her.

"...why...why Koneko–"

"YOU LITTLE SHIT!! YOU'RE CHEATING ON YOUR WIFE!?" Kushina's voice thundered across the whole apartment building, surprising a blonde haired man going up the stairs with suitcases in his hands.

" in peace, son..." muttered the man with a horrified look.


Read, like and review!

They give me fuels to write more!

I'm slowly getting back in writing though I'll take it slow due to my condition too.

Next chapter will have Naruto going back to school after his rowdy morning!

Let me remind you, here, baby beel and his followers, including Hilda are Primordial devil that exist before the creation itself.

They have their own hell which has other primordial devils such as white, yellow, black as baby beel's followers.

As for Koneko revealing her ears and tail for Naruto to see, it'll be explained later.

Speaking of, waking up early in the morning make it worthy!

Got Aoko in 2 multi!

Good luck for your pulls fellow master!

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