CUPID | (ONC 2024)

By Magic_Dew

137 35 73

I shot Cupid because I didn't want to fall in love again. Kore is a young maiden living on an island owned by... More



4 2 5
By Magic_Dew

Well I wonder. Do you hear me when you sleep? I hoarsely cryWell I wonder. Do you see me when we pass? I half-die.Please keep me in mind

-The Smiths


"I will find you... I promise."

"Will you be quiet, Xene? You're supposed to be hidden," Apollo says before covering Xene's mouth with his hand. They are currently crouching behind some brushes near Cupid's residence.

Xene's face lights on fire with Apollo's hand on his skin. Not because he's flattered, but because Apollo's hand feels like it's made of the sun. Xene quickly shakes the hand off of his mouth. As much as he wanted to yell in pain, he kept quiet.

Apollo has dragged Xene to Mount Olympus because word got around that Cupid had brought another mortal girl into a place where she shouldn't be. That girl is most likely to be Kore. On their trip here, Apollo explains to Xene exactly how he's going to shoot Cupid: with no regrets.

Xene himself has been spiraling over his situation. Making a deal with Apollo is the most dangerous thing he has ever participated in. Here Xene is, in Mount Olympus, with a few bows and arrows slung behind his back, and currently crouching in the God of Love's bushes.

"Alright," Apollo breathes. His eyes flicker to all parts of the garden. "Looks like we're good to keep moving."

Apollo stands up. A few leaves fall off his clothing as he exits his previous hiding spot. He starts to creep towards a tree closer to Cupid's house.

Xene doesn't understand this part of the plan at all. From what he knows, mortals aren't allowed to be in Mount Olympus, despite Kore being allowed here. Also, Apollo has been banned from stepping foot on Cupid's property. With these factors, the two have been creeping around for almost an hour now. Xene is starting to lose motivation.

"Why can't we break into the house?" Xene asks. His impatient voice breaks the silence. Xene doesn't see Apollo's reaction because he's too busy searching the exterior of the house. Cupid's home is much larger and grander than a normal home. Its tall stone walls closely resemble a castle.

Apollo makes a bunch of shushing sounds before hopping behind a tree. A low voice is heard from him, "Cupid has numerous servants. If one of them sees us, then our plan is ruined."

Xene bites back a groan. He's doing his best to put his trust in Apollo. He still can't help but find this ridiculous. All he wants is to get Kore back and some revenge on Cupid. Apollo has turned this into a game, however. Is this what the Gods do all day? Roll around in each other back yards?

"How do you know that Cupid's even here?" Xene watches Apollo army crawl under a log when he could have just stepped over it. His bright white clothing turns a brown color in the process. Apollo then moves into a low squat before answering Xene's question.

"I don't." That is all he responds with.

Xene's feet are starting to cramp. His back hurts from the borrowed weapon on his back. Over all of this, his lovesick feeling never fades. Xene can picture Kore's face perfectly. Every passing moment he thinks about her. He is so determined to get her back from Cupid. He can't even guess how horrible it is for her to be with him. The sooner he can find Cupid and shoot him, the sooner he can save Kore and run back to his homeland where they can continue their perfect life together.

After a long ten minutes. Xene and Apollo make it onto the back patio. It's a luxurious place with a pool and a seating place. This is the type of design Xene sees on vacation when he goes and visits royal places.

Once Apollo decides it's safe to enter Cupid's house, he leads Xene through many rooms. They only pop their heads into possible spaces Cupid could be in. Apollo walks through the house swiftly, but still on guard. He has given Xene his most prized bow and arrow. Apollo now relies on Xene to shoot anything that is considered dangerous. God didn't even check to see if the human knew how to shoot a bow before supplying him with one.

Eventually, they reach the kitchen. Apollo declares he's hungry before storming into the room and looking through Cupid's cabinets.

"Apollo! We shouldn't be taking anything," Xene warns. He stays by the door. Apollo waves a dismissive hand before taking a handful of grapes.

Xene grips onto the bow's wooden surface hung around his shoulders. His fingers tap impatiently, waiting for Apollo to finish his snack. He watches how he only eats half the grapes in the bunch before carelessly leaving it on the table.

Xene's stomach growls under him. Seeing all the fresh fruit displayed on the table tempts him. He's done his best to resist, but his body has gotten to a point where it aches. Apollo sees him approaching the kitchen table. With an orange in his hand, Apollo offers it to Xene.

Before Xene could wrap his fingers around the fruit, a voice shrieks from behind.

"Who are you? Apollo! Get out, you're not supposed to be here. Drop the food!

Xene spins around to see a shorter woman with an apron tied around the waist. Her furious eyes flicker between the mysterious man and Apollo. Xene's heart quickens, and he starts to back towards where Apollo stands. Apollo doesn't seem to care, however.

"Hey there, uh, we were just, uh, dropping something off for Cupid," Apollo tries to lie his way out. The woman crosses her arms before rolling her eyes.

"Nonsense. Apollo, you've caused enough chaos in this house. Get out or I'll let someone know that you've brought a mortal here." She points to Xene who tries to keep his chin up high. To show that he's strong, even if he feels frightened by being caught.

"You wouldn't do that to me, Maria," Apollo turns his head downwards to her. His eyes lock with hers before continuing, "Besides, it would be a shame if Aphrodite found out that her precious son had a relationship with his kitchen staff."

Maria, the servant girl, stands there in shock. Her mouth closes tightly.

Xene watches the exchange quietly. Maybe if he stands still enough then he'll become invisible.

The woman then suddenly rushes into the kitchen. She pushes past the men. Xene jumps out of the way, his hand flies to his bow handle. Apollo notices him and holds up a hand telling him to wait.

Maria doesn't bother them but only cleans up the mess Apollo made in the kitchen. She shoves the grape stems into a napkin before talking again.

"It's not like Cupid would know you're in his house. He's off on vacation," Maria informs Apollo before swiftly leaving the kitchen. Apollo and Xene stand in shocked silence. He's not even here. They spent all this time expecting Cupid to be on Mount Olympus, and he's not here. Great.


1140 words

Posted 4/25/2024

Hi everyone! This is a superrr short chapter. The goal is to only make this story 20,000 words and we're getting pretty close to it!

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