a lot of taiream


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Disclaimer: these characters are owned by Sega! Strap in for a lot of taiream short story's long story's tair... More

Tails and cream and the embarrassing situation
Cream finds out about tails and his... Crush! part. 2
A rainy day at the cafe
The night train ride
Wait for the end
a date that goes wrong
The heroes kiss- what could have happened in sonic heroes
The carnival

Cream finds out about tails and his... Crush!

88 3 31

Cream's pov 

Cream: tails.

Tails: yeah?

Cream: are you coming to the party as well?

Tails: me well only if I get invited.

Sonic: oh yeah that reminds me, here you go bud.

Tails: what's this?

Sonic: your invitation.

Tails: ok well I'll be, going to the party then.

Amy: so you: tails, and cream, then, me, and sonic are going. who else is going?

Sonic: I'm not sure, but we know who will be there.

Amy: yes the chaotix, the popular ones here.

Tails: I never will understand what makes some people popular, and others not. especially at our school! because, if there are reasons for, why people become popular, it is definitely not based off of, personality.

Tails had a point

Amy: say tails...

Tails: Amy why are you saying my name like that?

Amy: well now... did you really think that, you could get away from, it that easily?

Tails: w-what are are *gulp* you... talking about!?!

Amy: now, now tails I want to hear about it:

Amy: who are you, taking to the party?

Tails: you mean as a date!?

Amy: yes it is time for, you to man up, and stop being so shy.

Tails: now now, lets not get to excited. I-I can't um get a date.

Amy: oh really why?

Tails: umm...

When tails couldn't find an answer Amy said:

Amy: now tails, what you need to do is: ask Cosmo out!

Tails: what! No no noo

Tails blushed red, and I smiled. he looks so cute when, he blushes.

Tails: hey wait a minute! who are you, going on a date with amy?

Sonic: me.

Amy: yeah! but not before you tried to ask blaze out first!

Sonic: I thought it, would be fun. plus you always got shadow...

Amy: shadow is busy!

Sonic: well in any case, blaze did not accept.

Tails: why?

As soon as tails asked that question, Amy looked at him like she was ready to kill him!

Tails: what? Im just asking!

Amy: she said no because, I am sonic's girl not her!

Sonic: well actually, she said no because: she already had a date.

Cream: really, with who?

Amy: can't be silver.

Sonic: congratulations Amy, you got it right!

Amy: wait you mean? silver is the one, who asked blaze out!

Sonic: yeah!

Tails: he finally brought himself to, ask her huh?

Amy: I spoke with silver recently. and he seemed like, he was trying to tell her... but he would, always get to nervous.

Cream: well that is, good for silver.

Tails: yeah! great for them! so he finally brought himself to tell her?

Amy: just like, you need to be doing tails!

Tails: no no no calm down Amy! I don't need to...

This went on for a while, but the thing I noticed, the most was: that tails agreed with me! I love it when he agrees with me. I mean he is a genius, after all.

anyway I kinda have a small crush on tails... oh boy just the the sound of his name makes me start to day dream...

Amy: you have to get the courage, to ask a girl out right cream?

Cream: ... Oh um right Amy!

Amy: see?

Tails: ... So is old knux, taking Rouge to the party?

Sonic: if you know knuckles, you'll know that he's definitely taking Rouge.

Amy: so we got: me and sonic, going together! then we've got: silver and blaze, going together! now all we need is, to find someone for tails, and someone to ask out cream!

I really wish that, tails would ask me out! oh well.


It is the night before the, big school party. but we all wanted to have a sleep over, the night before. That way, it would be, just friends... and it was going to be fun!

we chose tails place because, it was big and, cool and, there where no adults. me? I didn't care if there where adults. but that was one of the, reasons everyone else chose it.

Cream/sonic/amy/silver/blaze/knuckles/rouge: hi tails!

Tails: hi guys, come in.

We all walk in, it is so much cooler, and spaces than everyone has been, talking about!

Cream: wow tails, this place is cool!

Tails: why thank you cream. I like it myself

Tails: say Amy, can you come here for a second?

Amy: oh um sure.

They go into tails bedroom, and then, a few seconds later... Amy walks out with a face of happiness, and I hear tails say:

Tails: now you can't tell, or show anyone!

Amy: don't worry tails, you're secret is safe with me.

Hmm wonder what, that was about...? I began to walk closer to, tails room. but before I get there, I see tails run in front of me... blocking my path, he even seemed a bit red.

Cream: ???

Tails: sorry umm...

Tails: (nervously shouting) everyone listen, there is one rule do not go into my room.

Blaze: sure

Silver: ok

Knuckles: why...? you got something embarrassing in there or something?

Tails: maybe...


My curiosity got the best of me, and I went into tails room. I had to know, what was going on...! I made sure that, he didn't notice me of course.

and when I got there, what I saw was... me! a lot of me! there was the name "cream" everywhere he even, had a few sketches of me! I didn't know, tails could draw.

Cream: *gasp*

Oh no! I cover my mouth, hoping no one heard that. then... I hear this from, the other room:

Tails: what was that? don't worry... ill go check it out, you guys keep doing, what your doing.

That made my heart stop! he was going to catch me in here! oh boy, here we go, this was going to be an awkward conversation. then... tails opens the door, revealing: me standing there in shock!

Tails: ... I-I... Can explain.

Cream: its fine tails... you need to be, less shy all the time.

Tails: I know... sorry.

Cream: its ok tails, you know... I've been looking for: an adorable fox, to ask me out, to that party.

Tails: well you got one.

The end. 

Thanks for reading.

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