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╰┈➤˗ˏˋ 𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 Y/N Constance Serenity is brought to witness the unfolding love triangle underneath th... More



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Y/N rested on Serena's shoulder as she slept. All the crying had ended up lulling her to sleep. 

Serena had wrapped her arm around Y/N's shoulders holding her close. Victor's henchmen were speaking outside 

"No, not at all. The younger one one is asleep and the older one isn't saying a word. She's keeping a perfect poker face. None of the food or water we've given them have been touched. Getting her to sign is one thing, but how are we going to get her to write down an address? What do we do? He'll be back tomorrow..." 

Serena nudged Y/N awake "Y/N?" she whispered "Wake up sweetie...." 

"Hm?" Y/N scrunched up her eyebrows as she blinked open her eyes "Serena? What's wrong?" 

Serena whispered a plan into Y/N's ear and Y/N paused for a few seconds before nodding slowly and clutching her cross necklace in her hands  

"Okay....okay then" 

"Alright..." Serena kissed her forehead and helped Y/N stand up 

Serena went to knock on the door and one of the henchmen opened it 

"Hmm? What is it? Changed your mind, have you?" 

Serena stood in front of him with her hands behind her back and Y/N stood behind Serena with her hand clasped around her cross necklace 

Before he could say anything Serena yanked him into the room and stabbed his neck with the tiny poisoned needle that was hidden inside her cross necklace 

"You--! Wait...!" the man said as he fell to the floor 

Y/N lunged at him and pinned him to the floor as Serena rushed to the phone. Y/N pulled the end of her cross necklace off to reveal the tiny poisoned needle and held it over the mans neck 

Serena held up the phone and dialed a number as her hands shook 

"Serena..."  Eiser's voice came from the phone "Are you hurt? Is Y/N with you? Is she okay?" 

"No...I'm okay...and Y/N is okay also..." Serena's voice shook as tears pooled in her eyes 

Y/N sighed a silent breath of relief as she heard Eiser's voice. It had unknowingly calmed her and her hand slowly stopped shaking

"All right. Do you know where you girls are?" Eiser asked 

 "No...not long after we got in the car, our kidnappers covered our eyes" 

"What about before then? Did you see what direction the car was going?"  

"The forest. The car headed to the outskirts of Wellenberg and entered a forest" Serena said to Eiser

"After that I have no idea. We are currently in a two-story wooden house. That's all I know" Serena continued 

"Close your eyes and recall any sounds or scents as best you can no matter how trivial"  Eiser asked 

"It smelled a little bit like paint" Y/N spoke up "And it was faint, but I also think I heard a slight sound of machinery" Serena relayed Y/N's words to Eiser 

Footsteps were heard and a voice spoke out "Oi Jack! Why are you so quiet? What are you doing in there?" 

Serena flinched "Oh, one of the men watching us is coming back. I don't think I'll be able to contact you again" Serena spoke into the phone 

"That's fine. This should be enough for me to go on" Eiser said "Serena, I know you're scared and I also know who's behind the kidnapping of you and Y/N. I'll come find you soon so just...stay calm, take care of your sister, and wait a little longer" 

"Yeah...okay. I will" 

Y/N pushed on a pressure point on the man's neck waking him up



Serena and Y/N were back to sitting on the mattress leaning against each other 

Serena slumped down onto the mattress and took Y/N with her pulling Y/N to her chest with her arm around her little sisters shoulders 

She ran her thumb up and down soothing Y/N who was having trouble relaxing 

A sound at a door was heard and Serena pulled her and Y/N to a sitting position 

The man from earlier knocked at the door and opened it

"Hey! It looks like Sir. Victor has arrived at the entrance! Have you still not signed the thing?!"

"Ah damn it! If you don't sign this, your really might die! It's not a threat we could all genuinely die if you don't sign it!" He raised his voice and Serena remained silent 

"Hurry! Do it quickly! Just use anything for now!" He grabbed the paper, pen, and Serena's arms "If you don't want to die like this do it quickly!" 

Y/N winced from his loud voice, her lack of full sleep and nourishment was causing a strong migraine 

"What are you doing? Let go of me!" Serena wrenched her arm away from him "Don't get too close!" 

Suddenly, a loud gunshot sounded from outside and Serena and Y/N froze 

"Was that Victor? Dammit I haven't even gotten the papers signed yet!" The sound of gunshots continued and footsteps got closer up the stairs 

"Oh, he's here! He's here! Look, he's gonna kill us now!" the man grabbed Serena again "Hey, grab the pen! Write something quickly! Anything for now!" He shook her as he yelled 

Y/N grabbed the mans arms and tried to pull him away from Serena "You get your hands off my sister!" she yelled in his face but alas, her body had taken a heavy toll over the past three days from the lack of any basic amenities and the shock that she had endured on the first day. The man was able to fling her off his arms and send her to the floor. But she had tripped and twisted her ankle....and slammed her head into the corner of the windowsill knocking her out. 

She fell to the ground as blood slowly oozed from her head wound and Serena dove down to her sister 

"Y/N! N/N!! No..no no no..please no..." Serena's hands shook as she carefully brought Y/N to her lap forgetting the mans yells for her to sign the paper 

The man had grabbed Serena's shoulder and forced her to look at him "Just grab the pen at least!" 

"Let go of me!" Serena tried shove him away with her free hand "Let go" 

Y/N's consciousness faded in and out but she heard and saw was a gunshot and a man falling down 

The man holding Serena's shoulder turned to look at the door 

A man appeared holding a weapon - a gun 

Eiser had appeared 

Even with her consciousness not stable, Y/N felt relief that he was finally here and she could go home to her little dog Teddy, her soft bed, and home to Raul. 

"Ah...that's not Victor? What's going on? Who are you?" but before the man could finish speaking, Eiser rained gunshots onto him 

Serena covered Y/N with her body and held her sister close trying to keep pressure on Y/N's bleeding wound as Y/N faded into sleep 

Gunshot after gunshot it's like his magazine had no end to the bullets 

"Don't...that's enough now..." Serena said weakly "Stop it!" her voice began to gain volume 

"EISER!" she finally yelled and the gunshots stopped 

"Enough...please stop now..don't kill him....that guy...please don't kill him!" Serena began to cry

Eiser tucked his gun into his jacket and walked over to where Serena was holding Y/N close as she cried 

Eiser reached out to take Y/N from her arms and he pulled the girl into his lap inspecting her wound quickly before he pulled Serena close to him 

"Don't cry...I didn't kill him. He's not dead" 

"Gun's...and the sound of gunshots...it scares me and I hate it" Serena confessed and Eiser stayed silent 

He stood up carrying Y/N in his arms making sure her head rested on his shoulder to keep pressure on the wound and he kept Serena close to him as he left the room

Raul was standing at the bottom of the stairs and his concern rose as he saw the state that the two sisters were in

"Y/N?! Is she okay?" Eiser gave him a short nod before walking out the house 

Raul followed him outside to the car "Sir Eiser! I'll report to the police, and I'll take care of things here, don't worry!" 

"There are people on the second floor too!" "First take away their guns!" the shouts of Eiser's men could still be heard from the house 

Eiser placed Serena and Y/N in the backseat of the car. Y/N was laying her head on Serena's lap with Eiser's handkerchief pressed to her wound 

He began to drive off away from the house and into the forest 

Y/N had drifted in and out of sleep but the only things she remembers were the following. A cold wet cloth to her head, Serena and Eiser hugging each other by the river, and Eiser placing his jacket across her and Serena as she drove away from the river and she fell back into a solid deep sleep. 


When Y/N woke up she saw a blurry image of Eiser and a unknown person doctor person 

She weakly turned her head to the side; it was still night time. She scrunched her eyebrows together and moved her head back to it's original position 

She felt a cold cloth on her head and cringed when a water droplet made it's way down her head to her neck 

"She experienced shock and a surge of stress and tension is what I suspect. On top of the head injury, she'll have a fever which will be a short-term side effect. It should dissipate within three to four days with proper meals, hydration, and medication. And of course proper sleep." 

"Her head injury isn't too serious but she did loose a lot of blood as I am seeing signs of anemia as she's pretty weak and pale so hearty dinners with meat are best for her while she is healing. Make sure to keep an eye on her temperature as the head injury can cause it to fluctuate while it's healing. Otherwise, no internal bleeding or brain swelling. She'll be okay. Contact me if anything happens" The doctor person concluded to Eiser 

'Certantly feels like I have a fever...'  Y/N thought to herself. Her whole body felt weak, her head wouldn't stop pounding, and she felt overly sensitive on her back as she felt the affect of neuroimmune synapse (It's a result of complex interactions between your immune system and your brain)

The doctor left the room and Eiser turned to look at Y/N who just stared right back at him 

He sat down on the chair by her bed "How are you?" 

"Mgh" she grunted 

"That's not an answer" 

She scrunched her upper lip for a moment "Not rainbows and sunshine" 

He tilted his head slightly in amusement "Come sit up" he helped her slowly sit up and gave her a glass of water which she gulped down greedily 

"I'm hungry" she said when he took the empty glass from her 

"I'm having a meal prepared for you" Eiser replied as he helped her lay back down "Are you feeling well enough to talk?" 

"For a short while, why?" 

"The doctor says you went into shock and Serena said the same but she didn't say why. Would you tell me?" 

"What's up with you? You seem like you care a lot more now" she said, her voice slightly hoarse 


She smiled weakly and played with the sleeve of the white long sleeve chemise which she had been wearing under the blue dress "My body went into shock because of Victor" 

His eyebrows furrowed "...Victor?" 

She went on to explain how she had first met Victor...when he had murdered her parents after her father failed to go through with a business venture and how she, at age seven, was forced to watch. How she escaped and was later found by the Serenity family. 

How she had met him once at the ballet academy where she (she left out the part where Serena was there, opting to protect her sister's privacy) watched him kill a man, how her principal made her give Victor a tour of the academy, and how he showed up at the end of the anniversary party. 

She told him how these encounters never gave her shock in the moment but the after affects were sometimes detrimental. 

She told him that the weight of the situation at the house was too much for her to bear and she had gone into shock. 

The entire time she spoke he remained silent, only listening to her 

This time, his eyes didn't seem a piercing blue like they usually did, to her, it was warmer, like an older brother kindly looking down at his younger sister 

She finished speaking and there was a silence in the room, which was broken when there was a knock at the door and Eiser got up to open it and walked back to her carrying a plate of food 

Her eyes widened and sparkled at the sight of the food but narrowed when she saw the medicine 

She hid under her blanket when Eiser placed the food on the small side table 

He pulled the blanket off of her and told her that she wouldn't get her blanket back if she refused her medicine 

He chuckled slightly when she muttered something about 'I bed you'd take a blanket from a sick mans bed' as he poured the medicine onto the spoon and held it out to her 

She made sure to lay the dramatics on thick as she swallowed the medicine which did not faze Eiser in the slightest 

At least she got her blanket back 

He sat at her bedside reading a book as she ate her food 

She swayed side to side and hummed in content as she enjoyed her dinner happily munching on her meat which felt amazing  to eat after not having anything for three days 

Her medicine helped calm her fever symptoms which she was sitting up 

She put her fork down "How's my sister? Is she okay? Oh gosh I can't believe I'm asking this nowwww" She put her head in her hands 

"Calm down, Serena is okay. She's resting" 

Y/N sighed in relief "That's good. I must've taken the heaver hit then I guess..." 

"I suppose so, head injury, mild anemia, fever, light malnutrition and dehydration. You did take the heavy hit" Eiser turned his attention back to his book 

"So where are we now?" she asked as she slathered butter onto a slice of bread

"A safehouse, we'll remain here for a while" 

"Mkay" she ate the bread 

When she had finished her meal, she placed her fork and knife down, rubbing her eyes "Bedtime" 

Eiser took the tray away from her and placed it on a stool by the door 

"How do you feel? Better?" 

"Uh huh...but I'm really tired" 

"That's to be expected from the medicine" Eiser helped her lay back down and pulled the blankets up to her chin "Make sure to get ample rest, you'll need it to recover" His hand lingered on her head for a moment more before he closed the curtains, shut the lights in her room, and closed the door softly


Y/N had slept through the following day but when she had woke up, she complained to Eiser when he told her that she was on bed rest until her fever broke but he managed to bribe her with a Sir Arthur Conan Doyle book 

She had been receiving letters from Raul which were mostly updates on the hotel and Teddy. He always ended his letters with little drawings of hearts, a little doodle of Teddy, or a cartoon drawing of the two of them holding hands 

Serena had visited her room a lot and the two sisters had held onto each other tightly when Y/N had first woke up from her 30 hour nap 

Her head wound healed quickly but that didn't mean her fever was over 

Every time that Y/N tried to swing her legs over the bed Eiser would somehow appear in her doorway telling her to get back into bed and he would never listen to her repetitions of "I'm fine" instead, he tucked her back into bed until she couldn't move and all she could do was stick her tongue out at him  

She and Eiser had developed a somewhat playful sibling-like banter whenever he came in to give her medication 

Their latest was when Y/N called him 'boring' because she only sees him reading business-related books 

When her fever broke earlier than expected, she didn't say a word lest she would receive an 'I told you so' from Eiser. Suppose that bed rest did pay off 

When she finally went outside, she immediately laid down in the grass and soaked up the sunshine for hours and Eiser had to carry her inside after she refused to go inside 

Eiser held her arms as she stood up, she wobbled slightly as she got used to standing. Being on bed rest for three days meant that she would have to 're-learn' how to walk 

She took a few steps with his guidance before she got instant and walked on her own 

She wandered through the house to the outside where she rushed outside in glee at the sight of the grass, sun, and twinkling water 

She took a tumble and rolled a bit on the grass before pulling herself upright into a sitting position 

Eiser stood by the door for a while watching her and turned back to go inside and be with Serena 


"Time to go inside" Eiser said as he stood above Y/N who was laying in the grass 

"No thank you. I'll sleep outside here. Goodnight" 

He picked her up and brought her to her room

She fell asleep 15 minutes after he put her to bed 

Much less awkward than four years ago and much more sibling-like than four years ago


The following day, Y/N had been woken up by Serena who was shaking her shoulder 

"Y/N! Y/N! Wake up!" 

"Mmghh whaaat" Y/N squinted at Serena and covered her eyes when her older sister opened the curtians to let the sun in "Nooo!!!" Y/N whined 

"Y/N! I need to tell you something! Oh gosh, Y/N wake up!!" 

"Okay okay I'm up! Is it Christmas morning or something?" 

"No silly! I kissed Eiser" 

A pause 

Another pause 

Another long  pause 

"I beg YOUR FINEST PARDON, SERENA?!!" Y/N finally yelled and Serena quickly covered Y/N's mouth to prevent her sister from shouting more 

"I've been struggling with my emotions towards him lately. That's what I had asked you about you knowing that you were in love, when we were back at the manor. I like him, Y/N. I really do" 

A large smile grew across Y/N's face "I knew it!" she giggled "That conversation gave it away!" 

"Stop it!" Serena couldn't help the smile grow across her own face at her younger sisters teasing 

"Yayy!!" Y/N squealed 

They spent the next few minutes chattering over relationships and Y/N teasing Serena (and helping her sister recognize the situation from multiple angles) 



Y/N wandered around the house and into the kitchen to find a little snack to eat 

Her chemise swished around her ankles as she climbed up onto the counter to open a cupboard where her new favorite snacks were being stores 

Eiser came walking down the hallway and stopped when he saw her climbing around in the kitchen 

"What are you doing?" 

She turned around "I got hungry" 

"Well unless you want another head injury you should get down" he walked toward her 

"Uh huh" she grabbed her cookies and slowly climbed down at the same time that Serena came down the hall 

"Were you climbing on the counter?" Serena raised an eyebrow at Y/N 

"Yeah. Cookie?" she held the box out to Serena and she took one 

There was a knock at the door and Eiser went to open it 

"...Lovis? Why are you here?" 

"Miss Serena called me! I saw that you left a memo this morning. So I ran over here at the crack of dawn" 

"What about the thing I said to take care of?" Eiser asked as Y/N walked up behind Eiser 

"Hi Mishter Lovish" (mister Lovis)  she said with her mouth full with cookies 

"Miss Y/N! Wait- why are there bandages on your head?" 

"No mather" (no matter)  

"Anyways, I never knew there would be a day where Miss Serena would look for me, I'm honored" 

"Oh you're here already" Serena poked her head out from behind Eiser 

Eiser ran his hand through his hair "Serena you...it hasn't even been that long since we talked" 

"Why would I wait? The thing that I'm most interested in these days is you" 

Lovis' eyes widened as Y/N handed him a cookie "Want one?" 

He took the cookie from him "Is is just me or are they much closer than they used to be?" he whispered to Y/N 

"No, you're right. They are closer. Like, wayyyy closer" and they both grinned at each other 

Eiser turned around "I'll be heading inside so talk however much you want" 

"Mmm. I'll head inshide as well." Y/N stuffed another cookie into her mouth and walked back into the house to look for her brother-in-law 

She found him sitting with a book over his face. She stood over him while munching on a checkerboard cookie. He took the book off of his face and looked at her "What" 

"So what happened between you and my sister while I was out? 'Cause I remember a car ride away from that house and then a cold wet cloth on my head and I vaguely saw you and Serena hugging each other" Y/N couldn't help the smile that graced her face as she jumped onto the chair across from Eiser 

"We worked through misunderstandings" He replied shortly 

"Uh huh....okay. Well, I got the rest from Serena so I'll spare you the 20 questions" Y/N looked out the window at the water and the focused back on her cookie box. It seems that she intended to finish the poor box 

Eiser tilted his head as he subtly watched his sister-in-law "She's so much more carefree and lighthearted around me. Before it was formal words and short sentences. She's changed" he thought to himself as Y/N slid the cookie box across the coffee table 

"You're already boring reading all those business books so humor me and eat the cookies" 

"What does business texts have to do with cookies" 

"Cookies aren't bland" she swayed side to side with a large smile which Eiser returned with a tiny grin

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