Happily Ever After (A Flashli...

By fklee3yahoocommydl

8.7K 170 124

Princess Twilight Sparkle could not bear the thought of never seeing her beloved, Flash Sentry, ever again. M... More

Prologue; Princess of my Heart
Authors note
Finding Answers to Questions
Magic Journal, Part 1. Messages for the Princess
The Magic Journal, Part 2. The Decision
The Magic Journal, Part 3. The Response
The Showcase
First Kiss...sort of
I want to Break Up...
Twilight's hidden talent
In search of new models
The ride there...
First photoshoot
Jealous of the Violet Girl
Let's get the show on the road
Her moment
Make me yours
Time of need
You Say
Back together again
Goodbye, Princess...
Hospital Visit
The Marriage Proposal
Wedding Bells
Epilogue; Happily Ever After
Thank You!
Thank you so much!!!
Mid-Autumn Festival special + 8.3K

Friendship is Magic

204 5 4
By fklee3yahoocommydl

Twilight's POV: 

Today was the last round of the Musical Showcase. We practiced a lot, and we sounded great. But only one of us can win. I really hoped one of us win. 

When we reached backstage, Flash Drive greeted us happily. Soarin walked over to Rainbow Dash and tried to kiss her, only to be pushed away by a red-faced Rainbow Dash. He smirked and when she wasn't looking, he quickly gave her a light kiss on her cheek. Her reaction was priceless. The Rainbooms and I giggled. 

When Soarin and Rainbow were having a small fight, Flash and I huddled in a corner. 

"Good luck, Twily," he said quietly. "I-". Flash hesitant. "I love you." 

I looked up at him, staring into his blue eyes. "I-I love you too," I said, blushing a bright red. 

He cupped my face in his palms and gave me a soft kiss on my lips and we stayed like this for a moment. 

"Ahem." Sunset interuppted us. The Rainbooms had been watching our little moment and were smirking. I was mortified. I quickly parted my lips from Flash and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before joining The Rainbooms. 

"You guys were having fun, huh? Sorry we ruined the moment." Rainbow said with a smirk. 

"Shut up," I mumbled. 

We were first on stage. I quickly got my microphone and we headed on stage. 

(This is the original artist)

(But I like this cover by Reese Oliveria)

Twilight singing: 

Sometimes you think you'll be find by yourself

Cause a dream is a wish you make all alone

Sunset joins in with Twilight: 

It's easy to feel like you don't need help

But it's harder to walk on your own

Rainbow Dash and Rarity singing: 

You'll change inside

When you, realize

Everyone singing:  PONY UP! 

The world comes to life

And everything's alright

From beginning to end

When you have a friend

By your side

That helps you to find

The beauty of all

When you open your heart and

Believe in

The gift of a friend

The gift of a friend

Twilight and Fluttershy singing: 

Someone who knows when you're lost and you're scared

There through the highs and the lows

Someone you can count on, someone who cares

Besides you where ever you go

Applejack and Pinkie Pie singing: 

You'll change inside

When you, realize

The world comes to life

And everything's alright

From beginning to end

When you have a friend

By your side

That helps you to find

The beauty of all

When you open your heart and

Believe in

The gift of a friend

Twilight singing: 

And when the hope crashes down

Shattering to the ground

You, you'll feel all alone

Sunset singing: 

When you don't know which way to go

And there's no such leading you on

You're not alone

Twilight singing: 

The world comes to life

And everything's alright

From beginning to end

When you have a friend

By your side

That helps you to find

The beauty of all

When you open your heart and

Believe in

When you believe in

You can believe in, 

The gift from a friend

There was silence. And then, thunderous applause from every corner of the auditorium! The Rainbooms and I grinned at each other and we ran off stage. 

"You guys were amazing!" I exclaimed, hugging them all tightly. "You were pretty fantastic yourself, Twilight," Sunset said, smiling. I beamed. "And we ponied up! It feels great to have wings again!" Rainbow cheered

After Flash Drive finished their performance, it was time to announce the winner. I was so nervous. I really hoped one of us win.

"All of you have put on an exceptional performance tonight, and I couldn't be prouder of each and every one of you," said Principal Celestia, beaming with pride. "However, as you know, there can only be one winner. Regardless of the outcome, I want you all to remember that music is something that should always be cherished and loved."

Pausing for a moment to gauge the audience's reaction, Celestia continued, "Now, without further ado, I am pleased to announce the winner of this year's Musical Showcase. This performer has captured the hearts of everyone in attendance tonight, not only with her incredible singing skills but also with her irresistible charm and the compassion that she has displayed towards others. She doesn't only show us this when she is singing a solo, but when she is in harmony with others, she makes sure her voice blends in with her fellow members. She has shown us that music is not just about singing, but it is also about connecting with others and spreading joy through her beautiful soul."

The entire room was filled with anticipation as Celestia finally revealed the name of the winner. "Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this year's showcase is none other than Princess Twilight Sparkle!" The audience erupted in cheers and applause as I stood there in shock.

Sunset's POV: 

The Rainbooms and I cheered as Twilight's name was said. "Go on, Twilight! You deserved it!" I gently pushed Twilight on stage. She walked onto the stage and shook Principal Celestia's hand. Principal Celestia smiled warmly at her and handed her a beautiful trophy. Then, Principal Celestia handed her the mic for her to give a speech. 

(Twilight's trophy)

"First of all, I would like to thank everyone here for enjoying my performance," Twilight said in a bright, clear voice. "I would like to thank my friends, The Rainbooms," She smiled at us. "For supporting me. As you know, I am not from this world. And they've helped me face so many challenges. I am forever grateful to you guys." She said, smiling lovingly to all of us. 

I gave her a thumbs-up as she continued, with a slight blush on her face. "I am also very grateful to Flash Sentry. He gave me love and care, something I've been trying to find for a while. I'll forever be thankful to you, Flash." She said, looking at Flash lovingly. He winked at her from the bottom of the stage. She smiled. 

She passed the mic back to Principal Celestia, who smiled at her proudly. Photo Finish took a bunch of photos of Twilight and her 'dream boy', The Rainbooms and her, and a group photo with the whole school. 

"You know, Friendship really is magic." Twilight said to us as she hugged us all tightly. 

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