PRINCESS 2 [Charles Leclerc]

By f1povs_1

118K 3.4K 202

Princess Elisabeth of Monaco only wants to enjoy her life with her husband Charles Leclerc and their little d... More

Recap Last Year
1. First Steps
2. State crisis
3. Goodbyes
4. Plan
5. Home
6. Fight
7. Pascale
8. Birthday Morning
9. Birthday Party
10. Mon Ange
11. Leaving
12. Changes
13. Radio Check
14. King
15. Family Goals
16. Meant to be
17. Friends
18. Grace 1st Race
19. Where is Charles?
20. Be a Prince
21. Losing me
22. Charity Match
23. The Nanny
25. Media Day
26. Ryan
27. Elisabeth
28. Hurt Feelings
29. Two of Us
30. One Night
31. Noisy
32. Missing
33. Monaco GP
34. Celebrations
35. Another Leak
36. Fired
37. Doubts
38. Vacation
39. Flowers
40. Cheating
41. Separate You
42. Some Time
43. Midsommer
44. The Plan
45. Back to be Royals
46. Girls & Boys
47. Provoke
48. Trap
49. Good Team
50. Happy
51. News
52. Should've seen it
53. Baby No. 2
54. Day on the Yacht
55. Preparations
56. Stop
57. Father
58. Affair
59. Nightmare
60. DNA
61. Pregnancy Announcement
62. The Throne
63. Destiny
64. You didn't care
65. Cramps
66. Code P-E
67. My Fault

24. Lights Off

1.8K 51 5
By f1povs_1

I can't believe Charles didn't do anything about this, that he just left. Leaving me behind. Louise is about to follow him but I stop her.

E: Stop.

L: What is it?

She turned back around with a big smile on her lips. God, I could just. Nevermind.

E: Don't you ever dare to interrupt me and Charles ever again.

L: You don't want me to call you when your baby is crying?

E: Actually, no. This is your job. That's why we hired you. If you can't deal with Grace, then bye.

L: She knew you were here, how am I supposed to calm her down?

She still has that big smile on her lips. It's making me really mad. Who does she think she is? I could just fire her like right now.

E: We are here for like... what? 10 Minutes? You wanna tell me you tried to calm her down?

She doesn't say anything, only looking down. I laugh.

E: Yeah, I see. Leave now. I don't wanna see you again tonight.

I open the door. She goes out, she knows she has to do it. She turns around again and curtsy.

L: Good night, your highness.

E: Stop playing games.

I slam the door right into her face. I take a deep breath before I make my way upstairs to Charles and Grace. I try to be silent and walks into her room. She sits on Charles lap as he rocks her on the chair and reads something. Her head lays on his shoulder. I smile and watch them for a bit.

E: Do you wanna bring her over to us? I'll warm up her milk.

I whisper as I notice Grace gets sleepy. Charles looks up to me and nods. He gets up, Grace already very sleepy, cuddling in his arms. I'm going to warm up the milk and get changed into my sleepwear while waiting. Charles wants me to sit down on the bed and lays Grace into me.

C: I'm gonna get the milk.

His soft voice is calm. He gives each of us a kiss on our head. I look to Grace. She's the only person who's making me fight every day right now. I would've already break down if not her. I stroke over her back to make her fall asleep but she's not really comfy and unhappy. She struggles. She wants to sleep but can't.

C: Maybe this helps.

Charles comes back and hands me the hot but drinkable milk for her. I turn her into another position to feed her the milk.

E: Come here, baby girl.

I smile and try to feed her while Charles is going to get changed for bed. Grace also doesn't want milk and pushes the bottle out of my hand. 

E: Grace, are you serious?

I yell at her. I'm at the edge of my nerves. I can't. She starts crying. I moan frustrated and try to calm her down again. Charles comes out of the dressing room. He picks up the bottle of milk to give it back to me before he joins us on our bed.

C: What's wrong with you, huh, mon ange?

G: Daddyyyy!

She reaches out for Charles, still crying. I sigh and hand her to Charles. He picks her and feels something.

C: She's very warm.

I get surprised and hold my hand against her forehead. I sigh and lean back. Our baby is getting sick.

E: Please not now.

C: Could you take her?

He hands her back to me before he goes up. He comes back with light medicine. I nod as he looks at me.

C: This is gonna help you feel better again.

Grace obviously doesn't want to take it. I try to hold her.

E: Be brave, sweetheart.

Charles tries it again and it works this time. We cheer on her, showing her she did good.

C+E: Bravo! 

Charles strokes over her cheek as she goes back to him
to cuddle. I watch them. He is the best dad for Grace. He will do everything for her. That's the man I felt in love. All of the love I missed the couple of days is coming right back. I love him.

C: Just like her mom.

Charles winks to me as Grace felt asleep in his arms while he was rubbing gently over her back. A little bit later I start to cuddle with Grace so Charles can finish getting ready for bed. I put Grace next to me onto the bed so she can sleep between us. She loves it. I watch her sleeping peacefully. I hate that Charles and I are arguing. We were never fighting until now. I don't know how to act. I miss him.

I take out my phone to sent a text and put it quickly away as Charles comes back.

C: Mrs. Stealing my place, Gracie. Where am I supposed to sleep now?

He jokes while whispering. I giggle. I open my blanket for him to come next to me. He comes to cuddle with me. We both watch Grace sleeping now.

E: I hope she won't get sick.

C: She'll be fine.

I sigh. She is supposed to come to the race in Sunday. With the current talks about our relationship it would be a mess if Grace is not coming with us. Did I really just say that? That I need my baby in the public? Oh boy...

C: Princess?

Charles turns me to him so I can look into his eyes. I know where this is going.

E: I wish you would've say something to Louise. She's getting-

C: I'm sorry. Okay? Let's just forget about this and focus on Grace.

He strokes over my cheek. I lean into it. Is this how to solve fights? Just forgetting about everything? About all the hurt feelings?

E: Charles, she didn't even try to calm Grace down.

C: Louise wouldn't have made it without us anyways. Grace is sick.

E: Are you protecting her?

I get even more hurt. How can he say that? Doesn't he care about me anymore?

C: Princess, please.

He sighs.

C: I'm really exhausted and I don't wanna fight with you anymore.

I don't know what to say about this. I'm speechless. I don't have any words to describe my feelings. Charles pulls me closer to him and gives me a kiss.

C: Good night.

He switches the lights off.

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