Let Me In ✔️ | ENG

By Sarae-Seong

676 50 370

In a need of a break from her demanding job, Carmina seeks refuge in a hidden gem of Italy - Amalfi Coast. Bu... More

Author's Note
〉 Let Me In 〈
〉 Let Me Read You 〈
〉 Let Me Fix It 〈
〉 Let Them Talk 〈
〉 Let Me Know 〈
〉 Let Me Try 〈
〉 Let Us Dream 〈
〉 Let It Last 〈
〉 Let It Go 〈
〉 Let Me Mourn 〈
〉 Let Me Be 〈

〉 Let Me Confess 〈

32 4 39
By Sarae-Seong

That comforting warmth, that flickering fire with its hues of carrot, suddenly felt distant and chilly, as if winter had arrived in the middle of summer. How could someone be so tender and passionate in their touch, only to bring a freeze to everything around them later? It's as if the heart were akin to a music box, cherished for its sweet melodies, yet discarded when its song ceased, left untouched like a forgotten, broken toy in a corner.

How could this be? Those hands, which mere hours ago lovingly tangled in his hair, now clung to the coffee cup she held alone on the terrace, as if he were a mere phantom in this room. How could those eyes, which just yesterday gazed upon him as if he were the only person in the world, now lack any spark? And those lips, so tenderly whispering his name, now refused to accept their shared feelings? Daehyun's gaze lingered on her form, so close yet impossibly distant.

But who could understand it better than he himself? Even his wealth and fame couldn't heal the loneliness within his four walls and that foolish notion that perhaps he wasn't meant to have everything. Dae knew that feeling all too well: when you deny yourself something willingly, when you scream, cry, and claw, yet it changes nothing. But sometimes opportunities left unseized can burden you for a lifetime. And he definitely had enough of his share of remorseful decisions.

"Carmina?" His hands wrapped around her waist, and his chin rested on her shoulder. She involuntarily nestled her head against him. Dae set the coffee mug on the table before gently turning her face towards him, still cradled in his arms. It was time to confront the truth.

"You can deny it as much as you like. I know you feel the same as I do. I know because I could see it just a few hours ago."

A heavy stone weighed her down, a burden she hadn't expected. She cleared her throat. "Stop confusing a one-night stand with feelings."

A subtle smirk played on his lips. Her resistance was all too obvious, all too predictable. His hands traced a slow path down her arms, slid down to her back, and as he pulled her close, they trailed along her spine with practiced ease. Carmina shivered at his touch.
"So, everything we did yesterday... meant nothing to you?"

"Absolutely nothing," she breathed.

He buried his nose in her neck, and as she yielded to his touch, tilting her head back, he peppered her collarbone with delicate kisses.

"And are you certain about that?" he murmured.

"Mh-mhm," she whispered, trying to steady her breath. Memories of his lips on her neck, the gentle kisses mingled with a hint of pain as he left his little marks on her, returned uninvited.

The breathlessness when they both explored each other in the hotel sheets.

His olive-toned body, finally pressed against hers. The firm, defined muscles that felt so wonderfully beneath her fingertips.

Dae slid his hands under her shirt, tracing circles on her stomach.

"Your breath tells me otherwise, Carmina."

With a single, swift move, she tried to break free, but he followed, pressing her against the terrace railing. His fingers wove into her hair, tilting her head back as he crashed his lips against hers. She gasped, unable to resist his strong hold. Something pulled her into his embrace, like a lamb drawn to the wolf's den.

Dae deepened the kiss, and Carmina responded, pulling him even closer. Her hands roamed over his back, tracing the contours of his muscles. He nibbled on her lips, and she let out a soft moan, her nails digging into his skin. Daehyun chuckled softly, enjoying how her body responded to his every touch.

"Tell me, finally. Tell me what you're so afraid of?"

For the first time, Carmina truly wondered if revealing the truth would be a good option. Maybe then he would understand why they had no chances from the start.

All her doubts were dispelled by the message from her agency.

>>Agent Liam Anderson is dead. The situation is getting out of control.<<

Carmina paled. Not long ago, she had been reassured that everything would be handled. She was just not supposed to attract too much attention. A much-needed vacation. Had she asked for too much?

Her mind raced with thoughts. If they didn't come up with a plan, she would be thrust back into the chaos.


"Everything okay?" Dae had promised himself not to push, but since they stepped out into the city, Carmina looked like a startled doe. Her eyes darted nervously around, and if anyone were to observe from the side-lines, she would seem a bit crazy. Even Dae was starting to worry. What happened to her all of a sudden? Everything changed after that one morning message she read on the terrace.

"I'm sorry, I mentioned I wasn't in the mood for going out today."

She brushed him off once more. In silence, he intertwined their hands, and she gave him barely a single glance. Not even a smile. Her nervous gaze began to stress him out, too.

"Is it because of the photos?"

"What photos?!" Carmina finally graced him with her attention, though she looked terrified.

"Those taken without our knowledge. I keep seeing someone with a camera. Don't worry, they probably recognized me and are planning some silly article again. I'm used to it by now, but I see you're not handling it well. Do you want to go somewhere... more private?"

"No!" Carmina almost shouted, completely throwing him off guard. She quickly composed herself, trying to gather her thoughts. "I mean, you know, the city centre, a public place, no, here is fine. Let's stay among people."

"Carmina, you're acting really strange today, and it's starting to worry me."

What could she possibly say to him? That someone was trailing them? That deep down, she prayed he was right, and they were just being hunted by vulture reporters because the alternative was unbearable? Should she admit to the target painted on her back, and the systematic annihilation of her entire team, leaving just two agents standing, herself included? That at any moment, danger could ambush them? Or maybe that at this moment, it was hard for her to distinguish ordinary people from the criminals she chased every day? Her life was fucked up. Her brain was working overtime, and she shouldn't have...

Phone call interrupted her thoughts.

"Sorry, just a moment, Dae," she murmured quickly, stepping away a bit to take the classified call.


"Fuck, focus, Carmina!" she shouted into the phone, then flashed an apologetic smile at the bewildered Dae in the distance.

One more time.


"Carmina..." The voice on the other end sent shivers of panic down her spine.

"How serious is it?" She struggled to steady her breath. Despite years of training, her composure faltered in the face of impending danger.

"Agent Cribley was killed today. I truly dread being the bearer of such news, Carmina. But you're the sole survivor now. I have strong indications that you're in life-threatening danger."

"How could this happen? You assured me everything was under control. No! You even forbade me from taking action, insisting I lay low."

"And did you comply? Your images are everywhere. I pleaded with you not to go on that vacation. I begged you to wait until we resolved everything."


"Do nothing more. Terminate this sudden relation that had thrust you into the spotlight. Return immediately-don't wait until the end of your stay. We'll dispatch a plane for you. Do you understand the gravity of the situation? Or do you want to put a target on his back?"

Carmina choked back her tears. "You're right. It's not worth it. I'll end it all. I'm heading home soon anyway. No need to get attached."

When Carmina ended the call, she felt as if she were already dead. With sadness, she turned towards Dae and froze on the spot. He was standing just a few steps behind her. Their eyes met. He looked so sad it was breaking her heart. She knew he had heard her conversation; she just wasn't sure how much. Guilt tightened her chest. She had brought him into this dangerous world, and now he was caught in the crossfire. Carmina really wanted to give him everything, to be whoever he needed her to be, but she had to protect him, shield him from the horrors she faced every day.

Tears filled her eyes but she took a step towards him. She wanted to reach out for him, to comfort him, but she hesitated. How could she comfort him when she was the one who had put him in this mess in the first place?

His gaze was so intense it scared her. He was hopelessly searching her face for answers, for reasons, for any kind of reassurance, but Carmina had none to give. All she could do was stand there, silently begging for his forgiveness, silently praying that he would understand why she would have to end it all.

Before Dae could ask the question, memories from the previous night floated through his mind. Carmina laughing and showering him with tiny kisses, him patiently allowing her to pamper him. Her falling asleep with her head on his chest, murmuring his name. What a lie! What a pain!

"Was I... really not worth even a bit to you?" he whispered, his voice breaking.

Carmina saw how all the brightness disappeared from his hazel eyes. At that moment, she didn't care about anything - even if she were to die here and now, she couldn't hurt him.

"Dae... I'm not sure how much you caught, but if you heard everything, you know I was discussing work, and everything I said was strictly business. Please don't get the wrong idea."

"You don't need to explain. I... I wasn't eavesdropping, if that's what you're worried about. I didn't catch much, but I think I got the gist." Dae turned away, heading back towards the hotel.

"Wait, please, just wait for fuck's sake!" Carmina was about to run after him when her phone rang again.

Daehyun halted mid-step. But he didn't even glance back at her. He couldn't quite understand why his legs had suddenly disobeyed him, because right now, he truly didn't want to be here. Her phone rang again. In a moment, he might hear yet another thing that would break his heart. If she wanted to hurt him... she didn't have to play this game so well.

"I can't say much, really Dae, I can't. Please, just wait a moment, give me one fucking moment. Hello?" She finally answered, her voice trembling with nerves.

"Hi there, bug!" A burst of loud excitement made her quickly move the phone away from the ear. Her friend's cheerful face appeared on the screen. "Typical Carmina, always in her own world. Didn't even bother to see who's calling."

Carmina chuckled at her friend's poke, adjusting her phone with a smile. "Sorry, Ivy. It's just not the best time, I..."

"Carmi?! Who's that?"

Carmina just realized that Dae was standing perfectly within view for the video call, gazing at her as if they had known each other forever. And Ivy certainly wasn't the type to be easily fooled. So, was there any point in crafting shallow stories? Ivy had already seen their photos and had been bombarding her with questions for days. Even now, she was grinning like a Cheshire cat on the other end of the phone. Carmina had to be smarter than her, and this was the perfect moment to lift Mr. Broken Heart's spirits.

"Hey, don't ignore me. Who's that handsome slice of cake?"

"What do you mean slice of cake, Ivy? Dae is mine, keep your long claws away from him."

Dae's lips parted in mild shock. He had heard many things today, but what reached his ears now seemed so unreal that he began to wonder if he had been out in the sun for too long. Maybe he misheard, maybe this whole situation was some strange hallucination.

"Yours? Well, that's a plot twist, Carmi. You never mentioned meeting someone."

"Now you're in the loop," Carmina stepped closer to him, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Meet Daehyun, my..." she paused for dramatic effect, "my husband, Kang Daehyun."

"Wait. Hold on, Carmina, so this is really, I mean, those articles... I mean, uh, you, him..."

"Got tongue-tied? You're usually quite the talker, Ivy. Are you asking about the wedding?"

"What wedding, Carmina? Who cares about your wedding? Oh my god, I knew I recognized that face from somewhere, so those articles were telling the truth. Oh mother, it's really THE Kang Dae. Wow, I've watched a bunch of series with you, you're incredi..."

Dae watched with amusement as Carmina hung up on the enthusiastic Ivy and sheepishly tucked her phone into the pocket. At least it improved his mood, mission accomplished. "Sorry about that, Ivy can be quite direct at times."

Daehyun swept her off her feet and lifted up in a burst of happiness. He spun her around, and the sand beneath their feet swirled like a mini tornado. Like two kids, they enjoyed the moment. Carmina waited until he set her down on the ground and then pulled him close by his shirt. He almost lost his balance. Their lips collided painfully, but they laughed it off, getting lost in the hot kiss.

"What was that? I didn't expect..."

"That I could kiss you first?" Carmina jabbed him playfully in the side, her eyes were sparkling with mischief.


Her breath hitched as he drew her close. She rested her head against his chest and he kissed her gently on the top, inhaling her scent. "I didn't expect you to confess to any emotions. And now..." He leaned in closer to her ear. "Don't you think it's time for a little honesty? Who are you, Carmina?"

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