The Whisper From Seoul To Meo...

By kookiyah97

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"I wanted to bring you closer...but little did I know that you were the Moon." . . . . "I wanted to be close... More

2. Tutor
Hey there!


92 16 35
By kookiyah97

"Even though I haven't
seen my limits
But if it exists,
It's probably you
I wanted to be the tender waves
But why didn't I know
you were the sea?"

Best of me’

"You didn't come today." Sunghoon stated. Heeseung was looking at the road, maybe to that beautiful girl who walked past them with her boyfriend.

"Hm?" He asked because his mind was somewhere else. And somehow Sunghoon noticed it. He sighed.

"Nevermind". As his face turned into a gloomy one. Heeseung looked at the younger.

"Why are you like this? Now I'm curious, tell me what you were saying." Heeseung said as his voice rises. But instead of answering, Sunghoon just shakes his head, showing he is mad.

"Lol boy, why are you mad at me?" Heeseung asked as he laughed a little because of Sunghoon's condition. And his laugh made Sunghoon's face red as he was feeling warm inside by the anger...not anger but still..............

And he didn't respond to anything. They reached home and both headed to each other's rooms.

And the first thing was able to catch Heeseung's eyes were the bed, the unfolded duvet, a little banket laying messily on it. The bedsheet is messy too, curled up by themselves at some point.

And he remembered, he forgot to do his bed in the morning. But he didn't, it was just he expected someone would do it but it seems he didn't.


"Don't you think we should cook something?" Sunghoon asked while folding the paper of his notebook.

"No, at first do the remaining." Heeseung said, eyes fixed on the computer screen while looking for the places he knows.

"You have to cook today then." Sunghoon said, getting mad while Heeseung started humming a song, just showing that he just ignored Sunghoon.

"Heeseung" Sunghoon called his name, this time the voice rises a little to get the attention from the older.

"What?" Heeseung said but did not bother to look at him while Sunghoon was still staring at him.

"Will you go on the trip?" Sunghoon asked.

This time Heeseung also looks at him.

"I don't think so. Because you will be alone at home." He replied and winked.

"Who said I'm not going?......I want to go on that trip too." As Sunghoon's voice changes from loud to a whisper. Because he knows what Heeseung's reaction will be.

Heeseung's eyes widened. Afcourse he didn't think of Sunghoon wanting to go on a school trip.

"You want to? But why?" Heeseung asked. It is stupid to ask why, but it is obvious that Heeseung is asking thinking of someone else pressuring Sunghoon to do that. And Sunghoon looked at him with a little nervousness yet he is asking himself why he has to feel nervous?

" few of my classmates.....talked with me today." As he played with his fingers placing it in the notebook. He again looked at Heeseung by not getting any response. But Heeseung's aura was different, a few seconds ago he was still that same 'don't care' weirdo but now his aura changed into a darker one.

"I've seen them in my classroom since the 3rd grade. I don't remember that much but I think two of them transferred to our school when I was in 7th grade, and I think Dohi, Channy and Maki...they transferred the next year, no.... in 9th grade." Without getting a response he said.

"So all of them talked with you?" Heeseung asked.

"Yes " Sunghoon nodded.

"About what?" Heeseung asked.

And Sunghoon explained all the conversation between them. Sunghoon doesn't really want to be friends with them and nor does he want to join their group. He is scared, of getting bullied again. And when he talked all of it to Heeseung, he felt nervous.... nervous that Heeseung would go to them and threaten them, nervous that Heeseung would tell him not to talk with them. Although he doesn't want to, but a little part of his brain, a little part that hid long ago in his head, wanted to get some friends, not many but at least one. He wants to enjoy his high school life too, like any other student. He wants to enjoy the warmth of friendship, their laugh too. Even if he is scared of losing again, it is his heart which can't resist.

"Do you think you can trust them?" Heeseung asked coldly.

"I don't know." He looked down. Not wanting to make any eye contact with Heeseung.

"But if you think they are good, they will not cause any harm....then you should accept it right?"

And Sunghoon looked into Heeseung's eyes.

"I should?" He asked, bit of excitement in his eyes.

"Yes, if you are okay with it." Heeseung replied.

"Okay then" Sunghoon clapped his hands. As a small smile plastered on his face.

"It's past 8, now let's go and cook." He said because he is happy that his study time ended not wasting any time.

"Little...." Heeseung greeted his teeth while Sunghoon just got up, laughing.


Sunghoon smiled a little when he saw the group chat.

8 mfs and 1 gd boy

Channy~ my tutor is sooo cute...I might kiss him someday.🥰

Sinbi~ out of control.........💀

Maki~ @Channy go and kiss him or if not then I might kill him or kill u. I'm fckin tired of this

Doyoung ~ right!!!

Channy~ I'll say whatever I want. 🥹

Suhyeon ~ ur way too mature to send that emoji.

Dohi~ Someone save Minji, her mom is shouting at her. I can hear it from my bathroom. Lol

Sinbi~ swear she will die..😘

Suhyeon ~ I wish that.

Doyoung ~ @Han will you stop mszing me?? Come to the grp chat.

Channy~ what happened to him?

Han~ hello guys...where is Sunghoon? Why is not here?

Dohi~ oh my god, we were really disrespectful... Sunghoonah...sorry.😓

Sunghoon smiled again, they are really crackheads. First he thought of not replying to them, but this is it....they are not going to leave him alone.


Dohi~ Hiiiiiiii

Suhyeon ~ HELOOOO🤝🤝

Han~ he is replying....😲🤧

Sinbi~ hellooo🥹

Channy~ Sunghoon is here?? Ooh hiiiii

Doyoung ~ hiii
I just went to the bathroom,
Sorry for the late reply 😭

Maki~ heyyy...what r u doing?

Minji~ OH MY ........ what's up...hiii

Just watching tv

Sunghoon massaged them for a few minutes and placed his phone on the nearby table. It felt really good, being friends with someone, giving them feels really good. The way they all of them left their other stuff and replied to him in a second was really heartwarming. They indeed know how to welcome someone. Even if they just met but they already said many things about them to Sunghoon, so that he doesn't have to feel outcast when they talk about it. He is glad and for the first time he is excited for a school trip...maybe because he finds some new friends, or maybe because it is his first time going on a school trip.

"Where are you going to sleep today?" Heeseung asked as he pressed on the remote to shut the tv off.

"What do you mean where? Of course in my bed." Sunghoon said. Scoffed by Heeseung's audacity to ask him that.

"No I just asked, cause you didn't want to get off my bed." Heeseung said knowing it will definitely pissed the younger.

"Stop it. I always do that."



School trip

Sunghoon and Heeseung wake up early in the morning as they have to prepare for many things. Yes they did prepare half of the things like packing their bags with suitable clothes, and other items but still they have many things left to do because there is no one in the house except them. Sunghoon already informed his mom and grandma about it and they were happy with it, of course happy cause after many years he is going on a school trip.

After checking their stuff, and the house, they left for the school where their buses will come to pick them up.

Heeseung and Sunghoon got separated into two different buses. Sunghoon felt a little discomfort but when he saw the eight of them were already on the same bus as him he tried to ignore that part of his brain.

Sunghoon sits comfortably on the window side, besides him sits Maki. The students were still getting into the bus, some of them were running towards the bus, maybe they woke up late.

Sunghoon just sighed deeply, he really didn't like the way students have already started to shout. He looks outside of the window. It's better to ignore those students. Even if he is feeling a little relieved, but without Heeseung, he still feels something is off, he knows he is safe but with Heeseung, he feels protected. But yeah, he doesn't know about these all.

While looking outside of the window, he can see Heeseung, talking with his friends while the other students are getting on the bus. His shirt is loose, the tie is hanging a little law as always, the sleeves are laying peacefully while its sides are folded up a little. He doesn't even need to do his hair, his soft hair is making its own style. Unknowingly his lips form a small, too small that no one can see it...a smile. Maybe because he is thinking about how weird Heeseung is.

But soon his small smile faded, and his eyes became normal. A girl folds her both hands on Heeseung's neck, and as a response Heeseung wraps his hand around her waist. Talking about something while smiling, and their friends are teasing them, while smiling and gossiping between them. It was not what he wanted to see. Sunghoon groaned and looked at the students. But his mind doesn't stop recalling the scenario. He is just feeling disgusting, as he always feels when Heeseung talks with girls while smiling. But it is now annoying as well.

The bus started as the students shouted in joy and excitement. This time Sunghoon smiled seeing their reactions. When they were on the bus some students played music and everyone started to dance, some students sang too. They are not good at dancing and singing, but they just don't care and no one is going to judge them as well because all of them are just enjoying their jokes. It was really good. Sunghoon felt his heart was going to explode thinking about how in every conversation, the eight aka his new friends ask for his opinion, they don't let him feel a little bit of an outcast. They shared their tiffin with Sunghoon too. And it was so warm. He enjoyed their companions, he enjoyed the others performances.... thinking to save it in his good memories.

They stopped in many places. One of them was a historical place, the other one was a zoo, a botanical garden. Now they are on a bridge, Below it, they can see the beautiful mountain river. Nothing to examine here but teachers have to stop the bus because of the students request.

"Someone again holds Sunghoon's hand." Sinbi said. Actually they are doing it from the first time when they stop in the historical place, just to not lose Sunghoon in between the crowd.

"Sunghoon....." As Han shouts his name and Sunghoon comes towards him and Han grabs his hand, pulling him with them.

"Let's take a photo....the nine of us." Channy said while pulling out her camera.


Sunghoon smiled looking at them. Even if he felt something off in the beginning but soon it disappeared.

"One me and Sunghoon." Minji said, pulling Sunghoon closer just to grab his arm. And Sunghoon doesn't mind at all. They are way too excited to think about anything. And soon Sunghoon ends up taking pictures with them one by one. Maybe they already have taken more than hundreds of pictures of him.

But Sunghoon's mind again grabbed something that is extremely not satisfying. He hates it. He hates the way Heeseung is okay with every girl, he touches them. Sunghoon knows that those are his fangirls but why should he even wrap his hand around their waist? Why should he take pictures coming way too close that only inches left to kiss? And why does he do it with every girl? He knows those girls come closer to him intentionally but still.......he is a Playboy, or can say he was a fuckboy. He is so sure that Heeseung is a fuckboy. And he hates those boys.

"Sunghoon, you seem pretty distracted." Minji said offering him a water bottle.

"Hah? Am I?" Sunghoon asked back.

"Yes, it seems something is bothering you." She said.

"Nothing like this...I think I'm a little tired standing here." Sunghoon said and gulped the water from the bottle.

"Oh oh...then we should get onto the bus and rest a little."


He sits on his seat and this time Doyoung sits beside him. When Minji said to others that Sunghoon wanted to go back into the bus all of them followed him.


Doyoung looks at Sunghoon with wide eyes. Sunghoon looks him back and soon the reality hits him. he was loud, his mind was too loud that he couldn't stop it from coming out of his mouth. Doyoung blinks while trying to convince himself that no, it was not Sunghoon. But looking at Sunghoon's was him.

"Did you just curse someone??" Doyoung asked, whispering to not let the other hear. Afcourse it is not a big deal.

"Ah..yeah just." Sunghoon stuttered.

"Nevermind that was good." Doyoung said while placing a satisfying smile. Sunghoon smiled back.


They reached their camp when the sun was just about to disappear from the sky, the moon was already up, welcoming them. Their teachers divided boys and girls into two floors. Girls are on the first one, the boys are on the second. Because the steps are facing outside that's why the girls don't have to think about their privacy.

And on the second floor the boys also got divided into four big rooms. Even if someone wants to sleep on the other one that is not selected for him, he can... because who will come to see their faces who is sleeping where and who is eating where.

"You should all come to the big hall for evening snacks." Their teacher made an announcement.

"Sunghoon let's go." Suhyeon said.

"Yeah let's go."

"Where is that dummy Maki?" Doyoung asked furrowing his brows.
"Call him." Suhyeon said.

"Ohh hey I'm here." Maki said while running towards them. "I was looking for you."

Doyoung, Suhyeon, Han glared at him. When Sunghoon just laughed finding the situation funny.

Sunghoon has entered the dining hall with the other four guys. But unlucky him, his eyes already fell on that one person that he really didn't want to see. And surprisingly, this time Heeseung's eyes also fell on him. After a long day both of them share the stare.

Sunghoon has looked down. Only to find Heeseung is walking towards them, towards him. Maki, Doyoung, Suhyeon and Han genuinely have made a little distance from Sunghoon.

"Hey, where were you today? I hadn't seen you in the whole day." Heeseung said coming closer to Sunghoon, not forgetting to look at the other four guys... standing there like statues.

Sunghoon ignored him and was about to leave. It was a wrong move, wrong for Heeseung.

"What happened?" Heeseung grabbed his wrist before he ran away, pulling him a little closer than before.

"Just enjoy yourself. I'm okay with them." Sunghoon said. But his sulking face confused Heeseung. What did he do? Or what really happened?

"Sunghoon..." Heeseung called him again.

"Boy will you tell me what I did?" Heeseung asked dramatically making a panic sound, referring to his heart. Sunghoon looked at him, and rolled his eyes.

"Let me go. Go to your-" Sunghoon stopped and look at the floor. Heeseung frowned.

"Go to your?" He asked, looking at Sunghoon's expression.

"Nevermind" as Sunghoon harshly shrugged his hands away from his hand. And he walked away. Doyoung, Maki, Han and Suhyeon followed him, they were confused too and shocked as well.

They eat without talking about the matter. But when they reached their room and when the boys started to play around.....the conversation started.

"You really got the power over Lee Heeseung...The Lee Heeseung." Han said placing his hand on his chest.

The other agreed.

" I was just upset." Sunghoon said. He can't let them know about his fake dating.


Maki was about to open his mouth to say something, and when some of the senior boys stepped into the room. All of their classmates look at them.

And Sunghoon sighed again.

Heeseung and his friends entered. The boys stay quiet for them to say something. Maybe twelve of them or fifteen....all of them sit on the carpet that was laid on the floor.

"We are here to talk, so you should too. Don't mind us and do whatever you were doing." One of them said.

The whole room was still not that loud like before. At first they were scared to talk but when the time passed they again started to do what they were doing, talking, playing games, maybe fighting....

Heeseung and his friends laughed and filled the room. Sometimes they become quiet, when they have listened to one of them talking with his girlfriend. But soon it changed to some shameless sounds which unintentionally gained everyone's attention. Their voices are louder than any other in the room.

Meanwhile Suhyeon, Maki, Han and Doyoung are looking at Sunghoon. Trying to figure out what wrong happened with them. Heeseung is in the same room for like an hour now but Sunghoon hasn't bothered to call him, talk to him. It is obvious that Heeseung doesn't know Sunghoon is in the same room because he is way too busy with his friends talking about girls.

"How many girlfriends do you have hah?" One of them asked the other one. When the group already started to laugh.

"Com'n, they are not my girlfriends....I just fuck them." The guy said while earning everyone's shouts.

"Why don't you give one to me?" The other one said and laughed.

"If someone wants to___ someone.....ask Heeseung."

"Oooooooooooo" they all look at Heeseung this time. Heeseung smiled at them.

"Heeseung please." One of them begged.

"I can't...." Heeseung replied simply.

"But boy you are dating Sunghoon, you shouldn't do it."

This sank on Sunghoon's ears. The mention of his name made him cover his face with his hands. The other four boys look at each other, not knowing what to do. Of course they think Heeseung and Sunghoon are dating and Heeseung is not loyal anymore just by hearing all the conversations. Sunghoon looked at Heeseung, waiting to listen to his reply.

"Why mention him? Don't drag him in between these topics." Heeseung said while laughing at them.

What does he mean by mention? Sunghoon's eyes become sharp for some reason. How dare Heeseung ignore his name? How dare he talk about girls? When the whole school knows that he is dating him......

For some reasons Sunghoon feels a little sad. Their laugh makes it even worse. And the glances that he is receiving from his other classmates are on another level. They are looking at him to his reaction, not to insult him but still it is bothering him. And one of Heeseung's friends follows their gazes.....and he finds Sunghoon there, leaning his back on the wall while eyes are on his feet. His eyes widened.

"Heeseung......" He called, trying to give Heeseung a signal. But Heeseung ignored it. He tried many times ...but he still ignored it not getting anything that he is referring to.

But the other one catches his worried face, and at last he tries to say to Heeseung that Sunghoon is there. They are doing this because they are also not aware of their pretty fake relationship.

At last Heeseung's gaze follows them, and ends in the wall....not the wall but the person who was sitting leaning there. Heeseung sighed by his friends reactions. He smirked.

"I'll catch up with you after a minute." He said. Not because he wants to talk with Sunghoon, just because he has to act, act as his boyfriend. When the other four boys see Heeseung coming towards them they already leave Sunghoon's side. Sunghoon just looked at them and then Heeseung.

Without saying anything, Heeseung placed his arm around Sunghoon's shoulder, and sat beside him.

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