Amazing Little Hero Firefight...

By HannahMcCoy2

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Hot shot is a playful and active five year old. He lives with his parents Heatwave and Quickshadow. His fathe... More

Chapter 2

Chapter 1

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By HannahMcCoy2

Hot shot is a playful and active five year old. He lives with his parents Heatwave and Quickshadow. They even have a 10 month old Dalmatian puppy named Fireplug. They all live in Fort Worth Texas.

Heatwave his father is a firefighter. He is a very brave and strong man. He does a good job as a firefighter and helped save many lives. He is good man and loves and protects his family. He taught Hot shot about fire safety. He loves his wife and son very much.

Quickshadow his mother is a stay at home mom. Before Hot shot was born she worked at a big business. She decided to stay home and take care of Hot shot once he was born. Quickshadow does a good job at taking care of Hot shot and the house. She is a good and loving person who takes care of her family. She loves her husband and son with all of her heart.

Hot shot is a very active child. He loves to run, jump, climb and play. He doesn't sit still for a second at times. But he knows there are times to be still and he does a good job at being still for it. Hot shot loves to spend time with his family. Hot shot also enjoyed be able to run around outside. He loved to play on his playset. The playset was built by a good friend of his father. Hot shot loved to ride his trike but he hoped to get a big boy bike soon. He mostly wanted a big boy bike because he felt he was ready for one and also he noticed his trike getting smaller. Hot shot also loved to play with Fireplug a lot. Hot shot would also eating his lunch and have snacks with Fireplug. He would sit and watch TV with Fireplug. He would run around outside with Fireplug. He would help his mother take Fireplug for walks. He would even make pictures of him and Fireplug together. Both Hot shot and Fireplug were close. Hot shot loved to be happy and be with his loved ones. Hot shot also is good boy with a big heart. He was going to be starting Kindergarten in the fall.

There were other relatives. There were his grandparents on his father's side who he calls Pawpaw and Granny who live in Portland Maine. There were his grandparents on his mother's side who he calls Grandad and Grandmum who live in London England. There was his Aunt Hightemp and Uncle Blazestrike and three cousins on his father's side. His uncle Murray on his mother's side. Hot shot loves to spend time with them too. They are all a very close family.

There were a few close family friends too. Blades, Chase and Boulder were very close friends of Heatwave's. Heatwave has known them since he was a young boy. Not much older than Hot shot in fact. They were close to the family and spent time with the family. Hot shot called them his uncles out of affection.

Hot shot is a very healthy child. Hot shot sometimes gets a few bumps, cuts, scrapes and bruises, but that was normal for an active child like Hot shot. Hot shot rarely ever got sick but whenever he did get sick he got over it rather quickly. Hot shot never had been to the ER or hospital. Hot shot was just an all around perfectly healthy child. His parents were so happy to have such a healthy child.

However soon things can change. Things were going to change and it wasn't going to be easy. It was going to be one of those times when you depend on each other and friends and family the most. 

It was early May when it started. Hot shot was waking up that morning. He woke up and stretched. Fireplug woke up too he normally sleeps in Hot shot's room. He has his own bed looks just like a firetruck much like Hot shot's bed. Quickshadow sewed it together herself she took some memory foam and sewed a fleece cover over it with a zipper that looked just like a firetruck. Fireplug was very comfortable on it. Though sometimes he would curl up in bed with Hot shot. Fireplug sometimes even slept in Heatwave and Quickshadow's room and curl up with them. He came up nosed Hot shot's face. "Good morning Fireplug," Hot shot said petting him. Hot shot then felt a sharp pain coming from his head. "Ouch!" he said holding his head. "That hurts," he said. His head was hurting a lot. He got out of bed and came into the kitchen and Fireplug followed him.

Hot shot sat down at the table. He was hardly touching his food because his head was hurting. Heatwave noticed him hardly touching his cereal. "You okay Hot shot?" Heatwave asked.

"My head hurts," Hot shot said.

"Sounds like a headache," Quickshadow said. "That probably explains why you don't feel like eating," she said. Quickshadow went to the cabinet to get some medicine for Hot shot. "This medicine will help you feel better," she said pouring some of the children's painkiller in a cup for the recommended dose. She handed it to Hot shot.

Hot shot took the cup and took the medicine. Hot shot hoped it was going to help him feel better. Hot shot was just feeling pretty lousy due to his headache. Hot shot was wanting to feel better. Hot shot was now sitting down on the couch trying to relax. Fireplug laid next to his feet and he didn't wag his tail he was worried about Hot shot. Hot shot was waiting for the painkiller to work. Hot shot saw his father leave for work. Quickshadow was going to stay with him. She was going to do what she could for Hot shot.

Hot shot's headache remained even with the medicine. Hot shot was wondering why his head was hurting so bad. He was feeling quite terrible. Hot shot was wondering why was going on. He was just not feeling so well. He was hoping to feel better soon. Fireplug was whining he knew something was wrong and he didn't like it at all.

Hot shot was still feeling bad for the next few days. Hot shot still had this horrible pounding headache. His head was pounding badly. The pain could sometimes become very sharp. Other times it felt like an intense pressure. Hot shot was having this head for a long time and it wasn't going away. Fireplug was whimpering and whining when he saw Hot shot not feeling well.

Hot shot was also waking up feeling nauseous. He even vomited a few times. Hot shot would vomit for no reason sometimes. Hot shot wasn't enjoying it too much. He hated it a lot. He feeling bad enough as it was with his headache. 

Hot shot was also kind of tired too. He just didn't have a lot of energy. He just felt like laying around most of the time. He was just so tired and he didn't know why. He just didn't feel like playing much either. It was very unlike Hot shot to not want to run around and play.

Hot shot was also having trouble with his left leg. It was kind of hard to walk normally. It was like His left leg wasn't moving in sync with his right leg. It was very strange and Hot shot didn't like it at all. Hot shot just wasn't happy about it. His parents noticed that his left leg was kind of weaker it seemed than his right leg. They were wondering if he hurt it.

Hot shot was also kind of cranky and in a bad mood a lot of the time. Hot shot was normally so happy and easy going too. But now it seemed like he was losing his temper over the tiniest of things. Hot shot was also showing signs of crying more easily and not being as happy as he was used to being. It concerned his parents because Hot shot was normally a happy child and he wasn't acting like his normal self and it made his parents worry. 

"Looks like we are here for the same thing," Hot shot said.

"How weird," Hoist said.

"Very odd," Whirl said.

"Very," Wedge said.

"That maybe, but not unheard of in a hospital I bet," Medix said. "My uncle says the treat things like this all the time," he said.

Hot shot was still wondering about the MRI. He had a lot of questions like what an MRI was and why he had to have one. He was wondering if it was going to hurt.

Then a child life specialist came up. "Hello I am Janice what is your name?" Janice asked.

"Hot shot," Hot shot said. "This is Roxy," he said showing Roxy.

"Nice to meet you Hot shot," Janice said. "I am a child life specialist, I help kids like you learn about things that happen in the hospital," she said. "I can help you learn about the tests and procedures that might happen in the hospital," she said. "If you have any questions I can answer them for you," she said.

"I need an MRI," Hot shot said. "What is an MRI?" he asked.

"An MRI is scan, it stands for Magnet Resonance Imaging," Janice said. "It is a big picture taker," she said.

"My mummy and daddy took pictures of me at the zoo during the summer," Hot shot said.

"That sounds like fun," Janice said. "But those pictures from the zoo are of the outside of your body," she said. "An MRI like many other scans take pictures of the inside of your body," she said. "Some use x-rays to take the pictures and the MRI uses really powerful magnets," she said.

"Will it hurt?" Hot shot asked.

"No it won't hurt a bit," Janice said. "You will need to change into a hospital gown from your regular clothes and you will get an IV for something called contrast," she said. "Getting the IV might hurt but only for a second much like getting flu shot." she said. "The contrast won't hurt but it will make you feel warm, and it will help your pictures show up better," she said. "You can even listen to music or watch a movie during your MRI," she said.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

"You will need to stay very still during the MRI, because the cameras are very sensitive. If you move or wiggle around the pictures will be all blurry and you will need to start all over again," Janice said. "So you need to be still as statue, you will be able to breathe still but other than that stay very still," she said. "The MRI can be very loud but don't be scared it is just the cameras working," she said.

"Okay," Hot shot said. "How long will it take?" he asked.

"It can take any where from 30 minutes to an hour or over an hour," Janice said. "It depends how many pictures are needed and what body part the doctors need scanned," she said.

"My doctor sent me here to get an MRI done of my head," Hot shot said.

"Then your doctor wants pictures done of your brain to see if something is going on in it," Janice said. "Your doctor might think it might be something like an injury, or infection, a blood clot, or bleeding or something else that might be causing trouble," she said.

"Can Roxy come to the MRI?' Hot shot asked holding up Roxy.

"Yes Roxy can come along," Janice said. "Many kids bring their favorite stuffed animal or blanket with them to the MRI,' she said. "Both you and Roxy will be scanned for metal." she said. "Metal can blur the photo," she told him.

"Okay," Hot shot said. "Can I go home after the MRI?" he asked.

"The doctors have to look at your scans first since this was an MRI scheduled for you the day you came to the hospital," Janice said. "Because if the doctors find anything on your scan that might be a cause for concern they may want to keep you here until the problem is fixed," she said.

"Oh, okay," Hot shot said. Hot shot was a bit worried about having to stay in the hospital. He never stayed in a hospital before.

"You might be able to see your scans when a doctor tells you and your parents the results of it," Janice said.

"Cool," Hot shot said.

"Once the doctors know what is wrong they will be able to help you," Janice said.

"Okay," Hot shot said. "If I stay in the hospital I will my dog Fireplug," he said.

"That makes sense," Janice said. "He's your best friend isn't he?" she asked.

"Yes," Hot shot said.

"Animals if said so by the veterinarian or the animal doctor will have an MRI to see if something is wrong with them," Janice said. "So kids, adults and animals all sometimes get MRIs," she said.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

Hot shot then got to watch a video from a special group of videos called the Imaginary Friend Society. This video was about MRIs, and it explained what one was. It helped Hot shot learn he could pretend during the scan. Hot shot liked the characters a lot they were very cool. Hot shot was very curious about the MRI now and wasn't so scared. He was ready to be brave now.

Then a nurse came out. "Hot shot," the nurse said. Hot shot followed the nurse to another room. Hot shot got dressed into a hospital gown and then got his IV line. The nurse used something called a buzzy to make it not hurt so bad. Hot shot even got to choose a movie to watch. Hot shot liked Pokemon so Hot shot chose a Pokemon movie. Hot shot was soon taken to a metal scanner. There Hot shot and Roxy were both scanned for metal. Both of them got the all clear.

Then Hot shot was taken to the room where the MRI was. Hot shot met the radiographer his name was Howie. Hot shot saw the MRI, it was big and round. This one had a rainforest skin on it, it had a bird on it too. Hot shot thought it was pretty cool. Hot shot saw there was a circle in the middle of it that was a hole. It made Hot shot think of a donut. "It looks like a donut," Hot shot said.

"Many kids say that," Howie told him. "Others say tunnel, or spaceship, or submarine," he explained.

"Oh, okay," Hot shot said.

Hot shot then climbed up on the bed of the MRI. He was holding on to Roxy the rhino. Howie put in the earplugs, put the headphones on Hot shot's ears, and put goggled on Hot shot eyes. Then Hot shot laid down. Howie moved something that looked like a football helmet over Hot shot's head. "This is a coil it will help the pictures show up better," Howie said.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

Then Howie pressed a button and the bed moved into the machine. "Okay Hot shot we are going to start now I will be in the control room, just stay very still okay?" Howie said.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

Hot shot stayed very still during the scan when it started. The MRI was very loud and made a lot of noise. Hot shot focused on the movie and stayed very still. Hot shot was also imagining he was in a submarine in the ocean exploring the deep blue. Hot shot stayed as still as a statue during the MRI. "You are doing really well Hot shot," Howie told him. Hot shot felt very warm when the contrast went in. He stayed very still during the whole thing. Then after about 44 minutes it was over. "Okay Hot shot we are all done," Howie told him. The bed moved out of the machine.

Howie removed the coil, headphones, goggles and earplugs. He even took out the IV and placed on a band aid. Hot shot was happy to be back with his parents now. Hot shot was a bit worried about what his scans might show.

There were doctors looking at Hot shot's scans. They were looking at the pictures of Hot shot's brain. They saw a mass in Hot shot's right temporal ventricle. It was the size of a peach almost. So it was big. 

"This is a tumor," the radiologist said.

"Yes it is," Dr. Zhao the neurooncologist said. "We need to get a biopsy sample of it to be sure we know what kind of tumor we are dealing with," she said. "It also looks invasive, I think I see something that looks like spreading but I want another scan later to be sure," she said.

Hot shot was in another room with his parents when Dr. Zhao came into the room. "Hello I am Dr. Zhao I am a pediatric neurooncologist," Dr. Zhao said. "I have the results of Hot shot's scans and I am afraid it is bad news Hot shot has a brain tumor," she said.

"Brain tumor?" Heatwave asked.

"My baby?" Quickshadow asked.

"I am afraid so," Dr. Zhao said. "It is right here in the right temporal ventricle." she said showing them. "It is about the size of of a peach so it is a big tumor," she said.

Hot shot didn't know what was going on or what they were talking about. That made him kind of scared. "What is a brain tumor?" Hot shot asked.

"We are all made up of billions if not trillions of tiny things called cells," Dr. Zhao said. "They help us do everything and the grow and divide to help us grow and stay healthy" she said. "They make up every part of our bodies," she said. "When these cells break or get made broken they can grow out of control and make a lump known as a tumor," she said. "When this tumor is in your brain it is called a brain tumor," she said.

Hot shot felt kind of scared because that didn't sound good.

"You are feeling bad because the tumor is making it hard for your brain to work and be the boss of the body," Dr. Zhao said. "We want a biopsy of the tumor to be sure of what type is and help you feel better," she said.

"Will it hurt?" Hot shot asked.

"No," Dr. Zhao said. "It won't hurt you will be made to fall asleep so you won't feel a thing," she said. "You will wake up after it is over," she told him.

"Hello I am Dr. Hansen I will be doing Hot shot's surgery," Dr. Hansen said. "I will take a part of the tumor most likely or the whole thing so it can be tested," he said.

Hot shot's surgery was the next morning Hot shot was nervous. Hot shot was going to have to stay in the hospital for a while. Hot shot got admitted to the hospital. He got a bracelet with his name on it, it would help people in the hospital know who he is. Hot shot also watched the video on surgery from the imaginary friend society. It helped Hot shot learn about surgery and how was not going to feel so great at first after waking up and he would feel better in a few days. He also learned he was going to have a scar afterwards too. Hot shot felt better after watching it. Hot shot the next morning was taken into surgery. Hot shot didn't have any breakfast because he wasn't allowed to eat before surgery. Hot shot had some of the hair slightly in front of his right ear. It was going to help with surgery so they knew where to cut because they could see better. Hot shot was then made to fall asleep. Then Dr. Hansen made a cut and removed a piece of bone and remove as much of the tumor as he could. Then he put it in a special container and sent it off to pathology. The he closed the tissue covering the brain then placed the piece of bone back in place. He put plates with screws to hold it in place. Then he stapled the skin slightly in front of the right ear shut. Then a bandage was wrapped around Hot shot's head.

Hot shot was now in the ICU unit with a big bandage on his head. Hot shot had several tubes and wires attached to him. Hot shot woke up and saw his parents.

"Hot shot Dr. Hansen said you did great during surgery," Quickshadow said.

"You did well," Heatwave said.

"Hi mummy and daddy," Hot shot said.

Dr. Zhao and Dr. Hansen came to check on Hot shot. Dr. Hansen shined a light in Hot shot's eyes.

"How are you feeling?" Dr. Hansen asked.

"My head hurts," Hot shot said.

"That is normal you just had surgery done on your head," Dr. Hansen said.

"I am tired," Hot shot said.

"That is normal too," Dr. Hansen said. "The therapists are going to help you with a few things as you recover," he said. "Soon you should be back to being able to move around," he told him.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

"Now just try to rest," Dr. Hansen told him.

Hot shot was resting in the hospital and recovering from surgery. He was in the ICU since Saturday morning and now it was Monday. Hot shot was doing some physical therapy as he was recovering in the ICU. Hot shot was getting his strength back. He was getting his balance back and everything. Hot shot was doing well and everything was getting back to normal like nothing had every happened. "Hot shot is doing well, he is very lucky he has no lasting problems from his surgery," Dr. Acord the neurologist said. "Hot shot is doing well," she said. "Hot shot is ready to go to the oncology ward since he is doing so well," she said. It was such a relief to say the least.

During that time the doctors were testing the tumor sample and looking at it. A pathologist looked at it through the microscope. "It is a choroid plexus carcinoma a grade 3 brain tumor that is brain cancer," the pathologist said. "I don't see signs of TP53 gene which is a good thing," he said. 

Dr. Zhao took a look at it. "You are right about that," Dr. Zhao said. "Now we have to do more tests and then prepare to start treatment," she said. "Now we need to tell them," she said.

Hot shot was in his hospital room with his parents. Hot shot was hoping to go home soon. Dr. Zhao came into the room.

"I have the results of Hot shot's biopsy," Dr. Zhao said. "It is bad news, Hot shot has choroid plexus carcinoma a type of brain cancer," she said.

Hot shot didn't know what cancer was or what it meant it just sounded very scary. He saw his parents looked very sad and scared. That made Hot shot scared too, he was also scared because he didn't know what was going on.

"What is cancer?" Hot shot asked.

"Remember when I told you we were made of cells?" Dr. Zhao asked.

"Yes," Hot shot said.

"Well when there are too many bad cells, that make lump, this lump can spread other bad cells to other body parts," Dr. Zhao said. "These cells can form new tumors there and cause more problems and that makes you very sick," she said. "The more it spreads the sicker it makes you feel," she said. "These cells are very naughty and don't behave at all," she said.

Hot shot was in shock to say the least. It was hard to swallow that was happening inside him. He felt scared, worried, sad, angry, nervous, confused, shocked, numb, and overwhelmed all rolled into one. He felt like all of his feelings were swirling around inside like a big storm. He was unsured of what to think at the moment. He just feeling like he might blow with all of these big feelings inside. He was wondering now what was going to happen. He was wondering if he was going to be okay or not. "What is going to happen now?" Hot shot asked.

"I am going to help you fight your cancer Hot shot," Dr. Zhao said. "I have helped many kids fight brain tumors and other cancers of the nervous system and I am good at my job," she said. "You and me and the other people here in the hospital are going to be in this fight," she said. "Are you ready to fight cancer?" she asked.

Hot shot was a bit scared but he was ready to fight and get better. Hot shot was ready to be very brave and face his cancer head on. He was going to be brave like a firefighter and brave like a hero. "Bring it on," Hot shot said.

"You are very brave," Dr. Zhao said. "We are going to have to do more tests to find out more. Then we can begin treatment," she said.

"Okay," Hot shot said and gave Roxy the rhino a big squeeze. "What kinds of tests are we going to do now?" he asked.

"First you will get another MRI it will see if we removed all of the tumor and if the cancer has spread anywhere else in the brain, nervous system or body," Dr. Zhao said. "The other test is a lumbar puncture it will be a needle that will go into your back and remove some of the spinal fluid from your back," she said. "It will see if there are any cancer cells in the fluid," she said. "You will also get a blood test to check your over all health to see if you are ready for treatment," she said. "All of these tests will help us, prepare you for treatment," she said. "You ready?" she asked.

"I am going to be brave," Hot shot said.

Hot shot got his second MRI. Hot shot stayed very still for it. Hot shot had an IV currently in place from his surgery that had been giving him fluids. So they used that to give him contrast. Hot shot watched a movie while getting his second MRI. Hot shot then was taken to get his blood test. Hot shot was kind of scared so he gave Roxy the rhino big one armed hug. Then it was over before he knew it. "That wasn't so bad," Hot shot said. Then the nurse named Gigi placed a band aid on his arm.

"You are a brave little boy," Gigi said.

Then Hot shot was taken to get his lumbar puncture. Hot shot was staying still and they numbed part of his lower back. But it still hurt when the needle went in. Then the nurse named Keith took a little of the fluid out and then place a band aid on his back. "There you go Hot shot," Keith said. "You did very well," he said.

"Thanks, I am glad that is over," Hot shot said.

Then Hot shot's doctors had to look at the new scans and the blood test and lumbar test.

Dr. Zhao looked at the second MRI scan saw that there was a good deal of the tumor left and there was some more of the tumor in the right frontal ventricle that was kind about 4 cm across. "Looks like some of the tumor is remaining and there is signs a little bit of metastasis that hasn't gone far which is good," Dr. Zhao said.

"The sooner we start the better," she said.

"We understand," Heatwave said.

"Do what you can for him," Quickshadow said.

Then Hot shot met more people in the hospital they were going to be part of his care team. Dr. Zhao was his primary neuro-oncologist she was going to over see his treatment and decide on medicine he is going to need. Dr. Pacenta who was going to be his primary oncologist and was going to help with his treatment. Dr. Acord the neurologist who was going to to help with his treatment. Dr. Hansen the neurosurgeon he was going to help with Hot shot's treatment plan. Dr. Waller the dietitian who was going to help Hot shot with nutrition during treatment. Dr. Tirn the radiologist who was going to look at scans. Dr. Justi the psychologist who was going to help Hot shot with how he was feeling. Dr. Grete the radio-oncologist who was going to help with Hot shot's treatment plan. Hailey and Jason the nurses who were going to help take care of Hot shot, they were going to give Hot shot his treatments and medicine. Grace and Mark the physical therapists who were going to help Hot shot during treatment. Freddie and Darcy the occupational therapists who were going to help with his treatment. Victor and Nancy the speech therapists who were going to help him during treatment. Penny the child life specialist who was going to help Hot shot learn about his illness and treatment and help him cope. Lucy the social worker who was going to help Hot shot and his family deal with the illness and set them up with connections.

Dr. Erret Hot shot's primary pediatrician was also part of the team because she was his primary healthcare provider.

Hot shot was told that him and his parents were also part of the team. Him being the patient and his parents being the caregivers play an important role on the team too.

Hot shot was amazed to have such a big team. It was like the whole hospital was there to help him.

Dr. Zhao was going to explain Hot shot's treatment plan. "Hot shot is going to need chemotherapy, surgery and radiation," Dr. Zhao said.

"Because there is a little tumor left at the original sight and a small one growing another part of the brain due to spreading Hot shot will need more than one surgery," she said.

"What is radiation and chemotherapy?" Hot shot asked.

"Radiation is using high energy waves to zap the tumor and cancer to kill it," Dr. Grete said. "It kills the cancer and cells in the tumor and helps make it shrink," he said. "There are different types of radiation and what you need depends on a few things such as the type of tumor you have, the main types are X-rays and new kind called proton, different hospitals sometimes offer one type while other offer other types with proton therapy," he said. "How long you need depends on things too," he said. "First we must get another scan to find out what kind of radiation you need and how long you will need it," he said. "How long it will be needed will be anywhere from 5 to 7 weeks," he told him. "You will also make a special mask to use during your radiation therapy, it helps keep your head still," he said. "It won't hurt a bit during therapy," he said. "You will get some side effects such as being tired, feeling sick, having sore skin, and lose some of the hair on the spot of the radiation treatment," he said. "But the side effects go away once radiation treatment ends," he said. "You will even get to keep your mask after you finish your last radiation treatment," he said.

"Cool," Hot shot said.

"Chemotherapy are a group really strong medicines used to fight cancer," Dr. Zhao said. "It kills the cancer cells and the tumor to make it shrink," she said. "It can be taken in many different ways, by IV, by central line, or by pill," she said. "You will get yours through a central line," she said. "There are a few different types of central line, there are Hickman lines, Port a caths, and PICC lines," she said. "I decided the kind you will have, most doctors like me decide which one their patient may need when they prepare to start treatment. You will get a Hickman line, it is tube that goes into the skin of your chest," she said. "The tube is soft and flexible," she said. "Part of it will be under your skin and the rest will stick out of the skin on your chest," she said. "You will be made to fall asleep and then us doctors will put in your Hickman line and when you wake up it will be in place." she said. "It can either have one or two openings called lumens at the end." she said. "Yours will have two lumens," she said. "A nurse or doctor will access it with a special syringe or with an IV line, but no needles are needed for it," she said. "With a Hickman line you can get all the medicine, blood tests, and other infusion treatments you may need without the use of so many needles," she told him.

"Does that mean less ouchies?" Hot shot asked.

"Yes Hot shot it means less ouchies," Dr. Zhao said.

"I like that," Hot shot said.

"I thought you would," Dr. Zhao said. "A Hickman line is sometimes called a tubie or a wiggle by children," she said.

"I am glad, I am getting one," Hot shot said. "Will I take more than one chemotherapy medicine?" he asked.

"Some kids are given more than one chemotherapy medicine for their cancer to make it more effective and depending on the type of cancer it is depends on which medicines are used." Dr. Zhao said. "Many kids with brain cancer like choroid plexus carcinoma take a combination of different chemotherapy meds." she explained. "The chemotherapy is very good at its job," she said. "It does have some bad side effects though," she said. "It can make you tired, make you sick to your stomach, make your bruise easily, give you mouth sores, make it easier to catch germs, and make your hair fall out," she said. "But the side effects go away once chemotherapy ends and your hair will grow back," she told him. "You will need chemotherapy for several months to a year, it depends on many things," she said. "You might need it long time because of the grade of the tumor," she said.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

"You will also be taking other medicines to help you during treatment," Dr. Zhao said. "One will help prevent seizures if you develop any, some will help with the side effects of treatment, one is to help with your headaches, some will help keep you from getting sick during treatment, corticosteroids which are not like the bad steroids will help you with side effects of treatment the problems caused by the tumor itself," she said. "These medicines will be taken by mouth," she told him. "They will be a liquid for you to swallow," she told him. "Some of the medicine can have a bit of bad after taste," she said. "But you can chose the flavor of the medicine so it might be easier to take," she said. "sometimes even mixing it in pudding or yogurt, or ice cream can make it easier to take as well," she said.

"Okay," Hot shot said.

Then Hot shot was taken back to get his Hickman line put in. Hot shot was made to fall asleep and the doctors put in his Hickman line. When Hot shot woke up he had his Hickman line. It had two openings at the end that stuck out like Dr. Zhao said. It was a little sore but a nurse told him it was normal. "You will be able to get back to normal activities with your Hickman line once the area heals," Dr. Zhao told him. "You have to keep the Hickman line clean and dry, you will need a special cover for it when you take a bath, and there will be a dressing to help keep it out of the way, just be careful of your chest," she told him. "You will also have to be careful when you play any active game," she said. "But wearing a tight fitting shirt can help keep it from jiggling around and getting caught on something," she said. "With the soft and comfortable skin tight shirt or tank top you will be able to do what you like but you will still have to be careful of your chest," she said. "But the best part about a Hickman line is getting tests and treatments done with less needles," she said.

"Okay," Hot shot said. Hot shot liked the thought of less needles. He was just going to have to remember to be very careful about his chest. Hot shot and his parents were shown how to care for the central line at home. They were shown how to change the dressing, to flush it, and to change the caps. They were even shown how to do a blood draw. They were even shown some skin tight shirts for Hot shot's central line protection.

"You will also will need to stay in the hospital for a while for the first bit of treatment," Dr. Zhao said. "You will need to stay for roughly about 3 to 4 months," she said.

"But I will miss Fireplug my dog," Hot shot said.

"I know you will son, we know how much you love Fireplug," Heatwave said.

Hot shot was then moved to the oncology ward. Hot shot saw his new friends there. "I just found out I have choroid plexus carcinoma a type of brain cancer," Hot shot said.

"I have that too," Hoist said.

"I have that as well," Medix said.

"I have it too," Whirl said.

"I also have that," Wedge said.

"Let's fight our cancer together," Hot shot said.

"I like that," Hoist said.

"It sounds interesting," Medix said.

"I'm in," Whirl said.

"Count me in," Wedge said.

They all joined hands on it. They were all very happy their rooms were close to each other's. Hot shot was now in his hospital room and got settled into his hospital bed. Heatwave stayed for a while. "I got to go now Hot shot, I have to work and take care of Fireplug," Heatwave said. "Your mother will stay with you, I will be back as soon as I can," he said. "Even if your mom and I leave we will always come back," he said. "I love you son," he said kissing Hot shot's head. Hot shot then hugged his father and few tears fell. Then Heatwave left. Hot shot was sad to see his father leave, but he was happy his mother was with him.

Soon Hot shot fell asleep, he was very tired, he had a very long and busy day. Hot shot was ready to begin the fight against his cancer. He was going to be very brave as he fought it too. He was going to be a brave hero and firefighter to fight this evil cancer. He was determined to win too!

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