Todd & Tex's Canterlot Advent...

By Spider33d

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Join cousins Todd and Tex on their many adventures with the Equestria Girls as they fight against evil and de... More

Main OC 1 Bio
Main OC 2 Bio
Another Day in Canterlot High
The Pony Princess from another Dimension
How to be a Fall Formal Princess
Research in the Library
Rekindling Friendships
Framed and Trapped
The Truth comes out
Return of the Fall Formal
Getting Ready for the Big Night
Sunset Shimmer's Tale
Farewell for now

Showdown at the Fall Formal

112 1 1
By Spider33d

In the gymnasium, all the students were dancing to the music. Todd, Tex, and the girls were dancing with each other. Flash Sentry was seen playing his electric guitar on stage. Twilight waves at him before noticing that Sunset Shimmer isn't around

Twilight Sparkle: Anybody see Sunset Shimmer?

Rainbow Dash: Maybe she was too embarrassed to show! She's gotta know you won by a landslide!

Todd: I wouldn't be too sure of that Rainbow. Knowing Sunset, she's probably gonna come up with another plan to get the crown

Tex: We best be on the lookout for her if that happens

Once the music was over, Flash Sentry and his band gets off the stage as Principal Celestia comes on

Principal Celestia: First off, I wanna say how wonderful everything looks tonight. You all did a magnificent job pulling things together after the unfortunate events of earlier. And now, without further ado, I'd like to announce the winner of this year's Fall Formal crown.

Vice Principal Luna walks onto the stage holding onto a box. It opens to reveal the crown. As everyone watches, Luna hands her sister the envelope

Principal Celestia: The Princess of this year's Fall Formal is...

The guys and girls were excited as they want to know who won

Principal Celestia: Twilight Sparkle!

This caused the audience cheer 

Todd: Yes! Yes! 

Tex: Way to go, Twilight!

But as the students were cheering, Snips and Snails sneaks in. Twilight steps onto the stage to accept her crown

Principal Celestia: Congratulations, Twilight.

She puts the crown on Twilight's head which glowed. Todd, Tex, and the girls smiled at Twilight's accomplishment. Twilight waved at everyone

Spike: Twilight! Todd! Help!

Twilight Sparkle: Spike?

Todd: What the?!

Todd got out his binocculars and looks through them. He turns around and sees Snips and Snails dognapping Spike as they leave the gym

Twilight Sparkle: They got Spike!

She leaps off the stage and chased after them

Todd: Wait for us!

He follows after Twilight through the halls. Twilight skids through the halls with the others following behind. The group pursued the two to rescue Spike as they passed Trixie by the vending machine. Snips and Snails ran with Spike outside and to the front of the school near the statue with the group following behind them. The group then sees Sunset Shimmer holding a sledge hammer and is preparing to use it on the statue. 

Sunset Shimmer: That's close enough

This caused the group to stop in their tracks. 

Spike: Twilight!

Snails covers his mouth to silence him

Twilight Sparkle: Don't hurt him!

Sunset Shimmer: Oh, I wouldn't dream of it. I'm not a monster, Twilight. (to Snips and Snails) Let him go

Confused, Snips and Snails releases Spike who goes to Twilight and leaps into her arms

Tex: Give it up, Sunset. Twilight beat you. It's over

Sunset Shimmer: I beg to differ. (to Twilight) You don't belong here. Give me the crown, and you can go back to Equestria tonight. Or keep it and never go home.

Twilight gasped at this

Sunset Shimmer: Tick-tock, Twilight. We haven't got all night. The portal will be closing on its own in less than an hour.

Todd: Why do you want this crown so badly, Sunset? Are you really so obsessed with power that you would resort to doing something so drastic!?

Sunset Shimmer: I do anything for power. And I'll gain more once Twilight hands over the crown. (to Twilight) So, what's your answer?

Twilight takes off her crown and begins to think. She then gives a determined look and said her answer

Twilight Sparkle: No

Sunset Shimmer: What!? Equestria! Your friends! Lost to you forever! Don't you see what I'm about to do to the portal?!

Twilight Sparkle: Yes, but I've also seen what you've been able to do here without magic. Equestria will find a way to survive without my Element of Harmony. This place might not, if I allow it to fall into your hands. So go ahead. Destroy the portal. You are not getting this crown!

And with that Twilight puts the crown back on her head. Hearing this, Sunset decides to accept defeat

Sunset Shimmer: Fine. You win

She drops the hammer while Snips and Snails move their feet as it impacted the ground

Rainbow Dash: You... are... so awesome!

Tex: Bold choice, Twilight

Applejack:  I can't believe you were gonna do that for us!

Rarity: It's no wonder you're a real live princess!

Todd: Yeah. Even better than that bully tyrant

What they said caused Sunset to lose her temper

Sunset Shimmer: Oh, yes, she's so very special!

She tackles Twilight knocking her to the ground which caused her crown to fall off her head. During the two girls' scuffle, Spike noticed the crown rolling on the ground. Sunset then makes a break for the crown, but Twilight grabs her by the boot and attempts to pull her back. Just as Sunset was reaching for it, Spike leaps onto her head, grabs the crown with his teeth, and runs off

Sunset Shimmer: Grab him you fools!

Snips and Snails began to pursue the dragon turned dog. 

Todd: We can't let Sunset get that crown. Come on!

Snips and Snails continue to chase the dog until Sunset runs in and pushes them out of the way as she goes after Spike herself. The cousins and the girls follows after them. Spike then raced up the steps to the front door of the school, but was unable to opened the doors as the handles were too high. Sunset then had him cornered. Rainbow Dash then runs up behind them

Rainbow Dash: Spike! Spike!

Seeing that Rainbow Dash is open, Spike throws the crown at her. Rainbow Dash catches it. Snips and Snails then attempt to take the crown from her, but Rainbow was able to prevent them from doing so

Rainbow Dash: Fluttershy!

She tosses the crown to Fluttershy who catches it. Fluttershy then sees Sunset, Snips, and Snails running up to her. This caused her to panic as she froze with fear. Luckilly, Applejack took out some rope and lassoed Fluttershy to safety, but this caused her to lose the crown. Snips gets it, but a horseshoe was thrown and hits him in the hands

Snips: Yow!

He throws the the crown up while Tex runs, jumps, and grabs the crown while holding another horseshoe.

Applejack: You brought horseshoes, Tex?

Tex: Yup. I figured I used them for emergencies. And this is an emergency

Todd couldn't help but smile. He already knows that Tex is a pro at horseshoe toss. Suddenly, Snails snatched the crown from Tex. Luckilly, Pinkie snuck up behind him and grabs the crown and then passes it to Applejack who then passed it on to Rarity who then tosses it to Twilight. Seeing Snips and Snails run up to her, Twilight tossed the crown over her head. Seeing this, Todd begins to run after it 

Todd: I got it! I got it!

But Sunset pushed him to the ground. Tex gasped and runs over to Todd. Sunset catches the crown before it can hit the ground

Sunset Shimmer: I'll take that (chuckles evilly)  At last! 

Spike growled at her as Twilight picked him while Tex helps Todd up

Sunset Shimmer: More power than I could ever imagine!

As she said that, Sunset puts the crown on her head. But just as she did that, the jewel emits a black and blue field that surrounds Sunset's body. And then she was engulfed by a pillar of energy emitting from the ground as everyone shielded their eyes 

Tex: What's goin on?!

Todd: I don't know, but it's definitely not good!

The students, having heard the commotion, opens the front door to see what has happened

Suddenly, Sunset underwent a terrifying transformation. Her skin became crimson red, her hands became claws, and her eyes became schlera black and cyan. She even had wings and a tail. Sunset had transformed into a demon. She laughs evilly after looking at her new form. The cousins and the girls gasped at what she has become while Twilight just glared at her. Sunset then used her magic to transform Snips and Snails into demons just like her. 

Snips: This is gonna be so cool!

Todd: Not cool

He, Tex, and the girls backed up as the newly transformed demons advanced towards them. The students screamed as they had witnessed it. They attempt to hide only to be spotted by Sunset. The students then went back inside the school. Sunset flew over to it

Sunset Shimmer:  I've had to jump through so many hoops tonight just to get my hands on this crown, and it really should have been mine all along. (growls) But let's let bygones be bygones. I am your princess now, and you will be loyal... to me!

She used her new magic to destroy the entrance and move the debris out of the way. She then flew in while the students attempt to run away. Sunset then used the crown's power as she begins to hypnotize the students and turning them into mindless zombies. Snips and Snails then came up to Sunset

Sunseth Shimmer: Round them up and bring them to the portal.

Snips and Snails salutes her and begin to do just that. Twilight, Todd, and Tex stands tall as Sunset came out of the entrance

Sunset Shimmer: Spoiler alert: I was bluffing when I said I was going to destroy the portal. I don't want to rule this pathetic little high school; I want Equestria! And with my own little teenage army behind me, I am going to get it!

Todd and Tex steps in front of Twilight

Todd: Not so fast, Sunset!

Tex: We won't let you!

Sunset Shimmer: (growls) You two have stood in my way for the last time! (to Snips and Snails) Get them!

Todd: Hey cuz! Remember those video games we played back in my house?

Tex: Sure do. Let's take em down

Snips and Snails flew at them. As they got close, the cousins both punched them back. Angered, Snips quickly tackles Todd away leaving Tex to deal with Snails. Snails attempts to punch Tex, but he dodges it and did a few jabs to Snails' side before kicking him back. On the ground, Todd was struggling to hold Snips back. Then an idea came to his mind. 

Todd:  (points behind Snips) Hey, what's that over there!

Snips: (looks behind) Huh?

As Snips was distracted, Todd kicks him off and then rushes in to deliver a round house punch knocking the demon to the ground. Snips hissed before flying over, grabbed Todd and begin flying into the air. The girls were shocked as they saw this. 

Tex: Keep your claws off my cousin!

He takes out another horseshoe and aimed it. Once he found an angle, Tex hurled the horshoe into the air. It hits Snips in the head allowing Todd to push off of him and lands on the ground. Todd turns to Tex and gives him a thumbs up to which he returns. Snails attempts to attack Tex from behind, but he punched the demon without looking back. Suddenly, Todd was lifted in the air until he was face to face with Sunset who had used her magic to pick him up

Sunset Shimmer: Gotcha now, Todd!

Todd: Sunset please! You don't want to do this!

Sunset Shimmer: Oh but I do. Once you're all out of the way, Equestria will be mine! And I think I'll start by taking you out first

She then used her magic to inflict pain on Todd's body. He cries out as she did that

Girls: Todd!

Tex: Cuz!

Sunset continues to inflict pain on Todd until she hears screeching. She turns to see a falcon charging right at her

Sunset Shimmer: Huh?

The falcon then begins to attack her with it's talons.  Sunset screamed in pain while releasing Todd who hit the ground.

Rainbow Dash: Was that a peregrine falcon?

Applejack: Sure is. Guess Todd wasn't lyin when he said he saw one 

Pinkie Pie: And it's helping him!

Todd slowly came to as he sees the peregrine falcon attacking Sunset. But the demon used her magic to catch the falcon

Sunset Shimmer: Get off me you feathered pest!

She then throws the falcon away from her

Todd: No!

Sunset Shimmer then lands in front of him

Sunset Shimmer: Now where were we. Oh yes. I remeber

She advanced towards Todd. He put out his hands in an attempt to defend himself

Tex: Todd!

Tex raced over to help his cousin. Then something strange happened, the jewel on the crown glowed and blasts a pink energy right on Todd's bracelet

Sunset Shimmer: What is this?

The magic energy had transformed Todd's bracelet. It has become  long and a little bulky complete with a hole on a part of it. Everyone was surprised by this

Spike: Whoa! I didn't know your crown can do that

Twilight Sparkle: Neither did I 

Then a dark blue magic whip comes out of the bracelet much to Todd's surprised. He flicked his wrist and the whip hits Demon Shimmer pushing her back.

(Note: This is inspired by the Soul Robber from the video game: The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge)

Todd: Hmmm

With a smirk, he gets back up and got into a battle stance. Sunset growled as she begins to swipe at Todd with her claws, but he dodges each of them. He then attacks her with his new magical bracelet. Tex then runs in and hurls two horseshoes at the female demon. One of them hits her in the face while Sunset use her magic to hurl the second one away. But Todd catches it with his magic whip and throws it at Sunset which hits her. Just as they are about to attack again, Sunset sends out a magical wave that pushes both cousins back.

Sunset Shimmer: Enough! I'm through playing around! Now I shall lead my army and conquer all of Equestria!

Twilight then steps up

Twilight Sparkle: No, you're not!

Sunset Shimmer: Oh, please! What exactly do you think you're going to do to stop me? I have magic, and you have nothing!

Todd and Tex had just recovered from the magical wave and walk up next to Twilight

Todd: That's where you're wrong, Sunset!

The girls even stepped up to confront the evil demon

Rainbow Dash: She has us!

Tex: And you know why? Because we're her friends!

Twilight smiled at all of them. Sunset growled before laughing as the girls stood beside Twilight

Sunset Shimmer: Gee, the gang really is all back together again. (laughs as she wipes a tear from her eyes) Now step aside! Twilight has tried to interfere with my plans one too many times already! She needs to be dealt with!

As she said this, Sunset foms a magic fireball and hurls it at Twilight. The cousins and the girls hug Twilight to protect her just as it hits. Sunset laughs believing that she had destroyed them. But to her shock, she sees a magic layer protecting them. An extra magic layer was also put up thanks to Todd's  transformed bracelet putting up a force field of it's own on the two boys.

Sunset Shimmer: What!?

The girls and cousins were surprised at what has happened. They all smiled as the girls linked hands with each while the cousins had their hands over their shoulders as the bracelet's magic vanished. 

Twilight Sparkle: The magic contained in my Element was able to unite with those that helped create it!

Then the jewel on the crown begins to shoot pink energy which engulfs the girls which turns into a white light as they all transformed. Todd and Tex both took a few steps back as that happened

Todd: Oh this is gonna be sweet

Tex: You can say that again

(Start at 0:11 to 0:56)

The cousins were amazed by the girls' transformations. They all have pony ears and long hair. Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy all have wings along with their pony ears and long hair. Tex couldn't help but blush at Applejack's new form. 

Twilight Sparkle:  Together with a crown, they create a power beyond anything you could imagine, but it is a power you don't have the ability to control! The crown may be upon your head, Sunset Shimmer, but you cannot wield it, because you do not possess the most powerful magic of all: the magic of friendship!

The girls then formed a shape of a heart. Then something happened. Todd's bracelet glowed as the blue magic shot out from it. It hits the girls which seems to give them a surge in power. The cousins and the girls were shocked as this happened

Todd: What's this?

Twilight Sparkle: Todd! Your bracelet is responding to our friendship. And it's giving us a boost!

An energy ball forms around the girl as the bracelet's magic amplfies it. Then a rainbow forms out of it and begins to go straight at Sunset. 

Sunset Shimmer: No!

She screams as the rainbow begins to wrap around her

Sunset Shimmer: What is happening?!

Sunset was completely engulfed in a large rainbow tornado

Twilight Sparkle: Here and in Equestria, it is the only magic that can truly unite us all!

Then another rainbow beam shoots out and restoring all the students to normal while also reverting Snips and Snails back into their regular selves. Then a bright light formed by the girls engulfs the entire area. Once it was over, all the students head outside to see what has happend. The girls were lying on the ground semi-conscious while Todd was lying on his back. The peregrine falcon flew in and lands next to Todd. It looks at him and then chirps at the unconscious boy.  Todd slowly opens his eyes and sits up

Todd: Man. That was. Magical (notices the falcon next to him) Oh hey there. Glad you're okay

The peregrine falcon chirped 

Todd: Yeah I'm fine. (looks at his bracelet) Who knew my bracelet can do something so cool

Todd sees Tex in front of him with his hand out

Tex: Need a hand, cuz?

Todd smiles as he takes his cousin's hand. Tex then helps him up

Tex: I gotta admit. That sure was somethin

Todd: Uh huh

Spike licks Twilight's face to wake her up. She wakes up and Spike leaps into her arms as they hug. The girls even woke up and walk up to her with Todd and Tex doing the same

Tex: You gals okay?

Applejack: We're fine, sugarcube

Todd: That was awesome!

Twilight Sparkle: Thanks, Todd

Tex: Now we just need to worry about Sunset Shimmer 

They all turn to see a large crater nearby. Twilight walks over with Todd and Tex following behind. They look to see that Sunset Shimmer has been restored to normal and is struggling to get up. Her hair is disheveled and her clothes were slightly torn

Twilight Sparkle: You will never rule in Equestria. Any power you may have had in this world is gone. Tonight, you've shown everyone who you really are. You've shown them what is in your heart.

As she said this, all the students and teachers gathered around the crater while the falcon flew onto the statue to watch them. Sunset looks up and starts to weep feeling very remorseful for what she had done. 

Sunset Shimmer: (sobs) I-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't know there was another way.

Todd was surprised. He had never seen Sunset cry before. For the first time, Todd felt sorry for the former bully. Even his cousin felt the same. 

Twilight Sparkle: The magic of friendship doesn't just exist in Equestria. It's everywhere. You can seek it out, or you can forever be alone. The choice is yours.

Sunset climbs out of the crater still in tears

Sunset Shimmer: But... But all I've ever done since being here is drive everyone apart. I don't know the first thing about friendship.

Todd walks up to Sunset and to her surprise, he helps her up

Todd: Don't worry. We can teach you

Tex: Yeah. Yur not alone in this, Sunset. We can all show you a thing or two about friendship.

Tex gestured to the girls as he said that

Spike: Those are my friends! Whoo-hoo!

All the students were surprised as they heard Spike talk

Brawly Beats: Did that dog just talk? Whoa. Weird.

Spike: Seriously? The talking dog is a weird thing about all this?

Rarity: I, for one, think you're adorable.

She picks Spike up and begins to scratch him behind the ear

Spike: Oh, yeah.

Principal Celestia comes up to Twilight while presenting her the crown

Principal Celestia: I believe this belongs to you. A true princess in any world leads not by forcing others to bow before her, but by inspiring others to stand with her. 

Twilight kneels down as Celestia placed the crown on her head

Principal Celestia: We have all seen that you are capable of just that. I hope you see it too, Princess Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle: I do

The crowd cheered for their new Fall Formal Princess. Flash Sentry appeared behind her and offers her his hand

Flash Sentry: Would now be a completely awkward time to ask you for that dance?

Twilight looks at the moon and decides to enjoy her time before going back home. She then takes his hand

Twilight Sparkle: (giggles) I accept

Principal Celestia: Now then. Let us continue the Fall Formal

All the students head back in the school to the gymnasium. The girls and the cousins were the last ones to go inside the school. Todd sees Sunset sitting by herself on the steps of the entrance. 

Todd: You guys go on ahead. I'm going to have a talk with Sunset

Tex: Sure thing, cuz

Rarity: Good luck, darling

Pinkie Pie: If you're ready to party, you know where to find us

Todd: Thanks Pinkie

As his friends head inside, Todd slowly begins to approach Sunset. It was time that he have a talk with the former Bully Queen of CHS. 

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