The Students of Hogwarts and...

By Cheerio125

297 16 10

Its a new year at Hogwarts, 11 years after Voldemort was defeated. Four new students enter Hogwarts for a yea... More

Authors notes and Prologue
Chapter 1: The Wand
Cross examinating the Sorting Hat
Potions Class

Chapter 2

40 3 3
By Cheerio125


Ellie looked up at ht cloudless blue sky before she entered kings cross station.she looked down the line of platforms and found the ones nine and ten. her ticket said 9 3/4 but she didn't worry, for she had been told earlier that platform 9 3/4 was hidden in between. 

Her eyes were drown to what was undoubtedly a wizarding family. Their cart had two large trunks and a cage with an owl. Ellie watched as one of the children walked calmly at the wall and disappeared. 

Smiling, Ellie walked over there too.she started forward and the next thing she knew,  she was sanding on platform 9 3/4 with a stem engine that said The Hogwarts Express

Ellie took her trunk onto the train amid other students who were waving goodbye to their parents and younger siblings. Stepping onto the train, she noticed that the most of the compartments were full of older students. She made her way down to the end where she found a nearly empty compartment with only two students that looked about her age.

The boy noticed her peering in and said, "are you a first year too?" and gestured for her to take a seat. She was somewhat startled by this as he had bright turquoise hair, but she took a seat next to the other student, a small girl with blond hair. 

"I'm Teddy Lupin," the boy introduced himself, "and this is Kathrine ____."

They appeared to have been in deep conversation and started up again ad Ellie settled down. 

"So what house do you want to be in?" Teddy asked.

"Houses?" Ellie replied, somewhat confused.

"you know, you share a main room and take classes with every one in your house," Kathrine answered, "it is also how they divide quidditch teams."

"how are they divided up?"

Teddy looked puzzled, "don't you know? its supposed to be some big secret, but every one knows that you just try on a hat."

"no, I didn't know, I'm here as a magic exchange student from Colorado," Ellie smiled," they do do things very differently."

"well, there are four houses," Kathrine began, "there is Ravenclaw, where all the smart kids go. They're into solving puzzles and things."

"I only like puzzles when they are relevant," replied Ellie.

"then there is Hufflepuf and Gryffindor, everyone thinks that Hufflepufs are kinda lame," she said shrugging as if to say that she didn't really believe it. 

"I want to be in Gryffindor," announced Teddy, "They're the best. My dad was in Gryffindor."

"All of the heroes in stories are Gryfindors. They are supposed to be brave, but also have a reputation for breaking the rules," explained Kathrine.

"what about the last house?," asked Ellie, "you said there were four."

"That would be Slytherin," Teddy's voice dropped to a whisper, "In stories, they are always the dark wizards."

"I heard you know who was one," breathed Kathrine.

"er.. no, I don't know who," Ellie was once again puzzled.

Teddy, on the other hand, rolled his eyes, "Voldemort," he said as Kathrine jumped, "but most people are still scared of his name. I don't get it. Every one that used to be in the Order uses his real name."

"yeah we know," Kathrine sounded like she was used to hearing this story, " you pretty much grew up with them." 

"Whats the Order?" Ellie curiously asked.

"A special group of aurors, ministry officials and other people that worked to stop him and his Death eaters." 

Ellie didn't know much about Voldemort and his death eaters. He had learned a bit about them at home when she had studied 'Current issues in the Wizarding World'. 

She looked out the window and saw the castle, "look were almost there!"


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