Finding You - ( JenLisa )

By louwishhh

21.3K 1.3K 199

"Because I really love you so much that I'm willing to love you in every version of myself in every multi ver... More

XI (M)


1.3K 77 12
By louwishhh

Team Tae?

Or Lisa?


I feel the weight of the game still lingering in my muscles, I welcomed Jennie's comforting touch as she gently guided me back to my dorm. With each step, the tension slowly began to fade away, replaced by a growing sense of relaxation and anticipation.

As we entered my room, I gratefully sank onto the bed, allowing Jennie to take the lead in soothing my aching muscles. Her skilled hands worked wonders as she applied the massage oil, her touch firm yet gentle as she kneaded away the tension that had built up during the game from my back.

Closing my eyes, I surrendered myself to the blissful sensation, feeling the knots in my muscles unraveling with each stroke. Jennie's presence beside me was a comforting anchor, her soothing voice murmuring words of reassurance and care.

I let out a contented sigh, feeling the knots gradually loosening under her touch. I didn't know that she can be good at this stuff. But after all, she's Jennie Kim, she's good at everything.

"You're amazing at this, Nini, " I murmured, my voice filled with genuine appreciation. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

Jennie's soft laughter filled the room, her voice warm and comforting. I loved hearing her laugh, it's the most precious thing for me to hear "Just trying to help you relax, Lili. You deserve it after that intense game."

I couldn't help but smile at her words, grateful for her presence and efforts. "Thank you," I replied, my voice soft with emotion. "You always know just what I need." I smiled lazily, feeling so relaxed under her touches

Jennie started gently kneading on my upper back making me sigh in delight. Her small hands travelling around my whole back as she hum a soft song makes me feel like I'm in heaven.

I never knew that a massage from your girlfriend is better than sleeping for the rest of the day after a tiring soccer game. This is really the best.

"Wait here, love. I'll just do something for a minute" Jennie whispered to my ears and I just nodded my head. A smile is painted in my lips as I close my eyes. Feeling so relaxed than ever.

I heard small sounds, must be Jennie's movements but I ignored it since I'm too lazy to stand up and look for what she was doing. After a minute, I felt her climbing back to my bed.

"Lili" she called as she tap my back slightly

"Hmm?" I just hummed as a respond.

"Sit up then rest your back on the headboard" she said. I followed lazily, with my eyes still close.

I rested my back againts the headboard and the moment that I opened my eyes, I saw my girlfriend Jennie. Completely naked, crawling towards me until she reached my lap and settled there with an innocent smile

Oh Lord!

"Like what you see? " she giggled at my reaction. I just nodded and gulp while slowly scanning her body in front of mine. My mouth, slightly open.

"I must've save the world from my past life" I stated, my eyes glued to Jennie's breast. Jennie laughed at me before pulling my head for a passionate kiss.

It's like our souls ignited and draw near, our hearts pounding in sync. Time slows, is it possible if I say that in that moment I felt the time had stopped?

In that fleeting moment, everything else fades away. The gentle brush of her lips sends sparks flying, electrifying mine. Every touch, every breath shared, speaks volumes of desire and longing, as we lose ourselves in the intoxicating dance of passion.

I passed her lips and made my way to her neck, kissing and sucking on her pulse point making her move closer to me which I badly needed. My hands found their way on each of her breast and started massaging it while giving her marks on her collarbone.

"Oh Lisa! " she shivered and hold onto my hair, pulling me closer to her.

I was only wearing my boxers since Jennie massaged me earlier and I know that she can feel how hard I am right now for her.

Jennie sat directly on my bulge, grinding and humping on it making my hands grip tighter on her breast as I play with her nipples using my fingers.

"Let's not take this slow. Take that off" Jennie sounded so bossy while referring to my boxers. I immediately took it off making my cock bounce and stand on my stomach, so happy to see her.

"Fuck! You're so sexy" I commented when Jennie guided my cock on her entrance before completely sitting on it. She put her hair on the other side to let me kiss on her neck, she rested her hands on my shoulders before starting to move slowly.

It feels real good to have her slide her pussy up and down my shaft. Like I'm in heaven, or if this is not heaven, I don't even care at the moment. I'll stay here for as long as I can

It's very sexually stimulating to watch my cock go in deep, and then out a long ways.

"Lili, you're so big! " Jennie moaned as she continued to bounce in front of me. Her voice hoarse, it sounded so hot.

Jennie arched her back, she looked up as if she's enjoying the moment, her tits bouncing up and down so very nicely, right in front of my face, and I can feel her anywhere I want to. I can feel how deep I am inside her.

"Oh! Fu- yes! Ungh! " She continued to moan hard sending me shivers. She looked so sexy in this. She looked so perfect just like this.

I kiss and lick her tits and nipples easily. My hands resting on her waist, gripping it hard and Jennie's moaning got harder. Her riding me is exciting and makes my cock real hard.

"You're so tight, hon" I commented before lifting my hips up, meeting her thrust and that made her eyes roll back in delight, moaning harder than usual. I know she loved that

I wanted this to last longer than usual because I am enjoying this a lot but I'm so close to bursting. The cock block from earlier this morning and Jennie's sexy body right in front of me, I doubt that I can last longer.

"Oooh.. Lisa you fill me up so good" she grabbed my face and kissed me passionately. I responded and started exploring her mouth with my tongue

I started thrusting my hips upwards, meeting her thrust so I could at least make her come first. By the way Jennie's breathing is uneven, her loud moans and shaking knees, I knew she won't last longer

And so I thrusted harder and faster. Jennie stopped kissing me instead, she hugged my torso and rested her face on the crook of my neck, accepting every thrust that I give.

She is moaning so good, so close to my ears which I love the most. I love making her moan. I love her.

"Cumming Lili! Fuck!" She mumbled before I felt juices spreading on my shaft. I felt her pussy clencing around me, suffocating my cock so hard that I started cumming too, inside her.

"Fuck! You're the best" I kissed her temples multiple times, she shivered when I pulled out from her. She hugged me tight. I think I made her tired.

"I love you" she giggled againts my skin that made me smile. How can she be so wild then cute at the same time?

"I love you more, Nini. " I mumbled before kissing her forehead.

That was the last moment that I remembered before we both fell asleep with her still on top of me.


I slowly open my eyes, I'm met with darkness, causing confusion to swirl in my mind. It takes a moment for my sleep-fogged brain to register the time.

Night time already?

I shift slightly and feel the weight of something warm and soft on top of me. It's Jennie, peacefully sleeping. A smile tugs at the corners of my lips as I gently nudge her, whispering,

"Hon, wake up. It's already night time" I caressed her naked back. Jennie stirs, murmuring incoherently

"Noo" she groaned and shifted her position. She went beside me and hugged my waist. I can feel her warm breathing againts my skin

I find Jennie's refusal to wake up adorable, so I decide to let her sleep a little longer. Gently stroking her hair, I smile at her peaceful expression, feeling grateful for this quiet moment together.

She looked so cute, so innocent and pure and I would do anything to protect her with all of my life.

With a content sigh, I settle back against the pillows, allowing myself to relax alongside Jennie, cherishing the warmth of her body.

Careful not to disturb Jennie's peaceful slumber, I slip out of bed and quietly get dressed in comfortable clothes. With a soft smile, I glance back at Jennie, feeling a warmth in my heart as I admire her sleeping form.

I went to kiss her forehead and made sure to cover her well with my blanket so she won't feel too cold. She's still naked after all.

Once ready, I tiptoe out of the room, making my way to the nearest convenience store. With Jennie's favorite snacks in mind, I should pick out a variety of treats, knowing they'll bring a smile to her face when she wakes up.

I make my way through the aisles of the convenience store. I pick up a tub of creamy vanilla ice cream, knowing it's Jennie's guilty pleasure.

Next, I grab some freshly made gimbap, remembering how much she enjoys its savory flavors. As I stroll down the aisle, I spot Jennie's preferred brand of instant ramyeon, perfect for a quick and comforting meal.

And of course, I can't forget the gummy bears, a sweet indulgence she always craves. With my arms full of goodies, I head to the checkout counter, eager to surprise Jennie with a delicious feast when she wakes up.

I made my way to the counter in the convenience store, my mind preoccupied with the snacks I got for my girlfriend, I froze in surprise as I caught sight of Taehyung standing just a few feet away, browsing through the aisles.

A rush of conflicting emotions washed over me as I struggled to compose myself, my heart pounding in my chest with anger. Despite my efforts to avoid him, seeing Taehyung again brought back a flood anger inside me.

For a moment, I hesitated, unsure of what to do next. But in the end, I decided to ignore him and went to the cashier instead. I just don't want to deal with him at all or I might not be able to control myself

I fooled myself though because I think he noticed me too and is now smirking towards my direction

Taehyung approached me with a smug look, my guard went up instinctively, bracing myself for whatever nonsense he had to say. Despite my best efforts to ignore him, it seemed he had other plans.

"Hey, Lisa," he said casually, his tone dripping with faux innocence. "How's it going? You've been gone for the rest of the day after the match "

I forced a polite smile, trying to keep my composure. "I've been busy," I replied coolly, keeping my tone neutral. Been busy with my girlfriend but I don't think it's necessary for him to know that "And yourself?"

Taehyung's smirk widened as he leaned in closer, his gaze locking onto mine. "Oh, nothing. Been hanging out with the boys" he replied nonchalantly. "how's Jennie doing? Did she change her mind about my offer"

The mention of Jennie's name sent a surge of irritation coursing through me, but I refused to let it show. Instead, I maintained my composure, masking my true feelings behind a facade of indifference.

"Jennie's doing just fine, very fine to be honest" I replied evenly, refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing me irritated. "But I'm sure you already knew that." I smiled at him

Taehyung's smirk faltered for a brief moment, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his features. But just as quickly as it appeared, it was replaced by a cocky grin.

"Well, you know I'm just making sure," he said dismissively, shrugging casually. "I heard from my friends that you are somehow the person that Jennie has been dreaming about"

I froze, but I acted cool about it. I can't let him get through me.

"Yeah, and if I am, what about it? " I gave him a forced smile and he gave me a smile as well. But his smile was cocky, as if he's really provoking me.

"Well I just figured that Jennie is just staying with you because you are that person from her dream" He stated. His voice filled with confidence and somehow it started to irritate me

"What do you mean Taehyung? " I furrow my brows at him and he just chuckled at me

"Jennie dated me before because she likes me Lisa. She liked me on her own and you? I think she's only dating you because you came from her dreams or something" he smirked. I closed my fist and started glaring at him

"Shut up, Taehyung. You don't know anything" I told him before turning my back and proceeded to the counter. I should just leave here or I might really beat him up

"Will she ever like you if you were not that someone from her dreams? " Taehyung said before exiting the convenience store.

I was left there standing confuse.

I watched Taehyung walk away, a whirlwind of emotions swept through me, leaving me feeling unsettled and vulnerable. But amidst the chaos of my thoughts, one nagging fear lingered at the forefront of my mind

what if I wasn't the person Jennie had always dreamed of?

The thought sent a pang of insecurity coursing through me, stirring up doubts that I had long buried beneath the surface. What if I wasn't enough for her? What if she realized that I couldn't live up to the idealized image she held in her mind?

As I grappled with these fears, a part of me couldn't help but wonder if Jennie would still love me if I fell short of her expectations. Would she see past the flaws and imperfections, or would she ultimately be disappointed?

I love Jennie, there's no doubt about that even if I couldn't remember who she was from my last life. And it doesn't even matter to me anymore, I love her for who she is right now but does she feel the same?

I stepped out of the convenience store, the cool evening air offered little relief from the chaos swirling in my mind. Despite my best efforts to push aside my doubts and fears, they continued to gnaw at me, a relentless barrage of insecurities that refused to be silenced.

Each step I took felt heavy with uncertainty, the weight of my thoughts dragging me down into a spiral of self-doubt. Was I truly worthy of Jennie's love? Could I ever live up to the expectations she had for me, or would I always fall short?

Lost in the chaos of my thoughts, I barely noticed the passing scenery as I made my way back to my dorm. The world around me seemed to blur into a haze of indistinct shapes and colors, my mind consumed by the turmoil within.

I quietly opened the door to my room, the soft glow of the lamp illuminated the peaceful figure of Jennie, nestled beneath the covers in deep slumber. Despite the chaos raging within me, a sense of calm washed over me at the sight of her serene form.

With a tender smile, I approached the bed, taking a moment to admire the gentle rise and fall of her chest with each steady breath. She looked so peaceful, so content, and for a fleeting moment, I allowed myself to forget about the doubts and insecurities that had plagued me.

Gently, I reached out to brush a stray lock of hair from her face, marveling at the delicate curve of her cheek. In that moment, bathed in the warm glow of the lamplight, I felt a surge of love and gratitude wash over me.

With a soft sigh, I climbed into bed beside her, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her close. As I nestled against her warm embrace, the chaos in my mind began to subside, replaced by a sense of peace.

I planted a kiss on her forehead silently wishing for all the gods above to stop the time right here and then. Because I wouldn't be able to survive if I somehow lose her.

"Where were you Lili, you were gone earlier" Jennie mumbled as she snuggled her face to my neck. I immediately composed myself when I feel like she's waking up, I don't want her to know the chaos inside my mind

"Yeah, I bought you snacks, I figured you'd be hungry by now" I smiled at her and she smiled back before pecking my lips

"I am. You're so thoughtful" she got up making me face her back as she wore my soccer shirt

I watched Jennie slip into my oversized soccer shirt, a soft smile tugged at the corners of my lips. The fabric hung loosely on her frame, engulfing her in a sea of cotton, yet she wore it with a grace and elegance that took my breath away.

There was something undeniably captivating about the sight of her, clad in my jersey, the fabric draping over her like a second skin. The way it accentuated her delicate features, the way it swayed with every movement, spoke volumes of the beauty and strength she possessed.

With a soft sigh, I crossed the room to hug her from behind, my heart overflowing with love and admiration. "You look beautiful," I whispered, my voice filled with genuine affection. "But then again, you always do."

"Did you do something? " Jennie turned around to face me, her brows furrowed, looking at me suspiciously

"What do you mean, love? " I chuckled at her as I learned forward to brush my nose againts her

"You're extra sweet today, I wonder if you did something" she playfully glared at me

"I didn't, Nini. Can't I just say that you're beautiful? " I pecked her lips. She smiled at me and made me sat on the dining area.

"Alright, but you're beautiful too Lili, handsome as well" she giggled before sitting on my lap as she open the paper bag that contains the snack that I bought earlier

"Vanilla ice cream! " Jennie smiled in victory. "Gummy worms too!" She giggled. Ignoring the ramyeon and gimbap. I just shook my head because of her silliness

Jennie settled onto my lap, a mischievous glint danced in her eyes as she held out a spoonful of vanilla ice cream and gummy worms. With a playful grin, she offered it to me, her expression daring me to resist.

Unable to resist her infectious energy, I leaned forward, eagerly accepting the sweet treat from her spoon. The cool vanilla ice cream and chewy gummy worms danced across my taste buds, sending a delightful shiver down my spine. Then she proceeded to give me a peck on my lips.

This must be the best dinner I have ever had in my entire life.

We shared the decadent dessert, laughter bubbled between us, the carefree moments spent in each other's company washing away the worries and uncertainties that had plagued me earlier. In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of Jennie's embrace and the sweetness of the ice cream, I felt truly alive

"You know, Lili" she began, a playful twinkle in her eye, "vanilla ice cream is actually the most popular flavor in the world! Can you believe it?"

I chuckled, shaking my head in amusement. "Really? I had no idea hon"

Jennie nodded, her enthusiasm infectious. "Yep! And did you know that vanilla ice cream is believed to have originated in ancient China, over 4,000 years ago? They used to mix snow with various flavors to create a refreshing treat!"

Fascinated by her trivia, I leaned in closer to peck her lips "Wow, that's incredible! What about gummy bears?"

With a grin, Jennie picked up a gummy bear and held it between her fingers. "Gummy bears were actually invented in Germany in the 1920s by a man named Hans Riegel. He was inspired by the dancing bears he saw at street festivals!"

I couldn't help but laugh at the whimsical origin story of one of her favorite candies. "That's adorable! No wonder they're so popular."

"I know! " Jennie giggled "what about you? What's your favorite candy baby? " she asked, her eyes filled with confusion

"I'm not a fan of sweets, Nini. I don't eat candies at all" I replied with a smile then she frowned at me

"But you're eating one right now" she said and I just chuckled

"Because you like them, I like everything that you like" I pecked her lips once again when I saw a red blush on her cheeks. She looked so cute

"What do you mean sweetheart? " she caressed my cheeks while looking into my eyes with pure affection

"It's like this, I like being alone but that is why I knew you're different because for the first time ever I wanted someone else's company more than myself" I rested my hands on her waist

"I'm in love with you, Lisa" she said. I smiled at her then she smiled back. In that moment, I feel like nothing else mattered anymore. As long as I got her like this, I could live. She's the only thing that I will ever need

"My soul is in love with you too. Every inch of my body, even my bones, not just my heart" I hugged her body and rested my face on her chest.

I wrapped my arms around Jennie, pulling her close to me, I couldn't help but notice the rapid rhythm of her heartbeat beneath my touch. With each rise and fall of her chest, I could feel the fluttering pulse of her heart, quickened by the closeness of our embrace.

"Nini, your heart is racing," I murmured softly, my voice filled with concern. "Is everything okay?"

Jennie shifted slightly in my lap, her face flushed with a mix of emotions. "I... I think it's just the excitement," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "Being with you like this... it's overwhelming, in the best possible way."

Feeling a surge of warmth wash over me at her words, I held her tighter, wanting to offer her comfort and reassurance. "I know what you mean," I replied, my voice soft and filled with affection. "Being with you feels like coming home."

"You're killing me, Lili. You don't understand what effect you have on me" she played with my hair in a very soothing way

"You're my safe place" I confessed.

"You are mine too" she replied. I snuggled closer to her neck and sniffed her scent

"Why do you smell sooo so good? I just can't get enough of it. I just can't get enough of you. I want to eat you" I looked up at her with an innocent smile

"Pervert! " she laughed and I laughed at her.

"You love this pervert! " I pouted at her

"Yes, I do love. I love you" she told me and my heart skipped a bit. I love her with all of my being

"I love you" I kissed her soft skin

I held Jennie close, feeling the warmth of her body against mine and the steady rhythm of her heartbeat, I made a conscious decision to push aside the chaos swirling within me. In that moment, all that mattered was the love and connection we shared.

All that mattered is us. And I'm willing to do anything to protect what I have with her.

Because I love her to the point where I'm even willing to give up my life.



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