Snippets, Incorrect Quotes an...

By budstarc

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The small snippets, incorrect quotes, hilarity and more Tiny tales, small conversations and more Characters m... More

Boos and Cheers (Ft. Mahi and Hardik)
Brain cells and accidents (Ft. Mahi, Sr. Rahul and Rohit)
Niggles and Comfort (Ft. Jaddu, Mahi Bhai, Pathirana, Rutu and some CSK)
Forbearance and sanity (Ft. Rohit, Ajinkya - a hint of Virat.)
Pranks and Platitude (Ft. Jaddu and his Mahi Bhai)
Soup and Secrets (Ft. Shubman and Ishaan)

Incidents and Repercussions (Ft. Virat and his Mahi Bhai)

784 49 313
By budstarc

Incidents and Repercussions (Ft. Virat and his Mahi Bhai with cameos from Sach Pa, Rahul Bhai)

A/N - Hard week. Harder days

I wanted the comfort of mahirat but with the least of fillers.
Let me know if this is okay, I am missing a few of my regular people and their comments but well 🥲.

Cheeks - Are pigeons drones?

Mahi - What? No, I'm trying to sleep.

Cheeks - Think about it. How come you've never seen a baby pigeon? And why do you never actually see a pigeon nest? Because they're DRONES!

Mahi - *Crying* Please let me sleep...

"Mahi Bhai?"

A hand pulled, a wrist tapped.

"Bhai? Here, take this."

No reply.

"Mahi Bhai? Please?"

"Go away, Virat. Please do not intrude upon my personal time."

"I am your personal time! Why...? Bhai? Please!"

"What please, Virat? Go and denigrate your Captain; who cares? I do not. If you..."

Virat was leaping around not unlike a mentally young individual or an overgrown monkey; MS tried to hold back the reflexive smile; he was angry. Not hurt. Of course not; right?

"Bhai please please please. I was just a... a little annoyed. Please Mahi Bhai. Sorry na. I did not mean to call you cranky."

"That is nothing new; you always call me cranky."

MS tried to turn again and the leaping around continued. "Then what? I am sorry I called you a hard taskmaster?"

"I am that too! Leave it Virat! Go right back to your cribbing! See if I care!"

"Bhai please" A hand tried to strangle MS and he threw off the offending appendage. "Bhai! You cannot overlook me!"

MS raised his eyebrow; one eyebrow. "I cannot? I am. This is me overlooking you. Go to your Yuvi pa, your Sachin Paaji. They will mollycoddle you. Or go to your Gauti Pa and set up a complaining competition. See if I care!"

"Why am I being dragged into this mess?"

A similar voice waved in from the open doorway and MS snapped around with a thunderous scowl. "And why are you eavesdropping?"

"Because I can? Why are you scolding my Mini Me so much?"

"Mini me? Really, Sach pa? Then take away your Mini Me! I want nothing to do with him!"


"Don't MS him, Sachi!"Another voice, a more welcome one this time. "And why are you eavesdropping?"

"Exactly what I asked, Rahul Bhai. But if both of you can please drag away Sachin Paaji's Mini Me, then I would be grateful!"

"Mahi Bhai! I am your Mini me too!"

"Don't whine, Virat! And you and I; as different as chalk and cheese we are!"

"Rahul Bhai! Please tell Mahi Bhai! Scold him! He is not talking to me!"

Rahul Bhai aka Rahul Dravid raised his arms in supplication. "I am not getting between this in any manner whatsoever. And I am also dragging him away."

A thumb jabbed into Sachin paaji's shoulder.

"Keep at it, both of you. And Virat, I totally support Mahi in this!"

"Rahul Bhai!"

Another spectacular whine went to waste as Rahul bhai went away with nary a wave and pulled Sachin Paaji alongside, despite his protests,

"My Mini me needs me, Jim Jam. Please? I really miss the days when Mahi blushed while speaking with me."

"He still blushes while speaking with you!" Rahul Bhai's voice came through loud enough and MS bristled.

"I do not!" He mumbled under his breath and walked over to sit in the sole, somewhat comfortable chair in the room. "Go away, Virat! I do not want to discuss anything further."

"You did not discuss anything, period! And I am not done!"

"You will keep arguing with your Captain?"

"If my Captain choses to be headstrong; yes!"

MS rolled his eyes. "Oh don't worry! The way we are playing, I doubt that title will remain with me for too long. You will soon get a better, more decent Captain. Not this cranky, old, annoying wicketkeeper with a bum knee!"

"I did not mean all those!"

"You did not? Could have had me fooled! Wasn't that you who had set up a nice little discussion forum complete with Chai and Pakode? The little leader of your group?"

The idiotic little leader was hunting around the room for something, which turned out to be a three-legged stool which he now dragged over to where MS was sitting.

"You cannot sit here!" MS snapped back immediately.

"The last I heard, this was a free country; I can do what I want."

"This is my room, the Captain's room! You are trespassing!"

"You gave me permission to come here whenever I wanted!"


"The day I joined the Team?" The duh was not articulated but heavily implied upon.

"I recede it! Recant it! Now shoo!"

"I won't! You know I will not! And I am sitting here!" That idiotic person proceeded to do just the same.

And he went a step ahead, lifted up MS's foot on his knee and started massaging his tired soles with steady and firm upstrokes.

"Leave, Virat!"

"Will not! Not the room and not your foot; you need a massage and you need to stop being angry with me. In that order."

"I don't and I will not! Your 'friends' must be waiting for you; everyone loves a good 'boss bashing' session. Don't let me keep you."

Of course MS would not accept that the foot massage was really helping and a sense of general ease ran through him.

"Mahi Bhai?"

"Oh! You are still speaking? Didn't I tell you to shut up?"

"No! You told me to get lost!"

"Then why are you still here?"

"...... Because I am sorry?"

MS opened one eye (yes, he had closed both. Sue him!) and looked at the now forlorn kid sitting in front of him. Yes, he had scolded the idiot for sticking his fucking middle finger at the crowd and the kid had retaliated by badmouthing MS in front of a roomful of people; of course he had no idea that his Captain would come upon the scene and overhear.

"I am sorry, Mahi Bhai. Really, I am! I did not mean to! I was just angry!"

"Stop using so many exclamation points!"

"Wh... How..."

"You are sounding out the exclamation points! And you do whatever you want. Who am I to scold you? Just a cranky..."

"My.... My cranky Captain! My skipper! My Mahi Bhai! My MS! Please. If not you then who?"

"Viru, Zak, Sach Pa, Rahul Bhai... Take your pick! And tell it to Ishant too! The same goes for him!  Keep up with your abuses and middle finger stunts and all! See if I care!"

"So you do not care if the referee bans me?"


"Or if I am reprimanded by the board?"


"Or if I am dropped from the Team? Waise bhi my form is down in the gutters every so often!"


"Then why did you send that recommendation mail to the BCCI to excuse me, Bhai? After you heard me badmouthing you?"

MS made a face. "Just doing my responsibility as the Captain."

"So it is okay if I go out and get drunk?"

"O-Of course." MS clenched hard at the seat handles.

"And if I give a weird interview?"


"And if I repeat today's stunts again and get myself actually banned?"

"I will break every single one of your fingers! And will break that middle one twice over!" MS's eyes breathe fire and he glared at the unrepentantly grinning Virat Kohli.

"You care for me so much, Mahi Bhai!"

"I don't!"

"And you love me the most too!"

"I most certainly do not!"

Virat shrugged. "I will keep thinking that you do. And here." He held out a wad of masking tape.

"What do I do with this?" MS begged for some patience from whichever deity would listen.


And no one really questioned when Virat skipped down to dinner with the fingers of his right hand taped together. He looked entirely too happy for someone who had been punished and took complete advantage of his 'situation' to coerce MS into feeding him.

He even waved away Sachin Paaji's help stating, quite confidently, that the punisher should help the punished. And though Rohit pointed out, not so helpfully, that the statement made no sense at all, Virat couldn't care less.

He had flipped off the Aussies and earned MS's forgiveness all in the same day; things just couldn't get better.

A/N - This was all shades of ridiculousness.

But do let me know. Will look forward to your comments as always.

Take care you all.

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