Hidden Pathways (BOOK 1)

By Re_andra

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The story, far from a mere clash of powers, delves into the intricate layers of morality and consequence. Wha... More

Full Map
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 1
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 2
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 3
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 4
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 5
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 6
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 7
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 8
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 9
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 10
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 11
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 12
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 13
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 14
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 15
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 16
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 17
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 18
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 19
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 20
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 21
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 22
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 23
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 24
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 25
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 26
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 27
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 28
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 29
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 30
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 31
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 32
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 33
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 34
Covert Expedition - Chapter 35
Covert Expedition - Chapter 36
Covert Expedition- Chapter 37
Covert Expedition - Chapter 38
Covert Expedition - Chapter 39
Covert Expedition - Chapter 40
Covert Expedition - Chapter 41
Covert Expedition - Chapter 42
Covert Expedition - Chapter 43
Covert Expedition - Chapter 44
Covert Expedition - Chapter 45
Covert Expedition - Chapter 46
Covert Expedition- Chapter 47
Covert Expedition - Chapter 48
Covert Expedition - Chapter 49
Covert Expedition - Chapter 50
Covert Expedition - Chapter 51
Covert Expedition - Chapter 52
Covert Expedition - Chapter 53
Covert Expedition - Chapter 54
Covert Expedition - Chapter 55
Covert Expedition - Chapter 56
Covert Expedition - Chapter 57
Covert Expedition - Chapter 58
Covert Expedition - Chapter 59
Covert Expedition - Chapter 60
Covert Expedition - Chapter 61
Covert Expedition - Chapter 62
Covert Expedition - Chapter 63
Covert Expedition - Chapter 64
Covert Expedition - Chapter 65
Covert Expedition - Chapter 66
Covert Expedition - Chapter 67
Covert Expedition - Chapter 68
Covert Expedition - Chapter 69
Covert Expedition - Chapter 70
Covert Expedition - Chapter 71
Covert Expedition - Chapter 72
Covert Expedition - Chapter 73
Covert Expedition - Chapter 74
Covert Expedition - Chapter 75
Covert Expedition - Chapter 76
Covert Expedition - Chapter 77
Covert Expedition - Chapter 78
Covert Expedition - Chapter 79
Covert Expedition - Chapter 80
Covert Expedition - Chapter 81
Covert Expedition - Chapter 82
Covert Expedition - Chapter 83
Covert Expedition - Chapter 84
Covert Expedition - Chapter 85
Covert Expedition - Chapter 86
Covert Expedition - Chapter 87
Covert Expedition - Chapter 88
Covert Expedition - Chapter 89
Covert Expedition - Chapter 90
Covert Expedition - Chapter 91
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 92
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 93
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 94
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 95
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 96
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 97
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 98
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 99
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 100
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 101
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 102
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 103
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 104
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 105
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 106
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 107
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 108
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 109
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 110
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 111
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 112
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 113
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 114
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 115
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 116
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 117
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 118
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 119
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 120
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 121
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 122
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 124
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 125
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 126
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 127
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 128
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 129
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 130
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 131
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 132
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 133
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 134
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 135
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 136
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 137
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 138
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 139
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 140
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 141
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 142
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 143
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 144
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 145
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 146
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 147
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 148
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 149
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 150
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 151
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 152
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 153
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 154
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 155
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 156
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 157
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 158
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 159
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 160
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 161
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 162
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 163
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 164
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 165
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 166
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 167

Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 123

2 2 10
By Re_andra

The sudden intrusion of Qarek into Seraphina's hut drew the attention of everyone present, their expressions reflecting a mixture of surprise, concern, and curiosity.

"Qarek, what's going on? Why are you so frantic?" Seraphina's voice carried a note of apprehension as she sought clarification from the agitated newcomer.

"Qarek, what's happening?" Ruby'ck's eyes widened in alarm at Qarek's unexpected entrance, her voice trembling with worry as she reached out towards him.

"Qarek, please be more considerate next time. You nearly gave me a heart attack," Yzavynne's tone was a mix of relief and reproach as she scolded him gently for his abrupt entrance.

"Give us more details, Qarek," Zach's voice was firm, his gaze piercing as he demanded further explanation from his comrade.

"One of the scents from our home led us straight to Haerak's house, Zach. It's undeniable evidence that he's somehow involved in Nert's disappearance," Qarek's words were rushed, his breath coming in short gasps as he relayed the startling revelation to the group.

"Haerak... So he's been hiding something from us all along," Zach's voice was tinged with a mix of suspicion and frustration as he processed the implications of Qarek's revelation.

"But Haerak wouldn't do something like this, would he?" Seraphina's voice was tinged with disbelief, her trust in their friend wavering at the thought of his possible involvement in nefarious activities.

Zach turned to Seraphina, his expression grave as he prepared to share his thoughts with her.

"Seraphina, I understand your disbelief, but we can't ignore the evidence pointing towards Haerak's involvement," Zach began, his tone measured yet firm as he addressed her concerns.

"We've traced a scent from our home to Haerak's house, suggesting a connection between him and Nert's disappearance," he continued, his words carrying the weight of the truth he was about to reveal.

"While it's difficult to accept, we can't afford to dismiss the possibility. We need to approach this situation with caution and investigate further," Zach explained, his voice steady as he urged Seraphina to consider the gravity of the situation.

"Haerak may have secrets that even we are unaware of. It's imperative that we uncover the truth, for Nert's sake and for the safety of our village," Zach concluded, his gaze unwavering as he awaited Seraphina's response.

Seraphina's confusion was evident as she sought clarification from Zach. "How did you manage to track down Haerak's scent?" she inquired, her voice tinged with curiosity and skepticism.

"Qarek," Zach responded simply, his gaze shifting towards his comrade for confirmation.

"Okay, captain," Qarek affirmed, reaching up to remove his farmer hat and reveal the tattoo adorning his forehead to Seraphina.

Zach took the opportunity to explain further. "The tattoo enhances their five senses: smell, touch, hearing, taste, and sight," he elaborated, his words aimed at providing Seraphina with a better understanding of their capabilities.

Seraphina's astonishment was palpable as she absorbed this new information. "Well, you all certainly know how to surprise me with unexpected details about your abilities," she remarked, her tone a mix of admiration and astonishment.

Turning back to the matter at hand, Zach delved into the suspicions surrounding Haerak's involvement in recent events. "Haerak may be responsible for the ambush at the Aeolantis and the presence of the Aetherian warriors in our village," he explained, his words carrying a weight of accusation and concern.

"In addition, it's possible that he's seeking vengeance for the loss of his wife and child, as evidenced by a large portrait and gold bars found in his possession," Zach continued, his voice tinged with a mixture of determination and apprehension as he connected the dots of their investigation.

Seraphina's disbelief was evident as she processed this revelation. "He has a wife and child? How did you uncover all of this?" she queried, her voice tinged with incredulity at the startling revelations.

"He displayed a large portrait in his home, and the presence of gold bars further corroborated our suspicions," Zach explained, his tone somber as he recounted their discoveries.

Seraphina grappled with the implications of their findings, Zach and the others stood poised, awaiting her response, their resolve unwavering in the face of uncertainty.

"I find it difficult to wrap my head around all of this," Seraphina admitted, her voice tinged with disbelief and uncertainty. "It all seems so surreal, the idea that Haerak orchestrated these events and concealed the existence of his family."

"His motives, while understandable in some respects, raise more questions than answers," she continued, her brow furrowing in contemplation. "But what baffles me the most is his involvement in the war. This place has always remained distant from the conflicts of the kingdoms, so why would he choose to embroil himself in such turmoil?"

Zach's expression mirrored Seraphina's confusion as he processed her words. "That's a valid point," he acknowledged, his tone reflective as he considered the implications of Haerak's actions.

"It's possible that he did indeed have a wife and child," Seraphina mused, her voice tinged with skepticism. "But the question remains: how did he lose them? But this place has been a sanctuary, even before me and Lyra lived here, it's far removed from the chaos of war, making it unlikely that your group could have been involved."

The complexity of the situation weighed heavily on them all, evident in Qarek's frustrated outburst. "This only adds another layer of complexity to an already convoluted situation!" he exclaimed, his frustration palpable as he grappled with the newfound complexities of their investigation.

"Zach, could it be that Haerak is simply deflecting blame onto us to justify his thirst for revenge?" Ruby'ck posed the question, her voice tinged with skepticism as she sought to make sense of the situation.

"I... I'm at a loss," Zach confessed, his tone reflecting his uncertainty and frustration as he grappled with the complexities of their predicament.

"Captain, we can't afford to give up now. We've come too far to abandon our pursuit of the truth," Qarek interjected, his voice filled with determination and urgency.

"Nert... Yes, Nert. We can't lose sight of our objective," Zach agreed, his resolve strengthening at the reminder of their missing comrade.

"Don't lose hope, Zach. We'll find Nert and uncover the truth behind all of this," Ruby'ck reassured him, her words infused with optimism and determination to see their mission through to the end.

"Wait, everyone," Yzavynne interjected, her voice gaining a sudden urgency, drawing all eyes towards her.

"What's on your mind, Yzavynne?" Zach prompted, his curiosity piqued by her unexpected interruption.

"I've been considering... What if Haerak's actions are part of a larger scheme?" Yzavynne proposed, her words carrying a weight of revelation, causing a ripple of unease to spread among the group.

Zach's expression shifted, his features reflecting a mixture of surprise and contemplation as he absorbed Yzavynne's startling suggestion.

Zach's voice was tinged with frustration and determination as he voiced his thoughts aloud, the weight of the mystery bearing down on him. "Then who could be responsible for such a thing?" he muttered, his mind swirling with unanswered questions.

Qarek's response was firm and resolute, his words cutting through the uncertainty. "Whoever that person is, we'll find him... or her. Whoever that is," he declared, his eyes reflecting unwavering resolve.

Yzavynne's support was unwavering, her voice a steady anchor in the storm of uncertainty. "Yes, captain. We're just here for you," she affirmed, her words a reassuring presence in the midst of chaos.

Ruby'ck echoed her sentiment, her voice filled with steadfast determination. "Same here, Zach. Don't give up now," she urged, her gaze meeting Zach's with unwavering loyalty.

Zach's response was a mixture of gratitude and determination, his resolve unyielding in the face of adversity. "You guys..." he began, his voice tinged with emotion.

He continued, his words a rallying cry for unity and perseverance. "Together, we'll solve this mystery and unravel the knots behind all of these. We'll not give up here now," he declared, his voice ringing with conviction.

"I believe there's more to this than the surface, than what we know now," he added, his words a testament to his unwavering faith in their ability to overcome the challenges ahead.

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