Time For A Little Surprise (M...

By memeloader2

171K 4.1K 3.3K

After your defeat, sonic decided to spare you.You became something of a anti-hero like shadow and help them o... More

Bio (Slight Update)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
7.48K Reads?
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Halloween Special
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Christmas Special
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
...They Cooked
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Valentine's Day Special
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Easter Special
April Fools Special Pt.1
April Fools Special Pt.2
April Fools Special Pt.3
April Fools Special Pt.5
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
They are COOKING!

April Fools Special Pt.4

985 32 44
By memeloader2

Chapter: The Murder of Sonica The Hedgehog Pt.4

~3rd Person POV~

~Location: Lounge Car~

We see the reunited trio of The Detective, The Manager, and The Sidekick. They all had left Rouge and Blaze behind and walked into the next car

The first thing the trio sees is Amy talking to Shady and Tangle, with Amy being aggressive in her speech

Amy: I know you two won't talk, but I know exactly why you two have been locking those doors!

Shady deadpans at the aggressive rose, while Tangle looks at said rose nervously

Shady: It's hard to get a word in as you talk over us

Tangle: B-Besides, I was only helping Shady. We have reasons if you'll jus-

The poor lemur is interrupted by the noisy journalist

Amy: No reason is convincing enough! It's inconceivable what you two did!

The main trio rushes over, with Y/n stepping in front of Tangle

Y/n: What's with all the drama?

Amy brightens up a bit when seeing Y/n

Amy: Y/n! You made it!

She looks behind him to see Tailsko and Barry also came along, bringing back her slight aggression

Amy: ...Hmph. I see you made it here as well, Tailsko. But i didn't expect the iron chef as well

Barry deadpans, getting used to being picked on by this cast

Barry Thinking: We'll see what you say when your microwave chili-dog's delicious

Tailsko speaks to the (not as much anymore) edgy hedgehog

Tailsko: I'd also like to know why you've been locking doors throughout the train, Shady. And I'd also like to know if you've been helping her, Tangle

Tangle was about to speak, but Shady just raised her hand to prevent the lemur from talking

Shady: Well it seems Amy already knows, so ask her

Amy: Hmph!

Amy stomps away like an angry child when they don't get what they want. They all watch her, before Shady turns to them

Shady: Tangle and I aren't saying a thing, you lot will have to tell us why. Now if you could leave us be, we have an appointment coming up

She said as she grabbed Tangle and walked away. Tangle waved bye at Y/n with a smile on her face

Tangle: Talk to you soon!

Tailsko walks next to the male hedgehog and the quokka

Tailsko: Well, you two. It looks like Shady isn't gonna talk and she's stopping Tangle from giving us any answers too. Let's do some investigating!

Y/n dusts off his suit in a cocky manner

Y/n: No big deal. It's no fun if it's just handed to you. You two ready?

Barry: Of course!

Tailsko: Indubitably!

The first place they decided to investigate was a big wardrobe. Tailsko asked Y/n to get it for them

Tailsko: Y/n, you mind opening the wardrobe for us please?

Y/n: No problem

Y/n stops for a second and turns to look at Tailsko and Barry

Y/n: Wait, why'd you want me to open ot specifically? Don't say anything about "being a gentleman"

The two-tailed fox hesitates before answering the male, overpowered hedgehog

Tailsko: ...What if something falls out? Or worse, someone leaps out? I just think you should do it

Y/n deadpans at the female fox

Y/n: So what you're saying is that I'm expendable?

Tailsko panics at Y/n's accusation

Tailsko: W-What?! No! I-I would just rather you check it since n-not much can hurt you and-

Y/n stops the the fox by places a hand on her shoulder

Y/n: Listen, if you're scared, just say that

Tailsko: ...I... might be a little concerned

Y/n: Good enough

Y/n walks over to the wardrobe to open it. Dust started to pour out and he was then tackled to the ground by a grey blur, startling Tailsko and Barry

Tailsko: Y-Y/n!

Barry: Are you ok?!

Once the dust settled, they saw Tangle hanging onto Y/n. Both of them where laughing

[Replace blue hedgehog with the main male hedgehog]

Y/n: Heh. How'd you get in there? I thought Shady dragged you over with her

Tangle: While you guys were distracted with who was gonna open it, I snuck over here and went in. I told you I was gonna get you back for keeping my ticket from me!

Y/n got up and got Tangle's arms from around him

Y/n: Okay Okay. You got me. And I see that you took my advice to heart

Tangle: Yeah! Anyway, how's Whisper? She's still in the Dining car, right?

The two kept talking as Tailsko and Barry walked away to search for other clues

Y/n: Last I seen of her, she was taking care of Sonica. She said she didn't think she could move around the cars

Tangle: Makes sense

The male hedgehog was about to join Tailsko and Barry, but stopped when he saw something sticking out of the wardrobe

Y/n: Hold on, Tangle...

He goes to the wardrobe to have a closer look and sees a pull string

Y/n: You think you can get Tailsko and Barry for me?

Tangle nodded and went to go get the duo. Y/n pulled on the pull string, triggering a hidden passage way

Y/n: What the...?

Tailsko, Barry, and Tangle all come back to see the new passage way

Tailsko: Whoa... C'mon, we have to see where it leads

She said with seriousness and a tad bit of child-like wonderment

All four of them walk through the passage way and end up in the Library car

Y/n: Wait, this is the Library car! Why would there be a passageway specifically for the Lounge Car and Library Car?

Barry: I don't believe it...

Tangle: Are you kidding me?! This train couldn't get any cooler!

She said loudly. Tailsko tried to shut her up and lead all of them back to the Lounge

Tailsko: Shhh, quick, back through before Victoria or Espia sees us

They all go back to the Lounge, with Tailsko smiling brightly at the male hedgehog's discovery

Tailsko: Great find, Y/n!

Y/n: It was no big deal, Tailsko

Tangle began walking back towards Shady

Tangle: Well, I better go back before Shady thinks I gave y'all any answers. See ya later

Y/n: See ya, Tangle

He turns back and sees Tailsko and Barry arguing again about something being hidden in the trash. He sees Barry look through the trash bin... and actually find something this time

Barry: Ha! Hahaha!

The male hedgehog goes over to them to see what they were looking at

Tailsko: Someone printed out the front page of a ticket website? It's for the band 'Hot Honey'

Y/n: Who the heck us 'Hot Honey?'

Tailsko: Their one of Amy's favorite bands

Y/n: Huh... interesting

Barry practically snatched the paper from Tailsko and excitedly put it on her pocket

Barry: Who cares what it is? I finally found something in the trash bin! All those hours spent on video games didn't go to waste!

Tailsko: Are you sure this isn't just trash

Barry only started at the two-tailed fox with a happy, blank smile on her face. Tailsko sighs and backs down

Tailsko: ...I'll let you have this

The trio then check the computer next to the trash bin

Y/n: Huh, how convenient. A computer only in the Lounge

Barry: They told me about in my interview. It even has complete internet access

Tailsko: I feel like if you were gonna use it, you might really need to use it

The other two nod in agreement. As he was nodding, Y/n saw a set of keys hanging on the wall

Y/n: Keys? Must be Shady's. But there are only two on here

Barry: Huh... I figured that Locksmiths would have a bunch

Y/n smirks

Y/n: Wanna take 'em

Tailsko: ...Yeah

The take the keys and walk over to Shady and Tangle to interrogate them, but Amy decided to talk to them first

Amy: Glad you three finally caught up! I'm surprised it took you so long to get here, I thought you wanted to save Sonica

Y/n: Not really. I'm just doing it for fun. You got any clues, Ms. Rose?

He said jokingly, causing the birthday girl to start blushing

Amy: Just a hot tip, but all will be revealed in due time. I think I'll be shedding a big light on this whole case!

Barry: I hear sharing is caring

Amy smirks at the trio

Amy: No way! Journalist Reporter Amy Rose is always first to reveal a scoop!

Y/n: Alright then. We'll respect your wishes for now

The trio walk over to the ultimate life form and the energetic lemur

Shady: Why'd you come over here? There's not much I am willing to talk about

Y/n: I'm gonna cut to the chase, you two. We got questions for the both of you

Tangle: What makes you think we'll talk so easily

Tailsko: Shady, we've questioned many people on this train, and every single person has mentioned running into you

Y/n: Also, you're bad a video games

He said with a devious smile. Shady wasn't amused and Tangle tried to keep herself from laughing

Y/n: But in all seriousness, we know that you've been locking doors and-

He was interrupted by Amy cutting him off

Amy: And I know why

Shady: ...Pray tell, why was I locking the doors?

Amy: Heheh, time to reveal my hot tip. Hope everyone's ready for a scoop found by yours truly!

Y/n: We're ready, Rose

Amy: According to the map, the next car is the Conductor's Car, where Sonica was stationed. This door, right here in the Lounge Car, is the only door that leads to the Conductor's Car. Following? So Shady was locking all the doors for one reason and one reason alone... to keep Sonica from escaping the Conductor's Car!

Everyone looked at Amy as she spoke with pride in her voice

Tailsko: So you think Shady... was trapping Sonica?

Amy: I sure do! She locked the Conductor's Car, then locked all the others so one wasn't suspicious

Tailsko cut Amy off

Tailsko: If Shady was trying to trap Sonica, then how did we find her in the Dining Car?

Tangle & Shady: Exactly

Y/n: The Car change is pretty simple to explain. Tailsko, Barry, Tangle, and I found a hidden passage in the wardrobe that leads to the Library Car

Tangle: You should've seen it, Shady! It was awesome

The artificial hedgehog looked at Tangle with confusion

Shady: What?

Amy looked surprised and confused on how she could've missed that

Amy: What!?... a hidden passage way!

Barry: So someone could've used it to sneak through the library, walked past the distracted girls playing the arcade, and safely arrive at the Dining Car

Y/n: Good work, pal

Amy huffed, letting them know that she wasn't gonna back down

Amy: Hm. This adjusts my theory a bit. So Shady murdered Sonica in the Conductor's Car, but then thought the crime scene being so close to her station was suspicious. She probably had Tangle drag Sonica out of the car with her long tail, locked the Conductor's Car on the way put, and dropped the body off at the Dining Car

Y/n: So... you're fully committed to accusing Shady as the murderer and Tangle as an accomplice of sorts?

Amy: I am! But of course, this is just a theory

Tangle looked at Amy

Tangle: That's a nice theory, Amy. Why don't you back it up with a source

Amy stumbled at Tangle's words

Amy: I... uh... don't have any evidence to back this up. Other than my hot scoop!

Tangle looked at Y/n and wrapped an arm around him. She then smiled smugly at him

Tangle: She basically just did a 'Trust me, bro"

She said while laughing. Y/n joined her before talking to Amy

Y/n: Amy, I'll humor you. If what you said is true, then how come no one saw Shady walking with Tangle... holding an unconscious body?

Amy stumble again

Amy: W-Well um... I suppose it would be hard to sneak around

Y/n: First off all, Victoria wasn't even in the Library Car. She was off playing the arcade in the Saloon with Knuckie

Amy gains her confidence back and smiled

Amy: See?! Everything's falling into place. But what about Espia?

Tailsko: I believe she was behind a bookshelf at a table reading

Amy: Espia reading in the Library checks out. That's what she told me too

The ultimate life form then interrupts them

Shady: She's lying

Y/n: Huh?

Shady: When I was finished playing that game with Knuckie and Victoria, I left the Saloon Car. I spent some time looking for Espia... but she wasn't there. She wasn't in the Library Car

Tangle: She's telling the truth. She told me when she got back

Amy rolled her eyes at the two

Amy: Like I'd believe you two! Both of you are currently my main suspects

Tangle: ...With little to no proof. Besides, Shady only looked for Espia because she needed to give her a key

Shady nodded in confirmation, but Amy refused to believe anything the two had to say

Y/n Thinking: This constant back and forth is annoying... I wonder how my brothers are doing now...? Surely they're handling taking care of Cream

~Location: Cream's House~

After the hedgehogs took their new niece to a mountain with flowers, they went back to Cream's house. Once she was back home, she instantly began working on some flower crowns with the flowers she collected

While she was making them, Sonic and Shadow watched over her. Sonic was chilling on the couch and Shadow was watching her from a doorway

Sonic: I'm glad you had fun, kid

Cream: I really liked it, Uncle Sonic. I bet mother would like to hear about it

As if on cue, the door to the house started to rattle. The door opened and Vanilla, Gemerl, and Chocola all came in

Cream: Mother!

Cream ran up to hug her mom

Vanilla giggles at her daughter

Vanilla: How are you, Cream? Did you have fun?

Cream nodded

Cream: Yes! Me, Uncle Sonic, Uncle Shadow, and Cheese all went up to a mountain and collected some nice flowers to make flower crowns with

Vanilla: Hmm... Your uncles took you somewhere far... without asking me first?

Sonic starts to smile nervously and Shadow kept his poker face, but deep down, he was also worried

Cream: Yes. But they made sure to take good care of me and Cheese

Cheese: Chao Chao!

Vanilla: Hmm...

Sonic: M-Ms. Vanilla... it was my idea. I just wanted to make sure Cream would have a good time

Sonic said with a slight stutter. Vanilla calmed down a bit

Vanilla: Okay... but ask me next time

Shadow: Yes ma'am

Cream let go of her mother and ran over to Shadow to grab him. She pulled him over to Sonic and placed both of them on the couch

Cream: Can I do your quills please?

Sonic: Do our... quills?

Cream nodded as she pulled out some ribbon

Sonic: Sure, I don't mind. Besides, dark and brooding over there could use a makeover

Sonic joked. Shadow deadpaned at Sonic, but nodded his head in agreement


Sonic was laughing when he saw Shadow in some pink ribbons. Cream was behind Sonic, styling up his quills

Shadow: Not. Funny. Hedgehog

Sonic: What are you talking about! This is hilarious!

Shadow pointed to the blue hedgehog

Shadow: Whatever. You, on the other hand, look ridiculous

Sonic: Say whatever you want, faker. I make this look goooooood

Vanilla watched the interaction with a big smile on her face. She found it cute how those two let Cream style their quills

Vanilla: How adorable~

She said with a cue in her voice. She then walked back to the kitchen to cook for Amy's after party

Vanilla: Y/n as her father, and those two as her uncles... I-I wonder if Y/n sees me as wife material. Do I even know if he likes older women?

She shakes her head to snap herself out of it and continues to cook

Vanilla: N-Now's not the time to be thinking about that

~Location: Conductor's Car~

After sorting out the problem, with Amy, Tangle, and Shady, all of them enter the Conductor's Car

However, they all notice how it feels strangely... empty

Y/n: Where the heck is the conductor?

Tailsko: That's odd... I haven't seen her at all

Tangle: Last we all saw her was in the Dining Car

Shady: ...Something clearly happened here

Amy: Nothing we can't figure out! C'mon!

Tailsko nodded and turned to all of the people in the car with her

Tailsko: Amy's right! We need to press on and solve this!

(Memeloader2: And that's a wrap. Next chapter will be the final part for this April Fools Special. I hope y'all enjoyed this wild ride. Have a good day/night)

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