I Fell In Love, But With A Ba...

By XxMaskedWriter

9.9K 149 34

Danielle Thomas is a 17 year old high school girl she is smart, pretty, and friendly. She is 5 ft 6, have bru... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
[Author's Note] important
chapter 16

Chapter 2

482 10 3
By XxMaskedWriter

Next Chappiee


Pic Of Dani On The Side --------->


~~Chapter 2~~


I could hear something ringing, It it's annoying, I realised it was the alarm clock, I moved my hand to turn it off so i couldn't reach it , so i used my foot and kick it, I heard it crashed and stop. Looks like i will be buying an alarm clock soon. I heard my bedroom door open , I groaned ,

'Dani , Danii, Danii, Danii.' Lil my sister said and keep shaking me and calling my name i know she would keep doing that it was annoying

'WHAT Lil.' I yelled

'I hunger' She stomped

'Its hungry Lil, and where's mom.' I said

'Work, you have to me breakfast and bathe me.' Lil Said

'Ughh! Fine. Come lets brush you teeth and get you showered. I said

I bathe her and brush her teeth i leave her to dry her skin and put on the clothes i lay on the bed, while she do that i showered and put on a tank top and short sweat pants through my hair in a pony tail and get Lil and went to the kitchen

'what do you want to eat Lil , we've got bacon, eggs bread tuna sandwiches.'

'amm bacon and chew-na sandwiches,' She said


While i was making breakfast ,lil was there looking at me and sucking her finger and holding her favourite bunny name Lola in her hand. i give her tuna sandwiches and bacon and hot cocoa, while i make eggs bacon and toast with hot cocoa after we finish eat i washed the dishes then went to my room while Lil followed me. i open the paint and started to paint when i was half way, i heard the door bell ring.

'Lil don't trouble the paint i'll be back in a second.' I sternly said

I went and open the door it was Sarah

'Hey Dani, Nice place.'Sarah said coming in and walking around before i invited her her

'Sure Sarah come in' I said sarcastically and shut the door

She laughed

'What are you up too.' She said still looking

'Just painting my room, and guess what.' I said excitedly

'What?' Sarah said with a confused look on her face

'You are helping me paint.' I said grabbing her hand and pulling her up the stairs.

'Ohhh nooo noo.' She said pulling back

'Ohh yes you are, so come. I said pulling her up the stairs

'Fine, I'm coming.' Sarah said

When we got to the bedroom lil was lying on the bed colouring

'And whose this little cutie.' Sarah said

'I'm Lily but Dani call me Lil who you name?.' Lil asked

'Sarah.' Sarah said

'Sar-wah do you want to help me colour?' Lil ask

'Maybe another time i have to help Dani paint, she mean.' She said loud enough

'Yeah she mean.' Lil said going back to her colouring

'Where's the brush and apron ?' Sar said

'Brushes are there and i don't have any apron so i will have to hand you and ole tank top.' I said looking in my drawer

'Here.' I said

Sarah put it on and started to paint

'Don't pay my brother any mind, he can be a grouch at some times but he is really nice.' Sar said

'Sar, stop joking your brother isn't nice.' I said raising an eyebrow

'Yeah, you have to get to know him, He really don't let people in that easy, that's why he don't date .' Sar said

'Oh, i don't think he want to get to know me. Believe me.' I said

Just as i said that Sar fone rang


'No, I'm not over at Chris, am by Dani's.'

'Whatever, Look we need your help, so come over the door's open and we're in the third bedroom.

'just come bye'

and she hung up

'who was that ?' i ask

'Enrique.' She said calmly

'What!! you invite him over and didn't ask if he can come. you know he don't like me.' I said staring at her in disbelief

'Yup, and we need help we can't reach the top.' Sarah said

'Oh' I said remembering how short we are

We heard the door open and then slammed in

'Shit' Enrique Said

'We're up here Rique.' Sarah shouted

I guess he was looking around to because he took 5 minutes to come up here

'Yeah, what do you want Sarah,' Enrique said coming in the door

'To paint the top.' Sarah said still painting

'Okay sure.' He said looking around my room his eyes landing on lil

'Hi i name lily . who you name.'

'Enrique.' He said smiling at her

'En- we- k want to colour?' Lil ask smiling at him

'No i have to help Dani. Next time okay kiddo. ' He said ruffling her hair

'She's your sister.'He asked me

'Yeah, she 3 going 4 soon.' I said smiling

'OK, She cute' He said

'You pretty En-We-K' Lil said

'Thanks you, you too lily.' Enrique blushed and smile

'Told you he's nice sometimes,' Sarah said smiling

'Yeah sometimes.' I said smiling as i watched Enrique pick up the brush and start to paint




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