๐ŸŒบ๐ŸŒธ the casted princess ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒบ

By SassiNour4

12.4K 512 55

๐ŸŒธin the side story of lovely princess novel ๐ŸŒธ a new character was introduced we get introduced to the first... More

๐ŸŒธ1:the side chapter ๐ŸŒธ
๐ŸŒท2:athy plan ๐ŸŒท
๐ŸŒน3: big sis and little sis ๐ŸŒน
๐Ÿ’4:I don't want to be left alone again ๐Ÿ’
๐ŸŒผ5: I thought you forget me๐ŸŒผ
โœจcharacters โœจ
๐Ÿ’™6:the sapphire palace ๐Ÿ’™
โ„๏ธ7:tea timeโ„๏ธ
๐ŸŒป8: be my heir ๐ŸŒป
๐ŸŽ€9:daily life ๐ŸŽ€
๐Ÿฉธ11: blood..?๐Ÿฉธ
โญ13: a trip โญ
๐Ÿ14:leaving the palace๐Ÿ
๐Ÿ15:a tour around the village๐Ÿ
annonces for my new book
๐ŸŒง๏ธ16:the rain festival ๐ŸŒง๏ธ
๐Ÿ’•17:the trip back ๐Ÿ’•
โš”๏ธ 18: the trapโš”๏ธ
๐Ÿ 19: home ๐Ÿ 

๐ŸฆŠ12: ijekiel,the priest and the fox ๐ŸฆŠ

465 22 6
By SassiNour4

🌺Aisha pov: 🌺

Cling clang

Robert :" Very good, Your Highness. You're blocking my attack well at such a young age
If you continued like this, I have no doubt you will surpass your peers quickly !''

This is my sword training mentor
Robert quane
The quane family was loyal to the throne for many generations
I have been training with him for some years now
And it's actually quite fun
At first
I didn't even know how to wield a sword
But now hearing him say this to me
Bring satisfaction to me
The feeling that my constant training was not in vein
And when sir quane say I am making progress, he mean it
Don't let him fool you with his cheerful, demanded

Robert:" now now little one !"

Cling clang

He swung his sword and attacked me
Cheers, I was distracted

He may seem cheerful, right
But mostly, he is strict in his training
Oh god
With a strong attack of his, he swings his sword and sends mine into air
Well, I guess I lost for today

Robert, as he shakes his head in disapproval
It seems he soon regretted his words, ehh..
:" It seems I lost you there for some seconds, princess
You seem tired
Go get some rest
We will continue tomorrow."

"Thank you, sir Robert."
I turn around and walk away
It seems I still have some spare time before meeting that alpheus boy

I told that old hag that I don't want any playmate
So Felix instead suggests a study mate
And of course, I had to get paired up with that white pup as athanasia called him

I headed back to the diamonds Palace
I need to meet my guest elegantly, of course


???:"Princess, are you nervous...?"

Hmm? Why would I..
If anything, that boy should be nervous, not me, right?

:" No, I am not
I answered eli, who was making my hair into a braid crown
While Margaret finished the last details of my outfit

Elizabeth:" But you are going to meet with the alpheuse heir."

:" And so..?
He shouldn't forget I am his princess so he should be afraid of me."

Margaret:" But princess, wouldn't it be better if you win people loyalty through care and kindness??
With that they will respect you more ."

:"Hmm... whatever you say, Margaret."


I crusty elegantly

:" I am the first princess of obelia Empire from now on we will be study mates
Please take care of me .."

As I stand up, I look at the golden eyes of the boy
Alpheuse much what's that he look like his miny clone !

Bit wait, the boy didn't uter something while he stairs at me in confusion

I can hear him mumble a little:" You're not
..lady angel..?"

I titled my head in confusion
Lady, what ?

He quickly shaked his head and did a little bow
It seems he was embarrassed with what he said as the position of his hand and his legs were a bit wrong
I may turn a blind eyes on that

Ijekeil:" Greetings and blessings to the First Star of the obelia Empire
My name is Ijekeil alpheus. From now on, I will have the honour to be your study, mate!
Please take care of me as well ."


The study section went quite smoothly
The boy seemed quite knowledgeable, so i tolerate his presence
It's a relief to study with someone who's almost on the same level with you

But I still have duties to do
The old hag still make sure I visit him daily
While i pass the trees way, I stop at the voice of some moving bushes

"Who's there!".

No answer ..

I slowly approached

I know it's a dumb idea, but curiosity took hold of me ..

I raised my wooden sword. I picked it up earlier and directed it towards the noise

Step after step

With careful

And when I hit the bushes with it

A white fluff ball jumped from it and took hold of my head

Ouch ouch ouch, what the heck ?

After some time, it finally calms down
And I somehow managed to catch it in my hands


A white fox?


It seems weirdly familiar

His sky blue eyes reminded me of the clear sky ...
The calmness
And the tranquil I feel when looking at it

Is this perhaps...

My devine beast?


I probably should take this with me

I sighed while securing the creature around my arms and started walking away

Making my ways to the imperial throne room

I should be quick before Margaret found out I went without guards again


???:"Greetings to the First Star of obelia Empire
His majesty, the empreor, is having an audience with an important figure. Can you please wait..?"

Ehh, this guy called me then made me wait..???

I nodded my head to the guard and cuddled the fox in my arms a bit
He was so tiny and cute

I will go for another coma for 55 days if it means cuddling with this thing

It's the first time I feel like this

Is it because of its soft, fluffy fur?

Or is it because it's like the first cuddles I ever have

I usually see eli Margaret or the twins cuddel with each other

But I never done that...

Well, now I know why they like it very much

The Knight approached me as he said
:" Princess
The guests are leaving now
You can enter right now. "

Oh,he didn't wait for them to even leave the throne room?

Well, whatever, I should just do my part

I walk with the fox in my arms, a group of weird looking people that clearly not from our empire exit the throne room

And I lock eyes with their leaders ...

Once he saw me he gave me a smile

What is this feeling ..?

This tightness on my chest

I...I can't breathe!

Thus sudden headache What is that..?

What kinda of power does this man possess ?

Am I just hallucinating?

I feel like I am going to fall..!

I..I need to break this eye contact

But I can't budge my eyes !

Come on, Aisha, come on..!

I finally snapped after the mysterious man broke his eyes contact with me and left while smirking, but even then ...
I continued to stand in my place, and my legs stopped moving as I was processing the feeling I went through that I didn't hear the call from thay old man

Claude:" Aisha..! "

:" h..huh..? I..I am okay ."

Claude:"You don't seem okay
You zoned out for almost three minutes."

Yeah, I am not okay
Nobody will after going through what I went through right now
I should calm down and take a breath first

:" It's probably exhausting from study, nothing to worry about
When will we start our next lesson-"

I feel myself getting scooped up into his arms as he picked me up
What the..?
I am not a baby
And I clearly don't want you to pick me up
I am not a baby
I am big now !
I will turn 10 soon

:" Your majesty..?."

Claude :" Since you are clearly exhausted, we can cancel all your other schedules
For now, let's go for a walk ."

Wait, Claude suggests a walk..?
Didn't felix always do that ?

This is my first time being picked up like this well as long as I remember...

I wonder if he held me when I was a baby...
No ..
He definitely didn't..

Being up here is a bit scary
What if this guy decided to drop me all of a sudden ?
Then I will kick him from the back like I did to that lucas the other day


How does athanasia get used to this?

Is it a bit childish if I said I might be afraid of heights?

I feel him tighten his grip around me and pull me closer to him

Did he perhaps sense my discomfort?
Or perhaps was just making himself comfortable

I was already so tired, and that encounter with the mysterious man drained me more
So I lay my head on his shoulder and wrapped my tiny arms around his neck so I won't get dropped

I can sense that Claude mood was a bit ..
No, a lot bad
Just who are those people
And what did they say that made my old man this angry?

🌺Claude pov :🌺


???: Your daughter belongs to our kingdom, your majesty
She is the girl from the prophecy, and you know it
So it will be better if you send her with us
Don't worry she will be treated just as a princess should

🦋End of flashback:🦋

Stupid hellince Kingdom
thinking they can take my heir just because I have another one...

Fun fact for this chapter

Hellince Kingdom is a nearby kingdom who's ruled by a priest

They refer to their king as your holiness

Claude and Aisha relationship is a bit twisted
As Aisha too want Claude love
But since he failed her and her mother when she was a tiny child
She shutted her heart because she believed he would get rid of her once he no longer sees her valuable and is believing in saving herself the extra hurt when that happens

Also I might start another book beside this one

And my phone broke and i am written from my mom phone

So there will be only a chapter weekly until I get it fix
Hoping it will be soon

End .

Here us your meme doze

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