A Dangerous Game Of Submissio...

By Yoonkeeri

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"I won't fucking submit to you," Yoongi spat. "And I certainly don't need to justify myself to someone like y... More

Title and Cover :


403 31 135
By Yoonkeeri

Jin wasted no time, his lips trailing on Yoongi's neck. But before they could do anything any further, a piercing scream shattered the moment.

They both turned towards the door, their intimate bubble abruptly burst. Taehyung stood there, his expression a mix of shock and disbelief, accompanied by his own sub who shook his head at his dom's behaviour.

Jin sighed heavily and cursed under his breath as he stood up from the bed, clearly frustrated by the interruption. Yoongi shook his head, a smirk playing on his lips as he casually remarked, "Better luck next time, Seokjin."

Jungkook, Taehyung's sub, couldn't resist teasing him. "Sorry about that, Jin hyung," he said with a mischievous grin.

"You kids are my worst nightmare," Jin grumbled dismissively, clearly annoyed by their unexpected presence, while Yoongi sat up, adjusting his clothing.

Taehyung curiously questioned, "Yoongi hyung, didn't you say you were a dom? Why were you under Jin hyung th-"

Yoongi cut him, annoyance evident in his tone, "I am a dom, alright? I was just about to prove it to him before you barged in."

Jin, with a hint of sarcasm, challenged him. "Oh, really? So, you think you can dominate me, huh?"

Yoongi shot back. "Absolutely. I could dominate you even in my sleep."

Jin raised an eyebrow, his gaze piercing as he pointed out, "You couldn't even handle a simple seduction without my guidance, Yoongi."

Yoongi shot back again, his tone laced with irritation. "Oh, please. I had him eating out of the palm of my hand before you barged in."

Taehyung, sensing the tension escalating, interjected, "Guys, let's not argue about this."

But Jin wasn't finished. "And what about the time you nearly blew our cover when some teenagers approached you? You were a mess. You glared at them continuously. You could have revealed your identity!"

Yoongi scoffed, crossing his arms. "At least I didn't break the damn door handle."

Taehyung intervened again, "Guys, can we just stop? I'm hungry. Jungkook, let's go home and make something to eat."

Jin's gaze then shifted to Taehyung, his tone slightly accusatory. "Didn't you say you had important business to handle with Jungkook?"

The two maknaes exchanged hesitant glances, avoiding Jin's piercing stare. Taehyung muttered defensively, "We did handle important business."

Jin's expression darkened as he scolded them, "I can imagine what 'important business' you two were up to, especially in a club!"

Taehyung and Jungkook offered sheepish smiles. Meanwhile, Yoongi muttered under his breath as he shook his head, "Kids these days."

Taehyung then turned to the man lying on the floor, as he asked curiously, "Why is this man appeared to be sleeping on the floor? Oh wait! Did you two kick him down while doing these nasty th-"

Jungkook gently corrected him, "Tae, the man looks like he fainted."

Jin nodded in agreement. "Looks like you two arrived just in time to lend a hand with this guy."

The two groaned in response. Jin raised an eyebrow at them and they knew better than to argue with him after that. So, they complied, sneaking the unconscious man out to their car.

Meanwhile, Yoongi muttered under his breath about Jin's knack for managing these two. "At least he knows how to control some kids," he then grumbled to himself, "but he can't control me, never."


At 11 p.m.

At the mansion, the man slowly regained consciousness, finding himself tied to an armchair. The room is a very big place full of metal walls. His eyes then flickered open to meet Jin's gaze as he was seated before him.

Jin's voice broke the silence as he said, "So, you've finally opened your eyes, Michael."

Michael's heart raced at the sight of Jin, and he stammered out, "D-Detective Jin?"

His fear then intensified as his gaze shifted to the figure seated beside Jin - the notorious mafia boss, Min Yoongi. Panic set in as he struggled to let out his breaths.

Meanwhile, Yoongi lounged on a nearby table, appearing disinterested with the situation. His posture was relaxed and his eyes wore a sense of boredom.

Trembling, Michael turned back to Jin, his voice trembling as he asked, "What..What's this all about?"

Jin's expression remained stern as he replied, "What do you think this is, Michael? Do you have any idea why you're tied up like this?"

Michael's fear was palpable as his eyes darted nervously, avoiding Yoongi's gaze at all costs. "I swear, I didn't borrow anything from the mafia," he blurted out, his words rushed in a panic. "I don't know anything!"

Sweat dripped down his forehead as he pleaded his innocence, his voice trembling with fear at the mere presence of Yoongi.

He continued to plead. "I..I swear detective! I didn't do anything! Ther- There's no need for the mafia king to be here," he stammered, his fear growing with every passing moment. His words stumbled out in a stutter as he saw the intimidating sight of Yoongi.

Jin's laughter echoed in the room as he chuckled at Michael's misunderstanding. "Hey, that's not what I'm talking about," he clarified.

Turning to Yoongi, he couldn't help but notice the intensity of his gaze. "Yoongi, ease up on the poor man," Jin chided gently.

Yoongi rolled his eyes in annoyance. "I wasn't even looking at him that intensely," he said.

Shaking his head, Jin sighed. "How many more people have you scared just by your presence?"

Yoongi huffed in response, clearly unimpressed by the conversation. He turned his head away, bored with the whole situation.

Jin reassured Michael with a calming smile. "Don't worry, Yoongi here is just like a kitten. He won't harm you," he said.

"How dare you compare me with a fucking kitt-"

Ignoring Yoongi's reaction, Jin continued to talk to the man, "Michael, we're not here about any debts or illegal dealings," he began, his tone firm. "We're here to talk about the college case in the haunted village." Yoongi huffed at Jin and turned away again.

Michael's eyes widened in surprise at the mention of the case. He shifted nervously in his chair, realizing the gravity of the situation. "The..The college case?" he repeated, his voice trembling slightly. "I-I don't know a-anything about that."

Jin leaned forward, "We have a reason to believe that you may have some information regarding the disappearances of several students from that college," he stated.

Michael's eyes darted between Jin and Yoongi, his fear palpable. He shook his head frantically. "I swear, I don't know anything about it!" he protested. "Please, you have to believe me!"

Jin smiled calmly. "We'll see about that," he said creepily.

Suddenly, Taehyung burst into the room with a secateur in hand, swirling and rolling it playfully as he made his way to Jin.

The man's eyes widened in fear at the sight of the tool, causing him to sweat even more. He squirmed in his chair, feeling increasingly trapped and intimidated by the presence of the sharp tool in Tae's hand.

The younger looked innocent as he handed the secateur over to Jin, but he gestured for Tae to keep it and then instructed him to approach the man.

With a mischievous grin, Taehyung complied with Jin's orders and made his way toward the man, whistling a playful tune.

The sight of him wielding the secateur added to the man's fear, causing him to swallow hard and avoid making eye contact with him.

Jin then showed the photo of the principal to the man, and then asked, "Do you recognise this man? He's the principal of the college and we know he's your bestfriend."

The man's eyes widened at the picture, but he quickly shook his head," I-I don't know who that is." he said.

Jin sighed as he exchanged a glance with Taehyung. "Looks like we'll have to take more drastic measures," he muttered. He then said,

"Tae, cut one of his fingers."


Without hesitation, Taehyung cut off one of the man's finger using the secateur, causing him to scream out in pain.

Blood dripped to the floor as it made a small pool. Taehyung looked at the blood and laughed innocently at it.

Meanwhile, Yoongi couldn't help but smirk slightly at the sudden tention in the room. To him, it was like watching a twisted play. Oh how he loved to see blood dripping on the floor like a waterfall.

Jin's expression remained stern as he asked, "Now tell me everything you knew about this man." He asked Michael while still showing up the picture.

The man's voice trembled in fear as he again denied, telling that he truly don't know anything. But the elder's patience was wearing thin. Without a word, Jin simply nodded to Tae, silently instructing him to proceed however he wants.

Taehyung did as he was told and severed another finger from the man's already trembling hand. Michael let out a gut-wrenching scream at the added pain.

Jungkook suddenly entered the room with a plate full of cookies, his expression bright and cheerful despite the screams echoing in the background. He walked over to Jin, presenting the cat-shaped cookies with a playful grin. "Here, hyung," he said, offering them to him. "I made these for you."

Jin smiled warmly, thanking him as he admired the cookies. "They look delicious," he commented, genuinely impressed by his baking skills.

Next, the maknae made his way to Yoongi, presenting him with tangerine cookies. "And these are for you, hyung," he said, his smile unwavering. "Jin hyung told me you like tangerines, so I made these especially for you."

Yoongi accepted the cookies with a nod, his expression neutral as he took a bite. Despite his poker expression, he couldn't deny that the cookies were indeed delicious.

Curiosity getting the better of him, he asked, "What's your age, kid?"

Jungkook proudly stated," I am 23!"

Yoongi couldn't resist adding, "Are you sure you're not this loser's brother too?"

Jungkook chuckled and shook his head in amusement. "No way," he replied confidently. "I'm Taehyung's sub."

Yoongi's expression turned incredulous as he processed the information. "You?" he exclaimed, eyeing his muscular physique skeptically. "You're a sub?"

Jungkook's smile remained unwavering as he met Yoongi's gaze. "Yeah," he confirmed.

"Good luck being a psycho's sub," Yoongi said, his gaze flickering to Taehyung, who was thoroughly enjoying his role in the interrogation.

Jungkook's response was lighthearted yet sincere. "Well, I could say the same to you," he retorted playfully, gesturing towards Jin. "Your's isn't just a psychopath. He's something else entirely."

Yoongi couldn't suppress a light chuckle at his remark, acknowledging the truth in his words.

Despite being a mafia, he had a soft spot for kids, particularly those with a sassy side, much like his Jimin. Jungkook and Taehyung's personalities reminded him of Jimin, and although he wouldn't admit it, the two maknae's presence brought a sense of familiarity to him.

Taehyung then turned to Jin, his expression innocent as he asked, "Hyung, can I cut off both his hands too?"

With a sweet smile, Jin responded, "Of course, Taehyung-ah. How could I deny something my little brother asks for?" He then gestured for him to proceed with his request.

As Taehyung prepared to carry out the act, Michael's horror-stricken voice filled the room as he pleads for mercy. "Nooooo!! Please don't! I'll tell the truth! I'll tell everything!" he cries out repeatedly, desperate to avoid whatever Taehyung had in his mind. Jin motioned for Taehyung to pause, telling him to come over.

The second maknae innocently approached the elder with the secateur in hand. He then tossed the tool aside as his attention shifted to Jungkook, who was holding the plate of cookies.

Excitedly, he rushed towards Jungkook, chanting "cookies, cookies," as he moved.

Both the maknaes settled down beside Yoongi at the table, indulging in the sweet treats while Yoongi observed the scene with boredom.

Meanwhile, Jin turned his attention back to Michael, his expression expectant as he instructed the man to proceed with his confession.

Michael hesitated for a moment, his gaze shifting nervously between Jin and Yoongi. "The last time I saw him," he began slowly, "he showed me a place where he said he was going to conduct some experiments. I even have the location of the place saved in my phone."

Jin leaned forward, his interest piqued. "What kind of experiments?" he asked.

The man shook his head, his voice trembling slightly. "I... I don't know what kind of experiments," he admited, "but he mentioned that it involved the students."

Jin exchanges a glance with Yoongi, his expression darkening with concern. "Involving the students?" he repeated.

Michael nodded, affirming his statement. "Yes, yes!" he said, his voice urgent. "He said he needed the students for his experiments. I didn't ask for details, I swear!"

Jin's brows furrowed as he processed the information, his mind racing with possibilities. "Did he mention anything specific about what he was planning to do with the students?"

The man shook his head, his fear evident in his eyes. "No, he didn't say anything specific," he replied. "He just mentioned that he needed them for his research!"

Jin's jaw tightens as he absorbs the information, his mind already formulating a plan of action.

"This seems more serious than we thought it might be." Jungkook's words hung heavy in the air.

Jin lets out a weary sigh as he takes out his phone, preparing to make a call for someone. However, before he can leave, Taehyung's voice interrupts him, drawing his attention back to the scene at hand.

"Hyung, what should we do with him now?" He asked innocently.

Jin thought for a moment responding, his tone measured. "Do whatever you want with him," he said, "but make sure he doesn't lose his voice. Anything else is fair game. We can't have him going mute."

With that, he left the room to make his call, leaving Taehyung and the others to handle the situation.

As Taehyung approached the bound man with the secateur in hand again in which the man shouts in horror, Yoongi turned to Jungkook with a furrowed brow, his curiosity evident. "If he is a fucking detective, how is he allowed to do all this?" he questions, his voice filled with skepticism.

Jungkook pauses mid-munch, considering his question before responding. "Hyung is not just a detective," he explains between bites, "he has connections to higher officers who have his back. They trust him to do what's right, even if it means bending the rules a bit."

Yoongi huffed out, "So, he's kind of like a vigilante," he mused.

Jungkook nodded in agreement. "Exactly," he says, his tone serious. "And this man," he gestures towards Michael, "he's no innocent bystander. He's a wanted criminal who's managed to evade justice for far too long by getting off his crimes with money. Hyung's just making sure he gets what he deserves."

He then added, his voice full of admiration, "The higher officers know that hyung only does what's good. They trust him implicitly, so they don't question him. He's earned special treatment among all other detectives because he's the one who consistently solves cases with justice."

His words hung in the air, emphasizing the respect and trust placed in Jin even by his superiors.

Taehyung who's still beside the man, looked at Yoongi with genuine curiosity and asked, "What do you do in your mafia work, Yoongi hyung? Do you kill people and torture them too?"

Yoongi sighed before responding, "I do more than just kill and torture people," he said as he shrugged. He turned his gaze to the maknaes, noticing their keen interest. "Do you want to know how I do it?"

The two nodded eagerly, their curiosity piqued.

With a slight smirk, Yoongi slid off the table and approached the captive man, whose fear intensified upon seeing the mafia. As Taehyung joined Jungkook at the table, Yoongi stood before the frightened man, whose trembling only seemed to worsen in his presence.

"Alright, kids," Yoongi said, his voice laced with excitement.

"Let's get the party started."

He said as his deep voice carried a chilling undertone.


Who might be Jimin 😉? What do you guys think?

And what do you guys think might happen to Yoongi when he returns to college the next day? Will he go missing and become a part of the research?

Why is Jin being over possesive towards his new sub Yoongi?

New character details :

Jeon Jungkook

-23 years old.
- Youngest of Jeon family.
- Parents are living happily.
- Has an older brother.
- Status : Calm Sub, his dom : Kim Taehyung.
- Work : Doesn't have any actual work yet. Only does cooking all the time.
- Afraid of Jin's pink slippers.
- Don't underestimate him for his cuteness.
- TMI : Taehyung's slightly scared of Jungkook because of his muscular body and because Jin lets Jungkook punish him if he does something stupid.

What Taehyung's afraid of is revealed!

It's Jungkook! His own sub!


Here's my Instagram account! Follow me there to chat! Since it's a private account, please do tell me here itself if you guys have given me a request to follow.


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