"Whispers of the Sylvan Thron...

By BethLiu2002

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In the heart of the ancient forest, where sunlight filters through emerald leaves and shadows dance among gna... More

CHAPTER ONE: Fenrir's Howl
Chapter 2: The Enchanted Clues

Chapter 3: The Hidden Library

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By BethLiu2002

Gathering Shadows

Isadora's heart raced as she moved through the cabin, her fingers brushing against the shelves that held Eldric's secrets. The old man had been more than a mentor; he had been a guardian of forbidden knowledge. The vials of poisons—each labeled with intricate symbols—were her inheritance. She tucked them into her satchel, their glass cool against her skin.

Outside, the forest whispered warnings. Morgana's darkness loomed, and Isadora's resolve wavered. Eldric's final words echoed: "The world beyond is treacherous." But she couldn't stay hidden forever. The throne awaited—the legacy she carried demanded action.

As Isadora stepped beyond the cabin's threshold, something shifted. The air thickened, and the trees leaned closer. She blinked, disoriented. The forest had changed—the path she knew was gone. In its place stood an ancient oak, its bark etched with runes. The Tree of Whispers.

Isadora approached, her breath catching. The runes glowed, revealing a hidden message: Seek the forgotten.

Following the moonlit path, Isadora stumbled upon a clearing. There, nestled among ferns, stood a library—a structure that hadn't existed before. Its walls were woven from ivy, and its door bore no handle. She pushed, and it swung open, revealing shelves laden with books.

The librarian awaited—a man with silver hair and eyes like starlight. His robe shimmered, and his smile held both warmth and ancient knowledge. Although he seemed like a young and handsome guy, the energy he emanated was that of an old man with experience in every movement he made, it seemed like he could speak to Isadora with his eyes, even the gestures of his words were as if he had been born years ago.

"Isadora," he said, his voice a gentle breeze. "I've been waiting."

Isadora stepped inside, her senses overwhelmed. The library stretched infinitely, its shelves bending time and space. Books whispered, their pages alive with forgotten tales.

"You are the last heir," the librarian continued. "The forest's keeper. Eldric prepared you well, but there is more to learn."

"Why?" Isadora asked. "Why me?"

"Because," he said, "the forest's magic flows through your veins. You carry the threads of lost civilizations, the echoes of battles fought in shadows. Morgana seeks to extinguish that magic, but you—"

"—I must protect it," Isadora finished.

The librarian nodded. "Beyond these walls lies a world hungry for magic. You'll face trials, but remember: the forest's heart beats within you."

The librarian's gaze held Isadora's, a mirror to the stars above. "You must not return to the cabin," he said, his voice a whisper of leaves. "Morgana's eyes are everywhere, and her shadows have grown long. This library," he gestured to the walls around them, "is your sanctuary now. It is not bound by the physical realm but woven from the threads of magic itself. It can move, disappear, reappear—visible only to those who hold the key to its secrets."

Isadora's eyes widened. "But my home—"

"Is no longer safe," he interrupted gently. "Here, you will continue your training. The knowledge within these books will be your armor, and I," he paused to look at her, "I will be your guide."

"My kingdom," Isadora began, her voice barely above a murmur, "where is it? Is it beyond the forest or within it? And my family—what has become of them?"

The librarian, whom we shall name **Silvano**, a name that echoes the silver of his hair and the ancient woods he protects, nodded. "All in good time, Isadora. The kingdom you are heir to is both far and near. As for your family, their fate is intertwined with the very essence of this forest. Morgana knows you because she knows the power that you hold—the power she fears."

Isadora's brow furrowed with questions, but Silvano raised a hand. "Seek your answers within these pages," he said, motioning to the endless shelves. "The books are more than mere words; they are memories, histories, spells, and prophecies. They will show you the past and illuminate the path forward."

Isadora couldn't help but notice the way the starlight danced in Silvano's eyes, or the graceful way he moved, his robe trailing behind him like a river of silver. He was undeniably attractive, and for a fleeting moment, her heart fluttered with an unfamiliar warmth. But the weight of her destiny pressed upon her shoulders, a reminder that her focus must remain unshaken. The kingdom and the impending battle with Morgana demanded her full attention.

Silvano seemed to sense her inner turmoil and offered a reassuring smile. "Come," he said, leading her through a narrow corridor. They arrived at a door, barely wide enough to pass through. He pushed it open to reveal a small room, its walls lined with rich mahogany and tapestries that told tales of old. The bed was a modest four-poster, draped in velvet the color of the night sky, and a single candle flickered on a bedside table, casting a warm glow.

"This will be your chamber," Silvano explained. "It may not be grand, but it is safe and imbued with enchantments to ensure your rest is undisturbed."

Isadora nodded, her eyes taking in the Victorian Middle Ages style of the room. It was cozy, almost womb-like, and she felt a strange sense of belonging.

"For Fenrir," Silvano continued, leading her to another space just beside her room, "a den fit for a guardian. The elves have woven spells into the very earth to comfort him."

The den was a natural alcove, lined with soft moss and leaves, a small spring bubbling in the corner for Fenrir to drink from.

"And the elves," Silvano said as they walked back to the main hall, "are the caretakers of this place. They bring sustenance from the forest, foods enchanted to nourish both body and spirit. Should you desire something specific, simply leave a note on the silver platter by the entrance."

Isadora's curiosity piqued. "And the rules of the library?"

Silvano's expression turned solemn. "The rules are simple yet binding. First, no book shall leave these walls; their magic is tethered to this sanctuary. Second, speak no ill intent within this space; the library is sentient and will protect itself. Third, the knowledge gained here is for the preservation of magic and must not be used for personal gain. Lastly, trust in the library's wisdom; it will guide you to the books you need, not necessarily the ones you seek."

Isadora absorbed his words, a sense of purpose settling in her heart. She was ready to begin her new life in this mystical library, with Silvano by her side and Fenrir at her feet. The journey ahead was uncertain, but she was not alone.

Hello, I don't know if you have already noticed but English is my second language, so if you find any errors please let me know, I also accept proposals of what you would like in the following chapters, I have some ideas already but any complaint or suggestion is more than welcome, I hope you like it as much as I do, it is a book in which even for a while I can immerse myself in my other world haha. Magic kissesssss. 


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