Deaths Garden BOOK 1

By __VAL3NTIN3__

128 35 4

amongst the ruins and mutated foliage, ghosts haunt the landscape, their ethereal forms drifting through the... More



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By __VAL3NTIN3__

Winter's Embrace

As winter descends upon the twisted paradise, the mutated beasts and demonic creatures retreat into hibernation, leaving the landscape eerily silent and desolate. Yet, amidst the cold embrace of the snow-covered wilderness, the haunting spirits reign supreme, their ethereal forms dancing on the fringes of reality. Clad in snow gear to ward off the biting chill, I navigate the frozen landscape with caution and silence. My footsteps leave faint impressions in the freshly fallen snow, the only evidence of my passage through this icy wasteland. Despite the warmth provided by my insulated clothing, I shiver involuntarily as the icy wind cuts through the air like a knife.

The snow falls heavily, obscuring my vision and muffling the sound of my movements. Each step is a struggle against the biting cold and the relentless onslaught of the storm. Yet, I press on, driven by a relentless determination to find shelter amidst the swirling snowflakes. With each passing moment, the landscape grows more treacherous, the path ahead obscured by drifts of snow and icy terrain. I scan the horizon for any sign of refuge—a cave, a shelter, anything that might offer respite from the biting cold and the haunting spirits that lurk in the shadows. But as the storm intensifies, my search becomes increasingly desperate. The howling wind whips around me, threatening to throw me off course with its relentless fury. 

The snowfall grows thicker, reducing visibility to mere inches and coating the landscape in a blanket of white. With each passing moment, the cold seeps into my bones, sapping my strength and resolve. Yet, still, I press on, driven by a stubborn determination to survive against all odds. For in this frozen wilderness, where the spirits of the dead reign supreme, only the strong will endure. And so, with weary steps and a heart heavy with dread, I continue to search for shelter amidst the snowing storm, knowing that my survival depends on finding refuge before the haunting spirits claim me as their own.

--------------------------------------------------T I M E _ S K I P----------------------------------------------------

As the snowstorm rages on, obscuring the landscape with its relentless fury, I stumble upon a hidden cave nestled behind a frozen waterfall. The icy cascade conceals the entrance like a veil of secrecy, but I sense its presence like a beacon of hope amidst the chaos of the storm.With a sense of relief washing over me, I duck beneath the frozen curtain of water and step into the shelter of the cave. The air inside is cool and still, a welcome respite from the biting cold of the outside world. I waste no time in making camp for the night, setting up a makeshift bedroll by the flickering light of my campfire.

With the fire crackling merrily in the darkness, I set to work securing the entrance to the cave, laying traps and fashioning crosses of God from wood and stone. These makeshift defenses offer me some measure of protection against the haunting spirits that roam the night, their cries echoing through the darkness like a chorus of the damned. As the moon rises and the night sets in, the outside world becomes haunted with the screams of shapeshifting spirits, their twisted forms dancing on the fringes of my vision. But I know better than to let fear consume me—I block out their cries, focusing instead on the soothing words of the Bible as I read aloud about sins and repentance. The sound of my voice echoes off the walls of the cave, a beacon of defiance against the darkness that threatens to engulf me. With each word spoken, I feel a sense of peace wash over me, my spirit bolstered by the comforting embrace of faith.

And so, as the night wears on and the storm rages outside, I sit by the fire, my Bible in hand, steadfast in my resolve to confront the demons that haunt this twisted paradise. For in the face of darkness, it is not strength alone that will see me through, but the unwavering light of faith that burns within my soul. 

-----------------------------------------T I M E _S K I P----------------------------------------------------------------

As Pierre falls into a small slumber, he is abruptly awoken by the sharp alarm of one of the traps. Startled, he jolts upright, gripping a machete tightly in his hand. With cautious steps, he approaches the triggered trap, his senses on high alert for any sign of danger. In the dim light of the cave, he sees a creature trapped within the confines of the trap—a Maine Coon beast. Its charcoal fur glistens in the faint glow of the fire, and peculiar suckers adorn its legs like the tentacles of a kraken. The creature emits a gentle meow, interspersed with hisses of agitation as it struggles against its restraints. Pierre's features soften as he gazes upon the trapped creature. With a calm voice, he addresses it, "I won't hurt you if you don't hurt me." His words hang in the air, a tentative offer of peace amidst the chaos of the night.

As Pierre watches in astonishment, the Maine Coon beast seems to understand his words, its hoarse voice echoing in the cavernous depths of the cave. "I won't harm you if you don't harm me," it says, the sound strangely human coming from the creature's mouth. Shock washes over Pierre's face as he processes the creature's unexpected ability to speak in the human tongue. He hesitates for a moment, uncertainty flickering in his eyes, before he begins to carefully cut away at the netting ensnaring the beast. With each snip of the machete, the Maine Coon's movements grow more agitated, until finally, the last strand falls away, freeing the creature from its bonds. It stands before Pierre, shaking its fur like a dog, before bowing in a gesture of thanks.

As Pierre takes a cautious step back, the Maine Coon circles him, analyzing him with sharp, intelligent eyes. But instead of hostility, Pierre senses a growing bond forming between them, a silent understanding forged in the depths of the cave. With a soft purr, the Maine Coon sits beside Pierre, its fur brushing against his leg as if seeking reassurance. Pierre lifts his free hand tentatively, reaching out to pat the creature's head, his movements slow and deliberate as he watches for any sign of aggression.

But the Maine Coon only leans into his touch, its purring growing louder with each gentle stroke. And as Pierre sits beside the creature, lost in the warmth of its companionship, he can't help but feel a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness of the night.


WELL AINT THIS SWEET!?. He's got a buddy now :D. Not completely alone with sanity slowly rotting away anymore.!.. what should i Call the cat. btw. NAME IDEAS PLEASE.

(Words: 1128)


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