judas | armin arlert

By halleys-comet

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ARMIN X OC Juliet Diekman is the daughter of a well-respected Marleyan scientist who works alongside the mili... More

home away from home
chapter 1 | a warrior's training
Chapter 2 | The Mission at Paradis
Chapter 3 | The Breach
Chapter 4 | Abnormal
Chapter 5 | Three Steps Back
chapter 6 | the female titan
chapter 7 | one discovered
chapter 8 | reunited with jaws
chapter 9 | let's go home
chapter 10 | on the run
chapter 11 | make a run for it
chapter 12 | war chief
chapter 13 | home again
chapter 15 | see you later
chapter 16 | butterfly
chapter 17 | blue
chapter 18 | out of reach
chapter 19 | the four year war
chapter 20 | the calm
chapter 21 | declaration of war

chapter 14 | leave this place behind

207 15 7
By halleys-comet


WITH THE WIND RUSHING past and the thrill of strength coursing through her veins, Juliet soared through the air, her identity concealed beneath the green Scouts cape she wore on her head. As she glided effortlessly through the sky, her movements were as graceful as they were mysterious, leaving onlookers below in astonishment at her abilities.

Flying over the Armored's body, Juliet glanced back at her friend, the top of his head missing and gushing blood, she felt a pang of remorse tug at her heartstrings, knowing that she couldn't stay and help.

Reiner. What'd they do to you?

As frustration boiled within her, Juliet's anger ignited a newfound determination that fueled her. With a grit of her teeth, she felt a surge of energy coursing through her veins, reattaching her rigs to a building ahead and propelling her forward with unwavering intensity.

As he watched her from on top of a roof, Armin couldn't help but notice the familiar fluency in the Scout's movements—the way they gripped their blades, the way their black hair poked out of their hood just enough for him to see, and the way they position themselves in the air. The moment his head makes the connection he turns to Eren's direction, "Eren! Look out!"

As she darted through the air, Juliet moved with an agility and speed that left the Scouts in her wake. With each nimble glide, she seemed to navigate through the buildings surrounding them effortlessly, her movements fluid and decisive.

With a focused gaze and a clenched jaw, Eren's Titan squared his shoulders and assumed a formidable fighting stance. He was now eye to eye with Juliet, the hood not hiding her identity from him anymore. As he shifted his weight from foot to foot, Eren exuded an aura of confidence and determination, his stance a silent declaration of his readiness to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Once she was in arms reach, with a swift motion, he lashed out with his hand, aiming to swat her, but to his mortification, she darted out of reach at the last moment.

What the hell? Where'd she go?

Eren swiveled his head this way and that, trying to pinpoint the source of the noise of ODM gear soaring around him, but Juliet remained frustratingly out of sight. She was moving too fast.

Abruptly, Juliet reaches the back of the Attack Titan's knees, lifting her blades and forcing them to slice deep within the Titan's body. Eren screams in pain and attempts to swat Juliet away but she moves away before he can catch her.

As the tension escalated and fists clenched, Mikasa felt a surge of determination welling up within her, fueling her desire to join the battle. With gritted teeth and fire in her eyes, she stepped forward, ready to throw herself into the midst of the conflict. However, before she could act on her impulse, Armin grabbed her arm, his eyes locking in a silent plea for restraint, "Mikasa, wait!"

Despite the heated exchange unfolding before him, Armin couldn't shake the feeling of dread at the thought of hurting Juliet, let alone killing her. A knot tightened in his stomach, the weight of his conflicting emotions threatening to overwhelm him. He wanted to do anything in his power to stop the Scouts from killing her.

"Look. We couldn't negotiate with Reiner, but we can with Juliet!" As tensions rose and voices grew strained, Armin tried to reason with his stubborn friend, his words measured and earnest, "She's different than those two. I know she'll listen."

"You might have feelings for her, but she's the enemy here, Armin," Mikasa urged him to set aside his feelings and think logically, "She's not the girl you thought you knew."

"That's not what this is!" Armin refused to give up, an obvious blush creeping his cheeks at the call out, but he was still determined to find common ground, "When they first took Eren, the only reason I made it out alive was because her walls were broken down. She let me go! She may be the enemy but she's still human!"

"You call that human?"

"I'm with Armin here," Hange interrupts listening to the two, "She does seem to have a soft spot for you. Use it to your advantage. The way she's cutting Eren now, he's gonna need time to heal. If anything, Mikasa, I'm confident you could take her out."

Take her out. Killing her.

As the gruesome thought of taking her life crossed his mind, Armin felt a wave of nausea wash over him, bile rising in the back of his throat. Each detail of the imagined act seemed to weigh heavily on his conscience, filling him with an overwhelming sense of revulsion and guilt.

"Once I feel she isn't budging, I'm not hesitating to end her life." With a cool gaze and a subtle tilt of her head, Mikasa regarded her friend with an air of nonchalant determination. Despite the gravity of the situation, she remained outwardly composed, her expression betraying no emotion as she contemplated their next move.

As beads of sweat trickled down his forehead, Armin cast a nervous glance at his friend, his anxiety palpable in the air. With trembling hands and a furrowed brow, he struggled to maintain his composure, the weight of uncertainty bearing down on him like a heavy burden, "Yeah, got it."

At the time of their discussion, Juliet had sliced both of Eren's eyes. In an attempt to hit her away, the Attack Titan collided its own fists with its face, knocking Eren to fall. His legs were far too weak to lift him.

With his nape out in the open, Juliet moves quickly and attaches her rigs to his back. Her gear takes her closer and closer. She raises her blades ready to cut as soon as she gets close enough. But she doesn't make it.

With a fierce resentment burning in her eyes, Mikasa lunges forward, tackling Juliet with explosive force. Her muscles tensed with adrenaline as she collided with her, their bodies crashing to a nearby roof in a tumultuous clash.

Mikasa pressed down with all her strength, pinning Juliet to the ground as she struggled to break free. Mikasa wraps her legs under Juliet's and sits on her thighs stopping her legs from moving. With the blade in her hand still, she grabs each of her wrists, the blade harshly pressed against Juliet's neck, "Get off me!"

Trapped beneath Mikasa, fear gripped Juliet's heart as she struggled against her hold. With her eyebrows furrowed straight at her, Juliet growls as she attempts to push the weight off, "Like hell I will!" The pressure of the blade on her neck bore down on her, amplifying her terror as she felt powerless to defend herself. Blood drips down from Juliet's neck, the blade breaking her skin.


Mikasa watched with a sense of wonder as Juliet's eyes softened, her once-guarded expression melting away at the sound of Armin's voice. In that fleeting moment, a flicker of fear danced in Juliet's gaze, her defenses crumbling under the gentle cadence of his voice. Her eyes widen and shake, trying her hardest not to turn toward the voice.

Juliet knows if she turns, she'll see him. Juliet couldn't shake the feeling of dread at the thought of Armin seeing her like this. What would he call her? Monster? Murderer?

Mikasa shifts her blade, forcing Juliet's face to turn at Armin.

As their eyes met, Juliet couldn't help but notice the deep well of fear reflected in Armin's gaze. Armin was scared, it was visible in the furrow of his brow and the tension in his features. Her mouth quivers at the sight. Juliet felt a surge of compassion wash over her.

"Why can't we talk?" Armin begs for an answer, "We can work this out, Juliet. We don't have to fight."

"Shut the hell up!" Juliet yells back, her sudden movement causing Mikasa's blade to cut deeper, resulting in a whimper coming out of her mouth, "You think I don't know what you're trying to do!" She was frustrated and struggling to keep the tears from building up.

I told Reiner I wouldn't get sympathetic. So, fight it! You're a Warrior dammit.

Mikasa forces the blade further into her neck, but Juliet's had enough.

With a surge of adrenaline, Juliet summoned all her strength and determination, sliding her knee between Mikasa's legs, and pushing against her front with fierce resolve. As Mikasa tumbled off the roof and to the ground, Juliet wasted no time picking up her blades, her heart pounding with the exhilaration of escape.

She meets the blue-eyed boy's gaze. Armin grits his teeth as he eyes her movements. Sweat trickles down from his forehead. Here they are again, Juliet having a perfect opportunity to take his life.

"You want us to die? Then do it! Kill me, Juliet!" Armin yells at her. Juliet stood tall, her gaze unwavering as she aimed her blade toward Armin. It rests right under his chin, making him shift uncomfortably. Her posture exudes confidence and determination with each step forward, but Armin saw right through her cover. As he observed Juliet's trembling hand, Armin couldn't help but feel a pang of concern tug at his heartstrings.

Juliet fought to hold back the tears, her jaw clenched and her lip quivering watching those blue eyes look back at her. With every fiber of her being, she struggled to maintain her composure, refusing to let her emotions get the better of her.

No, stop! I need to get home.

Each shaky breath she took was a battle against the tide of sorrow threatening to consume her, her resolve steeling with every passing moment.

"You can't," he has a newfound confidence as her eyes soften, "That's because you're not like them! You're not a monster! We can help you just— hear me out, please!"

With a gentle gesture, Armin extends his hand toward Juliet, silently offering her a lifeline. His palm was open and inviting, it was a gesture of support and solidarity, a silent reassurance that he was on her side.

As a single tear drops down her face, she lowers the blade held up to his neck freeing him from any tension.

I'm not a monster? Do you really mean that, Armin? Or are you just trying to get in my head?

As she opens up her mouth to talk, a blade runs through her chest, nearly hitting Armin with how close they are in proximity. Armin watches Juliet's gasp desperately searching for air. With a groan, Mikasa pushes the blade deeper knocking Juliet off the roof and letting her body fall to the ground with a thud.

As he stared in disbelief, Armin felt a chill run down his spine, his eyes widening in horror at the scene unfolding before him. His heart hammered in his chest as he watched her still body on the ground with a blade sticking proudly on top, unable to tear his gaze away from it.

"Are you okay?" Mikasa asks placing her hand on his shoulder.

At that moment, he was stunned in silence. Armin could only watch in horror, his mind reeling with the implications of what he was witnessing. He knew he couldn't be mad at Mikasa for taking the opportunity, but he wanted to know so desperately what she was going to say.

The silence is soon interrupted.

As consciousness slowly returned to her body, Juliet's vision swam with disorientation, her head throbbing with the remnants of unconsciousness. With a groan, she blinked away the haze, struggling to piece together the fragments of her surroundings. As she pushed herself up from the ground, her chest protested in pain.

With a grimace of discomfort, Juliet carefully inspected the blade sticking through her chest. With steady hands, she delicately maneuvered her hand, grasping the blade firmly before slowly and steadily pulling it free from her torso. A sharp twinge of pain shot through her, causing her to shriek, but she refused to concede, determined to rid herself of the intrusive blade.

With a sigh of relief, she extracted the blade in its entirety. She throws the blade to the side, examining the blood on her hand from gripping the blade so forcefully.

"Holy shit! What the hell are they made out of?!" Connie asks in disbelief.

"This isn't good," Jean adds. His eyes were wide with anticipation of what her next move was going to be.

With each labored breath, Juliet felt her strength returning as she pushed herself to her feet, determination fueling her to reach her main goal, Eren. She uses the back of her hand to wipe the tears she previously cried. Ignoring the lingering ache in her chest, she set off at a brisk pace, her footsteps echoing as she pressed onward.

She attaches her rigs to the nearest building, letting the ODM gear launch her into the air.

With a ferocious roar, Eren unleashed the frustration and anger simmering beneath the surface. His Titan wasn't fully healed from the damage she'd done, his face still missing a chunk, but his eyes were recovered.

Juliet furrows her eyebrows before a brilliant flash of lightning streaks through her, illuminating the landscape in a blinding cascade of light. The echoing boom of thunder reverberated through the air, shaking the earth beneath their feet with its powerful resonance.

Armin lunges over Mikasa protectively covering her from the blow.

Within seconds, the Fighting Titan appeared, not taking even a second to think before landing a blow to Eren's face. Her crystalized fist crushed his jaw and forced him to fall into a nearby house, taking it down with him.

The Attack Titan recovers quickly and is fueled with anger. He lunges forward, aiming directly for her torso with both arms. He was attempting to play the same move he did with Reiner, trying to give the Scouts an opening.

With the calculated strike, Juliet moved with the fluid grace of a dancer, her movements swift and precise as she deftly dodged Eren's blow. Despite his best efforts to land a hit, his attack seemed to glance off her with little effect.

Eren lands flat on the ground with a thud though, he doesn't give up. He lifts himself with a roar, sprinting at the Fighting Titan swiftly.

Juliet dodged him once again, shifting her body right before he could reach her. But Eren had other plans. His hands land on her black hair, gripping them tightly and pulling her harshly into the ground.

The Attack Titan gets on top of her, screaming in her face before throwing violent punches. The Fighting uses its shielded forearms to block each one, though the crystalized material on them starts to crack from the impact of Eren's hardened fists.

The Fighting calculates Eren's next punch, pulling his arm further down and pulling the Titan onto the ground with her. She quickly gets up and takes a fighting stance as she watches Eren recover once more.

Eren notices that he can't give the Scouts an opening if he keeps fighting his way, he needs to try something new.

Eren waits for Juliet to throw a punch before dodging it and wrapping his arms around her shoulder and torso tightly. Finally, got you!

Juliet recognizes this position. It was Annie's technique. Training with Annie from such a young age has its perks.

The Attack Titan raises his leg, preparing himself to knock the Fighting off her feet but Juliet moves faster. She grabs his leg, holding it in the air, and allowing her hardened knee to crash into Eren, making him fall to the ground.

What an idiot.

"We didn't call it the Fighting Titan for nothing," Hange comments watching Juliet outsmart Eren.

"She even knows how to counter Annie's techniques, they must've trained together," Armin comments watching the fight continue.

"It's safe to assume Eren isn't going to find us an opening, we have to find our own," Hange replaces a thunder spear, preparing themselves, "The Fighting has limited hardened skin. It should be easier to do damage than it was the Armored. That being said I want two separate groups to throw spears at separate times."

The Scouts perched up listening to the Section Commander's orders, "One will be distractions, skewing her away from Eren and the second group will deal the final blow. On my signal."

By now, the Fighting Titan had her hold on Eren, her arms wrapped tightly around their neck in a vice-like grip. With determination etched into her features, she exerted every ounce of strength, refusing to let him wriggle free from her hold.

But Eren was not one to go down without a fight, his struggles growing more frantic as he desperately sought to break free from her grasp, punching at her arms and grasping at any part of her body that he could. Every punch he threw would cause his own hardened fist to crack.

Juliet worked to pull the Titan's head off, slowly but surely. With each passing moment, Eren's struggles grew more desperate, screaming out hopelessly, his movements becoming increasingly erratic as he felt his Titan begins to tear.


Juliet hears the sounds of wires surrounding her. What the hell are they doing? She loses her grip on Eren before throwing a hard punch to his face making sure he stays put. She places her hand on her nape covering her most vulnerable region.

However, the Scouts don't aim for her nape at all. "Go for her mouth!" Jean orders, throwing his thunder spear at her teeth. Connie follows suit, throwing it right next to Jean's.

Wha– What's this?

The deafening roar of an explosion echoed through the air, sending shockwaves reverberating through Juliet's body. The front of the Fighting Titan's teeth were now shattered creating an opening to her mouth.

She recognizes the noise of explosives from Reiner's fight though because she was hiding she couldn't see them the first time around. Looks like they have new weapons, just our luck.

The smoke filling the air blocks Juliet's vision, she doesn't see Eren's bloody head coming straight for hers. With a menacing glint in his eyes, Eren deliberately lowered his head, aiming to deliver a powerful headbutt to the Fighting. The sound of impact reverberated through the air as their skulls collided with brutal force, sending shockwaves of pain radiating through both combatants. Despite the searing pain pulsing through his skull, Eren felt a surge of satisfaction at the sight of the Fighting stumbling backward, her defenses momentarily shattered by the unexpected assault.

The Scouts don't give her a second to recover, sending two more thunder spears her way. This time around they aim for her legs. She swats one of the Scouts before the spear can land on her, knocking the unknown soldier to his death. The spear blew right after his landing.

The other spear was thrown by Sasha and landed on the area on Juliet's legs that her hardened skin didn't cover. As the searing pain shot through her leg like a bolt of lightning, Juliet's strength faltered, causing her to collapse to one knee with a sharp intake of breath. The impact jarred her senses, sending shockwaves of agony rippling through her body as she fought to maintain her composure. There's no way she could keep moving with one good leg.

Eren stands up ready to continue fighting, "Eren! Back down! You need to heal!" Armin yells out to his friend, "We still don't know where Bertholdt is. Let us handle this one!" Eren's Titan huffs in agreement.

With the Fighting knocked to her knee, Mikasa takes the opportunity to get closer.

Juliet shifts her hand to her nape, gripping it protectively as she sees Mikasa approaching her. However, Mikasa aims her strike directly at the Fighting's gapped teeth, intending to deliver a decisive blow straight to her mouth.

As the Ackerman girl hurtled towards her face with alarming speed, Juliet's instincts kicked into overdrive, her eyes widening in anticipation of the imminent impact. Time seemed to slow as her eyes widened in horror, her instincts screaming for her to do something. Harden. Shifts your consciousness. Run. Do something! Move Juliet! Move! She screams at her body to act.

Steam rushes through the nape of the Titan as Juliet tries to escape. With the last ounces of her strength, Juliet struggled against the Titans muscle that held her arms tightly in its grasp. Her strength strained against the bonds, her body was too weak to pull, and to no avail as her arms remained firmly immobilized.

Despite her best efforts, she felt powerless against the relentless grip that held her captive, her heart pounding in her chest as she yanked and pulled, trying to escape. In that moment of vulnerability, fear threatened to overwhelm her as she grappled with the realization that she was trapped.

A shimmering layer of crystal began to form upon the Titan's skin slowly, creeping from her chest and spreading to her neck. But there's not enough time.

With a mighty heave, Mikasa propelled the metal spear forward with all her strength, the muscles in her arms bulging with effort. The air hummed with anticipation as the rod soared through the air, propelled by the force of her throw.

"Wait— Please!" A tear streams down Juliet's cheeks as she pleads desperately, her voice choked with emotion. The spear lands on the back of the Titans mouth, just a few inches away from Juliet's body. I don't wanna die!

The Fighting Titan screams in a final prayer. As soon as Mikasa gets far enough from the danger zone of the expected blast, she presses the trigger.

In an instant, the air was filled with a blinding flash of light and a thunderous boom as the explosion rocked the Titan's face. The shockwave rippled outward, shattering everything in its path and leaving chaos in its wake. In the aftermath of the explosion, smoke billowed from the wreckage, casting a pall of devastation over the scene as the true extent of the damage became painfully clear.

The Fighting titan was now completely headless. What's left of the Titan falls flat on the ground, presenting Juliet's body to the rest of the Scouts.

"Two for two! Let's go!"

There was a sizable gap missing from Juliet's chest, revealing a traumatizing glimpse of her interior. The blast had directly hit her heart, blowing it to pieces. Puddles of maroon blood began to seep from the exposed cavity, forming a small pool on the surface in front of her.

Her delicate face was left mangled and disfigured, its once untouched features reduced to a gruesome mess. The blow had shattered her fragile face, leaving behind a bloody mess where it once was. What was left of her hair blew in the wind stained red with her own remains.

In that moment of devastation, her identity was lost, her appearance now a haunting reminder of the brutal reality of war's indifference. The Scout cape on her body still held up, each fluid movement seemed to breathe life into the fabric, as it swirled and twirled with an ethereal elegance. It was a reminder to her old friends of who she once was.

As the gruesome scene unfolded before him, a wave of nausea swept over Armin, churning his stomach with an overwhelming sense of revulsion. His vision swam with her unrecognizable body, sending bile rising in his throat as he struggled to maintain his composure. With a guttural retch, he doubled over the edge of the roof, unable to contain the queasiness that threatened to consume him. In a violent removal, he vomited, his body wracked with spasms as he emptied the contents of his stomach.

Mikasa rushed to his side, placing a comforting hand on his trembling back.

"We...we did it." A sense of horror washed over Jean, freezing him in place as he stared in disbelief. His eyes widened with shock, unable to tear his gaze away from the Scout's logo waving on her dismantled body.

"Yeah. Nice one...Mikasa," Sasha says, the tears starting to form once again.

"Snap out of it! We still need to make sure they're dead! We need to destroy Reiner's whole body!" Hange directs her hand toward the body of the Armored Titan behind them.

As Armin rose to his feet, finally emptying his stomach, a faint but unmistakable sound echoed from above, drawing his attention skyward. His brow furrowed in confusion as he strained to identify the source of the mysterious noise. He gasps suddenly as he sees a barrel speeding in the air above them.

"Hange wait! We need to fall back for now. " Armin grabs their attention by pointing at the barrel, "See that barrel? I'm sure Bertholdt's inside! If he transforms, we're done for!"

"Shit! Everyone, move away from the Armored Titan!" panic gripped the group as they fled the scene, "The Colossal Titan is falling towards us right now!" Even the Attack Titan is running away with the group. 

As the wind whipped through his blonde locks with an unrelenting force, Armin's heart began to race with panic, he knew they couldn't get far enough to not get caught in the Colossal's blast.

From the confinement of the barrel, Bertholdt prepares himself to transform, bringing his hand to his mouth. However, he stops himself once he sees the Armored and Fighting both still and down with steam rising from both of them.

Bertholdt removes the lid of the barrel, readying his ODM gear to grab onto a building, "Guys!" He grabs a building next to the Fighting Titan, lowering himself enough to see her body.

A sense of horror washed over him, freezing him in place as he stared helplessly at the scene in front of him. His heart clenched with anguish as he watched them writhe in agony, "Juliet– Tell me you're alive!" When he receives no answer, he reaches over to her chest in search of a heartbeat but only finds blood on his hands instead.

His mouth quivers in horror. Bertholdt reached out to his friend, his fingers grasping desperately at what was left of her torso as he pulled her from her Titan with all his might. Eventually, Juliet's body is set free.

Bertholdt held her tightly and protectively against his chest as he made his way toward Reiner, "No way."

Bertholdt does the same with Reiner as he did with Juliet, placing a hand on his chest, this time he feels a heartbeat, "What the– He's still alive! He must've transferred his consciousness throughout his entire nervous system. Why didn't you do the same, Juliet?" He asks as he holds her body closer to him.

"Reiner. I need you to do something for me. You're gonna have to move just a little bit. And if you can't then I'm sorry. Prepare for the worst," Bertholdt says directly into Reiner's ear, "At the very least, hold on to Juliet for me. Even if there's only a sliver of hope, I refuse to leave her to die because I'm ending this war here and now."

He moves him and Juliet toward Reiner's hand, placing her body right in his palm. He watches the Armored's fingers twitch attempting to close its hand into a fist. As soon as Bertholdt sees that movement, he's confident he can leave Juliet to Reiner.

Bertholdt makes his way toward where he saw the Scouts go last. While he makes his way, he sees Armin appear in front of him, "Stop, Bertholdt! Just wait a minute!" Armin was screaming as loud as he could to reach him.

Bertholdt halts at a building a good amount of distance from Armin.

As he prepared to make his case, a surge of confidence washed over Armin, bolstering his resolve and sharpening his focus. It almost worked with Juliet, he knew he could try to get through to Bertholdt, "We don't have to fight! Let's talk this over!"

Bertholdt takes a breath, getting ready to scream back, "If I agree to talk, would you all be willing to lay down and die? We only want two simple things! Eren Jaeger, and the death of everyone in the walls! That's the harsh truth of our situation. Understand? All of your fates have been decided!"

Armin gasps at the new persona to Bertholdt, "What? And who is it that decided that?"

"I did," Bertholdt barely gets out.

"What was that?" Armin lifts his hand to his ear trying to hear what the other boy said.

"It was me, Armin!" Bertholdt gets out louder, "I decided your lives should end here and now!"

Armin feels his breath hitch, "That's a real shame, Bertholdt. See, I was hoping I'd finally get to stop hearing Annie scream!" He yells poking at the spot he knows Bertholdt is weak in.

"There's only one person who can save her from the savages in the Military Police, and that's you! If you don't, she'll be fed to the pigs!" Armin's confident that this will make him break.

"Fine by me!" Bertholdt jumps off the previous building he was on to get closer, "Let them feed Annie to the pigs! If they actually have her, that is!" Armin gasps at his switch but follows him not giving up on negotiating.

Armin gasps as he sees Bertholdt show up in front of him, "What's the rush, Armin? Didn't you wanna talk?" His voice was raspy and harsh, fueled with anger.

Armin grunts, pulling out his blade to try and protect himself. Bertholdt had already done the same.

"Bet you thought that by bringing up Annie, you could make me lose my cool, like last time. You thought I was still the timid fool you once knew, and that you could trick me into letting my guard down! I know what this is. You're just buying time, aren't you? Half your comrades'll surround me. And while I'm distracted, the rest'll go and finish killing Reiner."

Bertholdt steps closer, intimidating the blonde boy, "I can tell I'm right. Look at the way you're shaking. You're scared outta your mind, aren't you?"

Each quiver of Arnin's fingers spoke volumes, a silent testament to the anxiety that gnawed at his core, "Then why're you talking to me in the first place?"

"Because I needed to know...if when I faced all of you this time, I'd start crying and beg you to put me out of my misery again," Bertholdt thinks back to their previous encounter, "But...it seems like I'm fine now. You'll always be my dear comrades, right up until I've killed you."

Armin grits his teeth, "But why? Do you actually believe that we're the spawn of the devil?"

"No," Bertholdt replies, "None of you did anything wrong. I know you aren't devils. Even so, you can't be permitted to live. That's just how it is."

While Bertholdt was talking, Mikasa was creeping up behind him, her blades raised up high ready to cut his neck. But Bertholdt quickly reacted, putting his own blades up to protect himself. Mikasa grunts at the impact and tries swiping again, this time she cuts his ear off.

Bertholdt groans at the feeling before quickly kicking his leg at her, in an attempt to knock her off. Mikasa blocks it, but the force is too much. She falls lower on the roof and throws her blade at Bertholdt as he nears Armin.

Bertholdt lets it bounce off his own before using his ODM gear to finally get away. Armin steps forward to follow but is stopped by Mikasa, "Don't do it. We can't chase him. There's no telling when he'll choose to transform. If we don't keep our distance, we'll just get cause in the explosion."

"I don't think Betholdt intends to do that just yet," Armin tries to analyze, "He must've seen Reienr and Juliet's conditions. Transforming now would kill Reiner for good. Our best bet is to take them hostage and fight Bertholdt with our blades."

"That'd made sense, but..." Mikasa says, "From the look of him, it seemed like he had a plan. And not only that. He seemed more determined than before. Almost like an entirely different person."

"Yeah. I saw it, too."

Just like Bertholdt predicted, a group of soldiers advanced cautiously through the Titan-torn neighborhood, anticipation hung thick in the air as they made their way to where the Armored and Fighting once were ready to take the final blow.

But as they reached their destination, they were met with an unpredicted scene, the Fightings body was now mostly gone, but what was most shocking of it all was the body of the shifter was nowhere to be seen. Confusion rippled through the soldiers as they searched frantically for any sign of their enemy.

"Shit! Where'd she go?"

To make matters worse the Armored was now lying on its back covering its own nape. What the Scouts couldn't see was the remains of Juliet's corpse bunched beneath the shelter of the Armored's hand. Reiner works as a heavy shield against the outside world.

Bertholdt travels far and high, finding the best spot to cause the most damage. Once he makes it far enough into the air, he bites down on his hand, letting lightning flow through him.

Within seconds, a massive explosion erupted in a blinding flash of light, casting a pall of smoke and debris into the air. The ground shook violently beneath the force of the blast, sending shockwaves rippling through Shiganshina. Flames licked hungrily at the sky, consuming everything in their path with relentless fury.

As the fierce wind whipped around them with unyielding force, Jean, Connie, and Sasha clung desperately to the Attack Titan as he took cover behind a house, their rigs gripping tightly on his skin as they fought against the powerful gusts threatening to tear them away.

Across them, Armin and Mikasa took cover behind a separate house. With every gust, debris whirled through the air like deadly projectiles, testing Mikasa and Armin's willpower as they struggled to maintain their footing. Amid the uproar, Mikasa grabbed Armin's uniform with unbelievable strength, making sure he didn't fly away when his rigs started shaking.

With thunderous footsteps that shook the very earth beneath them, the Colossal form of the Titan loomed over the unfortunate town, casting a shadow of fear and destruction in its wake. Buildings crumbled like sandcastles beneath the brute force of its massive fists.

With each mighty swing, the Colossal laid fiery waste to everything in its path, reducing homes to fuming rubble with effortless brutality.

With time, the Colossal makes his way toward the wall, stomping anything in its path. Amidst the chaos and confusion, the scattered members of the remaining Scouts gradually converged at a meeting point, which so happened to be Eren's Titan.

Under Jean's command, since Armin wasn't feeling confident enough to come up with an efficient plan, Eren attempted to get the Colossal's attention with a screech. Bertholdt only offers him a glance before getting back to his original path.

After his initial plan doesn't work, Jean tries something new telling Eren to try and knock Bertholdt down from his feet. And it seems to work for a few seconds, before the Colossal's foot goes all the way back, picking the Attack Titan from his feet and kicking him forcefully into the wall.

The Scouts gasped in horror as their only hope was now knocked out of the fight.

"Figured something out yet?" Mikasa asks Armin, "Tell me. Is there a way that we can fight back?" Her eyes pleading for him to say yes.

Armin feels sorrowful, "I don't know." His friends—humanity was depending on him and he couldn't come up with anything. He was frustrated and confused.

To make matters worse, the Armored Titan had collided with a wall near them, announcing his reappearance to the battle.

Reiner was ready for round two.


Thunder Spears were no match for my girl Juliet :/

May 2024

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