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By peakywp

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70 2 0
By peakywp

As Hazel get rush to hospital with Polly by her side. As Hazel was looking around the ambulance everything was a blur she could barely see Polly all she could she could do was hear Polly voice telling her it all going to be ok.

They finally get to the hospital as Hazel was rush out of the ambulance into the hospital with Polly by her side as the doctor starts doing test on Hazel to find out what was wrong as Polly,Ada and Tommy just waiting for a doctor

Tommy pasted the hospital room waiting for Hazels test results to come back.
"For christ sake Tommy, you're stressing us out more with all your pasting." Ada snapped who sat on a chair next to where Hazel layed.
Polly sighed placing her hand to head.
"What on earth were they thinking?" Polly said, speaking her mind.
As they  all waited for what felt like hours for them, the doctors finally walked in.
"Are you hazels Father?" The male doctor asks. "No- no," Tommy was then cut off.
"I'm her mother," Polly said walking over to the doctor.
The doctor pulled a confused face at the female doctor.
"So.." Polly rushed.
"We took her bloods and she's got alcohol poisoning. She consumed a lot more alcohol than what a sixteen year old should've consume." He explained.
"Oh," Polly sighed, placing her hand to her head. "If she's up and awake in the next hour, she may be able to go home tonight. But until then we'll just have to monitor her." The female doctor explained.
"So she's not going to die or anything?" Ada asked concerned.
"No, she got extremely lucky."
Every sighned out in relief.
Suddenly the door to the room swung open.
"Is- is she okay?" Finn questioned, out of breath from running.
"Yeah- yeah." Polly nodded. Finn sat at the end of the bed holding Hazels hand slightly. The doctors continuing to do checks.
Eventually Hazel began to wake up. She lifted her head up looking around the room. Her head pounding and her vision slightly blurry. As her eyes adjusted to the lighting in the room, she looked at Finn who was holding her hand.
"Are- are you okay?" He asked concerned for the girl. Hazel pulled her hand way sitting up.
"Yeah, I'm fine." "Take it slow." Ada said, holding her shoulder.
"What happened?" She questioned, putting a hand to her head. From the pain of her head.
"You got alcohol poisoning." Polly explained.
She was extremely relieved Hazel had woke up. Hazel huffed almost frustrated at herself. "We were all so worried about ya'." Ada said, pulling Hazel into a hug.
Hazel smiled at her as Ada pulled away.
"We'll leave you two to talk," Polly hinted to everyone to leave the room.
"Hazel, don't you ever do this again." Tommy said as he left the room.
Hazel let out a small laugh as to how serious Tommy was being.

Everyone starts walking out of the so Finn and Hazel could talk.
"You okay how you felling" Finn said look concerned.
"I been better" Hazel said laughing.
"Im being serious" Finn Said.
"Finn you not have to be serious I need someone to be silly with" Hazel said to comfort finn
"Okay okay we'll when will you be home" finn say looking at Hazel with a smile.
"I might be home today or tomorrow it just depends really" Hazel said.

Some women started running around the hospital shouting "WHERES MY DAUGHTER SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WERE MY DAUGHTER IS"
Doctors start to walk up to this woman.
"What your name miss" the doctor said.
"Harper black my daughter is Hazel black" harper said.
"Right let me go see what rooms she in" the doctor said.
"Okay thank you so much" harper said in relief.
"It no problem she in room 19" the doctor said.
As harper runs into Hazel Room.
"Omg look at you my little baby" harper said.
"Wait mom what are doing doing here Finn go wait outside please"
"Are you sure"  Finn said as he gets up.
"Yes Finn" Hazel said.
"Mom?" Hazel said as she looks her mother.
"Yes i know this is a shock but as soon as heard what happened I came-" harper said.
"You been gone 12 years and now your coming back" Hazel said as her tone got louder.
" I know but I had get way from your dad" harper said as tear escape from her eye.
"BUT YOU LEFT ME AND RAY WERE YOUR KIDS" Hazel said as she looks at mother.
"I couldn't take you both I try so hard but I  barely make out of they live. Harper said.
"Well- mm you still left and we became the punching bag" Hazel say her tears poured out of her eyes.
"I didn't know baby I promise you I didn't know I didn't think he would hurt you too" harper said walking close to Hazel.
"I- I miss you mom" Hazel said look up to her mom.
"I miss you too baby"  harper said as she sit next to Hazel.
"I'm never going to leave you or ray every again" harper said pulling Hazel into her arms

Polly walks in the hospital room to go check on Hazel as she look though the glass that on the door as she Hazel with some women...

𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭.

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