
נכתב על ידי CyndaGallagher

151 14 7

The Citadel loomed above me, its towering spires reaching towards the sky like jagged teeth, casting long sh... עוד

01 | Chapter

02 | Chapter

17 2 0
נכתב על ידי CyndaGallagher

Tanis had a headache. She had had a headache since entering the Sol Van Lowlands. The perfumes were enough to make her want to throw up her breakfast. The smells reminded her of taking tea with her step-mom; a nauseating experience in itself. Why did she need to come on this visit again? The emissary sat across from her in the carriage looking bothered.

"Please remember to smile when we arrive," Sir Nathan said. "Or at least stop fiddling with your nails so often."

Sir Nathan's demeanor was that of a seasoned warrior, confident in his abilities yet mindful of the weight of his responsibilities. His voice carried the authority of someone accustomed to command, yet tempered with a hint of courtesy.

He was a man in his thirties, possessed a commanding presence that belied his relatively young age. His chiseled features were framed by short, dark hair, and his piercing gaze seemed to miss nothing as he assessed the situation at hand. Though still youthful, lines of determination and experience marked his face.

"Need I remind you that I'm the princess?" Tanis huffed.

"Apparently so. You do remember why your presence is necessary, yes?"

Tanis rolled her eyes. "The Lowlands defeated our shared enemy, Delphia, so we must show face and go over peace agreements, I know."

"Very good."

Tanis sighed, massaging her temples as she tried to push away the pounding headache. "I just wish I didn't have to endure these nauseating scents," she muttered.

The emissary nodded sympathetically. "I understand, Your Highness. But it's crucial for the peace process."

"I know, I know," Tanis replied, her irritation evident. "But couldn't they have chosen less overwhelming perfumes?"

Sir Nathan chuckled softly. "Unfortunately, that's one of the things we must endure for diplomacy."

Tanis gave a resigned nod, straightening up in her seat. "Fine, I'll try to keep it together. But I make no promises about the smiling."

The emissary smiled. "That's all we ask, Your Highness."

As the carriage rolled closer to the Sol Van palace, Tanis took a deep breath, attempting to steel herself for the upcoming meeting. Despite her discomfort, she knew she had a duty to fulfill.

The emissary leaned in, offering some advice. "Remember, they appreciate confidence. Just maintain your composure, and we'll get through this smoothly."

Tanis nodded, though her expression remained skeptical. "I'll do my best," she muttered.

As they arrived at the palace gates, the grandeur of the Sol Van architecture overwhelmed Tanis momentarily, distracting her from her headache. Sir Nathan ushered her out of the carriage, and together they made their way towards the entrance.

Tanis couldn't help but be impressed. As she entered the palace, she was momentarily awestruck by the grandeur of the building.

The tall, slender columns, intricate carvings, and ornate facades spoke of a rich cultural heritage and exquisite craftsmanship. Despite her headache, Tanis found herself appreciating the symmetry and beauty of the architecture.

However, her admiration was tinged with a sense of longing to escape the overwhelming scene and return to the familiar comforts of her own kingdom, Trozani. Nonetheless, she maintained her composure, reminding herself of the importance of the diplomatic mission ahead.

As they entered the palace, Tanis was greeted by a wave of even stronger perfumes. She clenched her jaw, determined not to show any signs of discomfort.

The Sol Van delegates approached, and Tanis forced herself to smile, though it felt more like a grimace. "Welcome, Princess Tanis of Trozani," one of them said graciously. "We are honored by your presence."

Tanis nodded in acknowledgment, trying to keep her focus on the diplomatic proceedings ahead.

"I am Sir James, and this is Sir Samuel. Please follow us, we'll show you to the council chambers," Sir James said, gesturing for them to proceed.

Sir James was a tall, distinguished man with a weathered face that bore the marks of battles fought and won. His gray hair was cropped short, and his piercing blue eyes held a keen intelligence. He carried himself with a proud yet composed demeanor, every movement deliberate and purposeful. Adorned in a resplendent uniform adorned with medals and insignias, Sir James commanded respect with his mere presence.

Sir Samuel, on the other hand, was slightly shorter but no less imposing. His salt-and-pepper hair was neatly trimmed, framing a face lined with wisdom and experience. His steely gaze spoke of years spent on the battlefield, honing his skills as a strategist and leader. Despite his gruff exterior, there was a warmth in his eyes that hinted at a deep sense of loyalty and honor. Like Sir James, he wore his military regalia with pride, a testament to his years of service and dedication to his kingdom.

Tanis nodded again, falling into step behind the Sol Van delegates as they led the way through the palace halls.

"After such a long journey, surely you and your emissary would like to have a rest?" Sir Samuel asked.

"That won't be necessary. We're on a tight schedule." Tanis replied.

"Well," the delegate said with a nod, "I'm glad you could fit us in."

"I am Sir Nathan, and we wouldn't miss an audience with the Sol Van for all of Zeal!" the emissary said enthusiastically, giving an incredulous eye to Tanis. She only responded with a shrug.

As they turned a corner, they arrived at a wide set of double doors. Tanis straightened her posture, mentally preparing herself.

The Sol Van delegates opened the double doors, revealing a spacious and lavishly decorated council chamber. Tanis followed them inside, her eyes scanning the room as they walked.

The chamber was adorned with intricate tapestries depicting scenes from Sol Van history, while elegant chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting a warm glow over the space. Large windows allowed sunlight to filter in, illuminating the room and adding to its grandeur.

At the far end of the chamber sat a long, ornately carved table, surrounded by high-backed chairs. Tanis took her seat at the table, the emissary settling in beside her.

The Sol Van delegates took their places opposite them, and the negotiations began in earnest. Tanis pushed aside her discomfort, focusing on the matters at hand as they discussed the terms of the peace agreements.

"Delphia has agreed to withdraw all forces from Trozani," Sir James said with a flourish. He spread papers open between them to show the proof. Tanis couldn't help the fluttering of her heart. There was good news after all.

"That's... wonderful. More than I could have ever expected. How did you accomplish such a feat?" Tanis asked.

"It wasn't easy, but it is done now. Delphia is no longer a threat to our nations." Sir Samuel nodded. "However, with that being said, we do have some things to ask."

"Some things? Well, I assure you we'll do everything in our power to help our alliance." Tanis reassured the delegate.

"That is great to hear, princess," the corner of Sir Samuel's eyes crinkled with his smile. "Because we are in need of soldiers. We want to capture Oakheart Stronghold."

"We can't do it without the help of Trozani," Sir James added.

Tanis and Nathan were dumbfounded.

"You want to go up against Ethyria? The Scholars?" Sir Nathan asked skeptically.

"They have threatened the Sol Van Lowlands for centuries, and now they threaten all of Zeal with their dabbling in Bashiri magic. It is only a matter of time before the beasts retaliate against all of us."

"There is only one known Bashiri, and it's rumored to be caged underneath the Citadel," Tanis said.

Sir James crossed his arms. "We don't mean that beast."

"Then what are we talking about?" Sir Nathan asked.

"How much do you know about the Bashiri magic?" Sir Samuel answered with a question.

Tanis thought about it. Honestly, not much. She knew the Alabaster Bashiri was supposed to be locked underneath the Citadel of Ethyria. She knew they harvested its venom to dilute and use for magic, though she didn't know the exact process. People of the South didn't concern themselves too much with Ethyria. But it made sense for the Lowlands. Ethyria was just North of the Sol Van. Neighbors constantly at each other's necks.

"When one subjects themselves to the Bashiri's venom, they either obtain mystical abilities, or become a beast themselves." Sir James explained.

"The beasts are called Ba-kin. We don't know how many beasts have been obtained, but it's rumored that they all have a hive mind. We suspect that the Scholars can control the beasts, as well as the Bashiri's magic."

An eerie silence settled over the chamber.

"How plausible are the rumors?" Tanis asked, her mouth turning dry.

"We have an informant on the inside," Sir Samuel replied. "So, it is very plausible. We're afraid that if we don't stop Ethyria now, soon they will use the Ba-kin to trample all of Zeal."

"How many soldiers are at the Oakheart Stronghold?" Sir Nathan asked.

"Around eight hundred." Sir James answered.

"If the princess obliges, we can lend two hundred men for now—three hundred if you plan to lay siege," Sir Nathan said as he nodded towards Tanis. She nodded back. "But, what will you do if Lantzia intervenes? Oakheart Stronghold is one of their biggest buyers."

"We're hoping they remain neutral during the conflict, and possibly side with us through diplomacy. Otherwise, we will hold them off at the shore." Sir Samuel answered.

Tanis' head was swimming with new information. It was her job to reach an agreement with the Sol Van Lowlands, but starting a full scale war with Ethyria was out of the question.

"I think...," Tanis began, "we'll take that rest after all. Please let me send a message to my father before we sign anything."

"Of course," Sir James nodded. "We'll have the servants escort you to your chambers."

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