Fairy tales for young and old...

By Valy_GC

1.2K 131 30

A few stories that I sometimes enjoy writing. It will therefore not be one, but several short stories. Rememb... More

The little witch
Princess Melodia
The Princess' Heart
The lake's son
The little white cat
Cursed Faerie
The liger prince
The dragon's child
Merline the fairy
ghost love
The enchantress
The magic feather
The witch's son
Little white shark
The Fairy at the Well
The wizard's temptation
The fallen King
The broken crown
The Knight and the Cursed Castle
The blind princess
The song of silence
The King's present
The forgotten fairy's spell
The wishing well
The moonlit pond
The silly sorcerer
Ethel and the dragon
Sweet revenge
The forgotten princess
The knight and the beast
Echoes of the afterlife
The Moonlit Masquerade
The forest prince
Christmas Father
The forest monster
Queen's blessing
Goblin queen
The Evil Mermaid
The library
The Brave Princess
The Lost kingdom
The two princes
The Gargoyle of Draven's Keep
The Joyful Hops of Thumper
Ianore's Secret
The Dove and the Lonely Princess
Whispers of the Forest
The astral twins

The Emerald Isle's Lament

6 2 0
By Valy_GC

 Once upon a time, in a mystical land known as the Emerald Isle, where the grass was greener than any eyes had ever seen, there existed a sorrow that hung heavy in the air. The emerald leaves whispered secrets to the wind, and the rivers sang melancholic tunes as they flowed through the valleys. The inhabitants of this enchanted realm were burdened by a grief that seemed to seep from the very soil they tread upon.

At the heart of the Emerald Isle stood an ancient oak tree, its gnarled roots reaching deep into the earth. Legend had it that this tree held the key to their salvation—a lost melody that could mend broken hearts, soothe troubled minds, and heal wounds both seen and unseen. But the melody had vanished centuries ago, leaving behind an ache that echoed through the hills and valleys.

In a quaint cottage nestled by the riverbank, lived a young girl named Elowen. Her eyes were the color of the emerald leaves, and her hair flowed like the river's current. Elowen possessed a gift—the ability to hear the whispers of nature. She listened to the rustling leaves, the babbling brooks, and the distant cries of the wind. Yet, despite her gift, she could not find the lost melody that haunted her dreams.

One moonlit night, as Elowen sat by her window, the river sang a mournful tune. Its notes were like tears falling upon the rocks. Elowen closed her eyes and let the melody wash over her. She felt the pain of every creature on the island—the wounded deer, the lonely fox, and the grieving widow. And then, amidst the sorrow, she heard a faint echo—a fragment of the lost melody.

Determined to uncover the truth, Elowen embarked on a quest. She followed the river upstream, through thick forests and mist-shrouded glens. Along the way, she encountered magical creatures—the mischievous sprites who danced in moonbeams, the wise old owls who guarded ancient secrets, and the elusive water nymphs who wept for the melody they had lost.

As Elowen climbed higher into the emerald hills, the air grew thinner, and the trees whispered urgently. She reached the summit, where the ancient oak stood, its branches stretching toward the heavens. Elowen placed her hand upon the rough bark, feeling the pulse of the earth beneath her fingertips. She closed her eyes and listened.

The wind carried the melody to her—a haunting refrain that spoke of love, loss, and hope. Elowen sang along, her voice blending with the rustling leaves and the distant waterfall. The ground trembled, and the ancient oak quivered. Suddenly, the tree split open, revealing a hidden chamber within its trunk.

Inside, bathed in ethereal light, lay a crystal harp—the very instrument that had once held the lost melody. Elowen plucked the strings, and the notes resonated through the land. The rivers danced, the flowers bloomed, and the hearts of the inhabitants lifted. The Emerald Isle wept tears of joy as the healing melody spread far and wide.

Elowen became the guardian of the crystal harp, ensuring that its song would never fade again. She played it during weddings, births, and funerals, infusing each moment with its magic. And so, the sorrow that had plagued the Emerald Isle transformed into a bittersweet longing—a reminder of the beauty that could emerge from pain.

And so, dear reader, if you ever find yourself wandering through emerald-green meadows, listen carefully. You might just hear the faint strains of the lost melody—the Emerald Isle's lament—carried on the wind, reminding you that even in sorrow, there is hope.

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