Raven In Bloom

By NkullyMboshy

309 16 0

"I'm not a fairy, I'm a Raven" More

Chapter 1 (Alfea college)
Chapter 2 (Burned one)
Chapter 3 (No powers?)
Chapter 4 (Stella's ring is lost)
Chapter 5 (Ring of Solaria)
Chapter 7 (Heavy Mortal Hopes pt 2)
Chapter 8 (Some wrecked angel)
Chapter 9 (Some wrecked angel pt2)
Chapter 10 (Wither into the truth)
Chapter 11 (Wither into the truth pt 2)
Chapter 12 (A fanatic heart)
Season 2 (book 2)

Chapter 6 (Heavy Mortal Hopes)

20 1 0
By NkullyMboshy



"You should be okay to go , but come back tomorrow for a check up okay" Terra's father said as he discharged me again from the hospital room.

I was a little bit uncomfortable because this time they discharged me in school time which meant they were a lot of people in the hall ways.

I felt everyone's eyes on me as I walked around with cruches and a broken arm.

"Lilac" Someone called as I saw Bloom and Aisha running up to me.

"Are you okay?" Bloom asked.

"No I'm not okay , I wish I was but you know the universe is a magical place" I replied.

"We brought you clean clothes for you to wear" Aisha asked.

"Thank you so much I really needed this , I have noticed that I look horrible in hospital gowns" I said as I took the clothes from Aisha.

"So are you coming to class today?" Aisha asked.

"No after the pain I've gone threw I don't feel like going" I replied.

"But if you need anything just tell us we'll get it for you" Bloom said.

"Thank you bestie" I replied as I went in my room to change.

I stepped into the dorm room I lived in and saw no one there I guess they just went to class.

I opened the door to my bedroom and saw Beatrix sitting on top of my bed reading something.

She turned to look at me "I never knew you were going threw that in life" She said.

"Is that my Diary!" I yelled at her. "What are you doing with my diary?!" I asked.

"I just saw it in your bag and thought maybe I can read it" She replied.

"But why are you interfering in my personal space leave me alone!" I said as I snatched my diary from her.

"I always knew you were special but I'm starting to regret what I thought" she said.

"If you don't have powers or not connected in the other world in some way. why are you here?" She asked.

"I don't know okay ,I don't know maybe it was a mistake coming here maybe I should just leave" I said.

"No one said you must leave , And If miss Dowling asked you to come here then there must be a reason" She said.

"Firstly you interfered in my privacy don't ever rummage threw my things ever again" I shouted at her.

"Ugh what's with these teenagers and their moods these days , And for the record I never wanted to rummage threw your things" she said as she exited the dorm.

I started having flashbacks of my foster parents. Their screams , Their blood , And how they died. My body started shaking and I had a massive headache "Am I having a panic attack?" I asked.

I quickly took some pills from my bag and drank them with the whiskey I saved that day at the party and I started to calm down.

You know what I'm gonna go to this freaking damn class and I am going to learn fairy education because I am a fairy even though I'm not sure. I picked up my backpack and changed my clothes

I wore this outfit 👆

"So it's like a perfect pear , right? What do you want me to do. You know how if you ever wanna eat a pear but it's rock solid, and you wait and you wait, and it's still a rock, And then you touch it one second later, and it's all rotten mush." Terra explained to miss Dowling.

"Ugh, I hate pears" Musa said sitting next to her as in desk mates.

"Your magic connects you to living things. Feel how they communicate with you. The subtle signals of nature. Pheromones, vibrations. You can give life." Answered miss Dowling as Terra began to make Tomatoes in a flower pot.

"But there is such thing as giving too much" Miss Dowling said as Terra's Tomatoes because all gooey.

"Too much is kinda her thing" Musa said.

"Which you can feel because your an exposed microphone on a windy peak. Think of focusing on one emotion in one direction. Narrow the field" Miss Dowling spoke to Musa as Musa's eyes turned purple and back to normal.

"Good" She said.

A fire that lays waste to everything in it's path is instinctual and impulsive. What about when you need that fire to stop? Can you light a single piece of kindling and leave the other's untouched? Dowling asked bloom and bloom did it almost immediately, pretty impressive when it's your first time here.

Dowling nodded her head to bloom and moved on to were I was sitting with Beatrix.

"Impressive Beatrix keep it up!" She said as there was thunder in Beatrix's hands.

"Got it miss D" she said but Dowling looked at her in a serious manner.

"Headmistress Dowling" Beatrix said and Dowling moved on.

"Your Grace" I said jokingly and Beatrix smirked at me.

Dowling cleared her throat at Aisha and she knew what to do.

"Got it Control" Aisha said.

"I can do this" She said as she lifted a water ball from a jar of water on her table.

"Good , Aisha. However a single body of water or mass of water is persistent and reliable.

"Consider the individual elements that combine to form the whole. A drop of water is unpredictable, vague, Amorphous. Can you isolate it? Miss Dowling said as Aisha struggled to form a drop of water from her water ball and all the water splashed to the ground.

"Something yet to be learned. That's all for today" Miss Dowling continued.

"You cool?" I asked.

"Just tired I'm gonna go for a swim" she said and exited the room I saw Beatrix smirking.

"What are you smirking at?" I asked.

"Ohh it's just that girls can be jealous of others sometimes" she said as she picked up her bag to go.

What did she mean by that , that Aisha was jealous of bloom?

I quickly wiped that thought away and went to lunch as I was walking in I saw Bloom and Musa sitting together.

"Mind! if I join?" I asked Musa but I was already seated. Whatcha both doing?" I asked.

"Eating Luch as you can see , Atleast we have both hands to carry lunch" Musa said and I side eyed her.

"That's not funny" I said.

"What's funny is that , that boy over there is coming to you" she said as I saw my Asian guy walk up to me.

"Oh my gosh , Hide me" I said as I hid on Musa's thighs.

"Hey everyone, mind if talk to Lilac?" He asked.

I quickly stood up and said "No!" I started to remember the time were he was ignoring me and I felt a little sad.

His eyes turned purple as he looked at me.

"Mind fairy?" Musa said in shock.

"Lilac who'd love to go with you!" Musa said to him.

"Musa don't you dare". "I'm I'm getting revenge for were you left me with Sam" She Whispered and pushed me to him.

"And besides Mind fairys are real charmers isn't that right Musa?" Bloom asked Musa.

"Totally" they giggled and I had no choice to talk to him.

"So what's up" I said as we sat at a empty lunch table.

"Firstly I just wanted to apologize for ignoring you yesterday." He said.

"Listen here, I don't know who you are but I'm not used to getting disrespected like that." I said and he chuckled.

"What are you chucking like that? I asked.

"Ohh It's just that I've never noticed till now that you have a strong personality." He said.

"Well it was you who was ignoring me right so suffer the consequences" I replied.

"Oh I just wish I'd paid attention to you sooner" He said as I blushed.

I looked at his eyes well he does have good eyes why am I lying to myself everything of he's is perfect , perfect bone structure, perfect muscles and I liked that he was wearing a black shirt that obviously showed his abs , Yummy.

And at that moment my stomach grumbled.

"You hungry?" He asked.

"I am , Well having a broken arm is kinda hard" I replied.

"Don't worry , I'll get it for you" he said as he got up.

I looked at Bloom and Musa who were already looking at me and I saw Bloom murmuring something it looked kinda like "Your so red" I quickly hid my face with the cap I was wearing.

He came back with a tray for me. "Thank you." I said taking it.

"It's the least I can do after yesterday." He said taking an apple that was on the tray.

"So what do you want to know about me?" He asked.

"Uhh?" I said in shock.

"You have a crush on me , So what do you want to know about me" He said.

"I do not have a crush on you" I replied.

"Yes you do and I can feel that because I'm a mind fairy" He said.

I chuckled in realization.

"Everything" I said as I smiled.

"Everything? Okay can try" he said as he told some stuff about him.

Moments had passed since we were laughing and smiling at each other and I kinda like this guy he's definitely my type.

I quickly looked at the time and I jumped in shock in realization that I have to go to the dorm room to get to know my dorm mates.

"I wish we could still talk but I have dorm mate drama that I still need to go too" I said to him.

"Okay then I guess it's a goodbye" He said as he kissed my hand.

I blushed and went to my dorm room.

As I got there I saw everyone dancing , singing and having pillow fights.

"Hey everybody!" I yelled as I put my bag on top of my

"Hi Lilac" They replied and continued to do their business.

I quickly brushed my teeth and put on my pajamas and of couse they offered to help me because of my leg and arm.

I joined in all the fun they were having and I really enjoyed their company , they are really cool dudes that like to dress in pink and everything of there's was pink.

"Do you like it?" One of my dorm mates asked as she was finished putting her clear Nail Polish on me.

"I love it!" I replied in excitement.

"Where is Beatrix?" I asked since she was nowhere to be seen.

"She's gone to the party that's happening tonight at specialist hall."

"Everyone's going". One of my dorm mates said.

"Then why aren't you guys going?" I asked.

"We're not invited that's why we cannot go".

"And who said you guys can't go your just as any teenagers aren't you?!" I said.

"People just don't like us for whatever reason I don't know".

"Well I think we should go" I said.

"Come on guys this is a once in a lifetime opportunity don't mess this up" I said.

"We don't get invited to parties they will just kick us out".

"Who has the right to do that to you no one so get your lazy ass selves up and get ready for the party" I said.

They all jumped up with joy once I said that and we were all getting ready for the party.


Hey guys author speaking here , So I just came to explain some stuff to you if that's okay.

So will right a list of things that I talked about with my Asian guy next chapter and that's all.

And another thing please notify me if you guys are enjoying the story or not.

And You'll get to know Lilac's past life a few chapters from here I just wanted to tell you because sometimes you guys can get a little bit impatient.

That's all Thank you for reading see yah next chapter ❤️

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