Runners - Minho

By elenawritez

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Waking up in a strange, mysterious box, that keeps rising, brings her to the life that she never thought she... More



113 3 3
By elenawritez

Chapter ten
the scorch trials

let's get into it

"Where the fuck is she" I say frustrated looking at the zip line waiting for Astrid to come

"It doesn't matter, we have to go before the song ends" Jorge says

"Why? I'm waiting for her" I say

"As soon as that song ends, this whole place will be blown up, you really want to be blown into a million pieces for some girl?"

"She's not just some girl, she's my girl and i can get blown up but i'm gonna go and try and save her" I start to walk away

"Minho!" Newt yells

"Nah Newt, i'm going, and if i die, at least it'll be for a reason" I turn to look at him

"Wait okay?" Newt walks over to me

He puts a gun out in front of him

"Try not to die" He chuckles

I roll my eyes before hugging him

"I'll try my best" I smile slightly before walking off

I see guards everywhere, no matter where i turn there is one

I try and go hide again before i bump into someone

"Janson?...." I say before i'm whacked across the head, making me fall unconscious

"Are we almost there?" I ask Josie out of breath

"I think so, i mean i don't know exactly where is it, all i know is that Marcus lives in one of the cities" She replies

"Wait" I groan leaning down to the ground, holding onto my leg

"What's wrong?" Josie turns around

"My leg" I say

"Let me see" Josie leans down and lifts up my trousers, just enough to see the gunshot wound

"Fuck" She mutters under her breath

"What? What is it? Is it bad?" I ask worried

"You're just bleeding, but i have nothing else to stop it with, so we have to keep going" She stands up to her feet and puts her hand out for me to grab

I grab it and she pulls me up, we walk for ages until we finally find a city

"Wait i think this is it" She says

"Really?" I ask relived

"Yea, follow me" She drops my arm and walks forward, i limp behind her

"Woah woah, wait there young lady, where do you think you're going?" A guy puts his hand on my chest, pushing me back a little bit

"Looking for a Marcus" I say

"By yourself?"

"No, umm... Josie?!" I call out

"Who's Josie?" The guy asks

"My friend, do you know where Marcus is?" I ask

"Yea, you just gotta drink this first" He takes a bottle with a green liquid inside out of his pocket and hands it out for me to grab

"I don't do weird drinks" I decline

"Yeah but if you want to find Marcus, gotta drink up, love" He shakes the bottle slightly

"My names not love" I cross my arms

"Right then, what's your name?" He asks

"Might tell you, if you tell me where Marcus is" I try and negotiate

"Like i said, drink up and i'll tell you" He waves the bottle in front of my face

"Who's this?" A women comes up to us

"Looking for Marcus, seen him?" I ask hoping she will be better luck than this crackhead over here

"Gotta drink" She looks at the bottle in the guys hand

I roll my eyes before snatching it out of his hands, taking a sip

"Awh do more then that, love" The guy grins

I drink even more and then pass the bottle back to him

"Marcus?" I ask again

"Right in there, love" The guy points to a curtain, i walk over and pull it back

Revealing a party, people are drinking, dancing, making out

I walk in the room and start asking around

"Hey you seen a Marcus?"

"No sorry"

"Hi, do you know a Marcus"

"Yea, he's over there" The girl points to the other side of the room

I walk over and see something chained up, it's a crank, there's people cheering all around, that's when someone puts a bullet right in its head

I quickly get away from them

My vision starts to get blurry as i look around even more

"H-hey you seen- you seen- a-a- Marcus?" I stutter

"Nah, but you look good" The guy i asked puts his hands on my waist

"Im also not interested" I push him off me, that's when my vision is gone

I can't see

My eyes flicker open, hearing a guy groaning and punches, i think at least

I look up to see Jorge, punching the guy who gave me the drink

"Oh Attie, you're awake" Newt notices and sits beside me

"Mhm" I murmer, i look around the room, seeing everyone

Except one person


"Where's Minho?" I ask

"We were hoping he was with you" Newt replies looking at the others

"Wait? Minho isn't with you?" I jump up from my seat

"What the fuck do you mean he's not with you?!"

"We mean he's not with us, you want it in a different language?" Teresa snickers

"You want your throat to be slit?" I threaten

"Okay calm down" Newt puts his hand on my shoulder as i glare at Teresa

"Listen, Minho went looking for you" Newt starts to explain

"And then the whole place blew up, we thought he would be with you, but now that he's not....." Newt looks down

"No! Minho is not fucking dead, why the fuck did you let him look for me?! If you just stopped him, he would be right here!" I yell

"Calm down, we will find him" Newt says calmly

"Calm down?! No Newt, i won't fucking calm down!" I shout looking over at Jorge

Jorge is shouting at the guy and continuously punching him


"MARCUS! ANSWER ME DAMMIT" Jorge throws another punch which results in the guy falling back

"Wait, he's Marcus?" I walk over and look to the guy who's supposedly Marcus lying on the ground with blood everywhere

"Nice to meet you" Marcus chokes out

"You fucking lied to me, i asked you multiple times where Marcus was, and you were him the whole time?!" I exclaim

"Pretty much" He chuckles

"Where the fuck is the right arm" I lean down and grab his shirt in my hands

"You wont find them" He grins

"You also wont find your little boyfriend" He adds

I stand up and kick him in the face

"Where are they?" I ask again more harshly this time

"I don't know okay? They move around a lot" He groans

"TALK!" I shout

"Okay okay!" Marcus quivers as i lift up the chair he's tied to

"They have an outpost in the mountains"

"Buts it's a long way away, you got half of WICKED on your ass, you're never gonna make it" Marcus laughs

"Not on foot" Jorge says

"Where's Bertha?" He grins putting his hands on Marcus' shoulders

"Not Bertha" Marcus replies

Sorry for wait yall
But i have started the gym!! I'm very proud of myself tbh, i've been saying i'm gonna start it for months and i've finally done it


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