Ocean Rules | SAMS AU

By ReadingStatic

13.9K 391 804

A story with pirates and traumatized characters is great. Oceans Rules is a Sun and Moon show based book, tho... More

- Table of Fonts -
Chapter 1. Cycle
Chapter 2. Pirates
Chapter 3. First Day
Chapter 4. Dating?
Chapter 5. Sword Fighting
Chapter 6. Island
Chapter 7. Side Quests
Chapter 8. Stained Red
Chapter 9. Financial Aid
Chapter 10. Lunar's Reason
Chapter 11. Reputation
Chapter 12. First Try
Chapter 13. Party Time
KC is best boi
Chapter 14. Gemini's reason
Chapter 15. Home Sick
Chapter 16. Breakfast
Chapter 17. Canonical Filler
Chapter 18. Earth's Family
Chapter 19. Earth's Reason
Chapter 20. Tell Me
Chapter 21. Is It Time?
Chapter 22. I'm here
Chapter 23. On The Way
Chapter 24. Circus
Chapter 25. Double Date
Chapter 27. Eyes and Ears
Chapter 28. Friends
Chapter 29. I Don't Remember
Chapter 30. Lust
Chapter 31. Friends & Family
Chapter 32. Stay
Chapter 33. Dreams
Chapter 34. Royalty
Semi-Canon Desgins for Ruin's crew!
Chapter 35. Monty's reason
Chapter 36. Get in the water

Chapter 26. Papa Kay

229 6 9
By ReadingStatic

This chapter takes place during/after chapter 24, and 25.


Earth's perspective:

Earth and K.C. end up getting through the entrance area with extreme ease.

"Should we wait for them to get through-?"

"... We typically end up splitting up either way. Lets just get going Earth."


K.C. and Earth look around the area, and quickly spot a horse riding area.

"Oo! Can we go over there!?"

"Sure- WOAH- EARTH-"
K.C.'s is immediately dragging to the other end of the circus.

A worker at the horse stables seems to be very calm, and theres a small sign next to the stabels that says: 'five sliver for one quick lesson'.

Only five silver-?!


This is gonna be amazing.

Earth looks through her pockets, only finding three silver.

Oh yeah- I gave most of my earnings away-


"You need more silver don't you?"

"... Yeah..."

K.C. sighs and starts looking through his pockets, before getting promptly hugged suddenly by what seems to he a early teen kid.


The kid exictedly lets go of K.C.  jumping up and down, two adults rushing over.

One of the adults grabs the kid and starts bringing the kid away, before the other seems to freeze mid sentence.
"Sir we are so so sorry- Wait- K.C.?"

K.C. stands in shock for a solid minute.

What the heck is going on-

"Heeey- Why are you guy's here-"

"We were bringing Flare on a trip-"

Earth immediately gets down to Flare's level, absolutely gushing over the kid.

"Their not my kid-"

"Papa Kay! K.C. gets the honorary tilte of papa!"

"... Have you two not worked on that-?"
K.C. looks over to the parent's of Flare.

"We have been trying- though it hasn't worked-"

Wait- Did the kid call K.C.- Kay-?

Earth stands up and looks straight at K.C..

"Is your name actually Kay?"

"... I don't know my legal name- That's just what the kid calls me-"

"If you don't know your legal name- then how'd you get the name 'K.C.'?"

K.C. points over to the adults.
"They just started calling me that."

The two shrug.

"Oh wait introductions! I'm Earth, and I'm- technically a co-worker I guess- to K.C.!"
Earth gives the three a light bow.

"Where do you two work?"

"... Uh-"

"We work with pirates- well we are pirates."

Wait did K.C. just say that-

Flare seems to light up at the idea of pirate's, their parents promptly staring daggers at K.C. for giving the kid ideas.

Flare seems to shake in shock while K.C. freezes and gains a face of realization.

"Yeah yeah- Earth do you still want the lessons-?"

"Yeah why-"
Earth questions K.C. who gives Earth a couple more silver.

"I'm gonna go-"

"WHAT why we just found you! You've already been gone for over three years!"

"Yeah sorry about that- I just need to check something-"
K.C. steps back a bit, and starts running off frantically.

Flare trys to run after K.C. though is quickly stopped by their parents.

"... What was that about-?"
Earth turns to the parents who both just sigh.

K.C. doesn't usually just run off like that-

"... Probably something to do with his parents."

"Oh yeah- K.C. doesn't know their parents-"

"We kind of rasied up K.C. during his early years- Eventually he started taking care of Flare and... One day he just decided to go off and try to find them."

"Papa Kay took care of me! Then he left."

"Wait- Why was K.C. taking care of your child-?"

"We didn't really have the time to take care of Flare at the time... We had to work on the farm, and Flare was too young to help out- things wheren't doing too good at the time."

"... Do you guys want this silver-?"
Earth shows the silver to the three.

"No we're fine- why?"

"I'm gonna go look for K.C.."

"Can you give Papa Kay this?"
Flare takes a stone necklace from their and gives it to Earth.
"It's a gift!"

"Yeah kid- though make sure you don't run off from your actual parents ok?"

Flare nods.

Earth puts the silver away and starts looking around for K.C., being able to quickly find him due to both of them being taller then average.

K.C. is actively talking to some random people.

K.C. seems to be showing a picture to the people, the people shaking their head and saying something.


"Oh Earth-"

"Oh hello there deary, are you this young man's friend?"

"Yes ma'am-"

"Oh well, we don't know who these lovely people may be."
The two point at the picture that K.C. holds up, which is a family portrait of two adults, male and female respectively, and a small baby in a swaddle.

K.C. exasperates sadly, putting the picture into his pocket.
"Thank you anyways..."

"K.C. do you wanna go eat some of the junk they sell here?"

"... Sure."

K.C. waves goodbye to the people, Earth and K.C. continuing to walk off.

"You doing ok K.C.?"

"... Yeah. I just thought that- if they got here- maybe... my parents... were here too..."

"Do you even remember them-?"

"... No... Though, I'd like to meet them..."

Earth and K.C. walk over to a fairy floss stand, Earth paying for the two.

Earth hands K.C. his fairy floss, who takes off a small chunk and eats it slowly, Earth taking out a big chomp from hers.

"I'm sure you'll find them one day."

"... Me too."


What flavor of cotton candy / fairy floss do you think they both got?

(Also note for proofreaders, yall can make your own lil note at the end if ye want idrc) (yippe)

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