Me After You | Choi Seungcheol

By lilymay12

4.1K 248 214

For as long as she could remember, Kang Haeun's world revolved solely around the Choi family. Her father was... More

1. Nights into Days
3. Lonely Stars
4. Bittersweet
5. Glass Bridge
6. Missed Connections
7. Slowly
8. Let Me In
9. Butterflies
10. Merry Go Round
11. Home
12. Like A Fool
13. Only You
14. Slow Dance
15. Wishing On You
16. Here I Am
17. Blue Rain

2. Blame

234 14 10
By lilymay12

"...under the condition that he marries Ms. Kang Haeun immediately."

The room went still as Seungcheol tried to make sense of the bomb that had just been dropped on him. Being his grandfather's successor was not only his birthright but the expected outcome after years of sacrifices and hard work trying to keep his family's empire intact when Chairman Choi had to step down as his health started to decline. How could his grandfather simply condition his future by tying him to someone who was essentially a stranger?

Of course, he knew who Kang Haeun was. She had been a constant presence in his life, and they had lived in the same house until he left for college. He remembered her as a child—how she used to follow him around and her happiness whenever he decided to walk her to school. The shared tragedy over their parents' death and her devastation during the funeral also came to mind. He recalled feeling her eyes on him during his visits to Andong and his amusement whenever they unintentionally locked eyes, causing her to quickly divert her gaze.

Yes, you could say they had some kind of history, but not nearly enough for Seungcheol to consider Haeun as anything more than "the help," and certainly not enough for him to ever think about marrying her. His disbelief soon morphed into anger as he came to the conclusion that she must've planned this all along, persuading a debilitated old man into fulfilling her personal agenda.

The chair he was sitting in made an unpleasant screeching sound against the floor as Seungcheol got up, his anger boiling over when he turned to face Haeun.

"What the fuck did you do?!" he spat, the venom in his voice cutting through the quietness of the room like a blade.

Haeun flinched at the force of his words, her heart clenching with a mix of hurt and disbelief.

"Language, Seungcheol," his grandma reprimanded, shooting him a stern look.

Seungcheol's fury, however, was unrelenting; gone was the stoic expression he had managed to maintain until now.

"You knew about this, didn't you?" He continued to belittle the young woman in front of him. "Hell, you must have manipulated my grandfather into this. This... this is clearly your doing!"

Haeun's eyes widened with shock and indignation, her breath catching in her throat at the implication of his words. Almost as if by reflex, she walked over to Seungcheol, and her palm came in contact with his cheek in a resounding slap.

Seungcheol was so stunned that he didn't even have time to react before she spoke.

"How dare you accuse me like that?! I loved your grandfather as much as you did, if not more." Haeun's eyes blazed with fierce intensity, her voice trembling with restrained emotion. "I would never take advantage of him or your family."

The room once again fell silent, the tension palpable as Seungcheol's resolve faltered, a flicker of doubt crossing his features. Either Haeun was one hell of an actress, or she really had nothing to do with this nonsense, and he had just directed his anger at an innocent person.

Feeling her eyes stinging with tears, Haeun turned on her heel and hurriedly left the room.

"Well, I guess we're done here," Mr. Song stated uncomfortably while gathering his belongings. "I'll stop by later to collect the signatures."

Seungcheol turned to his grandma and only then realized she seemed completely unfazed by the recent news.

"You knew he was going to do this, didn't you?" he asked, despite already knowing what her answer would be.

Grandma Choi approached him and lightly touched his red cheek, causing him to flinch. "Your grandfather had his reasons. That's all you need to know for now."

Seungcheol scoffed at her statement. "I think I deserve to know a lot more than that!"

"Honey, you have every right to be upset, but Haeun is not the one to blame for this," she pointed out. "I understand your anger, but you are directing it at the wrong person."

"Who should I blame then? Grandpa's spirit?" Seungcheol countered sarcastically.

Grandma Choi couldn't help but crack a smile. "Just promise me you'll at least think about it."

"No!" He raised his voice out of frustration. "You better believe I will find a way to get myself out of this."

Realizing she was not going to get through to him, Grandma Choi could only sigh and shake her head as she too left the room.

Seungcheol closed his eyes and rubbed his temples, feeling a headache coming on. Reaching for his phone, he quickly unlocked it and called the only person who could help him with this unusual predicament.

"Jeonghan, I need help."


After leaving the study, Haeun felt the humiliation wash over her, and she wanted nothing more than to lock herself in her room and cry her eyes out. Her plans were interrupted by Grandma Choi, who said they had something important to discuss.

That's how Haeun ended up in the library, sitting in the elegantly decorated room with a letter from Chairman Choi clutched tightly in her hands. The words on the paper blurred through her tears, his final message settling heavily on her.

As she tried to compose herself, Grandma Choi entered the room, her presence exuding a sense of calm and wisdom. She took one look at Haeun's tear-streaked face and immediately understood the turmoil that gripped her future granddaughter-in-law.

"Oh, child," Grandma Choi said softly, her voice filled with compassion as she sat down beside Haeun. "I know this is a lot to take in, but you understand now, don't you?"

Haeun nodded, her voice trembling as she spoke. "I... I didn't realize he had such reasons for arranging this marriage. I feel lost, Grandma. What am I supposed to do with this information?"

The older woman reached out and gently took Haeun's hands in hers, offering a comforting squeeze. "You are understandably confused and overwhelmed. But for what it's worth, my husband's intentions were rooted in love—for both of you."

Haeun looked up at her, her eyes full of uncertainty. "Seungcheol will never accept this."

Grandma Choi smiled warmly. "Just give him time, dear. Time solves everything."

As Haeun listened to Grandma Choi, a sense of comfort washed over her. The older woman's presence was a reminder that she was not alone.

"You are so much stronger than you know, and you have the power to shape your own destiny," Grandma Choi said with conviction. "And no matter what, this is your home, and we are a family."

As Haeun absorbed Grandma Choi's words and the sun set over the Andong countryside, she wondered if she truly was as strong as everyone thought.


"Thanks for coming on such short notice," Seungcheol greeted Jeonghan a few hours later while they settled in the study.

"You sounded pretty desperate on the phone. Yujin was so curious she almost made me bring her with me," Jeonghan chuckled, referring to his wife.

Seungcheol and Jeonghan had been friends since meeting during their freshman year at Yonsei University. While Seungcheol was the sole heir of the Carat Group, a major player in the Asian hospitality industry, Jeonghan's father owned one of the most prestigious law firms in the country.

Both were young and eager to navigate college life, but at the same time, they were fully aware of their duty towards their respective family legacies. Despite their contrasting personalities, they found common ground in their shared ambition and drive to succeed.

When Joshua, a transfer student from the U.S., entered the scene sophomore year, they became an inseparable trio. Their friendship grew stronger as they tackled academic challenges, supported each other through personal struggles, and celebrated important achievements together.

Through the years, their bond remained, forging a friendship and working relationship that stood the test of time.

"So, were you able to look into the copy of the will I sent you?" Seungcheol asked eagerly. "What do you think? Tell me there's a way out."

After graduating from law school and passing the bar exam, Jeonghan started working for his father's law firm before eventually taking over as senior partner. As is common in this world, it was a move based on nepotism, but not even the most disgruntled employee could deny Jeonghan's ability to act in his clients' best interests and turn even the most dire situations in his favor. Besides trusting him completely, this was one of the reasons why Seungcheol decided to retain Jeonghan's firm to handle all complex legal matters for the company as well as his personal affairs. His best friend was damn good at his job.

"Sorry, Cheol," Jeonghan replied carefully, his tone serious. "Honestly, I don't see any loopholes. The will is legally binding, and there's little we can do to overturn it. Your grandfather obviously thought this through."

"Damn it!" Seungcheol cursed under his breath, banging his fist on the table. "I want you to run a background check on Kang Haeun. There's got to be more to this story."

"Maybe it was just your grandfather wanting to play matchmaker?" Jeonghan suggested, a hint of amusement in his voice.

He playfully raised his hands in defense when Seungcheol shot daggers at him.

"Anyways, I knew you would ask for that, so I already have it," he said before handing a manila envelope to his distressed friend.

"That's it?" Seungcheol huffed in annoyance after quickly scanning the report.

"Yep, squeaky clean," Jeonghan confirmed. "She was born in this town and has been here ever since. Except for the time she went to college, but according to the investigation, nothing eventful happened there." He continued, "She was a pretty good student, though. Graduated ahead of time with a double major in Literature and Art History. Impressive."

Deep down, Seungcheol was relieved that, contrary to his initial belief, Haeun was not a con artist looking to dig into his family's fortune. Maybe she was as kind and caring as she appeared to be. Truth be told, ever since he moved to Seoul full-time, she was the one looking after his grandparents, and during his visits, it was obvious how fond the elderly couple was of her.

"I was surprised to learn her parents died in the same accident as yours," Jeonghan remarked, pulling Seungcheol from his thoughts.

"Yeah, her mom and dad worked for mine, and they were all in the car when the crash happened," Seungcheol recalled, his voice somber. "This whole thing is a nightmare."

"At least Chairman Choi chose a close family friend," Jeonghan tried to placate. "With the way your lives seem to be intertwined, I'm surprised you know so little about her."

"I never really paid much attention to Haeun," Seungcheol admitted. "When I left for college, she was still a kid."

"Well, not only is she all grown up, she's also your future wife," Jeonghan pointed out, a sense of finality settling between them.

That night, the entire house went to sleep after an unusually long and emotionally charged day, but Seungcheol and Haeun remained wide awake, tossing and turning on their beds while contemplating the implications of their newly shared commitment, pressing down on them like a heavy burden.


The next morning, the dining room of the manor was filled with the clinking of silverware and the soft murmur of conversation. Grandma Choi and Jeonghan engaged in light small talk, their voices creating a pleasant background to the awkward atmosphere. Haeun and Seungcheol, however, sat in silence, their gazes focused on their plates as they picked at their food.

After a few moments, Grandma Choi turned to Jeonghan with a smile. "Would you like to see my rose garden, Jeonghan? We still have a few more months until blossoming season, but it looks beautiful nonetheless," she suggested with a wink.

Jeonghan nodded eagerly, grateful for the chance to avoid the tense situation at the table. "I would love to, Grandma Choi. Thank you for the invitation," he replied, rising from his seat.

As they made their way out of the dining room, Seungcheol glanced at a panicked Haeun before addressing the employees.

"Everybody out," he dismissed with a wave of his hand. "Now."

With that, everyone scrambled to hurriedly leave the room. Haeun made a move to follow them, but Seungcheol's voice froze her in place.

"Not you. Sit," Seungcheol said, his tone cool and detached. Haeun hesitated for a moment before complying, resuming her seat across from him.

The uncomfortable silence between them stretched until Seungcheol finally spoke. "I worked too hard to just give up my position for what I can only assume is a practical joke from my grandfather."

"Sir, I'm really sor..." she tried to say, but he completely ignored her and kept talking.

"We'll be husband and wife in name only," Seungcheol declared, resignation evident in his voice. "That said, I think it's best we establish some ground rules for our... marriage."

Haeun looked up, taken aback by his pragmatic approach to the situation. She felt a knot form in her stomach, a sense of unease settling over her. She continued staring at Seungcheol, his expression unreadable as he proceeded to lay out the conditions of their marriage—separate bedrooms, limited public displays of affection, and a mutual understanding that their union was purely for appearances and that they would essentially lead separate lives.

Haeun's one-sided love for Seungcheol had started when she was still a teenager. She found herself mesmerized by his every smile, his every word, her heart skipping a beat with each glance in his direction. Yet, despite hoping for the contrary, she knew that her feelings would never be returned, as she was invisible in his eyes. This current interaction served as undeniable proof of how true that statement was.

As Seungcheol spoke, Haeun felt a pang of disappointment wash over her. The reality of their situation and the abyss that existed between them were laid bare before her. She listened in silence, her heart dropping at each sentence. She was no longer invisible, but he now despised her and everything she represented.

"I asked Jeonghan to make the arrangements, and the officiant should be here soon," Seungcheol continued, his voice steady. "We can sign the papers and leave for Seoul later today."

"S-Seoul, sir...?" Haeun stammered in surprise.

"We can't just live apart; people would talk. And don't call me sir," he added, a hint of annoyance in his voice. "That's not how you should refer to your husband."

"Sorry, sir," Haeun apologized, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment at the slip of her tongue. "How should I address you then?"

"Just call me by my name," Seungcheol instructed, his expression softening. "I'll do the same for you."

When Seungcheol eventually fell silent, the air between them was once again thick with tension. As they sat in the aftermath of their conversation, the distance between them seemed wider than ever—a divide that no amount of words could bridge.


A couple of hours later, Seungcheol and Haeun stood in the library before the officiant. The room was bathed in a soft, warm light that highlighted the simple yet elegant setup. Even though it was only a civil ceremony, Grandma Choi insisted on decorating the space with daffodils, Haeun's favorite flower, and holding the wedding in the room she cherished the most. Jeonghan and Grandma Choi stood on either side of the couple, serving as witnesses.

Haeun's heart fluttered nervously in her chest as she glanced at Seungcheol, with his perfectly combed hair and impeccably tailored suit, every line and stitch accentuating his strong frame. Beside him, she stood in a simple yet elegant cream-colored above-the-knee dress she had managed to find in her closet. She completed her outfit with her mother's pearl earrings, opting to keep her hair down. This was, of course, a far cry from what Haeun had imagined her wedding would be, but then again, except for the groom, everything was different from what she had envisioned.

"Do you have the rings?" the officiant inquired, bringing her back to reality.

Seungcheol cleared his throat, a hint of sheepishness coloring his tone as he replied, "We're still working on that."

The officiant nodded understandingly and proceeded with the ceremony, guiding them through the exchange of vows and signing the marriage certificate. The reality of the situation settled over Seungcheol and Haeun as they stood there, bound together by duty and circumstance, their future now intertwined in a way neither had anticipated. Sensing the tension, the officiant simply declared them man and wife and thankfully skipped the part about kissing the bride, which would inevitably make things even more awkward and only add to the stress of the situation.


"Well, I should get going," Jeonghan said after the ceremony concluded, smiling warmly at the bride. "It was nice meeting you, Haeun. My wife is already eager to meet you, so I'm sure we'll cross paths again soon."

"Thank you for everything," Haeun replied softly, returning his smile.

"I'll walk you out." Seungcheol patted his friend on the back before addressing his new wife. "We're leaving for Seoul in an hour. Don't make me wait for you."

Haeun simply nodded and went in the opposite direction from him.

As they parted ways after the wedding, the newlyweds were both struggling with their emotions. While Seungcheol tried to come to terms with the fact that he had to relinquish his freedom in the name of duty, Haeun was leaving her whole life behind for a man she loved with all her heart but who did not love her back.

And deep down, they both knew that there was no possible outcome to this arrangement besides heartbreak.

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