Hearts of Courage: Twst Arc (...

By Kuro_Ogami

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(Here is the fan made webcomic in its script format.) - When Roxy and her friends end up in a placed called '... More

Prologue 'Welcome to the Villains World' Chapter 1
Prologue: Welcome to the Villains World Chapter 2
Prologue: Welcome to the Villains World Chapter 3
Prologue: Welcome to the Villains World Chapter 4
Prologue: Extra!
Chapter 1: The Crimson Tyrant Chapter 5
Chapter 1: The Crimson Tyrant Chapter 6

Chapter 1: The Crimson Tyrant Chapter 7

21 1 0
By Kuro_Ogami

(Ace turned around and jolted from his seat when he saw Riddle right behind him after overhearing his complaints.)

Ace: Eh! Dorm Leader!

Cater: Oh my, Riddle. You're super crazy cute today~

Riddle: Hmph. Cater. If you talk too much it's going to cost you your head.

Cater: Hey now, gimme a break!

Grim: Ffgna! This is the guy who put that weird collar on me during the entrance exam!

Riddle: You're the freshman that caused all that fuss of expulsion yesterday. Will you knock it off, calling someone's unique magic a "weird collar"? For goodness sake. The Headmaster is soft. If you forgive rule breakers the whole system will collapse. All you have to do is cut the head off of those who don't follow the rules.

Ace: The things coming out of his mouth don't suit his looks...

Riddle: The Headmaster appears to have forgiven you but make no mistake the next time that happens, I will not.

Ace: ... By the way, dorm leader, is there any way... You could say, remove this collar?

Riddle: I was going to if you had learned your lesson but, the way you were just talking shows that you haven't at all. Keep it on for a while longer.

Riddle: Don't worry, as first years you'll only be learning fundamentals, not actually using magic. You also won't be able to cause a scene like yesterday, isn't that great? Now don't just sit around chatting away, finish lunch and head to your next class. Laws of the Queen of Hearts, No 271: "One should eat lunch and leave their seat within 15 minutes."

Riddle: If you break the rules... I'm sure you understand?

Ace: Haah, another weird rule...

Riddle: The answer is, "Yes Dorm Leader!"

Deuce/Ace: Yes, Dorm Leader!

Riddle: Very good.

Trey: I will look after them for you.

Riddle: ...Hm. You're the Vice Dorm Leader so I expect you to not act foolishly. Following the Laws of the Queen, No. 339, "After a meal one must always drink lemon tea with two sugars." I must go buy sugar cubes from the school store, so I'll be on my way. Letting the sugar cubes run out is a huge offense, I can't believe...

(As soon as Riddle was about to leave, Roxy overheard a droplet fall and noticed a black splotch on the crystal of his magic pen.)

Roxy: 'Huh? What's that?'

Cater: Eeeeeii. That was close.

Grim: That guy is obnoxious.

Deuce: Woah! That's rude!

Heartslabyul Resident A: Did the Dorm Leader leave?

Heartslabyul Resident B: I broke the Laws of the Queen of Hearts, No. 186, "One must never eat a hamburger steak on Tuesday." I was terrified of what would happen if he found out I ate one.

Heartslabyul Resident A: Uuugh ... At least let us eat whatever we want...

Trey: ... In his first week at school, Riddle took the seat of Dorm Leader. He speaks harshly but he's trying to make the dorm better, he doesn't have bad intentions.

Grim: Someone with good intentions doesn't randomly collar people!

Cater/Trey: Ha ha ha...

Roxy: Uh Grim, you gave him plenty of a reason to do that by going crazy during the ceremony.

Grim: Gggrrnnn... But that collar cuts off your magic, it's horrible and it sucks!

Roxy: *sigh* Excuses. But I will say this, you do make a good point. So I credit you for that.

(Roxy pats Grim on the head, where he was about to swat her hand away but ended up enjoying the affection and praise before she drew her hand away.)

Roxy: By the way, what's a "Unique Magic"?

Cater: Hm? You mean Riddle's Unique Magic?

Deuce: Unique... Means that it's magic only he can use?

Trey: It's magic that's strictly limited to one person... Simply put, it's magic that reflects the character of the user that only they can use, so "Unique Magic". You'll learn about it in class eventually.

(Roxy hummed in intrigue, seeing how this world and the ones she previously went to, they're bound to share some kind of link.)

Cater: Riddle's unique magic lets him seal another person's magic for a fixed amount of time. It's called "Off with your head!".

Grim: Hiiii! Just the name is terrifying.

Roxy: Hm, How fitting.

Cater: As a wizard, having your magic sealed hurts like losing your head. Therefore, you shouldn't break Riddle's rules inside the dorm.

Roxy: Lovely. (Mutters) Remind me not to visit that dorm first.

Trey: It also means he isn't scary if you follow the rules.

Ace: So what you're saying is I have to go buy a tart or Cater will kick me out again?

Cater: That's right. As decided by Law of the Queen of Hearts, No. 53. In particular, Riddle really looks forward to eating the first piece of a whole tart so he won't forgive unless it's whole.

Ace: You said you want to be friends so you can't just overlook that!

Cater: This is that, this is this.

Deuce: But aren't whole tarts pretty expensive?

Ace: Blegh. I don't have that kind of money.

Cater: Then how about making one? The other tarts were all made by Trey.

Roxy: Wow, that's pretty impressive.

Ace: Trey, you made that tart? Amazing It was as good as a pro's.

Trey: Haha, thank you. It's true I have all the tools and seasonings but... I won't help you for free.

Ace: Eeeehh!? I have to pay for it!

Trey: Haha, I'm not gonna squeeze money out of an underclassmen. If we're going to make the tart Riddle wants to eat next, we need a lot of chestnuts. Could you gather them for me?

Ace: Either way is a pain. Well, how many do you need?

Trey: To make it for the Unbirthday Party we'll need... About 2~300, I think.

Deuce/Grim: That many!?

Trey: Then I'll have you roast them and remove the outer shell to take out the nut.

Grim: Can I go home?

Deuce: Me too.

Ace: You traitors!

Cater: You know, tarts that everyone makes together are always the best. To make memories? You might even make your debut as a food blogger.

Roxy: Sure, sounds fun. If they won't help, I'll make up for the shortage of hands.

Trey: Thank you, Roxy. Keep it a secret from Riddle, but freshly baked Mont Blanc is the most delicious. Only those who help make it get to try some.

Grim: Hey guys! Let's get a move on! We're gonna pick chestnut after chestnut after chestnut.

Roxy: Oh so now you change your mind. (Looks at Trey) So where do we find the chestnuts?

Trey: There should be plenty of chestnut trees in the forest behind the campus botanical garden.

Ace: Then we meet after class in front of the botanical garden.

Grim: Go! Go! Chestnut picking!

(Once classes were finished, Roxy told the boys she'd catch up with them later and stayed in the home-room classroom with Professor Crewel. She stood up while he was standing across from her against the desk.)

Crewel: Now then pup, before we begin you mentioned to me that you had scars.

Roxy: Right, just give me a moment...

(Roxy took off her school jacket, and gloves, and unzipped her red hoodie while undoing a couple of buttons to expose her chest showing a large gash across her cleavage. Along with the diagonal scratches across her hands and the slit marks on her wrists. While also flashing her legs to show more scars, they trailed up her torso.)

Roxy: As you can see, I've been put through the wringer...

Crewel:... Excuse me.

(Crewel stood frozen in shock, before swiftly excusing himself from the room as she buttoned her shirt back up.)

Roxy: 'That could've gone worse...'

(It wasn't before long that Crewel returned, while Roxy stood a bit confused and concerned if she did anything to offend him.)

Crewel: I apologize, that wasn't a very good response.

Roxy: *shugs* It's alright, you at least left the room to get out your disgust or anger.

Crewel: You're just a child, you shouldn't be covered in scars like those.

Roxy: When you travel to other worlds, you encounter strange creatures and people that wish to do you harm. I did what I had to do in order to survive.

(He stayed frozen before muttering something under his breath in anger. Roxy cocked her head to the side in confusion.)

Crewel: Nothing... Just something I'm going to have to speak to the headmaster about.

Roxy: Right, and... Uh... T-there's something else... I need to confess.

Crewel: Go on.

(Roxy tried to not let the anxiety get to her and make her clam up. So while gripping the ends of her school shirt and trying to remain in eye contact.)

Roxy: I... Was just... *small inhale* Sexually assaulted by two students recently. I-I don't know their names, but all I know is that they were from Heartslabyul and that they were probably at the infirmary.

Roxy: Because... I... punched one of them in the face out of self defense when he tried to take advantage of me. And I know I should've gone to the Headmaster first, but I didn't know if he'd hear me out and... Dismiss it...

Crewel: Thank you for bringing this to my attention pup, I'll make sure to have a word with him about this incident... Now then...

(Crewel motioned Roxy to stand in the middle of the room while holding a tailor tape measure. With Roxy standing still and letting him do his job while taking her right measurements. Once he was done with her chest measurements, she was still a bit shaken up after confessing that incident.)

Crewel: Puppy you're still trembling, don't let anyone see how nervous you are. At this school, showing such a blatant weakness is a recipe for disaster.

Roxy: Yes sir!

Crewel: You did the right thing coming to me, I wouldn't be surprised if Crowley had disregarded you, since he's making you stay in that rundown shack of dorm. (Pulls out a pair of black stockings and leggings) These might be a bit on the small side, but they should be able to cover your legs. And let me know if it's the wrong size, I'll get them exchanged.

Roxy: Right, thank you again Professor Crewel.

Crewel: Think nothing of it pup, now away with you.

(After Roxy got redressed and gathered her things, she joined with the boys and walked around the school. It wasn't before long they made it to the woods which were located behind the campus. Grim gazed up at the trees in amazement, spotting the trees containing the spiky fruit.)

Grim: Waaaah! There's so many chestnuts all over the place! It's a forest of all-you-can-eat mont blanc... Gehehe.

Shikoku: Grim, wait hold on-!

Grim: Let's get picking... Oww! Ow! Ffgna! The thorns pricked my paw!

(Grim tried to wave his paw in an attempt to shake it off. Losing focus and flailing about he lost his balance and fell off the tree. Roxy swiftly ran to Grim and managed to catch him in her arms.)

Roxy: *chuckles* You're more eager about this than I am. Now hold still, please.

(She lightly peels the spiky fruit off his little paw as gently as she can.)

Grim: Owowow! Those things hurt...

Deuce: We can't pick them with our bare hands. It'll be good to get a basket or something to put them all in.

Ace: The botanical garden probably has whatever we need inside.

Deuce: Let's go take a look.

(As soon as they stepped inside, they noticed right away how humid the air was. The air was fresh and it smelled like a various blend of greenery. Inside the glass building was an organized array of trees, plants, and flowers. There were small streams of water that could be traversed over the fancy stone bridges. The general scenery and sound of rushing water made this a relaxing place to take a nap.)

Roxy: *inhales* This sure is a breath of fresh air, after being stuck in a classroom all day.

Shikoku: You said it.

Ace: Wow, it's bigger in here than I thought.

Deuce: There should be a caretaker of this place. We should split up and find them.

Ace: I'll go right.

Deuce: And I'll head left. Grim, R-roxy, and Shikoku y-you guys can go straight to the back.

(Roxy and Shikoku both looked at each other with concern while Grim was oblivious to it all.)

Roxy/Shikoku: Okay.

(Meanwhile, Grim was unsurprisingly distracted.)

Grim: Hey, hey, look at this. There's a bunch of fruit! They smell so good!

Roxy: You know that's what Ace got in trouble for, right?

Shikoku: C'mon, we gotta get going.

Grim: Hmph, meanie.

???: ... Oof!

Roxy: Oh crud, did I step on something? Or someone?

(Roxy looked down and removed her foot from where she stepped, by turning she saw a person get up in front of her. It was Leona Kingscholar from the entrance ceremony, he was tan, with a muscular build. With thick messy brown hair with two braids on each side, he had bright green eyes and a thin scar on his left eye. Taking note of the lion ears, tail, and yellow vest without a doubt he was from Savanaclaw dorm.)

Leona: Oi, you've got some nerve stepping on someone's tail without saying anything.

Grim: Are you the caretaker here? You seem like an impolite guy...

Shikoku: Grim!

Leona: I was right in the middle of a nice nap, then you go and walk all over my tail. This sucks.

Roxy: I'm so sorry, it was an accident.

Leona: You... Ah, aren't you the female student that the mirror couldn't select you into a dorm? Hmmm... *sniff* *sniff*

Roxy: Ah! 'What the frick! Is he smelling me!'

Leona: ...Ha. You have magic on you. But, I don't feel like taking on an opponent that can't resist.

Grim: Man, being scrutinized by this guy is making my fur stand on end.

Leona: I, Leona, can't just let you walk away after stepping on my tail? I was having such a lovely nap and now I'm just pissed. I'm gonna get a tooth.

Shikoku: Roxy, this guy sounds serious, we gotta make a run for it.

Roxy: (mutters) Yeah, I get that. But what if he catches up to us?

Grim: Hurry, let's get out of here!

???: Leona!

Leona: Huh?

(Suddenly, a boy with spiky dirty blonde hair, hyena ears, and lazy blue eyes runs up to the scene.)

???: Ah, there you are. It's time for remedial lessons, y'know.

Leona: Ugghh... The annoying ones here.

???: It's cause you keep failing, Leona. If you keep getting held back we're gonna be classmates.

Leona: Knock it off already. I don't need lectures from you Ruggie.

Ruggie: I don't enjoy nagging you! You'd have no prob if you just tried. Whatever, let's go!

Leona: Tch...

(Leona scoffed before looking back to where he cornered the girl, raccoon, and remlit only to see them gone. He looked around and sniffed the air trying to find their scent. He growled slowly, not being able to find it, at least not the girl's, just the monster's.)

Leona: You better be on guard the next time you see me... 'That girl, there's something about her that I can't describe...'

(Leona growled lowly as he walked out of the greenhouse, Ruggie looked around trying to see what his dorm leader was looking for but followed after the lion when he couldn't spot anything but fruits and flowers.)

Grim: ... Ffgnaa! I'm sweating bullets! What's with that intimidating caretaker!?

Shikoku: He's not the caretaker.

Roxy: Correct, that was actually the dorm leader of Savanaclaw.

Ace: We found a basket and some tongs here!

Deuce: ... Did something happen to you three?

Grim: Ah! That's right! The chestnuts! Our tart will get smaller if we don't get a bunch. We'll talk about our encounter with the caretaker while we work.

(Meanwhile, after picking a bucket load of chestnuts, the story of encountering Savanaclaw's dorm leader was told.)

Grim: That's what happened...

Ace: There was absolutely no way that was the caretaker.

Grim: If I think back now that I've calmed down, that guy was wearing a yellow vest so he must be from the banana dorm.

Roxy: Grim, did you hear what I said earlier it's Savannaclaw, and he was the dorm leader.

Deuce: Y-you met t-the dorm leader?

Roxy: Well, yeah, we've been acquainted, since the entrance ceremony. After that whole ordeal of me not being sorted, all the dorm leaders had a small meeting with the headmaster about what they could do. Anyway, it's complicated and I'll tell you later.

Deuce: R-right. But is it just me or are there a lot of delinquents at Night Raven College?

Roxy: It's not just you, can't say I'm surprised.

Ace: Alright! Our chestnut pile is pretty big. Let's get them back to Trey!

Grim: Nyaha! This tart is gonna be awesome.

(Buckets filled with chestnuts the five of them returned to the school's kitchen. Despite how large it was and had fancier tech, it still had a humble cottage theme to it.)

Trey: Welcome back, you picked quite a bit.

Grim: With this we can make a huge tart!

Trey: Peeling all this is going to be a challenge but... Let's get to it.

Deuce: All of this... There's no end in sight...

Trey: Making sweets is all about preparation.

Ace: Yeah, yeah, we get it! I'm so ready to get this over with!

Trey: It takes a bit of work to peel off a chestnut's shell. Let's use magic to cleanly peel them off.

Deuce: Ace can't use magic, so peel them off normally, please.

Ace: I'll show you I'm faster than your magic!

Grim: You guys *munch* *munch* You guys should just watch and learn! Nyahaha!

Ace: Stop snacking!

Roxy: Um, Grim, you do realize chestnuts are poisonous to certain creatures?

(As soon as she said that, Grim froze and started to spit out what was in his mouth. Roxy chuckled as he ran to the sink to wash his mouth out.)

(After Trey taught everyone how to remove the spiked armor, Roxy quickly got to work, mimicking his teachings as she removed shell after shell. Deep in concentration, she didn't realize the work was done before she realized it.)

Ace: Look at me, Roxy! I managed to peel them off cleanly!

Roxy: Hm? Oh, Good job Ace!

Trey: I'm surprised. You're very dexterous Ace.

Ace: Pretty much, I'm a different caliber from Mr. Serious and that cat over there.

Deuce: I-I p...peeled them cleanly too! Take a look for yourself!

Grim: Me too! Compare mine to Ace's!

(Roxy was a bit overwhelmed by the desperate attention the boys were giving her. Not sure how she could keep up with their energy she just gave a silent nod in approval until Trey stepped in.)

Trey: Haha... We still have a lot to peel, but look at you being so energetic.

Deuce: This is the last one... There! Alright, we're finished!

Trey: Thanks for the hard work. We finished so quickly even though we have a non-magic user.

Grim: Hehe! Everything's a breeze as long as I'm here!

Trey: Alright, next's up straining them.

Ace: There's still more!?

Roxy: Much more, there's always going to be several steps when it comes to cooking of any kind.

(However, before they could be peeled Trey explained they had to be roasted first. Where the entire preparation of scoring, boiling, and roasting in the oven would be easy but time-consuming much to Ace, Deuce, and Grim's dismay. As soon as the chestnuts were done roasting and cooled off they were ready to be peeled. Roxy wasted no time at all as she peeled the chestnuts until her bowl was empty as she took in the waft of the smell brought delight as she couldn't wait to try out the tart once it was finished.)

Roxy: 'This kinda takes me back to home when I and Emily used to bake in the kitchen. Despite her clumsiness, we were able to get the work done and enjoy our treats in the end... It feels so long ago now, how is she handling herself back home? With me gone it must make her feel incredibly lonely, does she even care? Am I just worrying too much that I-'

Trey: Roxy.

Roxy: Huh-what! Sorry, I just... I won't do it again.

Trey: It's alright, just wanted to ask if everything's alright. You looked distracted.

Roxy: Oh, yeah, of course! I'm alright, I usually get distracted all the time so it's nothing new.

Trey: Alright, if you say so.

(Although he wasn't convinced, both Ace and Deuce sighed in relief, already exhausted from finishing a simple step.)

Ace: Puuaaah! We're finally done with the peeling!

Deuce: My arms hurt...

Trey: Haha. Good job. Your hard work will make it tastier.

Grim: I'm full from just the smell.

Trey: Next we mix butter and sugar into the chestnut paste then add oyster sauce as the secret ingredient.

Deuce/Ace: Oyster sauce!?

Trey: Yep. The savoriness of oysters adds depth and richness to the cream. Here's a young oyster sauce with the walrus' seal of excellence. Famous patisseries all use this in their tarts.

Roxy: What?... No way.

Deuce: Seriously... That's a pretty salty sauce.

Ace: Even chocolate gets put in curry all the time... It might be good.

Trey: ... Pfft. Ahaha! It's a joke. Oyster sauce does not belong in sweets.

Ace: Screw you! You said with a straight face.

Trey: Haha! If you took a second to think about it you'd figure it out. Even Roxy had some doubts. Don't just accept things without a healthy amount of skepticism. Better study up.

Grim: This guy looks nice but is pretty good at lying...

Trey: Next is the whipped cream... Ah!

Ace: What's the matter?

Trey: You all gathered so many chestnuts that I got ahead of myself and made too much marron paste. We don't have enough whipped cream to mix into it.

Deuce/Roxy: I'll go get/buy some.

(The two blinked while Deuce froze, they both had the same idea.)

Trey: The two of you can go together to the school store. You can find anything at that place so it should be there. Could I ask you to pick up a few other things?

Roxy: (nods) Two packs of milk, two cartons of eggs, silicon cups, and five canned fruits... Alright, we'll be right back. Come on Deuce.

Deuce: R-Right...

Grim: I'm going too! I'm tired of mixing flour endlessly.

(As they headed out with Grim and Shikoku in tow, Roxy realized it probably wasn't the best idea to bring Deuce along.)

Roxy: Hey, Deuce?

Deuce: Y-yes?!

Roxy: Are you okay?

Deuce: W...What? I-I'm fine, w...why?

Roxy: No, you're not. I'm making you uncomfortable.

Deuce: W-What!? N-

Roxy: You can go back if you want. I can get the supplies myself.

Deuce: T..That's... No. I agreed to accompany you, and that's what I'm going to do. Besides, it'd be weird if I went back now.

Roxy: (chuckles lightly) Right.

(The four of them walked to the school store together, Deuce held the door open for Roxy with the two cats coming close behind her as they entered the store with a chime. As soon as they walked in, Roxy immediately took notice of the relaxing aroma of incense. There were countless objects on display in the room decorated in purples, maroons, and slight greens. The most notable items were potions, books on magic, crystal balls, and antiques.)

Deuce: Pardon us... Wow, this place is amazing. There's a crystal skull, grimoires... What kind of taxidermy is this?

Roxy: 'It's quite a unique store.'

Grim: Woah. Do they really sell whipped cream here?

Shop Owner: Hey! My lost little demons, how goes it?

(A supple dark skinned young man appeared from behind, startling the group. He had black and purple dreads leaning towards the right side of his face, and wearing a black and dark purple hat and blazer. The white markings on his face and body were reminiscent of skeletons.)

Sam: Welcome to Mr. S's Mystery Shop. What can I do for you today? A charm for uncharted lands? Mummy of an ancient king? Or how about some cursed tarot cards.

Grim: Fgna! You scared me!

Deuce: Um... We'd like the things listed here.

Grim: And some cans of tuna!

Deuce: No! We don't need any tuna!

Sam: What? What? Whipped cream, eggs... A nice sweet line-up. Ok! Coming right up.

Deuce: Ooooh... He really has them.

Roxy: Let's hope so, there's nowhere else to go.

(During the wait Roxy's gaze was roaming around the store curiously when something caught her eye. It was a mirror, only slightly different compared to the Dark Mirror and more like the one in her bedroom in Ramshackle Dorm. It drew Roxy closer when she saw her reflection and reached out a hand to touch the glass.)

Sam: Oh? Are you interested in one of our antiques?

Roxy: I suppose, where's it from?

Sam: It's a mirror from the good ol' days. It's a long story, but rumor has it...

Deuce: Sorry, but we really don't have time for that.

Roxy: Oh, right. Trey and the others are still waiting!

Sam: Oh, alright then. Here. It's a bit heavy, you got it? If you order now you can get a 1/100 size floating platter to carry your purchases for 30% off.

Grim: What's that, it sounds cool!

Deuce: We're fine! Time to go Grim!

Sam: Ok, ok. Make sure to come by again, my little demons! Bye!

(Once the group was back on Main Street, Roxy contemplated that mirror she saw in the store as it was somehow familiar to her and not just because it was the same one in her bedroom. Until Deuce broke the silence.)

Deuce: That store was crazy.

Roxy: Yeah, it was. Pretty convenient to have a store that sells everything.

Grim: Tssk. Stingy Deuce.

Deuce: Who are you calling stingy?

Shikoku: He was trying to stop you from impulse purchases. That goes for you too Roxy.

Roxy: Hey! I wasn't thinking of buying it. I just wanted to know more about it.

Deuce: Hmm. Roxy, the bag with the canned fruits, I'll carry it. I'm used to carrying heavy stuff.

Roxy: Oh, are you sure?

(Deuce nodded in response.)

Roxy: Alright then, if you want to. Thanks Deuce, do you do this often? Buying things I mean.

Deuce: Yeah. My mom always buys more than we need during time sales, and I get stuck carrying all the heavy stuff. Since I'm the only boy it was my job to take care of anything requiring strength... Oh, my bad. I've just been talking about myself.

(Roxy had her hands covering her mouth in intrigue already deep in conversation and wanting to know more before she composed herself realizing how it was confusing Deuce.)

Roxy: Right, sorry! And it's alright. Now that you're not so nervous around me, we get to talk more, and I get to know you better. I enjoy getting to know you more.

(Deuce was at a loss for words, seeing how she did want to get closer to him. He smiled at the thought.)

Roxy: Anyways, you must really care about your mom.

Deuce: ... That's not true at all. I always made my mom... Ooof!

SFX: Crack

Grim: Aaah! The eggs!

Deuce: Damn it! Half of the eggs are destroyed! There's egg yolk all over the bag...!

Delinquent A: Hey you! Watch where you're... Wait.. You're the fools that wrecked my egg in my carbonara earlier.

(Roxy saw how they didn't notice her earlier as she took off her hood revealing herself.)

Delinquent A: Hiii-! It's the girl who broke my nose!

Delinquent B: Y..Ya better give us a break! We're in the nurse's office for hours!

Roxy: 'Are you asking to go back?'

Deuce: You were the ones who jumped out from behind the corner. At lunch, it wasn't like you couldn't eat the egg anymore but you still came to pick a fight... Just now, you destroyed half of our eggs.

Grim: Yeah, that's right!

Delinquent A: And? You're saying it's our fault?

Deuce: Yes. Please pay for the eggs. And apologize to the chickens too.

Delinquent B: Hmmm? You're getting all worked up over eggs?

Deuce: ...Huh?

Delinquent A: They didn't hit the ground, right? Don't sweat the small stuff.

Delinquent B: We saved you the trouble of breaking them!

Delinquents: Aha ha ha!

Deuce: ... To laugh about.

Delinquent A: Huh?

Deuce: This ain't something to laugh about! You don't get to make decisions for us! These eggs... Instead of becoming a chick they were gonna make a delicious tart!!! You get it! Huuuh!?

Delinquent B: What's this guy's problem all of a sudden!?

Deuce: If you don't want to pay for the six eggs you broke... I'll punch you six times instead.

Delinquent A: Whaaa!?

Deuce: Grit your teeth, you little bastards!!

Delinquent A: Hah? You think you're gonna take me on? You've got another thing comin', kid!!

Deuce: Okay, here it comes! Grrahh!!

(Before the delinquent could land a blow, Deuce grabbed him by the collar with a furious look in his eyes as he sucker punched him in the face causing him to hit the ground.)

Chapter Ends

A/N: Finally got another chapter posted! Again it took longer than it needed to, but it doesn't matter now. I'm pretty excited for what comes next, and getting to do character interaction is a lot of fun! But tedious and time consuming if you're trying to make it fit cannon.

Which makes me wonder, is all that I've written so far close to cannon?

Feel free to tell me your thoughts on what you enjoyed, just getting to hear other people out is great for me to know you're enjoying it. Thank you, and I'll see you later!

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A Twisted Wonderland fanfic in which the young Octavinelle trio, while taking shelter in an aquarium, meets the Reader by coincidence and gets attach...
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Twisted wonderland is a place in another dimension that appears as a twisted version of Disney where the bad guys are actually good guys and you find...
129K 5.2K 40
𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐂𝐊𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧 /ˈtʃɛkmeɪt/ a position in which a player's king is directly attacked by an opponent's piece or pawn and has no possible m...
49.6K 1.9K 24
˜"*°•.˜"*°• "Forward, Backward, Inward, Outward." •°*"˜.•°*"˜ ˜"*°•.˜"*°• "Come and Join the Chase! Nothing could be Drier Than a Jolly Caucus Race...