Murder Mystery - H.S

By angelhazs

169K 4.3K 3.5K

Discontinued. He was all seven of the deadly sins Harry Styles, a father of two twin girls, runs the most da... More

โ˜† Introduction โ˜†
19 *


1.3K 41 79
By angelhazs


This is a long chapter :)

One month later, the weight of that message still hung heavy in my mind, like a storm cloud refusing to dissipate. Every time I glanced at it, it felt like a knot tightening in my chest, a constant reminder of the choice I made to protect Harry and his family—a family that was once mine.

I felt like a sick person for keeping it to myself—but I couldn't tell anyone, I didn't know how. Despite my resolve to stay strong and vigilant, the fear lingered, gnawing at the edges of my thoughts. I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, of every shadow holding a potential threat.

I knew who was watching me now—but I didn't know where in the shadows they were. I knew Gwen enjoyed this...watching me panic under her evil game.

I stayed silent on my reason for staying so long... the only person who knew was Denver. I didn't plan on telling him—but as soon as he met my sad gaze, as soon as he noticed the tension I held, I couldn't resist myself.

Denver is a good friend. He always reassured me when times get rough. "That should be the last box," Denver grumbled—sweat rolling down his forehead as he stood up straight, looking around the apartment. He was wearing a black t-shirt and a pair of sweats.

His face was red from the constant movements, his hair sticking to his skin. I stood straight with Sunlea on my hip and I smiled. "Thank you, you know you don't have to stay here, right? You can go back to Italy," I grumbled, looking around the apartment again.

"I know," Denver nodded. "I will—when I know this person is dead... plus I've always wanted to leave Italy for a while... this is nice," he murmured with a smile looking at what we would call our next home for awhile.

Denver and I decided to buy a three-bedroom apartment together. I took the master, Sunlea took the bedroom near me, and Denver took the last one. He insisted on staying with me when he saw the message. Said it was the best option just in case something happened and I was more than grateful. I wanted to sort things out—I wanted Harry to have a chance with Sunlea. And plus... I couldn't leave—not after I was threatened to stay.

"I have to go meet up with Sunlea's father." His daughters are finally meeting her," I grumbled. I was seeing them again after a very long time. It took a lot for Harry to adjust to having another kid. I don't blame him. It's a lot to take in all at once. I know he's an amazing dad—I know he would love Sunlea just like he loves his other daughters but it was hard to adjust. Even though she was young, he missed out on the pregnancy, the births—her first few months. I was nervous, I won't lie... I wasn't ready to be in the same room as Marceline and Azriela, and well Harry again.

I felt guilty—what if they hated me? What if they forgot about me? What if they don't care about me? I don't blame them if all that is true, but deep down, it would hurt more than anything in the world. But I did hurt those girls; I caused them unexplainable pain because I was also hurting.

I let Harry have his quality time with Sunlea—and I had mine. We were coparenting... sometimes we would be near each other but I tried my best to keep my distance even though every time we were near each other I couldn't stop myself from looking at him like I used to. I wanted to still hate him but I couldn't. He stole my attention-- and made my heart beat like it was about to burst.

Harry asked me to go today, and I agreed because three kids in one go might not be the easiest. I also wanted to finally see the girls—I've prepared myself. I needed to see them. I also need to tell Harry about the message. Hiding it for a long time made me feel guilty.

Last night he texted me to get ready by two— wouldn't tell me where we were going though said it was something simple, relaxing but nice. Exactly when it was two—my phone rang that he was outside. I looked over at Denver asking. "Are you okay alone?" I asked Denver, and he brushed me off.

"I'll be fine. I'll go explore the city a little more—do some shopping for my room," he grinned ear to ear. "Text me if you need anything."

"Will do." I grabbed my purse and walked out the doors—looking down at my outfit. It was simple but the thought of Harry finding it ugly—or even me—rang in the back of my head.

Dressed in sleek dark blue jeans and a snug brown cardigan, I stepped out, my hair flowing down in smooth, straight locks. Taking a deep breath, I walked outside, my eyes immediately spotting Harry, who exuded effortless charm, clad in a fitted black button-up and jeans, his casual style oozing undeniable allure against the backdrop of the evening.

Harry leaned against the passenger side of the door, his attention seemingly lost in his phone until my presence commanded his gaze. His face lit up instantly, bathed in the golden glow of the sun, his emerald eyes sparkling with captivating intensity.

"Hi," he whispered, his smile radiant as he appraised me. "You look beautiful." His words sent a rush of warmth through me, and I couldn't resist returning his smile, feeling my cheeks flush with heat under his gaze.

"Hi," I whispered, biting my inner cheeks trying to control my smile and the way my heart thumped in my chest with his words. Of course, he found me beautiful. I can wear a sack on my head and he'll think I'm insanely beautiful.

"How are you?" He asked, looking down at Sunlea and picking her up from my arms, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "Oh, my sweet sunbeam—how are you today?" Sunlea smiled, to which Harry grinned. "Aren't you the prettiest baby ever." I smiled harder watching their interactions.

He's always so gentle.

Sunlea was wearing a cute pink jumper, complemented by delicate white long sleeves layered beneath. Her short hair was neatly gathered into a small ponytail, and she was wearing the cutest socks ever that looked like shoes.

"Are the girls inside?" I asked anxiously, attempting to look through the tinted windows but failed.

"No," he replied, softly at me. "I have to pick them up from school—thought you might like to come. They've also gotten themselves into trouble, so I need to find out what happened." He sighed heavily.

I nodded. "Do they get in trouble constantly?"

"Marcey does—kids are always picking on Azri, so she's always there to defend her," he explained, a slight frown creasing his brow, mirroring my own concern. "But this time, it's Azriela who's in trouble, so I need to have a word with the teacher I believe."

I nod. "Do you know why they get picked on?" I asked, and Harry just stared at me, shaking his head. He was lying—I knew exactly the way he lied now. He knew exactly why the girls got picked on, and a part of me wondered why he wasn't telling me.

I frown watching him take a step towards the back seat. "I also got Sunlea a car seat." He opens the back seat revealing a car seat right in the middle of both Marceline and Azriela's car seats.

"I'm already in the process of buying a bigger car to fit the girls—it's already bought just finalizing some papers," he rambles. "It's two seats in the middle and then a back row. Thought I'll put the twins in the back and Sunlea can go in the front and there's a space available for you in the back if you ever have to." He rambles his words, scratching the back of his head.

"You got another car? Why, Harry, that's insane," I murmured, shaking my head in disbelief as I gazed at him. Sometimes, I forget just how stunning he is... his eyes, those lips—his hair. Everything about him captivates me.

"They need space. They're too close to each other." He shakes his head. "I don't even think that's safe so please don't try and argue with me."

I frown slightly. "I'm not trying to argue with you— I just think it's insane that you got another car just to fit my daughter."

Putting Sunlea into the car seat in a very uncomfortable way, he turns towards me, a very visible frown on his lips. "She's my daughter too, Juliet. I want what's best for my kids, that's all." A weight of embarrassment ran through my body, and guilt. He was right. She's not only my daughter—Sunlea is his as well.

Even if I tried to hide that fact. He's a father just like I'm a mother.

"You're right. I'm sorry," I looked away, and I feel his fingers gently grazed my chin, a rush of familiarity flooded over me, tinged with the sting of longing for what once was. The touch was so different yet hauntingly similar, igniting emotions that both comforted and pained me. It was a reminder of what we once shared, and the realization that it could never be the same again weighed heavily on my heart.

This is the first time he ever touched me and I felt chills, and my heart thumped rapidly. I missed him but I couldn't miss him.

"Hey," he murmured turning my face towards him. "I didn't say it to make you upset, I just hope you remember that she's my daughter too. I want to love and spoil her like my other kids. She deserves everything I give to my other kids. Maybe a car is crazy, but I just... I missed a lot and I want to do it right okay?"

We stared into each other's eyes for what felt like eternity, and I nod: "okay." And he smiles releasing my face, and I felt like my body could finally breathe.

As I pulled away, Harry opened the passenger door for me, and as I stepped inside, memories cascaded over me like a rushing waterfall, enveloping me in a torrent of emotion and nostalgia.

As I settled into the familiar seat, memories swirled around me. I looked around, trying to compose my emotions, but everywhere I looked was a painful memory of my past. I remembered the countless times we drove together, taking the kids to ballet practice, their laughter filling the air as Harry's warm embrace enveloped me, his tender kisses leaving me breathless.

We would talk endlessly about our dreams for the future, plans that now lingered as unfulfilled promises. Yet, in the midst of those conversations, amidst the chaos of life, I realized with sudden clarity—I was in love, irrevocably and deeply, with the man beside me.

It hurt like hell. Harry will forever be my first and true love despite our past. And it hurt like a thousand daggers in my chest.

"How are you?" Harry asked when he stepped inside. My eyes shifted over to him again. I took a deep breath, fidgeting with the nail polish on my nails.

"I'm okay," I murmured, biting my inner cheeks. "How are you?" I asked immediately

I watched the corner of his lips turn. "Better now that you're here." And I rolled my eyes looking away. Not even surprised he said some bullshit like that.

"Oh shut up," I laughed. "How's work? The casino—the uh, cartel?"

He laughs "Do you actually want to talk about that, Juli?" Juli. He called me Juli. My nickname. My heart swelled in my chest and I took my head saying. "No, not really."

"Then?" He muses. It's not that I didn't care about Harry's personal job life—but it's the fact that I knew what he did and how that mingled into our relationship.

"Just trying to make small talk," I tell him honestly, and I watch him nod, running a hand over the wheel.

"How's Sunlea doing?" He asked instead. "And do you like your new apartment? Is it spacious—how is it?"

"Sunlea is doing okay, she's still teething so some nights are a little bad." I murmured. "The apartment is beautiful, very spacious." Harry hums. "And your bodyguard. Where did he go?"

"Well," I laughed. "He lives with me." Harry stays silent for a few, and I watched him clench his jaw, but he says nothing. "Are you taking her to the doctors?"

Confusing running in my body I asked, "What?" To which it hit me that he was talking about Sunlea

"As of right now—no. I have it under control. If the situation gets worse, I am, but I have the correct medication for her." Harry hums and before I knew it, we were at the school and my anxiety spiked. This is it.

They either hate me or love me.

Harry deftly parks his car near the line of children walking out of the building, then strides over to where I stand. As he approaches, I greet him with a polite smile, observing his tender demeanor as he gets Sunlea from the car. His gentle touch, particularly towards me, doesn't go unnoticed.

It felt different.

Like he was trying to prove something to me.

My eyes scan all the kids—screams and laughters filling my ears. And then, like a magnet, my eyes spot Marceline. She was jumping around with another girl, her brown hair in two pigtails, wearing a blue jumper.

I beamed from ear to ear as Harry and I strolled along. Then, my gaze caught Azriela, and it was as if she noticed me at the same instant. Her eyes widened, a smile spreading across her lips, and she let out a delighted scream, drawing the attention of many others. I chuckled as her tiny feet dashed toward me.

Before I could respond, her hand grasped my legs, and I leaned down, welcoming her in a warm hug. My heart swelled with a multitude of emotions as I felt another pair of arms around me, and I stepped back, huh Marceline into the embrace.

"Oh my star babies," I whispered, pulling back to look at them, admiring every single feature. They look so big and beautiful. So different but yet the same little girls I once knew. Their hair was longer—their features bloomed into two young girls. And Marceline looked exactly like her fathers

"I missed you mommy," Azriela whispered—her brown eyes meeting mine. "I miss you more, my sweet girl." My finger ran over her cheek—something I used to do. "Both of you." I swallowed my emotions full of guilt.

My gaze drifted down to the necklace I had gifted to them. I remembered how broken I felt during that time—struggling to be strong for them, yet somehow they seemed to sense my pain. They somehow knew I was hurting and tried to hide their feeling. Kids shouldn't comfort adults.

So young, so smart, caring, and loving. They showed me how to be a good mom, their love never going unnoticed. I was truly blessed to have the opportunity to know such sweet girls—I'll always thank Harry for that. They taught me so many things. 

"I prayed to the stars for you to come back, and you did."

Her words cut through me like shards of glass, plunging into my heart. I frowned, a heavy ache settling deep within me as her statement echoed painfully in my mind.

"Me too," Marceline says. "Please don't ever leave again, mommy." Her voice sounded so gentle, so soft and precious, and she held me like she never wanted to let me go. "Please, mommy."

Mommy. They're still calling me mommy. After all this time. I didn't deserve that kind of love. I hurt them—I left them. And they still looked at me like I was worth of their love. I wasn't. I'm no better than their biological mom. I left just like her. During a time they needed me.

"I won't." I whispered watching her excitement peak. "Guys guys! Look, this is my mommy." She giggles pulling me. I almost tripped standing up quickly as she dragged me to a group of girls. "Hi." I smiled at the girls that I'm guessing are her friends.

"Isn't my mommy beautiful?" Marceline gazes up at me, and my heart flutters wildly. She's spoken about me, seeing beauty where I often overlook it. "See, I told you I have a mommy."

A pang of guilt stabs through me, tightening my chest. "Let's go join daddy, okay?" I suggest softly, and they both agree, skipping over to where Harry waits, slightly apart but nearby.

"Hi daddy!" They squeal, wrapping their arms around his legs. I grabbed Sunlea from his hands as he bent to hug them.

"Oh, now you guys remember me, huh?" Harry smiled. Kissing them on the cheeks. "When mommy around I'm no longer the favorite." He grinned ear to ear. " But don't worry I also like mommy." I hold back a laugh—looking away. " How was school? How are my girls? Tell me What happened today? He asked theme

Before they could respond, Mr. Styles' name was called, drawing his attention away. "The principal is ready for the meeting," their teacher informed him, glancing at the kids.

"I'll join once I've spoken to my kids," Harry declared firmly, turning his gaze towards the children. "What happened today?" he inquired, his focus sharp.

"Well," Azriela began, her expression clouded with displeasure. "I was reading my book when a kid ripped it," she explained, her voice tinged with frustration. "I asked her to stop, but she ignored me, so I hit her," she concluded with a nonchalant shrug. Harry nodded, absorbing the information.

"And what about you, Marceline?" Harry arched an eyebrow, directing his attention to the other child.

"I hit her too because she hit Azri," Marceline replied matter-of-factly, her tone devoid of remorse. Suppressing a laugh, I listened intently to their straightforward but jumbled explanations.

"Alright," Harry announced, rising from his position and glancing at the teacher. "I don't believe there's anything further to discuss. It was simply an act of self-defense," he stated firmly. The teacher's frown deepened at his response. "Violence is not tolerated in this school," she reminded Harry sternly.

Violence is never the answer but when it comes to Harry it's acceptable sometimes.

"Yes, but this altercation was provoked," Harry countered, taking the children's hands. "I will not be speaking to the principal. I have no further concerns. I would rather talk to the parents of this child."

"We could not provide you with this information." She simply says and Harry shrugged as he led his kids away. Her eyes followed me and I simply shrugged walking away and trying to catch up to Harry.

When I do he turns towards me. "I want you to meet someone," Harry suddenly says, stopping me from my tracks. He picks up Sunlea from my arms and lowers down to their level, and I take a step back watching them. "This is your sister."

"My sister?" Azriela whispered back biting her lips and looking between her father and the baby that's now known as... their sister and my eyes landed on Marceline who stared from away.

"I don't want a sister," Marcey says and I laughed. I don't blame her. "You already have a sister, silly," Harry says. "This is a new one. Her name is Sunlea."

Marceline tightens her lips and rests her hands on Harry's shoulder, casting a glance over at Sunlea—Azri mirroring the gesture.

"How did she come?" Marceline inquires, taking a step back, evidently disinterested in the scene before her.

"Well..." Harry clears his throat with a chuckle. "When Mommy was away, she had a baby in her belly, and then the baby was born."

Their gazes shift to me and I awkwardly smile. "Is that why you left mommy?" I hummed.

"A little yes," I nodded and they stayed silent for a few seconds before Marceline spoke. "She go back?" I let go of a little laugh, while Harry furrowed his eyebrow deeply.

"That's not nice baby, why do you want a sister?" Marceline just frowns.

"Because I want to be your little baby." Harry grins and looks up at me. "I told her that Azri is older by a few seconds... so now she thinks she's the baby," he murmurs to me and I smile wildly

She just wants Harry's unconditional love. Don't we all?

"well, just because there's a new baby, doesn't mean I won't love you. You're still my little girl—and I will always love you." Marceline seemed pleased with her answer when Harry leaned in for a gentle kiss turning towards Azri.

"You too, honey bunny, you guys are all my little loves and I love you so much."

"Even mommy?" Azriela whispered.

"Even mommy," Harry whispered, back shifting his eyes towards me.

"Now who's ready to go eat some lunch and then I have a surprise." They yelled excitedly, while Harry opened the car door—going in first to buckle sunlea, while I waited outside with the twins.

Once we were done we both buckled them in and then he opened the passenger side for me. The drive to the restaurant was short—filled with laughs and giggles from the twins as they told Harry and me stories.

The lunch at the restaurant was filled with giggles and catching up with the girls. They told me endless stories about what they were doing, their birthday parties, their friends, and dad. They asked endless questions about Sunlea—more trying to figure out how she "randomly appeared" to, which Harry and I laughed about.

A whirlwind of emotions stirred within me throughout the beginning of our lunch. It was a bittersweet realization, like catching a glimpse of time that slipped through my fingers. I couldn't help but feel a pang of regret for all the little things I might have missed—the subtle shifts in pronunciation and the endearing mispronunciations that once filled our days with laughter. I always have to remind myself if I didn't leave this world would have killed me.

Once our lunch was over, we made our way to Harry's big surprise, which I still didn't know. "So you are really not going to tell me?" I turned to face him while we walked down the sidewalk. He had Sunlea in his arms while he walked, holding Marcline's hand. Sunglasses shielded his eyes from the sunlight, but he still glowed like never before. He's always been so golden. A person who was my sunshine---He shone brighter than the sun on a bright, hot summer day.

"Nope," Harry grinned ear to ear. "Still have no patience?" he teased, and I rolled my eyes, softly squeezing Azriela's hand. "But the surprise is more for them than for me. C'mon, please," I playfully pouted, inching closer to him. Harry turned towards me, his lips turning slightly before it turned into a sly smile. I could feel his eyes burning into me and I so badly wanted to pull away those sunglasses---to look at the depth of his green eyes.

"Harry," I whined, and he laughed. "Say it again," Harry uttered, and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Say what again?"

"My name," he grinned, "and maybe I will tell you." I bit down on my tongue, holding back a laugh. "Harry," I uttered, earning a full-blown smirk from him, and then he tsked. "Okay, guys, we are almost there!" I gasped. "You lied!" and he laughed. "I did not lie; I said maybe, and you listened to that maybe."

My jaw drops and he turns again my direction smiling. The dimple on his cheeks popping out and catching my attention immediately.

"Unbelievable," I uttered, and Harry grinned wider and opened the door to a shop. Because I was looking at Harry, I had no time to even look where we were entering until we were inside. And my vision was full of puppies, cats, bunnies, and even fish. The twins immediately gasped, cheerful laughs wrapping around us.

" Surprise?" He turns to look at me. " See the wait wasn't that bad. You just haven't earned that patience is key." he runs his tongue over his lips and I shake my head playfully ignoring him and asking "You're getting them puppies?" he hums "I have been thinking about it for awhile. I promised them I would, and I don't know. He shugs, "I thought it was a good time."

I smiled. "Think that would make them very happy," he nods and looks at the twins, who were giving each dog their attention. Quitness only wrapped around us for a few minutes before Sunlea's cries resonated around us. "Oh, she'd definitely hungry," I say, reaching into the diaper bag and grabbing the bottle. They stayed warm because of what the bag had in one section.

"Here, I'll feed her." Harry offers, extending his hand. I passed him the bottle, watching as his touch was gentle and his movements were practiced. As he fed her, I couldn't help but notice how effortlessly he seemed to connect with her, as if they shared some unspoken bond. One that grew in only a month.

Sunlea liked being around him—her father. Smiling when he held her, she played with his chain around his neck, reaching towards him when she was in my arms or even near him. She loved Harry, but who wouldn't

"Which puppy do we like, little loves?" Harry asked the twins, walking side by side with me, as his eyes followed his two older daughters. "Wait, daddy, no yet." Marcleine says, looking frustrated, about this hard decision.

"You're like a pro with kids," I said, forcing a smile as I glanced over at Harry and Sunlea.

He looked up at me, his expression unreadable for a moment, before he replied, "I've had some practice." With a grin, he adds, "Plus, I think I want seven more kids, so I need all the practice and patience."

My eyes go wide. "Ten in total?" and he hums with a wide smile and then asks, "Do you want to have that many kids? We can start now. No rush though."

I tutted, earning a smile from him, but he looked convinced that me and him were having 10 kids together. " You're crazy. I had one and think it's enough. Do you know how painful it is"

" You never said no to me being the option so thats fine. We can do whatever you want as long as it's me." He murmured with a smile. Taking a step closer to him while I pull away the sunglasses watching as he adjusted to the bright lights from the room. Putting it onto of his head I murmured.

" I think you are turning delusional. Get well."

He shakes his head and looks down at me, the light in his eyes could grow tulips, and every other flower in this world. "Not delusional. I know what I want out of life, and I will eventually win you over. regardless of the months, years, or weeks. I'll be here until it's just us and our children."

I couldn't help but smile and when I do I turn away from him. Throughout the day, Harry has been nothing but sweet and flirty, and my heart hasn't known how to respond. I felt overwhelmed, my heart fluttering in my chest, and my head dizzy, but in a good way. I hated that it felt good. It scared me. It scared me to fall in love again—with anyone really.

The vulnerability. The love—the trust you had to build. Everything was hard but yet so worth it. I didn't want to do all that.

It scared me how easily I was falling into his trap.

"Look, Daddy, look! This one!" Azriela's voice bubbled with excitement as she bound around the cage, her finger pointing eagerly at a small cream-colored puppy. The furry bundle of joy bounced in response to the attention, fueling Azriela's excitement even more.

Harry looks at the dog with a slight hum. "You don't want to look at your options, honey bunny?"

" Nope." She says proudly, "Can I touch her?" She looks up at the woman who was helping us today. The woman smiled and said, "Of course, angel, here, let me get her out." A few minutes went by, and the dog was down at our feet, jumping around on Azriela and Marceline—going around in circles.

" Shes a maltipoo as well as a girl. She's only one years old—and was brought in earlier this year with a few more puppies the same breed as her. She's super sweet, very energetic, she loves playtime." The woman informs us. " This maltipoo is a little more expensive than the others because of her color."

" That's fine." Harry said not very interested in knowing the price. The woman's eyes widen but she nods.

Azriela giggles capturing our attention her laughter warming my heart. "Please, daddy! She'll be my best friend." She pouts, "And her name will be Riya!"

Riya. Thats unique—different. But somehow beautiful and special.

Harry laughs "Okay, we can take Riya home." She squeals and rushes to hug Harry. "Thank you, you're the best daddy ever."

Harry grins from ear to ear, and I smile harder, and she looks at me. "Do you like mommy?"

"I do. Pretty puppy, for a pretty girl." I smile and look over at Marceline, who had a slight frown on her face.

"What's wrong, petal?" Harry asked before I could. "I don't know which one to get." She says, her eyes scanning the cages. "They all look so sad," she frowns. "Can we take them all?"

"Oh, petal, we can't do that." Harry tells her, "It's too much for us—plus, we need to let other families have a chance to adopt a puppy just like us." Harry softly tells her. She has such a big heart.

She looks unconvinced, but immediately her feet walk her towards a puppy at the far end. She was exactly the same breed as Riya, but this one was darker, and her skin color had a golden touch.

"This one." She smiled, "Please?" She looks up at Harry rather than at me. "You can be my and Riya's best friend," she grins from ear to ear. "Like twins!"

The woman brings the dog down, and Marceline giggles, "I like her daddy; can I have her please?"

Harry agrees, and she cheers happily. "What will you name her?" I asked

" Miya." Marceline says it with a smile on her face.

I smile. Riya and Miya. They sound like an unstoppable, perfect duo, and a part of me couldn't wait to watch their doggy friendship grow.

I looked at Harry matching his perfect smile. As he finished feeding Sunlea he passed me the bottle. " Do you want a pet pretty girl?"

I smiled and looked away. " You're insane Harry," I bit my lips

" Insane maybe for you." He hums reaching forward and pulling a strand of hair away from my face. We stared at each other silently for a few minutes before the sound of our kids break us apart.

" welcome to the family Riya and Miya" Harry says.

☆ ☆ ☆

My fist banged on the door, desperation fueling my actions. Sunlea's cries echoed in my ears, tears streaming down my cheeks as I struggled to calm her. Seconds ticked by like hours until finally, Harry opened the door, concern etched on his face.

"I need help," I rushed out, passing Sunlea into his arms. "She's been crying nonstop, and I don't know what's wrong. I've tried everything." My words were rushed, filled with anxiety, tiredness and slight frustration. Mom's guilt pinged my heart— I couldn't calm down my own daughter. I was losing my patience... What does that say about me?

Harry's frown deepened as he looked down at Sunlea. "Hey, sunbeam, what's wrong?" he whispered, his voice soft and soothing as he picked her up from my arms cradled her close, rocking her gently.

I sucked in a shaky breath, trying to compose myself. " I tried. I can't... I dont know what's wrong. I fed her, burped her, changed her diaper, I tried everything and I don't know what's wrong. I feel like such a shitty fucking mom." I could feel my own tears prickle my eyes, not out of sadness but out of frustration because I couldn't control my daughter's cries. I felt like I was failing my baby.

Sunlea fussed in his arms, her face rubbing against his chest. That's when I noticed his naked chest. Harry's chest appeared sculpted, each muscle. His joggers hung low on his hips, teasingly revealing the band of his underwear. It was a subtle yet enticing sight, a glimpse of intimacy that stirred a longing deep within.

My eyes scan his tattoos— tattoos that never failed to please me. I even found a few new tattoos. Tulips and a moon. He has tulips and a moon inked into his chest, with words in italian I now understood. Amore—Love he still saw me as someone he loves? Or was that for someone else.

My eyes snapped back to Harry, watching as he focused on the crying baby, rubbing her back and trying to sooth her. His touch gentle and reassuring as he began to sing a soft lullaby. I watched, mesmerized, as his voice soothed Sunlea's cries, the tension slowly melting away.

A part of me felt guilty again knowing I wasn't able to comfort her like Harry did but I accepted that he did it. Her carries slowly dying down and turning into hiccups.

"Thank you," I whispered, turning to Harry, overwhelmed m. "I don't know what I would've done without you."

Harry smiled, his eyes warm with understanding. "You don't have to thank me for doing what a father does. She's my daughter too you know?"

I sigh. " I know but—" Suddenly, a female voice interrupted our moment of distress. "Who are you?" she asked, her tone tinged with annoyance. My whole body jerked turning around— acknowledging the fact we never made it past the front door.

It didn't even hit me. I was at Harry's house for the first time in almost two years—and my body froze again. The familiar warmth, the feeling of being at a place I once called home. It looked the same other than new paintings on the wall, a new table near the entrance— my eyes try to look everywhere at once but Instead they focus on the woman in front of me.

From the little light provided I acknowledge her physical presence. Her brown curly hair, her petite self. She was dressed in a sleeping gown and my jaw clenched itself.

She crossed her arms over her chest—eyes looking between Harry and I. She was beautiful... There was no doubt, but the thought of her dressed like that in Harry's house sparked a feeling from deep within me.

A feeling that made me feel gloomy and confused. Maybe even annoyed " Who are you?" I asked instead my tone laced with anger.

"I'm here with Harry," she explained, but my frustration boiled over. " And who are you?"

" You have to be fucking kidding me." My eyes snap towards Harry, " You claim something and then do this." His eyebrows furrowed—-confusion clearly laced on his face but before he could ask I looked back at the woman.

" I need you to leave this house right now." I gritted through my teeth and her mouth parts.

What am I doing?

" I will not." She looks at Harry, " Are you seriously going to let that woman just— say that to me." She says frustration all over her face.

Harry simply shrugs " She's my wife man." I shake my head. " I am not his wife—more like ex but leave or I swear to god I'll personally drag you out of this house."

"Harry." She says again and Harry shrugs once again.

" Just leave." Harry tells her and the woman huffs out—a laugh escaping her lips.

" Unbelievable. Can I get my stuff or is that a problem too?" My eyes lowered to her level and I matched her pathetic laugh. " I'll ship you your shit. Now get out." I take a step back giving her access to the door—she looks at Harry once again shaking her head but just walks out. Not saying another single word.

I turn back towards Harry, his eyes avoiding me. "You—" but before I could even speak he interrupted me.

" she's asleep. Are you going to feed her or should I lay her down in one of the twins room? Guest bedrooom. You could spend the night." Bitting
on my tongue I murmured " Guest bedroom. I'll sleep with her in there— she doesn't roll yet, but you need to put pillows around her."

He gives me a satisfied smile and turns on his heel walking away. Leaving me alone. My eyes watched as he carefully walked up the stairs, Sunlea close to his chest.

Walking deeper into once-familiar mansion, a wave of nostalgia engulfed me. The polished marble floors echoed my footsteps, but the sound seemed hollow, devoid of the warmth that filled these halls when the girls were up.

The air was heavy with the scent of lavender, a fragrance that used to linger in every corner, a scent now hauntingly familiar yet foreign.

Memories of our shared laugher, Games, holdidays all lingered in the back of my head. My fingers brushed against the one of the many random things Harry had in the big home of his, tracing the intricate carvings I had admired countless times before.

Every picture on the walls, every piece of furniture carefully arranged, served as a reminder of what once was a home filled with love and laughter for me. I was no longer part of this love and laughter they created.

Somehow I found myself passing the kitchens and towards the living room. The cozy fireplace where we had gathered on cold winter nights, the sun-drenched patio where I dreamed of shared lazy summer afternoons – every corner held a piece of my heart, a piece that now felt irretrievably lost.

No matter how hard I tried, everything felt the same yet different, like a faded photograph that had lost its vibrancy with time. And as I stood feeling alone in the empty mansion, surrounded by memories of a life that no longer existed, I couldn't help but wonder if I would ever find my way back to the home I once knew.

Will I ever be part of this family again?

" Okay, done:" Harry's voice broke me from my train of thoughts. " I thought you wouldn't mind sharing a few glasses of wine?" I turn to the sound of his voice, watching him walk in with a wine bottle and two glasses.

I grinned ear to ear. "I'm breastfeeding; I can't drink alcohol or whatever I pump tomorrow will have to be thrown out, and every single ounce I pump is worth so much."

Harry's eyes go wide. "Shit, m'sorry, I'll get us something else." He turned around before I could get another word out, and I sat down on the couch, the comfort wrapping around me like a safety blanket.

"Kay, I'm back. I got your favorite. Passion fruit and, erm cherries; I also had some chips; they're still good and surprisingly full." Harry drops most of the items on the coffee table, looking at me with a smile that showed me how proud he was. " Or do you want something else?" He panicked " I have orange juice, apple—-I also have some Oreos, and uh grapes do you want—"

" Relax." I smile " This is more than perfect. Thank you." Harry stares at me for a few seconds before running a hand through his fluffy, brown hair and he nods again walking towards the fireplace, taking a few minutes to turn it on, and when it does, he turns towards me again, pushing the coffee table away from the middle and laying down a blanket that was spread out of the couch.

I watched him in silence, only one thing ringing in the back of my head. Did he sleep with that woman tonight? My eyes scanned his chest like they were looking for evidence, yet all I was met with was inches of ink on his chest.

Rolling my lips into the inside of my mouth, I snapped. "Did you fuck her?"

He swallowed, looking down at his hands and murmuring, "Tonight, no." And I hummed. He's being honest with me.

"But if I didn't show up, you would've, wouldn't you?" He nodded, giving me his full honesty, and I laughed, looking away. Jealousy running through my veins like blood.

"You can't get mad, Juliet." My name on his tongue sent chills all over my back. "You're telling me you've never slept with anyone while we were apart from each other."

I stayed silent, knowing I was being unfair. I told him to not wait for me. But the thought of him actually moving on has me feeling a sadness I didn't know was possible.

" Exactly." He whispered "Aimee and I have simply slept together a few times. I just... it didn't start immediately when you left." He swallowed. "I just needed a distraction some nights. It was hard for me."

I hum. "Has she met the twins? Have any other girls you fucked met the twins?" His lips slightly snarled up, looking quite amused with my words—my jealousy.

"Nobody has met our daughters." Our. "You know, this jealousy thing is cute." he grins.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not jealous; it just gets me annoyed how you claim that you're waiting for me and this and that and —-"

"I'm still waiting for you, Juli, but it hurts... Sometimes I needed a distraction on some specific lonely nights. I didn't know if you were every truly coming back"

I looked down at my hands and sighed heavily. "I'm sorry." I apologized. "I don't understand why I'm acting like this. I'm being hypocritical, and it's unfair on you. I told you to move on. To be happy, you can do whatever you want. I know it's unfair when I did the same."

The crackling fire and the soft hum of conversation filled the room, wrapping around us like a protective cocoon. Harry's dark and intense eyes bore into mine, stirring a whirlwind of emotions within me. It was as if the world around us faded into oblivion, leaving only the two of us.

Harry gives me a soft smile. "You don't need to apologize. Okay? We were both hurting." I nod, "Join in? Let's sit."

As I lowered myself to the floor beside him, the crackling fire mesmerized me; its dancing flames were a hypnotic display of warmth and comfort. "I never got to thank you for today," I admitted softly.

We sat inches apart, the tension palpable, our breaths mingling in the small space between us. I could feel the heat radiating from his body, drawing me in like a moth to a flame. Every fiber of my being screamed for release, for the touch of his hands against mine.

"You don't have to thank me; just having time as a family, yeah?" He said, his voice a soothing melody in the quiet of the room. "I'll always be here for you; you know that, right?"

A small smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I reached for the cup of juice. "I do. And I'm here for you." I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper. "But today... today meant everything to me."

Together, we sat in silence, the warmth of the fire and the gentle cadence of our breathing creating a sanctuary of peace amidst the chaos of the world outside. " I still can't believe you got them puppies."

He laughs " if I knew it would've made them this happy, I wouldn't done it ages ago. Their smiles are everything."

" They deserve it." I agree grabbing a piece of cherry and popping it into my mouth. " I need to tell you something about Gwen but can we do it tomorrow? And promise me you won't get mad."

He stays silent for a few minutes and I turned to look at him. " Is it bad?"

"Not as bad as you think."

" I trust you." Harry tells me. " I trust there's not a reason for me to get mad and I won't even if the situation is worst than what you're saying."

I nodded with a smile and I think we spent hours and hours talking like we used to. Learning more about each other—I don't know how that's even possible.

It felt so comforting, so real and raw. Just the two of us as the night wrapped around us. The fire sending warmness to wear we sat.

If only this was the Harry I first met.

The one who was telling me bad dad jokes, his dreams— places he wants to visit with his daughters, he told me random thought in his head. He was so gentle and caring. he was being funny, understanding.... Letting me do most of the talking because once I start I never shut up but even when I talked nonstop he looked at me like I was the purest, and beat gold in the world.

This is the Harry I want to always remember .

"I love seeing you as a dad," I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper, the words laced with genuine admiration as he showed me a video he took of his daughters first award ceremony. In the video you can hear Harry cheering loudly, as they walked to pick up their high honors certificate.

Harry turned towards me, his eyes catching mine, reflecting the flickering firelight with a tenderness that made my heart flutter.

"Yeah?" He murmured, his voice low and husky, sending shivers down my spine. I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear, my gaze slipping towards his lips with a soft hum of anticipation.

" Yeah." I mocked. His eyes darkened with desire as he leaned in closer, the tension between us palpable. For a moment, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of us caught in a silent dance of longing and restraint. "Do you think we can have a few more kids?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

Again this topic.

Running a tongue over my lips, I laughed, playing into his little game. "Maybe one more, you think?" I said, my index finger running down his jaw. As our eyes locked, I felt a surge of desire course through me, igniting a fire that burned hot and fierce. "Can you fuck me and give me another baby?"

He chuckled softly. "Can you take it?" In that fleeting moment, I yearned to close the distance between us, to taste the sweetness of his lips against mine, and to lose myself in the heat of our passion.

" What?" I tease. "You don't think I wasn't getting fucked good enough in Italy?" His hand found my jaw, his touch sending a jolt of warmth through my veins. "Nobody will ever fuck you as good as me," he said softly, his words a lifeline in the darkness of my thoughts.

"Prove it." My heart raced fast, and my mind ran a million thoughts. I don't know what I was doing, but I couldn't stop myself. His smell, his tattoos, his demeanor. It captivated me.

My heart pounding in my chest, I closed the remaining distance between us, my hand trembling as it reached up to cup his jaw. The moment our lips met, a jolt of electricity shot through me, igniting a fire that consumed us both.

He groans into my mouth, kissing me harder—so many emotions and desires put into one single kiss—a kiss that has been missing for so long. Time seemed to stand still as we lost ourselves in each other, the world fading away into a blur of sensation and desire.

I pulled away, breathing sharply and looking into his eyes. "God." Harry groans again " haven't kissed someone in so long."

I grin. "This means nothing." He gives me a lazy smile, his thumb pulling on my lower lip.

"Don't give me that attitude." He murmurs, finally kissing me again.

His arms encircled me, pulling me closer as the kiss deepened, each movement sending sparks flying. In that fleeting moment, nothing else mattered but the intoxicating pull of our connection, the raw intensity of our passion binding us together in an unbreakable bond.

As the tension between us reached its peak, Harry's hand gently pulled me closer until I was seated on his lap, our bodies pressed together. I felt a rush of heat flood my cheeks as his arms pulled me closer and closer—Feeling his hardness underneath, I pulled away, looking deep into the greens of his forest with sharp eyes. "I'm just kissing you, and you're this hard already?" I ran my tongue over my lips, slightly leaning back, looking at him with a sly smirk while I ran my hand down his chest.

His hands found my hair pulling so sharply, and tipping my head back as he whispered into my ears. "Anything you do can turn me on. You're a powerful woman, pretty girl." I smile, feeling lips trace down my jaw and down my neck, where he gently sucked against my skin, my eyes fluttering shut and my breathing getting heavier.

With my heart pounding in my chest, I allowed myself to surrender to the moment, the warmth of his body seeping into mine like a comforting embrace. My hands instinctively found their way to his hair, the soft strands melting into my fingertips as I trailed them through his locks.

The sensation sent a jolt of electricity coursing through me, igniting a fire that blazed hot and fierce. Lost in the intoxicating haze of desire, I leaned in closer, my lips hovering just inches from his as I felt the weight of his gaze upon me. His hands explored my body like it was his first time, while he took his time kissing me everywhere.

" Wait. Wait." I breathe out, and Harry pulls both his hands and mouth away from me.

" What? Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt you? Did I make you uncomfortable?" Before he could continue, I shut him up with a single quick kiss." "You did nothing wrong." I tell him. "I just..." I swallowed, not knowing how to say this.

Harry's eyebrows furrowed, and he stared at me carefully. " uhm... I uh-fuck." holding my face in his hand, he asked, "Whats wrong? Talk to me."

Nodding I says. "My body is not the same as it used to be. After I had was not as pretty."

Forcing me to look into his eyes, he whispered. "You seriously think I wouldn't find you beautiful? Juliet. I didn't fall in love with you because of your body, but because of your kindness, your personality, and the beauty you hold. No matter what, you will be the most beautiful girl I have ever known."

Biting my lower lip, I nodded. "Sorry for ruining the mood." Harry grins from ear to ear. "Nothing will ever ruin this mood, Juli; quite frankly, I think I have dreamt of this day for as long as I can remember." I laughed.

With breathless anticipation hanging between us, our lips finally met in a searing kiss, igniting a blaze of desire that consumed us both.

His lips were soft yet urgent against mine, moving with a hunger that mirrored my own. I melted into his embrace, my senses overwhelmed by the intoxicating taste of him, the feel of his strong arms enveloping me, and the intoxicating scent of his cologne that filled the air around us. Harry starts pulling my shirt away, leaving me in just a bra, and I could feel his hands still exploring the delicacy of my body.

Every brush of his lips against mine sent sparks flying, igniting a firestorm of longing that burned hotter with each passing moment. Our tongues danced in a sensual way, exploring and tasting, each other lustily.

His lips move down and towards my chest, pressing wet, open kisses on me as he unclips my bra, his hands flying up to cup my breast. His touch was getting desperate, making me full of long-lost desire.

Suddenly, he flips us over until my back lands on the soft blanket. Harry spreads my legs open, getting comfortable between them. The warmth of the fire lit my skin.

Time seemed to stand still as we lost ourselves in the heat of the moment and as we finally broke apart, breathless and dazed, I knew with absolute certainty that this was just the beginning of a a long lustful night,

"God, I've missed you." He slowly sits up, looking down at me, his eyes scanning my mouth. His lips part, and he goes to pull on the sweatpants I had on, pulling them over my ankles and tossing them away.

I shiver under his longing gaze. His pupils dialighting before he lowers to my level, hands on either side of my head as he gently pushes my face with his nose.

"You are absolutely beautiful," he whispered, pressing gentle kisses over one of my tattoos, where it hid a scar with a story only I knew.

As his lips lingered on the scar, tracing its contours with tender kisses, a rush of emotions flooded through me. It was as if his touch was not just on my skin but reached deep into the memories hidden beneath. Each kiss felt like a gentle reassurance, a reminder that even the scars carried their own beauty and significance.

Scars didn't make me any less beautiful.

His words, whispered against my skin, offered solace and safety, grounding me in the present moment. And as his hands continued to explore, tracing patterns of warmth along my body, I found myself trembling beneath his touch.

"Relax, my pretty girl," he murmured, his lips brushing against my jaw. "It's just me. Only me."

I whimper, my hands sliding through his hair—fisting it roughly and forcing him to look into the depths of my eyes. "Fuck me, please." I couldn't handle this vulnerability.

He smiles—dimples forming on the creases of his cheeks, eyes sparkling, with a darkness that held lustfulness. "I've been dying to taste how sweet you are." He murmured, fully understanding how I felt. He ran his finger over my breast—my nipples hardening and chills running down my golden body.

My legs tighten around him, trying to pull him closer—feeling the harshness trap between his pants that rub against my already wet pussy.

We both let go of a soft yet desperate moan, my eyes fluttering shut, surrounding the dominant Harry.

Harry's eyes gleamed devilishly through mine. He sighed, "Patience, sweet girl. I'll fuck you good, I promise." Harry grinned and looked down as his fingers that teasingly touched me over my material—enjoying how I squirm desperately underneath him. "After all, you have to be filled up to the point where you're drippin' for days, right, baby?"

I hummed as I ran my hands up his big arms, noticing how muscular they were. He felt stronger than he had previously. like he's been exercising, which has just increased my desire for him.

His bottom lip is pressed up against his teeth. His fingers teasingly glided across the moist fabric. His dark eyes swept over my body as I said, "Harry, stop teasing me."

"Can I have a taste pretty girl? I swear, I'll fuck you the entire night. Make you mine all night long." He asked in a taunting tone, and so domestic and I could bearly speak, I just needed him.

Harry leaned forward to kiss my inner thighs, lightly nibbling on my skin, and his hand flattened across my hip, pinning me to the floor. I was getting desperate. I had to feel his mouth, his cock, everything. I needed him and only him . Finally, he closes his mouth over my center, dragging his tongue along the material of my underwear before nipping at it with his teeth.

" Fuck." I gasped, letting out a deep moan and arching my back, grateful for the contact against my throbbing clit. "Please, Harry." I cry.

He always knew how to work me up—he knew my body, what I liked and what I enjoyed.

He groans. "So wet for me, mhm?" And I nodded, whispering words I couldn't understand. He trailed his mouth along my inner thigh, tantalizingly slow, enjoying the way I was attaining for him—wriggling and squirming.

Finally Harry pulled the material over my knees and strung it down to my ankles, where he let it fall to the floor. I whine impatiently, lifting my hips to feel his mouth. "Behave," he snarled, pulling away.

Our eyes meet for just a second and I breathed out harshly—looking into his dark lustful eyes. His eyes looked so sharp it could ruin anyone. And he was ruining me

It didn't take long before he dipped his head down—not enough to touch me, but enough that I could feel his hot breath. "I am behaving. God. Do you want me to fucking beg? Please." I thrust my hips forward, tipping my head back. He spun his tongue around my clit only to place his lips there moments later, and kissing me.

"Tell me what you want, and it's yours," Harry said, his voice vibrating against my pussy. "Tell me sweet thing."

"You, Harry." I was past self-control, and he hasn't even touched me. That's the power Harry held.

" Shit. Say my name again, Juli baby." He moves his head back to my thighs running his tongue all over my skin—still teasing me—and then runs his finger over my clit softly applying pressure and slowly finding its way to thrusts a finger into my tight, wet pussy. He smiled when I heard me gasp.

"Harry, please fuck me. Do whatever you want to my body." My hips bucked up when he pushed another finger inside me deeper.  Starting at a slow pace and getting the best reaction from me

He worked them in and out, slowly at first, then speeding up until he was knuckles deep inside me and hearing the filthy sounds of his fingers pushed in and out. I couldn't control my moans. Everything felt so good.

Finally, his fingers were replaced with his mouth, and my head fell back against the blanket. His tongue swirling and circling, teasing me and it was driving me fucking insane.

"That's it." I praised him. "So good, Harry fuck." My nails digging into his skin, tightening my legs around his head, and pulling on his hair till I hear that familiar groan against me.

I cry, "Please, Harry." His tongue circles around my clit, giving it his full attention, working ferociously, his nose and jaw brushing against the spaces where his mouth wasn't. Harry abruptly wrapped his tongue around my clit, sucking forcefully for a few seconds while his free hand snaked between my legs.

"You taste fuckin' insane, Juliet." I gasped, hearing him moan huskily. I couldn't even think straight.

My mind was empty. "Are you going to come?" he asked, pulling back to speak while keeping his fingers moving at a steady pace. I whimper at the lack of his mouth but nodded. "such a perfect little cunt,"

When he placed his mouth over my clit for a second time, he let out a long, guttural moan. His tongue moving quickly, dragging fast strokes and circles. I couldn't control my moans or the way my hand gripped his hair, and my back arched as I tried to pull away, but he held me tightly against him.

I came quickly, missing the way Harry made me feel so quickly but so good and perfect. "Harry," I inhaled deeply, grabbing him by the hair.

Harry has a sneer on his lips as he hovers over my body. Holding my jaw and staring into my eyes. "I missed those pretty sounds you make." He lowered his face down to kiss me dipping his tongue over my lips, kissing me harshly. Each second that went by, it got sloppier. I gasped when he pushed himself into me, feeling him under his material.

He pulls away from my mouth, letting his finger trail on my lips while watching me carefully. My stare was drawn to his fingers, which were obscured by my arousal. Harry looks at me before placing his finger into my mouth.

"By the way, you taste fuckin' fantastic—so sweet, wet, and perfect. I'm going to be thinking about that cunt for the rest of the week," Harry groans, his fingers slipping from my mouth. A trail of saliva stuck to the tips of his fingers. He leans down again, kissing me so hard.

The kiss was full of lust, need, and desperation. But that didn't stop me from uttering a slight groan in anticipation of more. My entire body was on fire, and my blood was boiling with the desire to be touched by Harry.

He starts to remove his pants quickly, and I bit my lower lip, staring at his hardness and watching the way he breathed harshly, looking down at me with hungry eyes.

"Gonna fill you up till your drippin'," he grumbled, grabbing a fistful of my hair. He spun me around till I was on all fours, kissing my shoulder. I tilted my head until I could see his face, and he leaned forward. Harry dragged his lips over to the corner of my jaw and then down to brush over the shell of my ear as he murmured. "You want me to fuck you, pretty thing?"

I whimper with a nod, and I feel him teasingly rub himself up and down, and I just wish I could see his face right now. " yeah? Want me to fill you up? Let you have my kids again, baby?"

I nodded again, feeling myself drip down my thighs, desperate to feel him in me. Seconds go by, and then I feel Harry's hand connect with my ass, the sound of his palm slamming against my skin echoing around the room. I hissed, inadvertently lurching forward.

"Did you like that?" he whispered against the nape of my neck, his kisses trailing down my shoulders as I felt him slowly entering me, his movements deliberate and mesmerizing, leaving me yearning for more. Pulling back completely, he repeats the motion. "Talk to me, darling. Tell me how you feel."

" Good." I sucked in a breath. Harry muttered into my ear, "That's my dirty little slut." He pushed me harder into the blanket and slowly started picking up his pace before he pulled out completely again, my cries filling the room around us. He slapped me harder this time, bringing his hand down. His rings burned up into my skin, making me scream and warming every nerve in my body.

He pulled a fistful of my hair. "You like it when I use you like this?" He ran his cock tauntingly through my pussy.

"I do."

With a powerful thrust, he plunged deep inside me, giving me barely a moment to adjust before nearly pulled out completely, only to drive his hips forward again, this time sharper and deeper.

"Oh my?" I groaned. " Harry." I bite down on my lips.

"Fuckin' hell, Juli," Harry groaned, his voice slightly strained as if his composure had utterly vanished. As our bodies melded together, his husky voice caressed my ear, sending shivers down my spine. "You want to feel me fill you up, sweetheart?" His words, dripping with desire, ignited a fire within my pussy, and my breath hitched at the thought.

I arched into him, craving the raw intensity of his touch. "Yes," I moaned, my voice a whisper of need. "I want you to make me yours." With each dirty word that spilled from his lips, my desire grew. The sound of us filling the room.

With one hand fisted in my hair and the other lowering to work in circles over my clit, prompting me to let out another stifled series of gasps and groans. "Fuck—you feel so good. So wet and perfect just for me. Did you want to be fucked like this? Like the slut that you are so that I can show you that nobody can ever fuck you as good as me?"

As his nails dug into my thighs, the wet sound of him sliding in and out causing me to main louder a smirk played on my lips, teasing him with uncertainty. "Oh, I don't know yet," I teased, feeling his grip tighten as he pulled me closer.

"Quit playing games, Juliet," he growled softly, his breath hot against my skin. With a swift motion, he started to thrust into me harder, his dominance palpable. I couldn't help but moan in response, nodding obediently.

"Fucking whore," he murmured, "dying to be full of me, his words sent a thrill down my spine. With a powerful thrust, he drove deeper into me, igniting a primal desire within.

My mouth hung open, tears running as pleasure consumed me. "Tell me how good I'm making you feel, Juliet," he demanded, his voice a low rumble in my ear.

"It's... it's so good." I gasped, struggling to form coherent words amidst the overwhelming sensation. His touch was electrifying, driving me to the brink of ecstasy. "I'm going to fill you up, sweet girl, I promise."

"You make me feel so good, Harry," I whine. "Always so good?" He teased, his fingers gripping my jaw possessively. I could only manage a nod, a guttural sound escaping my throat as pleasure coursed through me.

His fingers pressing into my lips and slipping into my mouth, pushing deep until I elicited a gagged response. As his other hand worked eagerly over my clitoral area, I felt myself spiraling towards climax.

"Oh, fuck," I moaned, my head thrown back as sensations overwhelmed me. "Harry, I'm gonna come." I cry out.

"Yeah?" he smirked, teasingly withdrawing before pushing back in, driving me to the edge once more. With each thrust, I surrendered further to the intoxicating pleasure of our shared desire, consumed by the primal urge for him to fill me up.

The thought of him claiming me so thoroughly, of filling me with his cum, sent waves of arousal crashing over me, heightening every sensation until I was teetering on the brink of oblivion.

I moaned, "Please," my eyes closing shut. And then, with a cry of pure ecstasy, I reached my climax, my body all his as I came undone, my essence spilling over him in a torrent of pleasure.

He flipped me around, my breath coming in heavy gasps as I struggled to control the way my body was reacting to his every touch. I felt Harry lift my legs onto his shoulders, lowering himself down to kiss me passionately, his lips igniting a fire within me that I couldn't contain.

"Again," I whispered. "Fill me up again, please," he nods, pressing his forehead against mine and taking a few sharp, deep breaths. Without a word, he began to move, his hips driving into me with renewed intensity, each thrust sending a new feeling—this position felt different. I felt him deeper.

"Fuck, yes," he groaned, his voice husky with desire as he buried himself deep inside me once more. "You want it, don't you? You want me to fill you up until you can't take it anymore?"

I nodded frantically, my own need driving me wild with anticipation. His moans fills my ears, the wet sound of him pushing into me and hitting my skin only causing me to fall deeper into his trap. "Yes, please," I whimpered, my nails digging into his back as I arched into him, craving the raw intensity of his touch.

"You're mine," he whispered, his words a possessive promise as he claimed me again and again, his pace relentless.

"Tell me how good I am and how nobody has ever made you feel like this before," he snarled as his fingers wrapped around my neck, squeezing forcefully against my airway.

"I struggled to breathe and talk nodding desperately. "Fuck-Harry, you make me feel so good," I exclaimed. "Please, Harry. Fuck me, you're doing so good." I begged pathetically, feeling my body burn with desire.

"Good girl," he complimented and resumed, the sensation intensifying even more than before. "That's what I want," he growled, "to hear you fucking beg and tell me how good I am."

"Feel so good," he groaned, his breath hot against my ear. "I could stay inside you forever."

His words sent a shiver down my spine. "Fuck me harder," I begged, my voice a desperate plea for more as I surrendered to the overwhelming pleasure of his touch.

He drove into me with all the force of his desire, each thrust pushing me closer to the edge and whispering words into my ears.

My eyesight was becoming blurry as I was engulfed in a never-ending orgasm. I could hear Harry's praise and amusement in my ear as I rode out my high.

Just as Harry's hands closed around my hips, he whispered, "I'm going to keep you full all night long." I grimaced at the unexpected feeling and inhaled a shaky breath.

"Please," I whispered, "fill me up." I murmured, "I wanna feel you."

Harry tsked and drew my legs apart, sliding out of me and throwing his head back. "Fuck—your drippin'," he murmured, "so fuckin messy, can't let anything go to waste—gotta fuck you hard." he beams,

My lips tugged into a smile as I looked up at Harry, nodding. "Please."

Harry's fingers wrapped around my neck, pulling me to look him in the eyes. Our breath was streaming from our short, uneven pants. He kissed my lips, muttering, "Please, what? Talk to me.

"Fuck me—fill me up, please." he smiles.

"You're a little slut, huh?" My jaw was gripped by the hand that was still surrounding it.

God, I want him to ruin me.

"I'll be good, please," I uttered, and I begged pathetically. Harry's mouth twisted into a grin, kissing my jaw and whispering into my ears.

"Tell me that nobody has ever fucked you as good as me. I am the only one who could make you feel this good." He dragged his cock through my pussy, watching my reaction—wtaching as I grew desperate for him.

With Harry's hand gripping my jaw, I feel an electric jolt of desire shoot through me. My body responds instinctively to his dominance, craving more of his touch and more of his control.

"Please," I whimper, my voice trembling with need. "I need you, Harry. Only you make me feel this good. You always make me feel so good."

His grin widens with a smirk of satisfaction as he revels in the power he holds over me. With each word he speaks, I feel myself slipping further into the depths of desire, lost in the intoxicating haze of our connection.

"You're mine," he asserts, his voice low and commanding. "No one else could ever make you feel like this," he murmured. Is this toxic love?

And he's right. As he thrusts deeper into me, I can't help but lose myself in the overwhelming sensation of pleasure that washes over me. With each movement, I cling to him desperately, my nails digging into his back. Harry's eyes were low and drunk as he stared at me, scrunching up. At the same time, the two of us let out a stream of sighs and moans.

"Come for me, pretty girl?" Harry murmured. I nodded once more, my head sagging backward. "Fuck," Harry stuttered. "Fuckin' hell, Juliet, You feel so fucking amazing, I'm going to fill you up. M' promise sweet thing."

In that electrifying moment, time seemed to stand still as we teetered on the edge of something profound and beautiful. And as I gazed into his eyes, I knew with unwavering certainty that this was where I was meant to be—in his arms, lost in the depths of his gaze, and consumed by the fiery passion that burned between us.

And as we finally pulled away, breathless and exhilarated, regret filled my body, but I was too exhausted to do anything—I felt worn out. I felt like I was on fire.

Harry chuckles, and I turn to look at him, his face flushed. "Let me help you get cleaned up," and I turn fully towards him, thoroughly enjoying everything about him, his eyes, his lips, and his eyelashes.

"Who said I was done?." I murmured, placing my hand on his cheek. " I's my turn to be in control."

His eyes go wide for just a second before he smiles—wetting his lower lip. " Just—- give me a few minutes okay? And I'll be all yours."


hi :) I wanted to apologize for taking so long to update. But the semester is finally over so I'll be finishing up this story quicker!

I want to say we have 9-10ish chapters left... we're in for a ride so buckle up!!

Take care loves xoxo <3

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