Kurabu e Yōkoso (Isshou Senki...

De MS140__QUU---RREE

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[BTW, I recommend you to read Isshou Senkin, aside from being a good manga, there are a lot of context in tha... Mais

Chapter-0.5 [New Start in Life]
Chapter 1 - Hongou Hina
Extra - Intro on characters
Chapter 1.5 - Day before the Debut
Chapter 2 - Issues
Important Announcement

Extra: Karaoke

276 6 4
De MS140__QUU---RREE

(Takes place during chapter 1.5 when Nozomi and others went off)

At an abandoned building:

"Hey...why you look so scared?....you making me look like a kidnapper even though this is an inquiry.."

Ichika told, as she was sitting on the chair with a leg over her head and with a big iron rod in her hand, as he was throwing around the phone of the businessman who was infront of her.

"Yeah, inquiry my ass....this is borderline kidnapping..."

The man who was hitting his 50s and was growing a beard, wearing a coat and was looking pretty out of place. He thought to himself anxiously on what he had done to deserve this and...

"Like our boss said! Rough these bastards up, real good!"

"Got it, senior!"

But what was even disturbing is that 2 of his employees are getting beaten up by pipes as they were tied to a pillar, they let out muffled groans of utter pain since their mouth was gagged with clothes. While the old man

"...Can you please explain me on why was i brought here?.."

The old man asked, trying to sound as calm as possible.

"Oh, it's nothing Mr. Jin...If I am right, you have started to expand your influence in the night leisure industry by establishing easily affordable club and karaoke. Although shortly it caused losses, later on you got massive profits and currently you are facing pressure from the Gold Pleasure Group..."

"Please get to the point.."

As Jin told it, Ichika made a wicked grin which made Jin more uncomfortable.


She took out her phone and then played a video, Jin was horrified at the sight. A black student in uniform was raping a girl as she's actively trying to resist.

"W-what is-"

"Ah that...simply put, this shit happened in one of your karaoke sir, God i wonder what everyone will talk? The good old man who runs karaoke and club in cheap was allowing rape to happen? And once that domino set in, your value of business and the credibility you built up will go to the drainnn.~ Like in the end, the old man was a pervert who gets off on seeing kids who is her grand daughter age getting raped~"

Ichika told with a smile, enjoying this banter as she said in a mocking tone. Meanwhile Jin 's eyes was getting bloodshot and he was quite furious.

His eyes then went to the 2 employers who were getting beaten and the employees who saw him begged through their eyes, tearing up to save them, something which he ignored and turned to Ichika.

"...Did those idiots, let the rape happen and only bother to record it?..."

Jin asked, clenching his fists.

"Bingo, that's right. Some really dumb employee you hired who think with nothing but their dicks. Literally will get your business ruined if all info comes out, you just started to succeed in this low affording karaoke and clubs and one of the karaoke employee does this shit in your place of business...Ah, so so disappointing. Better take this as experience and be aware of who you hire next time.."

Ichika said with a smile.

"...Then i presume you came for negotiation?"

Jin said. The only reason a cop would be underhandedly investigating like this is because they have something to gain from this. Plus with how much she's making a mockery of him, this mustn't be her first time doing this.

"Ah, old brains do think fast! Yup, you see, that girl's brother is...a bit close to me, i am helping that poor boy out as a cop and a productive member of society."

Ichika told, Jin rolled his eye as he can see she's still pulling his leg.

"Alright, here's the truth, you see that girl who got assaulted in the video is one of my acquaintance's daughter who passed away a while ago (fucking lie) and when i find this, i wanted to dig a bit deep...and guess what! Turns out, her mom was responsible for this! Bitch really sold out her daughter like this to get money while she was laying off somewhere to get money.."

Of course, such a statement baffled not only Jin but also the two employees who were getting beaten up and the two who were beating them.

"W-What?! H-how can h-her own mother do such a-?!..."

Jin exclaimed, horrified and disgusted by the shit he just heard that was coming from the cop's mouth.

"Don't know...people can think of real fucked up stuff when poverty gives the push.."

Ichika however just shrugged, they were going to put Hiroki's mom in jail anyways, might as well throw some slight amount of misinformation to seal the deal. Plus fabricating evidence is very easy for a case like this because no amount of bitching is going to save them.

"Anyways, that aside, your employees helped that stuff out real easy, thankfully they recorded that shit up like a free candy. So, if you do not want to get your reputation be damaged to the maximum. Do two things that i am going to ask."

1) Make their employment certificate totally black marked so they can't get a job anywhere in Japan (Ichika reasoning: Although this news alone would seal the deal, it's better to be safe than sorry)

2) Erase any footage off this video from any device which has it saved or recorded. (The original one will be taken by the police)

"...That can be done." Jin told without a hesitation, as the 2 employees who heard this bawled their eyes out

"Thanks! If only every man is as co-operative as you, then my job will be oh so easier..."

Ichika told with a grin, as she shook hands with Jin

"So, what are you going to do with those two.."

Jin asked.

"Ah it's nothing, we are going to teach them what to speak and what NOT to speak when they are giving statements.."

"Yeah sounds right...I am leaving, after this they are not employees of my company but just criminals so treat them how you want...just don't kill them off..."

"I am not that stupid, old man. Just leave now, let the state do its job shoo shoo."

With a deadpan face Jin left the place. As Ichika just drank some wine she had bought while the two were getting beaten up.


"Did you find Hiroki anywhere?!..."

"No...I even checked the spot where we usually eat ramen..."

Ayumu and Kanako were going to any possibly where Hiroki might be as he was missing for hours. At Least he would have come late by midnight but after seeing no signs of him it was obvious that Hiroki ran away...

"Well...I don't blame him..." Both of them thought.

For Ayumu, when that guy called her to Nao's house, she wondered if it was possible....but yeah, it was true. Nao was actually cheating behind Hiroki. Later on, even finding out the locker incident which that bastard did to Hiroki.

When he said that, She punched him straight in the face with all she got, it only left a bruise on his face and he even hit back in anger. But that didn't matter to her as she ran away from his grasp.

Ayumu then told it to Kanako too, who was not only horrified but also confessed what happened to her and the awful thing she did. Expectedly she was slapped by Ayumu who was on the verge of tears and anger. But they saved that for later as finding Hiroki was of utmost priority.

"..I w-was such a dumb woman...my b-brother was suffering like this and I..."

"Now is not the time for Kanako-san! We need to find him before he makes any awful decision..."

"Y-yes, I was an awful sister...if he dies because of me, I-i..."

They briefly exchanged words and then parted ways to find him anywhere. Alleyways or any place, they need to find him.

Ayumu was scrambling her brain on where Hiroki could be. They were not in the ramen place where they first met nor in any arcade where he would be to play Tekken.

"H-hiroki...w-where are you?! P-please be safe..."

As Ayumu's thoughts were rampant, she then heard a voice.

"H-hey! Don't g-"

But that voice sunk away in atrucks's horn sound as the truck hit her.

"E-eh? W-why...why is my body not moving a-and something is...leaking out of my head?..."

Ayumu could feel her consciousness fade away as she couldn't get much air to breathe as a crowd gathered around her shouting concern and some chasing behind the truck which just Steered away after hitting her.

"H-Hiroki...p-please be safe.."

She thought, as her consciousness faded away from the blunt force of the truck she just suffered from.


After few hours:

"U..ugh...w-where am i?..."

Ayumu slowly opened her eyes, as she could feel her whole body be wrecked totally and couldn't feel her hands as her hands and legs were bandaged. She wanted to move her neck but realized that she couldn't move it as she could feel a cervical collar around her neck. Plus she even noticed the oxygen mask which she was wearing.

"...I am so fucking pathetic, first i betrayed Hiroki's trust and when i get the chance to make amends, i got myself into an accident like this, while H-Hiroki might..."

"You don't need to be so harsh on yourself."

Her eyes darted to the direction where she heard the voice, A blonde man with slightly baggy eyes and a sharp face and...slightly curious eyes.

"Oh, let me introduce myself, the name is Hanafusa Hajime, the doctor who treated you..it's quite a surprise that you got consciousness this soon even though i did treat you...well that means the pain-killers and medicine i used were fairly effective."

Ayumu teared up and wanted to say something but felt slight difficulty in moving her mouth.

"Now now, don't stress yourself, you literally got hit by a truck face on. It's a miracle you somehow came out alive let alone get consciousness for the time being please don't stress yourself...so please be a good little patient and take rest."

After saying that, Hanafusa immediately left the room. As Ayumu was now alone in the room barely able to move.

After Hanafusa got out, he met face to face with Hana herself.

"Thank you for accepting my request doctor..."

"Eh, it's nothing so serious, I have seen cases far more bizarre and cruel than a truck run and hit. She can survive if she has enough willpower and help. Details on her parents?"

"From what I got so far, they are currently working in Dubai. She lives alone and tends to her own needs in her house. We even used our network to contact them but to no avail..."

"Well that complicates a few issues involving further surgery...which can be easily screwed off since the Niwa Family owns this hospital itself. But the last part is quite concerning, we might need to be ready for some heavy news.."

Like Hanafusa said, this hospital is owned by the Niwa Family in the sense they are the major shareholders and send patients here too for...some tasks to be done. So in that sense, Both Hana and Hanafusa can talk about what they want as they will be ignored plus the hospital only ever gets a few patients admitted.

"But gotta say, I didn't expect the day where I would be requested help from one of the top yakuza families..Is that girl related to you in any way?"

Hanafusa told with a curious smile.

"..Well, she's friends with a friend of mine and if he finds this, he will cry a...lot...I don't want that to happen."

Because of what Hana said, Hanafusa just chuckled.

"That sounds like a child alright, well the best course of action is for her to rest and recover now.."

As they talked, Kanako rushed into the ICU where Ayumu is in rest

"One of that girl's friend?" Hanafusa asked.

"Yup...just uh let them talk for a while, n-now if you excuse me, i-i need to leave, i still have an urgent task to do!!"

Telling that urgently with a slight stutter, Hana immediately left.

"Well, this is just peculiar and weird, normally I should send her out but...oh well, not like I am an official doctor working here."

Hanafusa told to himself with an amused chuckle as he made his way to ICU.

"Ayumu! W-why...you are an idiot!! C-couldn't you be more careful?! What would i tell Hiroki if he hears this?!"

Kanako, who was standing beside Ayumu, asked with a face full of tears as her face was reddened by anger.

For that, Ayumu could only give a weak smile as she thought happily that it isn't so awful if Hiroki would come hearing about the karma she got.

The smile which Ayumu made stabbed Kanako's heart in more ways than one as she could guess what she was thinking.

"Now, you need to let the patient relax.."

Hanafusa with no ill intention put his hands on Kanako's shoulder. However, Kanako who felt that touch immediately jerked away and picked one of the surgeon blades nearby and turned to Hanafusa with a terrified face.

"Hey hey, calm down, I am not an intruder, I am the doctor who treated her.."

Kanako even with his doctor coat and gloves still doubted him and turned to Ayumu.

"Blink once if he's telling the truth, blink twi-"

Before Kanako could finish, Ayumu blinked once, Kanako let out a heavy sigh and put the surgeon blade away.

"I-i am sorry sir...I got scared..."

Kanako said, as her eyes darted and didn't stay in a single direction as her hand was still near the blade.

"It's okay, I should have introduced myself rather than scaring you like that. Although the patient is well, I would prefer to wait outside for a few hours since she needs rest. I am concerned that if you're nearby she will stress herself."

"I-i see...i-i will leave..."

Replying to Hanafusa, Kanako immediately left, even bothering to not notice she bumped into Hanafusa and rushed outside.

"Strange...spiking fear and paranoia, mentally clouded judgement, intense sweating due to shock...an extreme case of PTSD?..well, that's concerning..."

Hanafusa thought to himself, while Ayumu looked outside with a concerned and pained expression.


"What is wrong with me?...."

Kanako was thinking to herself. She knew he was a doctor from all the coat and gloves. So, why did she grab one of the surgeon knives and literally turn to him as if she was going to kill him.

She just wondered, ever since that incident in the karaoke, she couldn't have her focus on a damn thing without remembering the incident. She went to him and did that deplorable thing which did give temporary relief but it was short lived as the sleeplessness and loss of focus got worse.

It got so bad to the point that, She didn't even notice Hiroki finding them doing that deplorable thing at their house while their mother went to work.

"I...I...I don't deserve to be her sister...wouldn't it be better, if I never meet him at all?...Instead of him, I-i deserve to d-die..."

However that thought process was immediately interrupted, as she felt a hand over her shoulder, but she didn't feel that sudden spike of fear like last time.

"Hey girl, are you okay? You are sweating a lot even though the halls have air conditioner on..."


Kanako straightened her face to see a man, who was definitely pushing his 80's but it was somewhat of a doubt from how he's standing and look so stern even in this pushing age.

"I-i am fine..."

Kanako said as she was finally calming down.

"Sheesh, Kids these days...Here, have this."

The old man then hands an Iced Water Bottle to Kanako, which Kanako first hesitated to take but the old man gave a stern and scary stare which immediately made her accept it and drink it.

"Phwaa...thank you old man..."

Kanako told, feeling relieved.

"Finally calmed down huh..."

The old man said, as Kanako handed the bottle to her. But before Kanako could ask, a nurse walked to them.

"Welcome back Kuze-san."

"What's with the -san, just call me Daisaku Kuze, I am not old enough to have a -san in my name..."

Daisaku Kuze complained, for which the nurse giggled.

"Yes yes, we can take care of it later, let's go do your monthly check up sir.."


The nurse told with a smile for which Kuze just agreed with a small grumble as he followed the nurse for his monthly check-up.

"Why does that name sound so familiar..."

Kanako wondered, she was a yakuza geek during her elementary school years trying to find snippets of info on yakuza from the bubble economy period to the current. And that name gave her Deja Vu...

"Whatever it may be...I will think of it later but now..."

She then looked at the ICU with a concerned face and prayed, hoping that Ayumu will recover and be safe.

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