When Blood Meets Rubber

By iAmUrDaDdyyyy

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Inez Akari Yvette, otherwise known as Blood Killer Akari. At a young age she was left alone with a bounty on... More

about Inez Akari Yvette
Inez meets the straw hats
everything goes not so according to plan
Blood killer Akari an official straw hat
A new island
An old family friend?
A plan or just food
The whereabouts of Blood Killer Akari
The Truth
AN!!!!! PLS READ πŸ™πŸΏπŸ˜­
The Frozen Heart Pirates
Getting everyone out
Emi finds the straw hats
Just one more glance
Running like there's no tomorrow
When Blood Meets Rubber

Living Hell

67 0 1
By iAmUrDaDdyyyy

Inez laid there covered in blood, his words repeating in her head. " Blood really suits you.... I see why they call you Blood Killer Akari.." It made her sick to her stomach.

Eventually the door opened but Inez was too tired to look up, thankfully it wasn't Terror but what appeared to be a guard.

He unchained her and started to drag her by the back of her shirt. They entered to cell room and the guard threw her in the cell she was last in.

Sarah came rushing over to her, helping her sit up and get comfortable. " Are you alright love?" She asked worriedly.

" Mhm." Replied Inez, her body was in too much pain to really talk so she just nodded her head.

There was still some water and food left over from Sarah's lunch, " Here drink this."

Sarah lifted Inez's chin and held to cup to help her drink. She took small gulps, it hurt to sallow because Terror chocked her many time making her neck area sore. She finished the small cup of water and leaned against the wall resting her eyes. " Thank you." Her voice was strained but still managed to get the sentence out.

" Save your words dear." Was all Sarah said, she sat beside Inez letter her rest her head on Sarah's shoulder. And with that Inez fell asleep.

" So she's new huh?" A voice said.

" Yup. Terror has delt with her already, but he said in a couple of hours take her back to the Room. " Said another voice

" The Room? But doesn't he only take people who have been here for over 2 years there? He hasn't even taken the other newbies. "

" Apparently she's 'special', she has devil fruit powers, unknown what kind though. But she's powerful, if I heard Terror right she's Blood Killer Akari. "

" Blood Killer Akari?! She's worth 532 million! Why don't we just turn her in ourselves?!"

" Did you forget that what were doing here is illegal? If the government finds out what we're doing we're in deep shit."

Inez shot up breathing fast, clutching her chest she slowed down her breathing.

" You alright love?" Sarah asked.

Inez shifted her attention over to the old woman who was sitting not to far from her.

" Yes, thank you." Replied Inez

" That place he took you too, it's called The Room. He only takes us there when we're 'bad' in his words. He only takes people who have been here for over 2 years though. I'm still confused as to why he would take you on your first day...." Sarah paused " Just who are you?" Sarah asked.

Inez looked at the old woman, " Inez, that's my name. Terror... He knew my mother Mai. I'm sure that's why he has me in that place. "
Sarah looked at the girl with a sorrow look.
Inez looked but up at Sarah, tears in the corners of her eyes, her liped quivered.
" Sarah, I promise that I will get each and every one of you out of this living hell!" The tears poured from her eyes, she held Sarah's soft hands. " My captain is strong he'll help make sure you guys are safe!" Inez was desperate to get out of here, she couldn't stand another day. She couldn't imagine being stuck in here for 12 years.

" Oh Inez..." Sarah's voice softened, she felt the poor girls pain that she has felt for the past 12 years.

The moment was ruined when one of the guards opened the cell door and went straight for Inez. He grabbed her forcing her out of the cell. Sarah tried to reach for her but was shoved down by the guard. This angered Inez,
" You bastard!" She yelled out and punched him. Even without being able to use her devil fruit powers she was still strong.

The guard looked at her then slapped her sending her to the ground. " DON'T YOU DARE DEFINE ME! YOU PATHETIC LITTLE BITCH!"
The guard picked her back up throwing her over his shoulder. He locked the cell door and left. " Where the hell are you taking me bastard." Inez spat.

" You'll see." The guard replied.

" So we know nothing about Inez." Nami sighed frustrated that they had no clue as to where Inez could be.

" We've asked everyone in town and nothing, it's like she disappeared into thin air...." Said Ussop.

Robin sat in silence thinking, she had an idea where Inez could possibly be. " I have a theory."
Robin stated. This got the crew's attention and everyone looked at her confused.

" Now this is just a theory but hear me out. People have gone missing around the village have they not?" The crew nodded. " No one knows who could've caused this. But, I'm thinking this has something to do with Terror. I mean he had a bad interaction with Inez yesterday. And again this is just a theory, but what if for a split second he was able to grab her."

The crew thought about this it could be very possible. " Well this is all we have to go off of, so let's use it to the best ability." Said Nami.

Luffy and Robin were taking this really hard, Robin had lost someone she truly connected too. And Luffy he wasn't paying attention which caused her to go missing, he felt as if this were his fault. He cared for Inez deeply, he cared for his crew too but there was something different about Inez. Something thatade him go crazy, he felt warm around her. His stomach felt weird. Did he love her? He didn't know what that meant, he was never the type to show interest in anyone or even contemplate about something like that.

The crew had went to Ophelia's to gather any information about Terror.

Ophelia heard a knock at the door, she opened to find the straw hats. " Anything yet?!" She asked desperately. They shook their head no, she frowned in response.

She ushered them to come in which they did.
" Ophelia do you know anything about where Terror could be?" Nami asked.

" Well no one really knows where he lives, but there are rumors that he lives in the middle of the island. No one's been brave enough to find out though so.... by the way, where's your captain?" The crews eyes opened wide looking around in the group, their captain wasn't there.
" Luffy what the hell?!" Zoro exclaimed.

" I swear we weren't looking for two seconds and he runs off!" Sanji pinched the bridge of his nose sighing.

" Where do you think he went?" Asked Chopper

" Who knows this is Luffy we're talking about."
Said Brook

" Do you think he went to the middle of the island?" Ussop asked.

" Possibly.... " Robin said.

" I guess that's where we're going. Follow me!" Zoro yelled running out the house.

" NOT YOU, YOU IDIOT! NOT A CHANCE YOU'RE LEADING THE WAY, YOU CAN'T EVEN TELL LEFT FROM RIGHT!" Nami yelled, she pulled his shirt back making him unable to go anywhere.

" HEY, LET GO OF ME YOU WITCH!" Yelled Zoro.

" DON'T YOU EVER SAY THAT TO NAMI~SWAN!" Sanji yelled at Zoro.

" Tch, shut it stupid love cook..."



The two started fighting, but quickly ended up both of them getting knocked in the head by Nami.


" Of course Nami my love, I apologize." Sanji kneeled down in front of Nami apologizing.

The crew went around the island searching for their captain unable to find him. Where could he have run off too, they all thought.

Hours past and still nothing, that was until something caught Robin's attention. What appeared to be a small wimper or cry. She quietly walked over to the area, and found her captain sitting where the bracelet of Inez's was found. But her captain appeared to be crying? She's never seen Luffy cry, well maybe if Nami hit him or something, but not cry cry.

" Luffy?" She said quietly

This caught the boys attention, he quickly wiped his tears and smiled. " Oh hey Robin!" He said cheerfully.

Robin ignored the fact he was crying, she knew he wouldn't want to talk about it so she let it be. " Come on Luffy everyone's been looking for you." Robin said sweetly

He jumped up and followed her. " Hey guys! Shishishi!" Luffy laughed.

" WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Nami and Ussop yelled in unison.

" I was looking for Inez."

" WELL DON'T RUN OFF LIKE THAT WE'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU ALL DAY!" Ussop yelled and knocked him on the head.

" OW! USSOP THAT HURT!" Luffy yelled.

" IT WAS SUPPOSED TOO!" He yelled back.

The two were now wrestling on the ground.
Luffy bit Ussop on the arm and he screamed out. " LUFFY! WHAT IS WITH YOU AND BITING PEOPLE?!" Ussop yelled.

They stopped fighting and Luffy was now laughing at Ussop.


" I wouldn't know, I'm rubber." Luffy said as he stretched his face.

Luffy was cut off when a rock was thrown at his face. " BET YOU FELT THAT! HAHAHA!" Ussop fell to the ground holding his stomach due to laughing so hard.

Luffy rubbed his face which now has a red mark. " USSOP! IT'S NOT FUNNY THAT HURT!"
Luffy yelled.

" ALRIGHT ENOUGH! " Nami yelled.

Ussop and Luffy went silent, " sorry." The two said running the back of their head.

The crew went back to where they were staying and called it a night. Today would mark day 2 of Inez being missing. As each hour passed without her the more they grew worried.

They knew nothing as to where she could be, she could be dead for all they know. But they are keeping hope that she's okay. All they have is hope and a bracelet.

" GET OFF OF ME YOU CREEP!" Inez yelled trying to get the guard off of her.

" You smell like roses, I see why you have a tattoo of a rose on your neck." He pushed her up against the forcing himself onto her.

He was cut off by the sound of the door opening. " Alright enough, go watch guard." It was Terror.

The guard quickly walked out leaving Terror and Inez alone.

" It feels like it's been forever since I've seen you." He said with a grin, Inez knew he meant nothing good.

Inez was on the ground against the wall, the same wall where the guard was forcing himself onto her, and what did Terror do? The same thing. He roughly pushed her up against the which made her grunt. He got close in her ear and whispered, " Now tell me everything your mother told you."

He kissed her neck and looked up at her. " I'll never tell you anything!" She spat in his face.

He sighed and dropped her to the ground. Then proceeded to violently kick her. After of couple of minutes he tied her up to a chair, and left the Room for a moment.

Then he came back with some stuff. He set the stuff aside and brought some water to Inez. But this wasn't any water, it was sea water, which he dumped a bucket of it on. He wanted her to be weak, he loved seeing people weak and unable to do anything. He was the one in control.

In his hand he had a sea stone prisom pole like thing. ( similar to smokers weapon)

Terror brought the pole up and swung down hitting Inez on the face. Her head hung low unable to look up.

This went on for hours, just pure torture. This truly was a living hell.


This chapter took me forever I had no idea what to write....

Anyways I hoped you enjoyed! 🩷😗✌🏿

Word count: 1983

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