nomin oneshots

By JakeHoon18

705 15 1

a collection of nomin oneshots More

Liar (1)
Liar (3)
Mafia Man
Just Friends
Win the War
After the Storm

Liar (2)

52 2 0
By JakeHoon18

Part 2

Jaemin POV

I can't believe him. I should have known, once an asshole always an asshole. What the hell is wrong with me, he never actually wanted me. I'm just a game to him.

Jeno - "Jaemin? I'm sorry, that was a stupid thing to say."

Jaemin - "Yeah no shit, leave me alone."

Jeno - "Can you come out? I want to talk to you."

Jaemin - "No, I'm going to bed."

And to think he has the audacity to stand there and pretend like he isn't a piece of shit.

Jeno POV

Well I really fucked up. What the hell is wrong with me? How much is this gonna cost? I can't believe I said that to him. He probably hates me as much as he hates Siwon. I know I've always been an ass to him, but I really was trying to be nicer and now I've gone back to square one.


The next morning Jaemin woke up with a pounding headache that was making him dizzy. He stumbled out of his room, eyes squinting from the lights, and got a glass of water. He chugged the glass so fast it left him panting when he finished.

Jeno - "Good morning."

Jaemin - "I don't want to see you today, you should go find Mark or something."

Jeno - "I'm not leaving until we talk."

Jaemin - "Then I guess I'll leave."

Jeno - "Can we please talk."

Jaemin - "About what? You made yourself pretty clear last night... I'm just an object to be bought for your own sexual pleasure."

Jeno - "That's not true, it just slipped out, I didn't mean it I swear."

Jaemin - "Yeah well you said it, so you had to be thinking it."

Jeno - "Jaemin please."

Jaemin - "No, you don't get to treat me like shit for four years, save me once, and decide you're all high and mighty now. It's my fault. I actually thought you were changing. But no, you still see me as a pawn in your bullshit game of life. I regret letting you get rid of Siwon's trace because now I'm stuck with yours. I don't know whats worse, getting sexually assualted by Siwon or thinking it was safe to be vulnerable with a piece of shit like you."

Jeno - "I'm sorry..."

Jaemin - "And I'm leaving."

Jaemin pushed past Jeno, got dressed, and left Jeno standing in the kitchen. He vaguely remembered how to get to Mark and Haechans place so he just started walking. Eventually he made it and knocked on the door.

Haechan - "Jaemin? Where's Jeno?"

Jaemin - "Probably still standing in the kitchen basking in his piece of shit aura."

Haechan - "Wow, ok, come in."

Mark - "Where's Jeno?"

Haechan - "He's busy."

Mark - "Ok, you hungry Jaemin, I made pancakes."

Jaemin - "Starving, thanks."

Mark - "I'll go make plates."

Haechan - "Are you ok?"

Jaemin - "No."

Haechan - "What happened?"

Jaemin - "Jeno's an ass."

Haechan - "What did he do."

Jaemin - "You can't judge me ok."

Haechan - "Never."

Jaemin - "Well we were watching a movie and things sort of got out of hand and one thing led to another. He was kissing me and the bitch thought it would be a great idea to ask how much it would cost him to sleep with me."

Haechan - "Wow that was a dick move."

Jaemin - "He tried apologizing but I left."

Haechan - "Good, do we need to ditch Mark today too?"

Jaemin - "No, Mark seems like the nicer of the two, unless he did something to piss you off."

Haechan - "Nope, all good here."

Jaemin - "Good."

Mark - "Foods ready."

Haechan - "Good, I'm starving."

Mark - "Come eat then."

The three of them sat happily and ate together in peace until Mark ruined the mood.

Mark - "Why is Jeno asking if Jaemin came over? I figured he'd know"

Jaemin - "Tell him no."

Mark - "What did he do?"

Haechan - "He was an ass."

Mark - "I mean obviously, but how bad?"

Jaemin - "Bad."

Mark - "Got it."

Jaemin - "You're so lucky you got to room with the nice one."

Haechan - "Apparently so."


Jaemin - "It's late, I should probably head back."

Mark - "Do you want me to walk you?"

Jaemin - "No, I'm ok, thank you though."

Haechan - "Be safe."

Jaemin - "I'll try my best."

Jaemin left, leaving Haechan and Mark to stare at each other in disbelief.

Mark - "I assume you know more than me?"

Haechan - "Definetly."

Mark - "Care to fill me in."

Haechan - "Basically Jeno likes to objectify Jaemin."

Mark - "Oh."

Haechan - "Don't worry about it, Jaemin knows how to take care of himself."

Mark - "I don't doubt that, you certainly do."

Haechan - "Well duh, I totally could have taken Shindong in that fight."

Mark - "Oh yeah, definitely."


When Jaemin got back to his room he was surprised to find it empty. He half expected Jeno to be waiting by the door for him to get back. Frankly he was glad he wasn't. He took the opportunity to get changed in peace without Jeno standing outside his door. He changed into his shorts and oversized shirt when he heard a crash outside. He left his room to investigate, and was horrified by what he found.

Jaemin - "Oh my god Jeno! What happened?"

Jeno - "I was trying to find you."

Jeno had collapsed on the living room floor, blood everywhere. His cheek was cut and his torso was bruised and gashed courtesy of siwon and shindong.

Jaemin - "Let me get the first aid kit."

Jeno - "Where were you? I've been looking for hours, I thought maybe Siwon found you and -"

Jaemin - "Shh, this is gonna hurt."

Jeno winced in pain as Jaemin poured hydrogen peroxide onto his cuts. He sat on the floor, clutching his shirt like that would help soothe the pain. As mad as Jaemin was, he hated seeing Jeno in pain like this.

Jeno - "Jaemin, I really am sorry for what I said. I didn't mean it. I was only joking, but it was a stupid joke, I see that."

Jaemin - "Shh."

Jeno - "No, This may be the only chance I get to say this. I don't see you as an object. I'm not trying to win you, I genuinely wanted you and not just to fulfill a sexual desire. And when I asked Mark if you were at his room and he said no, I was afraid Siwon found you because I knew you were alone."

Jaemin - "I wasn't alone."

Jeno - "What?"

Jaemin - "I told Mark to say I wasn't there because I really didn't want you to come find me."

Jeno - "At least you were safe."

Jaemin - "Are you kidding me? Siwon just tried to kill you and you're not the least bit mad that I lied about where I was."

Jeno - "No, I deserved it."

Jaemin - "You didn't deserve this."

Jeno - "Yes I do, I've made your life hell for so long."

Jaemin - "But you never laid a hand on me."

Jeno - "No, but I made you feel like an object and I regret that now."

Jaemin - "Why the sudden change in heart?"

Jeno - "I spent time with you... my mom was wrong. You aren't evil just because you have money. I was the one being evil."

Jaemin - "That's true."

Jeno laughed and for the first time, Jaemin genuinely smiled at the boy in front of him.

Jaemin - "I forgive you, but if you ever say that shit again, you're out of my life forever."

Jeno - "I won't, I promise."

Jaemin - "Good, now let's get you to bed."

Jaemin tucked his arms underneath Jeno's and dragged him up. They stood still for a second so Jeno could balance himself before making their way to his room. Once there, Jaemin helped Jeno get into bed and turned to leave the room.

Jaemin - "If you need anything, call me, don't try and strain yourself."

Jeno - "I will... Jaemin?"

Jaemin - "Yeah?"

Jeno - "Thank you... I don't deserve your kindness."

Jaemin smiled.

Jaemin - "Good night Jeno."

Jeno - "Good night."


Mark - "Oh Haechan..."

Haechan - "What?"

Mark - "I'm tired"

Haechan - "So go to sleep"

Mark - "Come with me"

Haechan - "I'm not tired"

Mark - "I can make you tired"

Haechan - "I somehow doubt that"

Mark - "Should we test that theory"

Haechan - "How do you propose you do that"

Mark smirked and crept towards Haechan shoving him backwards so he fell on the couch. He straddled Haechans lap staring seductively down at him. He bit his lips and started tickling Haechan.

Haechan - "Mark!"

Haechan screamed in-between breaths as he turned red from laughing. Mark stopped and watched the boy struggle to catch his breath.

Mark - "Tired?"

Haechan - "You're evil"

Mark laughed at the boy and rolled off of him. He grabbed his hands pulling him up from the couch and towards his room.

Mark - "Sleep with me tonight?"

Haechan - "Sure"

Mark smiled and picked Haechan up. He carried him koala style to the bed and laid him down gently. He kneeled down to take Haechans shoes off for him, kissing his legs as he did so. Next he unbuttoned his shorts, never breaking eye contact, and slid them off. He left his shirt untouched as it was loose and looked so good on him. Mark took off his own clothes leaving only his underwear on and climbed into bed next to Haechan. He slid his arms around Haechans waist and snuggled into the back of his neck.

Mark - "You're so warm"

Haechan - "You're fucking freezing"

Mark scoffed quietly and left small kisses on the back of Haechans neck. His arms slid under Haechans shirt sending chills across his body. Haechan turned over to face Mark and was met with Mark's lips crashing into his own. It didn't take Haechan long to recover from the surprise as he reached out and intertwined his fingers in Mark's hair. Instinctively, Mark pulled Haechans body even closer to his own leaving no space between them. Becoming increasingly needy, Mark climbed on top of Haechan, his lips still attached to Haechans. He pulled Haechans shirt off, throwing it to the side and detached his lips from Haechans to explore the boy's body. He sucked at Haechans soft skin leaving little bruises littered all over him. He made his way down to Haechans hip bone and tugged softly at his underwear band. Haechan squirmed under him letting soft moans escape his lips.

Mark - "Can I?"

Haechan - "Yes"

Not waiting for Haechan to change his mind, he removed the remainder of their clothes. Mark moved back up to kiss Haechan again, moaning with the boy under him.

Mark - "If I hurt you, tell me and I'll stop"

Haechan - "I will"

Wasting no more time, Mark took Haechan. Their bodies moved in unison as beautiful moans filled the room. Drenched in sweat and struggling to catch their breath, Mark pulled out and laid next to Haechan. He smiled at Haechans disheveled state and pushed his hair behind his ears.

Mark - "That was amazing"

Haechan could only hum in response as he continued to struggle to catch his breath. Mark laughed and fell next to Haechan. He turned to look at Haechan and smiled at how the boy glowed under the moonlight being let in from the window.

Haechan - "How long are you going to stare at me?"

Mark - "Forever"

Haechan rolled over to face Mark and started to play with his hair.

Haechan - "Forevers a long time"

Mark - "Go on a date with me"

Haechan - "What?"

Mark - "I want to do this right. Let me take you out on a real date when we get home. Let's start over"

Haechan - "I'd like that"

Mark smiled and snuggled into Haechans chest.

Mark - "Good"


Haechan woke up the next morning and admired Mark's sleeping figure next to him. The events of last night remained fresh in his mind. The longer he thought about it the more flushed his face became. He couldn't believe Mark had asked him on a date. The same boy that taunted him only days ago had changed drastically. Haechan was so lost in thought he didn't notice Mark start to stir.

Mark - "How long do you plan on staring at me?"

The sudden response from his previously sleeping figure startled Haechan.

Haechan - "Sorry"

Mark - "Don't be, you can stare whenever you'd like"

Mark leaned in and plastered soft kisses all over Haechans face. He too was shocked Haechan agreed to go on a date with him. He half expected the damage he had caused before would scare Haechan away from him. But he was given a chance to start over, and he wouldn't waste it.

Mark - "You're so pretty"

Haechans already flushed cheeks had turned a deeper shade of crimson. The softness Mark was showing Haechan was catching him off guard.

Haechan - "You make me nervous"

Mark - "Good or bad?"

Haechan - "Good"

Mark - "That's the plan"

Haechan - "Could you be any more smug?"

Mark - "Probably"

Haechan copied Mark in a teasing tone eliciting a playful response from him. Mark began to tickle Haechan again until he was left pleading Mark to stop and gasping for air.

Haechan - "Stop. Go get dressed, we're going to see Jaemin and Jeno."

Mark - "Alright alright"


Haechan - "I don't understand how you took so long to get ready"

Mark - "I don't understand how you did it so fast"

Haechan - "I'm just cool like that"

Mark - "Must be"

Haechan - "So um, I don't want you to think I'm embarrassed or anything, but can we keep us to ourselves at least for a little while? I don't know how Jaemin will react."

Mark - "It'll be our little secret"

Haechan - "Thank you"

Mark - "Of course"


Jaemin - "How are you feeling?"

Jeno - "Sore"

Jaemin - "I'm sorry"

Jeno - "Stop apologizing, you didn't do anything"

Jaemin - "I know but"

Jeno - "No buts"

Jaemin - "Fine, by the way Haechan and Mark are coming over soon. What are we gonna tell them about your injuries"

Jeno - "If they ask, the truth"

Jaemin - "Okay"

Jeno - "What are you embarrassed by my bruises? Because I seem to remember covering you in some not too long ago."

Jaemin - "That was a completely different circumstance and you know it"

Jeno - "They both happened because of Siwon"

Jaemin - "I think you're confusing pleasure and pain"

Jeno - "So you admit, it was pleasuring for you"

Jaemin - "No that's not what I was saying"

Jeno - "Then what were you saying"

Before Jaemin could respond, there was a knock at the door. Relieved, he went to open the door, letting Mark and Haechan in.

Mark - "What the fuck happened to you?"

Jeno - "Turns out I can't take multiple people in a fight"

Mark - "Yeah no shit"

Haechan - "Why did you get in a fight?"

Jeno - "Shits and giggles"

Mark - "Leave it to you to start a fight for no reason"

Jeno - "What can I say, I was in a mood"

Jeno glanced over at Jaemin noting the surprise in his face. He had intended to tell Mark and Haechan the truth, but as soon as he tried to get it out his words failed. It seemed like a better idea to hide the truth, at least for a little while. Him and Jaemin had finally gotten on a good page and telling the truth felt like it would be a step backwards. Besides, he could feel Jaemins guilt radiating from his body and he really didn't want to make the feeling worse.

Haechan - "Since today is our last day here, we should celebrate"

Jaemin - "How?

Haechan - "The arcade"

Jeno - "Sounds fun"

Haechan - "Good, let's go"

The four boys made their way back to the arcade they visited the first day Mark and Jeno decided to stick around. It didn't feel as forced this time. Granted they were all keeping secrets from each other, but they were good at pretending everything was normal. They wouldn't admit it to each other, but there was a certain level of shame they all felt. They were supposed to hate each other, and yet, they couldn't help but be infatuated with their new roommates. As natural as their growth felt, it wasn't supposed to happen.

Mark - "What first?"

Haechan - "I'm going to win every single stuffed animal in this arcade by the time we leave"

Jaemin - "Good luck with that"

Mark - "I'll help"

Mark chased after Haechans disappearing figure leaving Jeno and Jaemin alone.

Jeno - "What do you want to do?"

Jaemin - "I don't know''

Jeno - "How about we use the photobooth?"

Jaemin - "Why? So you can document the time you got beat up by grown men"

Jeno - "It'll be a reminder to not make an ass of myself again"

Jaemin - "Fair enough"

Jaemin turned around to go find the photobooth prompting Jeno to follow him. It took a minute to find since it was stashed in a back corner away from the main section, but they got there eventually.

Jaemin - "It's smaller than I thought it would be"

Jeno - "Don't be afraid to scooch in close"

Jaemin - "I'm not afraid, just pointing it out"

Jeno - "Uh huh sure"

Jaemin - "It's true"

Jeno - "Just get in here"

Jaemin rolled his eyes at Jeno and climbed in, closing the curtain. He did everything in his power to avoid touching but Jeno had other plans.

Jeno - "You're not avoiding me"

Jaemin - "I wasn't trying to"

Jeno gave Jaemin the all knowing look and pulled him in closer. There was no space between the two anymore.


Haechan - "How do you keep winning?"

Mark - "How do you keep losing?"

Haechan - "You're cheating"

Mark - "I am not. How do you even cheat at a claw machine?"

Haechan - "I don't know. Magic?"

Mark - "Oh yeah makes complete sense"

Haechan - "It's the only logical explanation"

Mark - "Must be"

Mark smiled at Haechan and turned his attention back to the claw machine. Haechan crept to the side of the machine and peered through the glass at Marks attentive gaze. He watched how his nose scrunched when he concentrated. His face relaxed when the claw dropped as he waited in anticipation. The arms of the claw closed around a plush brown bear and he smiled. Mark looked up and met Haechans gaze through the glass before bending down to retrieve his prize. Silently he held the bear up to show Haechan and grinned at the uncanny resemblance.

Haechan - "You win again"

Mark - "Only because you're with me"

Haechan - "I may never get used to hearing you talk to me so sweetly as opposed to before"

Mark - "I'm already used to it"

Mark reached for Haechans hand, intertwining their fingers and dragging him away to another game.


Jeno - "You are absolutely avoiding me right now"

Jaemin - "I already told you I'm not"

Jeno - "Really? Is that why you're leaning away from me"

Jaemin - "I'm only trying to prevent you from getting any ideas, it wouldn't be the first time"

Jeno - "You can't prevent ideas if they never left my mind in the first place"

Jaemin - "Really? I'm surprised you're controlling yourself so well"

Jeno - "Trust me, it's not easy. You're not the least bit attracted to me right now?"

Jaemin - "I didn't say that"

Jeno - "So you are"

Jaemin - "I didn't say that either"

Jeno scoffed.

Jeno - "Smile for the camera"

Jeno wrapped his arms around Jaemin and pulled him into frame. It wasn't his fault if that just so happened to be in his lap. Jeno smiled and Jaemin looked shocked.


Jeno - "Smile nana"

Instead of arguing, Jaemin smiled at the camera. Jeno turned and smiled at him.


Becoming more and more bold the less Jaemin resisted, Jeno decided to push his luck. He latched his lips onto the exposed skin of Jaemins neck. Jaemins eyes grew twice their size.


He turned to look at Jeno, a look of disbelief and questioning adorned his face. Jeno bit his lower lip, admiring how beautiful Jaemin was. He grabbed the back of Jaemins head and pulled him in to kiss him. Their lips crashed together and Jaemin reached for Jenos face.


Before their kiss could escalate, Jaemin pulled away. His face had turned red and a shy smile had replaced the disbelief. Jeno was still holding the back of his head, grinning at him.



Haechan - "Ok, you've won like a million stuffed animals"

Mark - "You said you wanted them all"

Haechan - "I did not expect you to take that literally. We should probably call it a day and go find Jeno and Jaemin."

Mark - "Ok, I should start packing anyways. I can't believe we leave tomorrow"

Haechan - "With everything thats happened, it feels like we've been here forever"

Mark - "I don't want to go home yet"

Haechan - "Why not?"

Mark - "What if when we get home every thing goes back to the way it was before"

Haechan - "You mean what if we hate each other again"

Mark - "It has only been a few days and we moved so fast."

Haechan - "We'll be fine. I don't hate you anymore"

Mark - "All I had to do was be nice from the beginning and I could have called you mine so much sooner"

Haechan - "I'm yours now"

Mark - "I'm glad you are"


Jaemin - "Well, these are definitely... pictures"

Jeno - "I'll treasure them forever"

Jaemin - "Put them away before someone sees them"

Jeno - "You're probably right, they're too sexy for prying eyes"

Jaemin - "Oh my god I'm gonna go find Haechan"

Jaemin tried to walk away, but before he got far Jeno had grabbed his arm and pulled him back. He wrapped his arms around Jaemins waist and pulled him in to kiss him. Unlike their previous kisses, this one was slow. Jeno let his feelings pour out into this kiss. There was no lust, no desire, just feelings. Jaemin liked this kiss the most.

Jeno - "Let's go find them"


Haechan - "There you are, we've been looking everywhere"

Jaemin - "So have we"

Haechan - "Oh, well it's time to leave so we can start packing"

Jaemin - "Ok"

The four boys made their way out of the arcade and back towards their rooms. They made it to Jeno and Jaemins room first, and so they parted ways. Haechan waved to his best friend as he followed Mark to their own room. They spent the next couple hours triple checking everywhere to make sure they had everything.


Mark - "Are you done yet?"

Haechan - "I just finished"

Mark - "Good, I'm exhausted"

Haechan - "You didn't have to wait up for me"

Mark - "I was waiting so we could go to sleep together"

Haechan - "You know this isn't going to happen very often once we go home"

Mark - "That's why I need to enjoy it now"

Haechan - "Alright alright I'm coming"

Haechan made his way to Mark's bed and climbed in with him. The two snuggled close and Mark admired Haechans beauty. His eyes traveled across his face, noting each and every mole adorned on his golden cheeks. He watched his long lashes flutter each time he blinked. He traced the outline of Haechans lips with his thumb. He let his fingers trail across his beautiful skin, leaving no spot untouched. Eventually, he slid his hands down Haechans arms to find his hands. He admired his slender fingers and felt how soft they were. He was obsessed with the boys beauty. The way his black hair fell over his eyes, the way his eyes held stars, the way his golden skin glowed in the light. Everything about the boy had mesmerized Mark and he couldn't keep himself away, not that he ever planned on trying. At least not now.

Haechan, too, was infatuated with who Mark had shown himself being. He never would have believed the boy who once taunted his every move would turn out to be the way he was now. The once hostile look that engulfed his eyes was replaced with something much softer. His eyes were always smiling and that had captivated Haechan.

The two laid in silence, taking each other in for a long time before sleep overcame them. As they drifted off into a peaceful slumber, they never left each other's grasps.


Jeno - "I think we should talk"

Jaemin - "About what?"

Jeno - "About us"

Jaemin - "What about us?"

Jeno - "I think we should slow down. As much as I want you, I don't think you're there yet. I don't want to force us and ruin what we could have before we have it. I know I was awful to you before and that's making you hesitant to be with me. I'd rather be given a chance to prove myself before we force something new and I end up losing you altogether."

Jaemin - "Ok."

To say Jaemin was disappointed would be an understatement. He wasn't being hesitant because of before, he was being hesitant because this was a foreign feeling. But he didn't want to push Jeno away, so he agreed. He could be patient and wait until Jeno felt confident with their relationship.

Jeno - "OK, well... goodnight"

Jaemin - "Goodnight"


The next morning all four boys woke up ready to go back home. Mark and Haechan were both nervous to return home, fearful things would go back to normal, but also excited to start over. Jeno and Jaemin had agreed on just being friends, at least for a while, but that didn't stop the awkward tension from forming. They knew there was something there but both of them were too afraid to explore that out of fear of losing what they have now. So with a million thoughts running through each boy's head, they made their way back to the bus stop.

The ride back was almost the same as the ride there. The only major difference was the tension between the boys. The hostility had been replaced by an overwhelming feeling of longing. And with the silence growing unbearable, Haechan texted his best friend.

Haechan - Can I talk to you?

Jaemin - I'm sitting right next to you, why are you texting me?

Haechan - I don't want anyone to hear me

Jaemin - Fine. What's up?

Haechan - That trip was weird wasn't it?

Jaemin - If by weird you mean the sudden switch up in how those two treat us, then yeah definitely weird

Haechan - Is it wrong to move on from the past so quickly?

Jaemin - You know, this time I think it's ok. They seem genuine for some odd reason.

Haechan - What if that odd reason is because Mark and I have feelings for each other?

Jaemin - Haechan, you're my best friend and I know you. I already knew there was something between you and him. You seemed happier with him.

Haechan - You knew? Why didn't you say anything?

Jaemin - I wanted you to explore that without feeling pressured. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable.

Haechan - I love you

Jaemin - I love you too

Haechan - What about you and Jeno?

Jaemin - What about us?

Haechan - You two seemed close

Jaemin - As friends. Nothing more

Haechan - Really? Jeno seemed so possessive?

Jaemin - In the beginning there was something but Jeno wanted to pause and try being friends first so we didn't rush into anything and ruin what we could have.

Haechan - Is that what you wanted?

Jaemin - No, but I don't want to push him away so taking it slow it is.

Haechan - What do you think scared him?

Jaemin - I honestly don't know. Promise you won't judge?

Haechan - Promise

Jaemin - Well the first day they came over, after Siwon tried to rape me, Jeno found me in the bathroom kind of freaking out over all the hickeys and stuff. He um offered to remove his trace... and well... he covered all the hickeys from Siwon with his own. But then he got really possessive, and there was this hunger in his eyes I can't even explain it. Things got a little heated and they probably would have gone further if you and Mark hadn't come back from your walk. And then later on we were watching a movie and he got that look again and if he hadn't asked how much sleeping with me was going to cost I probably would have. Even in the photobooth at the arcade he was kissing me and being sweet talking about how he'd treasure our pictures. But then when we got back to the room he said he wanted to slow down. He said he felt like I wasn't there yet and didn't want to rush me.

Haechan - That does sound really confusing. But if you're ready, why didn't you say so?

Jaemin - I was afraid. Maybe he's right and we are moving too fast.

Haechan - I think you should talk to him again.

Jaemin - Maybe, now it just doesn't feel right.

Haechan - Well on the topic of being vulnerable... I sort of did something too.

Jaemin - What?

Haechan - I slept with Mark...

Jaemin - NO YOU DIDN'T

Haechan - I did

Jaemin - Good or bad?

Haechan - Really good. Mark is actually really caring.

Jaemin - I'm happy for you Haechan

Mark - "What are you two giggling at?"

Haechan - "Nothing"

Jaemin - "Yeah go back to staring out the window"

Mark - "Alright fine"


It wasn't long before they had arrived back at school.

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a book of oneshots
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𝚖𝚊𝚏𝚒𝚊 / 𝚐𝚊𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚞 "𝚛𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚒'𝚕𝚕 𝚗𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚕𝚎𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚗 𝚝𝚘 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚊𝚐𝚊𝚒𝚗. 𝚒'𝚕𝚕 𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚋...
8.1K 123 5
A compilation of my NCT/WAYV oneshots.