Stranger - hotd Cregan Stark

By laenyra2712

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I've started writing this story due to a request of one of the readers from my book Mourning, Valaena Velaryo... More



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By laenyra2712

Jacaerys had come to see his sister, worry etched onto his features. Willem Blackwood had fetched him and in both anger and confusion Jacaerys had demanded to know why his sister was left alone on her wedding night. He had stormed out of the banquet hall.

"Valaena!" Called Jacaerys out as he burst through the doors of Winterfell's councilroom.

Valaena rushed to her brother, grabbing him by the arms as his worried face seemed more angry than concered. "Your husband dares to leave you unattended? On your wedding night!"

"Jacaerys calm down, I beg of you." Valaena shared a look with Lord Willem Blackwood. The man bowed down his head to her. Muttering something under his breath.

"There's trouble north from here, He'll return- shortly. I assume." Valaena let go of her brothers arms. Who seemed far from content. "I'll write home, I will stay with you untill your husband returns." Bade Jacaerys as he shook his head.

"Lord Stark intends to return as soon as he is able to." Protested Lord Blackwood. "Let us not-"

"My sisters honor-" started Jacaerys. "Will be put to question, she has married Cregan Stark, only for him to run off- before he-"

Jacaerys looked away for a moment lowering his voice. "They've not spent the night together."

"He has not run off, Jace, do not be worried, he is tending to matters more dire than the-"

"You are a Princess! Val-"

"Jace!" Valaena blushed in embarrassment, sharing a look with Lord Blackwood, as if to ask him to aid her.

"I'll see to it your sister is safe, the Princess is our Lady of Winterfell by law. " Promised Willem Blackwood. "If he-" stared Jacaerys of as he slightly bent down. "If he dares refuse you- I'll-"

"Jace." Pleaded Valaena softly, annoyed at her brother's words. Surely Daemon would take care of whatever he meant, not Jacaerys. He was not yet of age.

"I'm going to my chambers, to sleep, as should you. Have breakfast with me in the morning. Perhaps there will be word from Cregan." Tried Valaena as she placed a hand upon her brother's shoulder to reassure him. "Come." Bade the Princess her brother.

By morning, word hadn't come, Valaena had spent the night in her guest chambers, despite being Lady of Winterfell, and it did irk her, would this marriage uphold? Would people question it? She was a foreigner, Northernmen rarely ever married foreigners, and for her to remain in a guest chamber, and then have the consummation of her marriage questioned. It would do her no good.

Jacaerys remained agitated during breakfast, insisting that he'd stay untill she would receive word from Cregan. But Valaena begged him not to, as she didn't want any more suspicions to take place.

By noon, Jacaerys insisted to stay untill next morning, stating that he would leave at dawn, so that he could rest halfway home. He wished to wait on word from Cregan.

Valaena spend the day in the library, alongside her complaining brother. An hour after noon she had convinced him to go home. She wanted so desperately for her twin to stay with her, but his restlessness made her even more nervous, and she feared it would look bad on her to have him stay with her. Already she read Targaryens in the maidservant's their eyes. Both for the night and at dawn she had been dressed in silence. The Maid servants didn't dare ask her questions, nor did they seem to want to. She loathed the North already. Hoping that at least Cregan would return soon.

When Jacaerys left, she stood with only Willem Blackwood and Cregan's direwolf by her side, she swallowed her tears. Her knees shaking as she watched her brother take off on Vermax. She wanted to run after him, mount Sapphire and perhaps leave untill she reached Essos. She wouldn't mind living out her days there, but she feared her mother might never speak to her again where she to betray her good faith in Valaena.

Valaena weighted off her options, would a move as such truly raise many questions. She could simply state that Cregan had abandoned her, so she in turn had him.

Willem Blackwood was kind to Valaena, but it made her slightly agitated that he never once left her side, save for when she went to her chambers. He ate his supper in silence, and made polite conversation with her. After dinner, the Princess still awaited word from her husband. She asked Willem Blackwood to accompany her to the surrounding woods, but he had bade her that it would be dark soon, promising to take her there tomorrow.

Valaena grimaced as she left the Lord, locking herself into her rooms instead. She went to kick off her boots and perhaps bathe and then read a book. Maester Keltan had stacked many texts on her desk. Many of which she was eager to finish. She undid one of her braids, making her way over to a chair untill her eyes fell onto a small scroll placed onto her pillow.

She unwrapped the scroll. Her eyes falling to a Green sigil, Aemond. It wouldn't be anyone but him, her heart thundered in her chest. She wanted to be brave, perhaps refuse to read his words and throw it into the hearth, alas with shaking hands she unwrapped the paper further, holding her breath as she read the words;


Meet me in the woods north, a soon as you are able to. I will love you, always.


Valaena bit the inside of her cheek, in her head, the decision had been made easily. Not a doubt, screaming that he was a traitor.

Yet only days ago he had been the love of her life, and of course he still was. Of course she longed to see him, to touch him, smell him, feel him. She loved him so, so much.

So much that she sneaked out of Winterfell, dressed in a gray cloak, her hair up high and her dress hidden by furs. As she walked past a lake near the entrance of the forest, she noticed that she looked so so much like a Northern Lady.

She shuddered, averted her gaze as she continued her walk, however would she find Aemond even. She hadn't even thought to bring a dagger or sword for protection. Her hairpins would do her little good, and within minutes of entering the forest Valaena's mind told her to go back, go home.

Home, what even did that mean now?

Untill a breathless voice took her out of her thoughts, strong arms wrapping around her waist as she was lifted from the air and held by a figure whose face she didn't need to see to recognize him. His smell, soft like bergamot and seasalt. She closed her eyes, perhaps in pure joy. Before opening them and being met with the face of him, her true love.

For a second her anger and the betrayal melted. Only a second.

He didn't speak to her, no he planted his lips on her so firm and hard that he took her breath away. She was too stunned to kiss him back, at first, untill she slowly sunk into his warmth, her lashes fluttering closed as she kissed him back. His lips were soft against hers, and it gave her such comfort to kiss him, to taste him.

Aemond mumbled something against her lips, but she was too dumbfounded to speak. Valaena's hands sought his, but still he held her tight. Causing her to be nearly unable to move against him.

"Did he touch you?" Mumbled Aemond against her lips, jelousy soaking his tone as he firmly gripped her jaw and slipped his tongue between her lips. She didn't answer him, eager to kiss him back, but much to her suprise he took her chin between his fingers and made Valaena look up at him. "Did he touch you Valaena." Demanded Aemond to know, his eyes ablaze with raw anger.

She frowned, preparing herself to answer him untill he grabbed her chin harder making her more hurt than confused. "You're hurting me." Breathed Valaena out as she tried to push him off. Still his arm held her firm in place. "Did, he , touch, you?" Repeated Aemond.

He did not, "He is my husband." Defended Valaena herself, watching as Aemond clenched his jaw. She could feel his fingers bruising her arm. "But he was called away on our wedding, wildings, he - we didn't..."

"Good." Affirmed Aemond as he once again planted his lips onto Valaena, only for her to push him off in confusion. "What did you expect Aemond? My family ordered to have me wed, what did you expect me to do?"

"Naught, but allow for me to take you as my wife."

Take you as my wife.

Valaena swallowed hard as she stepped away from Aemond, the sour taste of betrayal once again filling her throat. She shook her head at him. "I will not bend to anyone but my mother." Spat Valaena as she stepped back further. The back of her heels hitting a tree. "Your father's words, the command, those were your grandsire's, not mine. The hidden ink Aemond.... Do not dare-"

"We belong together." Protested Aemond as he averted his gaze, probably in shame from her figuring it out. "We are Targaryens, we would have silver haired children, dragonriders. Their eyes so-"

"Yet you've called my brothers bastards-"

"Over this!" Exclaimed Aemond as she stepped closer to her. Pointing a finger to his eye, or rather the hollow that say covered with a leather eyepatch. He had refused to show even Valaena his hidden scar. She frowned, lips pressed together as she shook her head firmly. "Go home, do not make me betray my family for love."

"Home?" Pleaded Aemond, "I do not know my home, but in you, if I am to return home then let me take you with me." His words stung, making Valaena's hands shake in depression. She shook her head, tears already threatening to spill. Her back hit the tree as she stepped further away from him. It took the air out of her lungs, making her gasp as Aemond stepped closer and held her face. One hand on her cheek. "You are my home, Valaena. You should be my wife, should have been a long time. We would have been wed years ago, my silver haired children should be clutching your skirts."

Valaena slowly shook her head, her hands tingled as she tried to get away, she swallowed her tears again as she next spoke. "I love you Aemond, and it hurts so much but I cannot be wed you. Your- your family and mine, we do not go well together-"

"But we could!" Exclaimed Aemond as he grabbed her side.

"At whose expense Aemond? Yours or mine? Which one of us is to betray their family?" The Prince went quiet at her words, his eye refusing to meet hers, and it was then she realized. He did love her, truly, but he would never love her as much as he believed it was him and his brother who had a right to the throne.

"He hasn't touched you." Stated Aemond as his eye turned darker, clenching his jaw. "You're still mine to take."

Valaena shuddered at his words, placing her hands on Aemond's chest. "No, I-"

"It should be my seed that takes, my children that-"

"I am more than a broodmare!" Exclaimed Valaena as she pushed Aemond away, nearly tripping over leaves and branches as she tried to get away from the forest. Her head pounded and her vision turned blurry with tears. "Love should be about more than-"

"Val." Interrupted Aemond her, he grabbed her arm. Pulling her closer. "Carry my children, he'll have no choice but to return you to me-"

"No!" Shouted Valaena, her cheeks red in anger. She didn't want children, she didn't want to carry his, or anyone's. That was not what this was about, her love stretched beyond the idea of preserving their bloodline. She had a mind of her own, dreams of her own. Children would limit those, duty would. She had imagined wedding Aemond would be about more than duty.

"But our bloodline-"

"I hate you!" Shouted Valaena suddenly, her blood boiling at his words, had he no sense? To think her as small? A wife, to preserve their bloodline, did love simply come along for him? Did he love her because he was supposed to? Or because he could? Because he did? "You've made me believe you've loved me, always, but has it been about preserving our Targaryen line? Our blood? Your fucking sons? I am more than a mother, I thought I would be, by your side atleast, as equals."

Valaena turned around, hoping to just walk away from it all. Only for Aemond to grab her by the waist and drag her back. "Val, please wait!"

Her heart froze in her chest, she wanted nothing to do with him, absolutely nothing. "Let go of me!" Cried the Princess as she tried to kick him. Only for him to muffle her cries with his palm.

"Valaena I love you, I love you so much and if I cannot be with you I'll burn the fucking north down, I would" promised Aemond as he pushed the Princess close to his chest. "Let me take you home, we'll be wed in the ways of old Valyria, you and me, Aemond and Valaena Targaryen. Our children-" Aemond silenced for a moment as Valaena had kicked him in the shin. He cursed, his breath low as he held her tighter. "Our children will carry a pure bloodline, either we or them, will sit the iron throne Val- i
I do love you, I do."

Valaena shook her head. Her muffled cries swallowed by Aemond's hand. She should noy have come here. She did not want Aemond to take her home,or wherever home was. The last time she ever dared feel at home was when she still resided at court alongside Ser Laenor and Ser Harwin. She wanted to back to that time, and never love Aemond. She wanted to go back and hate him. Her heart shattered more with each breath she took, feeling as if her knees might give out.

"Let go of me!" Screamed Valaena as she finally managed to get his hand off, she fled from his grip almost, only for him to yank her back by her shoulder.

"I am sorry Valaena, you must understand this, but we have to be together, we belong together-"

Valaena shook her head again. Tears in her eyes as Aemond turned her around. His hand gripping her dress hard. Was he going to take her away on Vhagar? Was he going to knock her out? Rape her? If he wed her he could as much as he liked, if he wanted her to carry his children. Wanted her for his own, selfish pursuits, claiming it was all in the name of love. Where was love?

A low growl was heard, then the snapping of teeth. A wolf, an animal.

Aemond held his breath, letting go of Valaena's mouth, still gripping her waist. He turned her around, trying to get her behind bim. To protect her at least.


She noticed him unsheathing his dagger. Alas a man would never win from a Direwolf. The beast was too large. It's teeth to sharp.

Would Cregan's direwolf harm her? Did the beast sense her betrayal to it's master. She had gone out to meet Aemond. She had let him kiss her.

Valaena tried to push Aemond away, but his hands held her firm in place, even as the Direwolf thread closer to them. "It's Cregan's wolf." Told Valaena Aemond in a low voice. She watched his shoulders tense. He shook his head. Cursing under his breath in low Valyrian.

"Has he send his dog to-"

"Aemond!" Exclaimed Valaena, hoping to distract him, her voice shrill. "Behind me!"

Would he fall for her trap, did he believe that there was another wolf, a second beast waiting to tear them apart. She held her breath as his face shot sidewards. Aemond had only one eye, and he wasn't able to avert his gaze, no he had to move his face, crane his neck, if only for just a second.

Valaena closed her eyes as she shot her knee upwards. Ramming in on the back of his left knee. She heard him curse, his arms grabbed at her, but she was faster, smaller, she shot past him, feet tripping over the fallen branches. Her face met the damp ground. The sun was setting, the leaves tickled her face as she tried to get up. Terrified she rolled onto her back. Her eyes meeting the branched sky.

She had expected him to get to her, perhaps grab her by the hair, or her feet, but instead she only heard him call out her name. She sat up, elbows pushing into the grass.

Frost had leapt infront of her. Growling still, teeth snapping. Warning not her, but Aemond.

"Lady of Winterfell." Spat Aemond as he shook his head in disgust. "Did he send his wolf to protect you?"

Valaena's eyes shot up at his use of High Valyrian. "I am his wife, not yours." Remarked Valaena back as she slowly got to her knees. Frost stepped back, moving to her side now, still baring his teeth. "Cregan is my husband Aemond, I am doing my duty as the daughter of our future Queen. Rhaenyra, my mother."

Aemond shook his head. "Kill the beast Val, come home with me." He appeared angry still, possessive, a hint of desperation dripped from his tongue, leaking to his shaking hands.

"You don't belong in the North." Stated Aemond as he reached out a hand to Valaena. The desperation had now reached his eyes. She felt tears dripping down her cheeks. Mixing with the already damp grass.

"Go." Whispered Valaena. "Aemond, go."

Aemond shook his head at her. "No, No, don't- no."

"Go away!" Cried Valaena as she gripped the grass, trying to avert her gaze from his. "Go away, do not return. I do not love you Aemond."

"You dare lie to me?" Exclaimed Aemond as he stepped closer only an inch. The dagger still firm in his hand. Viserys' dagger. "You dare-"

"You were supposed to love me!" Exclaimed Valaena as more tears streamed down her face. "I am nothing more but a means to and end to you. Go home Aemond!"

"But we are supposed to be together!" Protested the Prince. "You and me- Targarye-"

"Fuck our bloodine Aemond!"

Just say you love me, renounce your false claim, come east with me, or further south. Love me, me, not my name.


"You were supposed to love me- not- betray my family-"

"I do! I love you, however else must I prove it to you, but by standing here, in these wretched woods, this barren cold. You do not belong here Valaena, you are a Targaryen Princess, come south with me- we sho-"

"Where do I belong?" Remarked Valaena as she felt her knees sunk deeper into the grass. She wished to disappear entirely, mend with the earth. "Go away, Aemond. It is no use. You've meant to betray my family and take me as a means, you Might have loved me in the process, but there are lies that coat your tongue, lies fuelled by a hatred that runs too deep to mend our families."


"Go! Away!" Moaned Valaena her voice nearly breaking. "Please."

She watched as he shook his head. She could hear Frost snapping it's jaw at Aemond. She moved her head to the side, her tear stricken eyes meeting those of Frost. She swallowed, placing one hand on the Wolf's flank. "This is my home now."

"A husband who had abandoned you? When has he last-"

"Aemond!" Yelled Valaena out. Desperate to have him gone, there was no way out of her marriage, apart from carrying Aemond's child, but she absolutely did not wish to do that. She hated the idea, she hated his possessiveness, the way he sought to own her. Her heart ached at the realization that it had been like that all along.

"Go away, do not return. I'm Lady of Winterfell now."

Aemond stared at her. Anger in his eyes, before he cursed, low, then he turned around, disappearing within the trees and leaving Valaena gasping for air, she slammed her fists in the ground.

She had been so foolish.

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