A Hood Princess Tale

By NooFakeIshh

769 34 0

Korryn is navigating in this world as spoiled hood royalty. But living in her fathers shadows isn't easy, and... More

Background & Cast


96 6 0
By NooFakeIshh


Arriving at the abandoned factory, the black Escalade carrying a few of the crew and myself pulled up behind the back entrance, city still keeps the power on here. You can pretty much say since I discovered it, it is not so much abandoned anymore. Walking into the building some of my boys took me to where the shooters were being held. Honestly speaking, I was slightly relieved to see that they weren't of Spanish descent. All the alarms would have gone off, pointing fingers at Oscar's set being behind this.

Even though they don't seem to be part of his team, I still can't cross his name off the list. The crew kept these two locked in the storage freezer for some odd time, once I arrived the niggas should have been ready to talk after practically freezing their dicks off. Unless they want to be thrown back in that bitch, either way by the end of this they are dying one way or another. You take from mine; I'm taking from you.

"Gentlemen," I said placing on my black gloves. "Tell me what I want to hear. Unlike yours, my time is precious."

"Fuck you, we ain't saying shit!" one barked.

"Maybe you don't realize just where the fuck you are. I'll cut your shit off right now piece by piece, drop it in that little machine other there. You can fucking watch yourselves turn into packaged meat. Or we can cut this shit right now and you can tell me what made you do some dumb shit like stealing from me?"

"People on the east side been talking about you, you ain't going to last long out here homie."

"Arab, chill the fuck out! What is you doing nigga?" His partner was trying to get him to stop squealing, hoping for a chance of survival but he should have known like Arab here. There is no survival here, once you step into this factory you leave packaged up.

"Fuck all that shit cuh', we going to die in this bitch! Might was well go down with my chest out nigga. Diabolik ain't having that foolery no more in the streets, it's time for your ass to get knocked off that high horse you on nigga! We on to your shit and won't stop 'til your ass is dead! You might want to reevaluate who the fuck you work with. You shouldn't break bread with a nigga trying to set you up!"

I laughed, "Y'all hear this? A'Kyde you hear this? Ceaser? Everybody? This little nigga going to tell me about my shit," I directed myself back to them. "How you going to tell me what is what, when you stole my shit? Packaged it or used it for yourself, who the fuck does that? Diabolik himself would never orchestrate some fuck shit like that, it's many ways to send a message; this is not his fucking style. It is Crack Commandments to this shit; you just broke the worse rule of all. Kill them!"

"WAIT!" the other spoke in turn, I held my hand up for everyone to hold their weapons. "It's—"


Before they could say anything Ceaser popped bullets in the both of them.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Did you not see me tell everybody to fucking wait?"

"You said to kill them, how the fuck did I know you would change your mind in the last second?"

"A fucking dead man can't tell me what I want to know! Now I don't have shit that could have been information leading to Oscar, or somebody in this fucking room! Walking up to Diabolik, is a damn shootout waiting to happen. If somebody got something they want to add speak the fuck up now!" I looked around the room at many silent faces.

"What we need to do is keep a close eye on Oscar's move, that nigga could have set all this shit up to fake you out just to set some shit off with you and Diabolik. Don't move that nigga name off the list!" Ceaser suggested.

"Maybe I should add you on that bitch, you need to get your fucking job right before I let somebody else get it right for you!"


Next morning, the sound of my pops getting in after a long night woke me up. Hearing the pots rattling in the kitchen I checked him out to see what was up. Taking a quick trip to the bathroom I washed my face and brushed my teeth before leaving out to head to the kitchen.

"You been gone all night, everything okay?" I asked.

In the kitchen he was fixing himself a cup of coffee, "Yeah. Trying to stay up for a few more hours 'til this funeral home opens. Need to get some things in order."

"The past few days you been working overtime in the streets. Maybe you should pull back some, you employ enough guys that you don't have to lift a finger."

"Do you know how much damage control I would have to do? Nobody moves without my word, it's all about strategy out here."

"I'm being serious, look at you." My father's normally smooth caramel complexion was now being plagued by dark circles around his eyes. His stress marks were evident every time he furrowed his eyes. At least he kept up his appearance, his beard was trimmed up to par, and his attire was still nothing less than sophisticated. But his issues were taking a toll on his sleep schedule, that on its own could have a negative impact on his choices. "You can barely stay awake to talk right now, if somebody don't take you out, stress will!"

"You know what is easing my stress, seeing your beautiful face. Smiling, eating, and happy. Why? Because everything I go out there and do to bring to this table is for you."

"What is the point if you don't return to the table? What is the point if half the time when you do come back, I still eat at this table alone? Hell, I even hate that I had to say that, I'm starting to sound like your baby momma's. When really, I just would like if you cut down time not only for yourself, but your own daughter too."

He sighed, "Later we can talk all about this. You know that I would love to spend time with you honey, but it's just really difficult right now. Look, Ceaser is coming by later around eleven a.m., behave. Have a good time at least. The man needs some light work, he seems to be confused on who the boss is."

"You know Cease, he looking at it like it's a fifty-fifty. You and him started this together, if anything, I'm sure it's just as much his as it is yours."

"Then you take the damn fifty percent and be grateful, don't start pushing for more. He sees these young guys out here moving and act like he can't keep up."

I smiled, "Well when you have somebody like A'Kyde glued to your hip. I see why he would feel some type of way."

"A'Kyde and Ceaser are two different people, when you come from nothing you work harder to appreciate what you finally have. A'Kyde is disciplined, hardworking, and determined. Everything Ceaser is not, Ceaser wants it easy street now, expects as much responsibility as A'Kyde but don't seem like he can handle it anymore. It's lot to invest in A'Kyde and I will see him to the top. Ceaser killed the only two leads I had last night, he claims the shit was an accident and that I changed my order at the last minute. One more fuck up and his ass has to go, you can't fuck up around me like that. Choosing the wrong thing to do can get people killed, I'll be damned if his fuck up means my death."

"Invest in whoever you want, just don't forget your day ones at the end of the day. Maybe you need to talk to Ceaser, some shit could be going on that you don't even know. Don't let this business cause ugliness in your friendship and drive you two apart."

"Alright," he kissed me on my forehead as he stood up. "I'm going to go lay down for a few, knock if you need me."

Briefly scratching my head, I returned to my room to prepare for the day. Out of respect, my outfit will be simple. Some light work just in case my dad wanted to pitch a fit. Sitting around waiting, Ceaser came right on time. First thing first was filling out that damn paperwork, once that was said and done we headed to the gun range.

"It's big of your pops to be trusting you with carrying a gun," Ceaser said as we were getting ready to shoot rounds.

"Better safe than sorry, niggas dropping like flies out here. Besides, somebody has to have his back. There is no better person than me."

"You right about that. You should still be doing something more constructive with your time."

"You sound just like him." I complained, sucking my teeth.

"I'm just saying, you the last person I expected to be interested in the shit he does."

"Well I am, not saying I want to be like him. Just something of that nature where I can still call the shots."

Ceaser laughed, "You want to be some nigga's ride or die? Stand behind the scenes 'til it's time to clean up his mess?"

"No, I want to stand on top of the niggas that think I need to stand behind them."

"Mm, okay I see you. You think you can handle something like that, because it's not easy."

"Never said it would be easy, but yes that's exactly what I want to do. I want to be in charge and I'm not accepting anything less."

"Okay, we going to see about that."

Ceaser and I shot a few rounds just goofing off so I could get a feel for it. When it came time to be serious, Ceaser stood in my compartment with me against range policy. Standing directly behind, he tried to correct my arms, I felt his dick brush against my ass. Instantly, I had thoughts I should not have had. Ceaser is a fine ass nigga, usually I stick to my dark and brown skin toned men. But it was something about his light skin, coochie beard ass that turned me on! Nigga became a professional with his waves, always dressed to the nine on his grown man shit! Unfortunately, he is not in my age range having grown up with my dad.

"Relax yourself, level your arms out. Before you pull the trigger, hold your breath for a steady shot."

Everything he suggested, I applied. But I couldn't concentrate with him standing so close up on me. "It's hard to concentrate when you all up on me like this," I said straight up.

"Korryn you going to have distractions out there in the real world, deal with it and stop making excuses. You may have to defend yourself one day from a nigga trying to take advantage of you. You going to tell him back off, you distracting me? No, because he ain't going to listen to you while he trying to get some ass!"

Taking a few shots, Ceaser pulled the target paper up closer to see my progress. Pleased with the results, it was three shots right on target in the chest and one in the head.

"See, that's the shit I'm talking about!" Ceaser hyped me up. "Much better than the first round."

A feeling of accomplishment washed over me, it felt good to be noticed by somebody whose hustle I admired. Ceaser took a step back now. "Can I try the M16 semi-automatic?"

"Ooooh, you want to fuck with the big boys!" Ceaser was already using that gun, he switched out with me and then took his position up on my ass again.

"I like the way this shit feel," I was referring to the gun.

"Get your stance right," Ceaser said placing his hands on my hips. "Turn a little bit and slide that foot back some." Daddy picked the wrong damn person to take me to this range, I'm not sure if I'm overthinking this shit or not. The way Ceaser had me standing up against him was like I was damn near sitting on his lap. "This gun has some buck to it, don't let go of your grip. Hold it up a little higher." Ceaser's hands traced my arms as he elevated the height of the gun.

"I'm ready," I said.

"Don't let the distractions stop you, concentrate!"

The palm of Ceaser's hand touched my thigh, his free hand was playing with my hair. Holding tight to the gun I began to shoot, riddling the paper with bullets. The adrenaline rush was everything! Once I put the gun down, I felt such a thrill.

"Damn, you killed that shit!" he complimented.

"Thank you!" I smiled.

"You want to try something else?" he asked.

Scanning him up and down one quick time, I had to think for a moment. "Nah I'm good, excuse me real quick."

Best excuse I could think of was heading into the bathroom, I had to check myself real quick to see if I had my period or some shit. Nope, my ass was actually wet off this. I must be tripping; this nigga was really feeling on me!

"Ready to go when you are," I said, returning back.

"Good, because I just got a 911 call."

"Everything alright?" I looked with worry.

"Nothing you should worry about, but the situation is on this side of town and my condo is a few blocks away. Can I stash you there while I handle this? Shouldn't be no more than twenty to thirty minutes tops!"

"Yeah sure, do what you got to do."

A little alarmed, Cease raced through the lights to get me to his place. "Here are the keys, up on the sixth floor, 614 on the left. I'll be right back!"

Exiting the car I made my way up to Ceaser's apartment. My ass was hungry as hell, already the nosey child that I am I snooped through some things without opening anything personal. I just wanted to see how this man was living and from the looks of it I'd say quite nice. Taking an apple from his fruit basket I shined it off and tried satisfying my hunger. His couch was then calling my name, I made myself comfortable as I began scrolling like usually through Snapchat and Instagram.

That thirty minutes tops Ceaser was talking about was longer than that, without warning I drifted off to sleep. When he finally came an hour later, he threw off his jacket on to the floor exposing a small flesh wound on his bicep.

"Cease, what happened?" I asked, shocked seeing his current condition.

"A little scuffle, I'm fine," he said heading to his kitchen table.

"Fine? That's a damn bullet wound, no exit point. You got to get this shit out of you."

"I got a first aid kit in the closet," he pointed towards the door.

Frantically rummaging through his closet, I grabbed the kit and returned to the table. Cease grabbed a nearby bottle of Scotch and took it straight to the head. Pulling up a seat close to his side, I used the tweezers gently as possible to fish around for the shell casing. Cease talked me through as I tried not to cause more pain.

"This is what happens when you want to be tough out here in these streets Korryn. You got a nice little body, you sure you want to ruin that with bullet wounds?"

"If I'm good at what I do, I won't have to worry," I concentrated, feeling a piece.

"You don't think I'm good? Sweetheart, I'm good at everything I do, I'm nice with my shit! Sometimes being good ain't good enough, especially when somebody is always better. You don't need to be out there like that, as a female this right here is what it means to be a ride or die. When no hospital is involved, you are the nurse on hand!" Ceaser took another swig, then continued. "You are supposed to take care of your man while he risks his life for you!"

"Maybe I don't want to be under a nigga all the time!" I said.

"You can get on top, when you riding dick. Regardless of what you say, that is what everybody going to look at you as. Nobody takes pretty ass females serious in the streets. If you ain't a dike ass bitch. You ain't going to get no respect."

For as long as I've known Ceaser, he has always had this candid, blunt, straight to the facts attitude. It made him standout from all of the other men on my dad's team. Ceaser had a stocky build, he stood at an average height, and didn't give a damn how big or small you were. He didn't apologize for shit! Ceaser talked his shit and always owned it. But, I have never seen him in this light.

"Give me the bottle for a second?" I asked, getting the last piece of bullet fragment I could feel. I doused his arm with alcohol as disinfectant.

Ceaser winced in pain before he could take his bottle back to get a big swig. "Give me a minute to take you home, I'm just going to go freshen up, cool?"

"Do what you gotta do," I answered as he left the table.

Regardless of what anybody says, I'm going to do what the fuck I want to do. When I do decide to make moves, I'm going to be a cold ass bitch and nobody is going to want to fuck with me. A nigga want to try and look at me wrong, I will kill him dead on the spot. That's my aim, fuck that drug shit. I'll get my money by another means.

"I'm almost ready," Cease said coming out in his boxer briefs, dick print was very visible. "Can you hand me that kit please?" he asked walking back to the closet.

Getting up from his couch, I walked over to grab everything I used. Washing off the tweezers, I then returned those back to the box. Seeing him walk into his room around the corner from the closet, I placed the kit in there myself. Closing the door, being nosy I wanted to get a peek, but when I turned my head he was right there in front of me.

"My bad," I said almost nervously. I didn't mean to blatantly look down, but I did anyway. Ceaser was hard as I don't know what, immediately I turned my back. "Bruh, this can't be happening. I must still be knocked the hell out on the couch," I said aloud.

Ceaser turned me back around, both hands locked on my arms. Close to his chest, I could feel his dick through his briefs trying to wedge between my thighs.

"All I want to do is eat it," he admitted.

With a dick as big and thick as his, all he wanted to do is eat it? Light skins ain't normally blessed like this, but damn Ceaser really had the full package. Looks and size?

"You know you can't do this, my dad will –"

"Will not know," he interrupted. "You a grown ass woman! Who clearly is not ready for the tough streets like I thought, nobody was really going to eat you girl relax." Ceaser scoffed, letting out a laugh. "You too worried about dear old daddy, when you can make your own decisions you let me know. Fuck around with me and I'll show you a thing or two that he won't!"

"You damn near gave me a heart attack, what did you expect my reaction to be? Ceaser, I can handle any damn thing, you just know why I can't do something like that."

"You can't or don't want to?"

"I can't, I need to go before he starts calling us both."

Fucking my pop's best friend? That shit is forbidden, that would kill my dad. Something like this I would not take as a joke as Ceaser claimed. What's more important? A squirrel trying to get her nut, or losing respect from my dad if he ever found out? My mind was all on that print that I just can't have! If I'm ever faced with that situation again, I don't know if I could seriously say no.

Coming home, if my dad was there I knew he would ask hella questions. Luckily for me he was out at the moment. Ceaser will be quiet about it and obviously my ass ain't telling nobody either. It will be dumb on him if he breaks his silence to anybody, joke or no joke.

"Ms. Korryn," the door detail greeted.

"Huh? Oh hello," I walked in passing him.

Mecca was posted up by the kitchen door, "What's good shorty?"

"What? Oh my bad, hey," I said taking my time getting to my room, my mind was clouded with what Ceaser just did.

"Korryn," Mecca repeated my name. Korryn!" He followed after me down the hall.

"What?" I asked.

"You good, I expected a rude ass comment?"

"Yeah, yeah. Just a lot on my mind," I said, not even snapping on him like usual.

"You sure, you act like you seen a ghost. You been out with that light skin King Kong looking nigga all day. You lucky your pops ain't here to sweat you about it, I know it don't take that long at the gun range ... Korryn!" he shouted for my attention.

"What?" he snapped me out my deep thinking.

"You heard anything I said?"

"Yeah, I told you I'm good. Get the hell out my face now, bye!"

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