Henrick (a short story)

By pianogirl

101 0 3

Henrick, a poor boy in middle school who get bullied every day, stays in school every day until the bullies w... More

Henrick (a short story)

101 0 3
By pianogirl

“Finally!” I yelled into the silent classroom.

Luckily, Mr. Audio and I were the only ones left in the whole school. I had finished my homework two hours before, but I was stuck there from three o’clock, when school let out, until then, 7:30, because Matar and his gang were outside, just waiting for me to come out so that they could beat me up. It had taken especially longer for them to leave, since they usually go home at about 5 pm.

I had been glancing out the window every 5 minutes to see if they were still there- Matar, Conner, Buster, and the other kid their age who never talks (only hurts) and doesn’t even go to our school. Matar was the leader and the smartest, overall, of the four. Conner was the best at getting information, like pamphlets and brochures, for secret or hidden things like parties they wanted to go to without paying, and his body made that even easier. He looks weak (even though he can really throw a punch) and younger for his age, so no one would ever suspect him of doing anything illegal. Somehow, he knows a ‘little birdy’ everywhere. What’s more, he always manages to disappear every time the gang gets caught, and then reappear to bail them out with money that comes out of no where. Buster is the best at blending in with people, or looking a lot like a janitor to stay in the school late to do something bad, like get the answers to tests. The other kid just usually does the dirty work.

But at that moment, FINALLY, at 7:30 pm, they were gone. I didn’t know why they left just then, but I was so relieved that I didn’t even care.

“Good” said Mr. Audio. “I’m so sorry that you always have to wait this long for them to leave.” He said, standing up.

“It’s alright,” I answered calmly. “They usually don’t wait this long. Plus, staying here gives me a chance to get my homework done.”

I couldn’t wait to get home and relax.

“But what about your parents?” He asked with interest. “Don’t they get worried?”

“Oh, they don’t get home until late at night. When they do come home early, they never miss the chance to pick me up, and when they do, the boys don’t bother me.”

He nodded in understanding, then started gathering up his stuff and putting on his coat. It was a dark, but warm shade of green, was down to his knees, and it went well with his ironed jeans. I wore a black jacket that went just below my waste, showing my worn out jeans. It was autumn, and the leaves were just beginning to fall on the pavement in colors ranging form marigold to mahogany, and then to pure brown. That gave us a busy art class for the next several weeks. Mr. Audio was just patting his pockets for his belongings when he said “Oh, Shoot!”

“What happened?” I asked, curious.

“Well...” he continued searching his pockets, “I forgot something in the teacher’s lounge” he finally admitted.

“That’s okay” I reassured him. “You can leave through the exit there, and I can leave through the one up front, since I’m not aloud in the teacher’s lounge anyway” I suggested.

There was an exit in the teacher’s lounge that led to the teacher’s parking lot. Mr. Audio didn’t have a car, but he could still leave from there.

“You know, Henrick,” he told me, “You can come with me. It isn’t illegal.”

I thought about that for a moment before saying, “It’s not just that. You see, if I go through the main exit, I can lock it from there- that is, if you come with me to press the button. Also, the boys might be hiding out at the parking lot exit” I said- and it was all true. There was a button somewhere on or near the doors that locked them the next time they were closed, but only some of the staff knew about it. Also, the boys might very well be hiding there. He thought for several seconds before agreeing.

“Alright,” he said. “That’s understandable.” I gave him a small smile to show that I was content with the result, and then we headed out. When we left the classroom, he locked the door, and then we started down the hallway. When we got to the big red doors at the front of the school, I turned around and faced the deserted hallways and classrooms- almost expecting tumble weed to roll across. I heard a click, and then Mr. Audio as he said “there you go.” We gave our goodbyes and then I waited a bit for him to get to the teacher’s lounge before I turned off the lights using the switch to the right of the doors, and then opened them. I looked out, but jumped back instantly at the sight of Matar and the other boys, coming out from the sides of the stairs. Once they were all in front of me, they just stopped and looked at me- and, for a second, they almost looked innocent.

But I knew better. I pulled the door shut, right before Buster, the faster of the four, got his hand on the side of the door. I held it shut with all my might as I heard them yelling things like “Open the door, you little nerd!” or “LET US IN, YOU BRAT!” through the shaking door. It almost scared me to death. I didn’t even want to imagine what would happen to me if they got in. But then I realized- I can’t possibly be holding the door on my own against them! and started easing my grip off the handle. I let out a large exhale, so happy that the they could not possibly get in, since the door was locked.


In an instant my heart was as loud as a bongo drum once more as I was dashing down the hallway, my feet almost louder than the gang’s insults, yelling Mr. Audio’s name. When I got to the room I didn’t even bother to turn on the light; I just ran right towards the door to the parking lot door, pulling and pushing it as hard as I could, but to no avail. He was gone.

I started walking back to the door and back to my backpack, which I had dropped on the ground earlier, when I heard the sounds of a police siren. I raced back to the door the rest of the way, and the banging on the door stopped. I yelled for the police, but then stopped and leaned my ear against the cold, hard door. I heard a buff and low voice say “Hey, it’s you again! What are you three doing out here?” in an angry tone, and I figured that Conner had already fled from the scene. Then I heard Buster say “There’s a kid in there!”

“There’s no kid in there!” said the officer, NOT amused.

“YES THERE IS!!!” I yelled with all my might. I guess the police officer couldn’t hear me, because all I got was a bang in the ear. Matar must’ve kicked the door, because then I heard him say, pretty convincingly, “You know what? You’re right officer. There’s no kid in there! Because everyone already went home!”

And then they walked down the steps and into the police officer’s car, and the whole time I was screaming “I’M IN HERE!!!” louder than I even knew I could scream. Even after the car drove away, even after the town went silent, and even after my throat got a little soar. I screamed for what must’ve been an hour at least, but no one heard.

I started walking towards the cafeteria saying “Hello?!” into the dark hallways, because after eight o’clock, the lights go off for good until 5 am the next day.

But what about the electricity? There might be some charge still powering the vending machines! I thought, then started running. When I started getting close to my destination, I got so relieved at seeing a faint blue light that it literally massaged me. I turned into the large room with its tables all folded up and the floor recently swept by the janitors. Then I jogged over to the vending machine, all the while reaching for my wallet. When I stopped in front of it, my wallet was out, I had pulled out one dollar, and I was looking at my choices. I was about to take one of the Dorito Chips, since there weren’t any real meals (for obvious reasons), when I heard something fall.

I instantly turned my head to the right where I heard the noise, held my breath for a few seconds, then gulped involuntarily. I started walking towards the noise, just to make sure…no. I thought, and stopped in mid-step. This school has mice. I’ ll make sure to not have any crumbs when I eat.

I went back to the machines and quickly ordered a Nacho Cheese Doritos©, then started back to my backpack in the front. I walked quickly, trying to ignore the subtle sounds in the other corridor. I was walking faster and faster when all of a sudden something fell to the cold, empty floor, slapping it with a harsh BANG, and I found myself running toward the doors.

Through the dark, I saw my backpack getting bigger and bigger as I got closer. I got there and grabbed my stuff off of the middle of the floor, dragging it to the hole-less corner on the right of the doors.

I put my jacket on my body, so that it covered the most of me that I could get it to, and then took an inspection. I stopped moving as much as I could, even though I couldn’t stop my hands from shaking the plastic bag of chips in my hand.

I put them aside me and just sat there on the floor, listening for any sounds. Maybe I sat there 30 seconds, or maybe I sat there 20 minutes, but I was so stunned that I couldn’t count. Then I told myself, sitting here listening to nothing is NOT going to get me anywhere! I can’t- but then I felt my stomach growl.

I didn’t have a phone.

I didn’t have a flashlight.

And I definitely didn’t have mouse-repellent.

I opened the bag and took a chip out. It was salty on my mouth, and most of the flavor didn’t instantly lay on my tongue because my mind was still focused on something else; My mom and dad aren’t coming home until so late, and they wouldn’t stop to think for a second that I would be in the school. I wish they’d have given me a phone at least! I mean, I’m in 6th grade, for Pete’s Sake! It’s Thursday on a three day weekend!

I started breathing faster and I almost heard my heart beating. But then I thought maybe they’ll ask Mr. Audio, and then maybe realize it. Maybe…

By the time I looked down (and squinted) I found that my snack was no more, but I wasn’t hungry anyway- I was much too preoccupied.I stuffed the empty bag into the small pocket of my backpack, and then laid it behind me so that I could rest on it. I put my jacket on and shivered- it was autumn and the school doesn’t leave the heat on after 8pm, except for certain situations.

I stared out into the dark and started adjusting my eyes a little more. When I thought that my eyes were well adjusted, I looked at the clock for the time. I was stunned when I saw 10:21 on the clock at that moment. It seemed like 10 minutes since Matar left, and yet it had been hours. I yawned. I usually go to sleep at 8:30, and I’m not a very good stay-up-late kind of person.

My stomach growled, and when I looked down my eyes closed. I felt tears run down my eyes as I thought of the horrible things that could happen.

I’ll run out of money and starve soon enough! Before my parents will find me! Matar and his boys are the only ones that know I’m in here! They would never tell! They might even ask me to get test answers or something! They might break in, beat me up, then leave without letting me out… I yawned again. Half of me was saying I couldn’t fall asleep, but half of me was saying I needed the rest if I was to get out of there.

I kept weeping, sobbing, then weeping again, constantly repositioning my jacket for warmth. Time wasn’t with me, and neither was anyone else.


I fell asleep.

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