Stranger - hotd Cregan Stark

By laenyra2712

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I've started writing this story due to a request of one of the readers from my book Mourning, Valaena Velaryo... More



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By laenyra2712

Cregan Stark looked every bit a Northernman. He wore dark leather, a thick cloak hung over his shoulders. Made of various furs and held together by leather clasps.

His dark hair matched his attire, and in truth he looked every bit as terrifying as Valaena had expected to feel on her wedding day.

It was dark, as per Northern traditions, she didn't dare avert her gaze, but when she did she felt bits of relief. Her family stood close, as did Cregan's. Not many guests were invited, nor would there be a tourney or large banquet.

The path along the godswood, leading up to the weirwood tree had been littered with little blue forget-me-nots as if someone had plucked them and spread them fresh. She looked up, eyes meeting with those of Cregan. Her heart froze in her chest. He looked rugged, offering her a gentle tug of the eyes, a smile so faint that it made her nearly sigh in relief.

Valaena hardly ever turned to prayer, but she did now, silently begging the gods that he would be kind, and good to her.

Jacaerys squeezed her hand, he too felt nervous. Giving his sister one last affirming nod before they waited in front of the tree. It's leaves red like blood, a crying face carved into it's trunk. It was marvelous, and it echoed with something ancient.

"Who comes? Who comes before the gods?" Cregan Stark's voice was hardh as he spoke the words, his accent thick accent made Valaena shudder. Her hands shook as Jacaerys let go of her arm.

"Princess Valaena of House Velaryon comes here to be wed. A woman grown and flowered, trueborn and noble, she comes to beg the blessings of the gods. Who comes to claim her?"

"Me, Cregan of House Stark, Lord of Winterfell and warden of the North, I claim her. Who gives her?"

His damned accent filled Valaena's ears, making her hands shake slightly. She tried to calm herself by curling her fingers around the ribbons on her skirts.

"Prince Jacaerys of House Velaryon and House Targaryen, her brother."

Jacaerys spoke well, his voice loud, an edge of pride in his words as he kept his gaze on Cregan, as if to challenge to man to ever dare lay a hand on his sister.

"Princess Valaena, will you take this man?"

Valaena held her breath for her moment, urging herself to speak. She would have to speak.

"I take this man." Her voice was quiet, quieter than she had intended it to be, and with a shuddering breath she stepped forward. To join Cregan Stark underneath the tree. Staring at him as he turned for her. Kneeling in front of the tree. His face towards the tree, eyes closed in prayer. She followed, holding her breath as her knees sunk into the soft grass.

Valaena did not know who to pray to, and in the moment of silence she tried to push away every feeling that swelled in her chest. Hoping instead, begging instead, that he would be kind to her. She didn't know who his gods were, but she tried to, in her silent minds, imagine that the North would welcome her. Asked them to.

Cregan turned to look at her, giving her another nodd. He offered her his hand, and it felt cold in hers as they got up. He remained quiet as he undid the clasp that held her Velaryon cloak together. It fell to the floor with a soft thud, causing her heart to beat faster as he replaced it with the heavy furs he wore around his shoulders. It was heavy on her, and she geimaced under it's weight.

She was now Princess Velaena Stark, Lady of Winterfell. She looked up, carefully as something cold and wet landed on her nose.

Was it raining?

Cregan hadn't kissed her, not like in Southern weddings, where it was quite usual to do so. She turned to look at him, his dark hair now damp due to the soft rain. He reached out his hand, this thumb softly swiping across the bridge of her nose. The waterdrop now gone. Replaced by the warm feel of his calloused hand. She shuddered.

"It's snowing." Remarked Cregan with a slight grin, the corner of his lip tugging upwards just slightly. "It's only nearing autumn. It won't stick." Protested Valaena as she stared up at the sky. "Mhmm." Cregan hummed as he offered Valaena his arm. "Winter is coming."

Valaena bit the inside of her cheek as she and Cregan made their way back into the keep. To the hall, where a feast was to be held.

Her mother would depart shortly after.

Cregan hadn't said many words to her, they made her way towards the keep in comfortable silence. Was he waiting for her to break it? Should she? What even would she say.

"Your cloak is very heavy."

Valaena almost quit walking to chastise herself at the realization of what she had said. She felt her cheeks heat up.

Cregan's lauhh filled her ears. "It's your cloak now, Princess Lady Valaena Stark."

She frowned, would she ever learn to speak in the same accent as he did. His sharp R's? Stark

Valaena looked up at her now husband noticing how it was still snowing, yet none of it would stick. "I'll need it soon then."

"Mhm." Hummed Cregan as he shared a grin with one of his men. He gave Valaena a smile. "Allow me."

He didn't wait for Valaena to answer him before he slightly bent down to her level. "Northen Traditions Princess." Cregan Stark slid his arms around her legs and back, lifting her up as he held her close to his chest. He was warm, almost hot like a hearth,
Valaena nearly choked on her breath at the sudden movement. She let out a soft shriek as he lifted her over the entrance to the Keep, before setting her back down. She felt her cheeks redden even more.

She didn't know what to say, so instead she averted her gaze. Fiddling with the clasp on her cloak. He reached out to help her, his hands taking the heavy hide of her shoulders. She was glad to be rid of it. It smelled rather odd and it made her shoulders too hot.

"Come, there's a banquet to celebrate our wedding."

"I wish to say my farewells to my family first." Spoke Valaena. "Join your men."

"Allow me to join you Princess."

"Lord." Valaena offered him a soft smile. Despite them trying to call themselves by their first names, Valaena liked him using her title. It made her feel less torn from her old life.

He didn't frown when she refused to call him my Lord, by law she was supposed to, even as a Princess. He was her husband.

She averted her gaze from his as she stepped closer to her mother. Looking for her in the crowd of Lord's and Ladies who had been able to attend the hastened wedding.

"Mother." Breathed Valaena out as she felt her mother wrap her arms around her only daughter. "I am very proud of you." Whispered Rhaenyra before kissing her daughter's temple. "I'll write to you, once we have arrived home, as I will write to your Grandsire, both of them, that you've now wed. Princess Rhaenys might wish to visit to extend her congratulations, as might my half sister mhm." Rhaenyra pushed some loose strands out of Valaena's face. "Do you wish for me to stay with you? Daemon and Luke can tend to Aegon."

"No." Promised Valaena as she softly squeezed her mother's hand. "Go see to my brother, see that he is well. I shall visit you all soon."

Valaena smiled as Lucerys wrapped his arms around his sister. They exchanged brief promised. Before the Princess setlled on her stepfather. Who nodded at her. "You'll do good Val." Promised Daemon. He bent forward slightly. Then spoke so softly that only she could hear.

Cregan exchanged brief congratulatory words with Rhaenyra Targaryen. The two nodded at eachother.

And then they were gone. Only she and Jacaerys left behind. She shuddered at what came next, having to face all of the North, become their lady.

Valaena shuddered, she hadn't realized that her marriage would come with responsibilities. For half of her life she had been raised to become Aemond's wife. They wouldn't have much responsibilities. Their children would probably marry those of Jacaerys, and thus sit the throne as Queen. Rhaenyra had ruled this long ago. All she was raised to be was Aemond's. Now she had to navigate the North, become familiar with it's customs and people. She shuddered at the thought. Her head turned light as the doors to the hall opened. Music could already be heard from inside. Cheers rung loud as the couple entered. All Valaena wanted to do was run away. The stretched hall, filled with more people and music than she had anticipated made her want to hurl.

Jacaerys had a smile on his face, as he sat near the high table, already he had wine in his cup. He didn't look at his sister, no instead he was busy talking to Benjen Stark. Cregan's younger brother.

"Come." Cregan offered his hand to Valaena. She hesitated for a moment. Intertwining their fingers only when he offered her a smile. "Let me introduce my wife to the North."

Valaena gulped as he helped her onto the platform. They were swarmed by Lord's and Ladies right away, causing Valaena to pale at the sight of their eager faces coming closer.

Cregan's thumb started slowly circling the top of her hand. She breathed out slowly. Sinking into the warm feeling. She parted her lips, hoping to speak, only to he cut off as his hand slid from hers and wrapped itself around the cup in front of her.

"A toast!" Bellowed Cregan's voice. The hall fell silent and Valaena could feel all eyes on her. She averted her gaze from the tightly packed hall. Instead she glued her eyes to her husband.

"To my beautiful wife! A Targaryen Princess!" Exclaimed Cregan as he lifted his cup. Roaring filled the hall as mostly men got to their feet, their cheeks red and smiles wide. Valaena swallowed as she too grabbed her cup and raised it. She prepared herself to be met with the bitter taste of ale, or sour wine.

To her suprise the drink in her cup was sweet almost like a flowery syrup. She closed her eyes, trying not to down the whole cup.

She noticed Cregan smiling at her. He lifted his cup once more. "To my wife! Princess Valaena, Lady Stark of Winterfell."

The crowd roared once again, and Valaena held her breath locking eyes with her husband once more who say down. He reached for her, his hand leaning on the side of her chair. "Elderflower wine." Whispered Cregan as she drank from her cup. "Do you like it Laena?"

She frowned, Laena, everyone always called her Val. But there was something sweet in the way he had already assigned her a nickname. She hummed nodding at him, her eyes noticing the flower bouquets that sat on each table. Wildflowers, in many colours.

"I will need to thank you." Offered Valaena as she sat her cup back down. "Alas it is fine by me to reside in your Northern standards."

Cregan shook his head, his arm grabbing the side of her chair as he pulled her over to him. "Nonsense, you are my wife, a Princess."

Valaena could feel her cheeks heat up at him pulling her closer to him, moving her chair with just one hand. She nodded. Still she felt slightly terrified. "I intend to be gentle with you Laena, the North must be a strange place to you."

Is this man capable of using different phrasing gods

Valaena bit the inside of her cheek at his words, hands slightly shaking as she gave him more of a grimace than a smile. She coughed, trying to hide her stained cheeks. His eyes bore into hers, icy blue meeting violet.

"My Lord, Princess." Glad to be rid of Cregan's piercing stare, Valaena looked at the man in front of them. "Lord Glover."

"My congratulations to you both, May your union be fruitfull."

Valaena nodded, mouthing a thank you, as no sound left her throat. Would they call her shy? Did the men understand that she was terrified, a foreigner amongst these men and their customs.

She grabbed her cup again. Perhaps more wine would dull the mind and lull her to her senses. She didn't particularly enjoy the attention.Five more Lord's came to congratulate them. They all said the same, fruitfull marriage, sons, heirs and the list went on. She averted her gaze from Cregan each and everytime. She didn't know what to say to him. He was trying to be kind, and good, but all she wanted was Aemond still. She longed for him, despite his betrayal. Besides vowing to herself that she would never once again dare touch him.

"Laena, You look absol-"

Cregan was promptly cut off as the doors to the chamber swung open, and in stepped a Lord dressed in dark leather and iron.

Valaena frowned at his appearance, though it was Cregan who smiled incredibly wide. "Lord Cerwyn!"

"Rickon Cerwyn is my closest man." Explained Cregan as he got to his feet to welcome his friend. "Rickon, meet my wife-"

His words fell short as he noticed the dreaded expression of Rickong Cerwyn, he was coated in rain. "My Lord, My Lady, Princess."

The man reached out a hand to congratulate Cregan. "Cregan, I am- I am sorry I haven't been able to make it sooner, but there's been a breach at the wall, seventeen wildings got away. They ravaged through Molestown, they were lasted spotted a few days ride from here, heading south."

Cregan closed his eyes for a moment, cursing loud as he slammed his cup down. Valaena bit her lip.

"On my fucking wedding?" Exclaimed Cregan.

"My Lord- I am-"

"Benjen!" Valaena watched as Benjen Stark got to his feet. "Mhm." Mused the younger Stark. "Get the horses ready, take Lord Glover, leave Willem here to protect Valaena."

Benjen nodded, offering Valaena an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry Princess." Mumbled Lord Cerwyn aswell. "I had hoped to meet my Lord's wife under different circumstances. Let alone not to interrupt his wedding."

"Do not apologize Lord Cerwyn, there are matters less vain than a wedding that should require a Lord his attention. This one is dire, tend to your land."

Did I really just say that.

Cregan exchanged raised brows with Rickon Cerwyn. The two men then briefly smiled at eachother. "Laena come with me." Offered Cregan as he got to his feet.  She followed him, secretly glad to be rid of the loud hall. Only cheers followed as she and Cregan left. They must think-

"I wish to extend more apologies than I can, but I vow to be back as soon as I can."  Promised Cregan Valaena as Benjen Stark helped ready his brother for whatever battle they might face. Cregan looked ever more terrifying, with the breastplate and swords strapped to his back. "Wildings are grave." Explained Cregan as he put on his gloves. "I'll take you to see the North when I return."  Cregan softly caressed the side of Valaena's face with his gloved hand, the thick leather cool against her face. "You're beautiful Valaena, allow me to get to know you once I return." His eyes stared at her, as if trying to dissect her soul. He sincerely wanted to get to know her.

Valaena nodded, her shoulders sinking as Cregan grabbed her hand, she felt guilty at acting so cool, then again they had just met. She still had time to get to know him. She would make time, find moments. Still in secret, she was glad to be alone tonight.

She stared at the stone floors of the room he was about to leave her in. "I'll leave frost with you mhm." Hummed Cregan as he nodded at his Direwolf who he had brought with him to talk to her. "Cregan I- thank you. I'll be waiting on your return." Tried Valaena as she gently wrapped her hand around his wrist. She tried to shake of Aemond's voice as she gave his arm a squeeze. Trying to be intimate.

He nodded at her. Softly taking her hand of his wrist and bringing it to his lips. "I'll be home soon." He left her then, the touch of his lips on her hand lingering.

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