Hidden Pathways (BOOK 1)

By Re_andra

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The story, far from a mere clash of powers, delves into the intricate layers of morality and consequence. Wha... More

Full Map
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 1
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 2
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 3
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 4
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 5
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 6
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 7
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 8
Sins Unveiled - Chapter 9
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 10
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 11
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 12
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 13
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 14
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 15
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 16
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 17
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 18
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 19
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 20
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 21
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 22
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 23
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 24
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 25
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 26
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 27
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 28
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 29
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 30
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 31
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 32
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 33
Tactical Triumph - Chapter 34
Covert Expedition - Chapter 35
Covert Expedition - Chapter 36
Covert Expedition- Chapter 37
Covert Expedition - Chapter 38
Covert Expedition - Chapter 39
Covert Expedition - Chapter 40
Covert Expedition - Chapter 41
Covert Expedition - Chapter 42
Covert Expedition - Chapter 43
Covert Expedition - Chapter 44
Covert Expedition - Chapter 45
Covert Expedition - Chapter 46
Covert Expedition- Chapter 47
Covert Expedition - Chapter 48
Covert Expedition - Chapter 49
Covert Expedition - Chapter 50
Covert Expedition - Chapter 51
Covert Expedition - Chapter 52
Covert Expedition - Chapter 53
Covert Expedition - Chapter 54
Covert Expedition - Chapter 55
Covert Expedition - Chapter 56
Covert Expedition - Chapter 57
Covert Expedition - Chapter 58
Covert Expedition - Chapter 59
Covert Expedition - Chapter 60
Covert Expedition - Chapter 61
Covert Expedition - Chapter 62
Covert Expedition - Chapter 63
Covert Expedition - Chapter 64
Covert Expedition - Chapter 65
Covert Expedition - Chapter 66
Covert Expedition - Chapter 67
Covert Expedition - Chapter 68
Covert Expedition - Chapter 69
Covert Expedition - Chapter 70
Covert Expedition - Chapter 71
Covert Expedition - Chapter 72
Covert Expedition - Chapter 73
Covert Expedition - Chapter 74
Covert Expedition - Chapter 75
Covert Expedition - Chapter 76
Covert Expedition - Chapter 77
Covert Expedition - Chapter 78
Covert Expedition - Chapter 79
Covert Expedition - Chapter 80
Covert Expedition - Chapter 81
Covert Expedition - Chapter 82
Covert Expedition - Chapter 83
Covert Expedition - Chapter 84
Covert Expedition - Chapter 85
Covert Expedition - Chapter 86
Covert Expedition - Chapter 87
Covert Expedition - Chapter 88
Covert Expedition - Chapter 89
Covert Expedition - Chapter 90
Covert Expedition - Chapter 91
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 92
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 93
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 94
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 95
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 96
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 97
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 98
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 99
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 100
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 101
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 102
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 103
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 104
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 105
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 106
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 107
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 108
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 109
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 110
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 111
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 112
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 113
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 115
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 116
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 117
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 118
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 119
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 120
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 121
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 122
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 123
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 124
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 125
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 126
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 127
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 128
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 129
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 130
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 131
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 132
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 133
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 134
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 135
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 136
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 137
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 138
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 139
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 140
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 141
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 142
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 143
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 144
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 145
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 146
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 147
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 148
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 149
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 150
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 151
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 152
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 153
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 154
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 155
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 156
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 157
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 158
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 159
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 160
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 161
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 162
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 163
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 164
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 165
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 166
Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 167

Shadow Reckoning - Chapter 114

4 3 8
By Re_andra

The tumultuous clash between Gargeal and Valoron reached its zenith, Zach's voice shattered the chaos like thunder on a stormy night.

"Gargeal!" Zach's call sliced through the fray, commanding attention from both combatants.

With a momentary ceasefire, Gargeal and Valoron stood apart, eyes fixed on Zach as he strode purposefully toward them.

"Zach," Gargeal murmured, a flicker of recognition in his gaze.

"Hmm, Zach, the esteemed leader of the Renaissance band," Valoron remarked, his tone tinged with disdain.

But Zach's response crackled with a fierce determination, his words cutting through the tension like a blade through silk.

"Let's go. You're the only one we've been holding out for. And by the looks of it... those wounds, those scars... Gargeal," Zach declared, his voice steady despite the turmoil around them.

"It's not every day I see you looking like this," Zach continued, his gaze lingering on Gargeal's battle-worn form.

Valoron's retort was swift, laced with a bitter edge of defiance. "Ignoring me, are you, Zach?"

A wry smile curved Zach's lips as he turned to face Valoron, his gaze unwavering. "Oh, I see you, Valoron. The lone knight, standing solitary in the shadows. How fitting for one who bears such a title."

Zach's piercing gaze shifted to Valoron, who stood nearby with a mix of defiance and curiosity in his eyes.

"You, Zach's voice was low, a dangerous edge creeping into his tone as he addressed Valoron.

Valoron, sensing the tension in Zach's words, took a subtle step back, a flicker of uncertainty passing across his face before he composed himself.

"Backed into a corner, aren't you?" Zach remarked, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips as he observed Valoron's retreat.

Valoron remained silent, his eyes flickering with uncertainty as he took another step back.

"Scared, Valoron?" Zach's voice dripped with contempt, his tone cutting through the tension like a knife.

"Why?" Valoron muttered, his voice barely above a whisper, his eyes fixed on Zach's imposing figure. "Why now? Why him?"

"You're not just facing me, Valoron," Zach's voice was low, but carried a weight that seemed to reverberate through the air. "You're facing the will of those who stand behind me. The will of those who believe in something greater than themselves. And that, is something you cannot overcome with mere strength alone."

"Why... why do I feel this way?" Valoron muttered to himself, his voice barely a whisper in the face of Zach's formidable presence. 

"I've faced countless foes, stared death in the eye without flinching," Valoron thought, his mind racing with terror. "But this... this is different. This is something I've never experienced before."

Zach advanced, his steps sending shivers down Valoron's spine as his heart raced with the weight of impending confrontation. With a deliberate motion, Zach drew his claymore sword from its scabbard.

"This is our first dance, Valoron," Zach's voice cut through the air, commanding and resolute. "Gargeal, stand back. I'll handle this alone. It'll be over quickly."

Gargeal nodded in silent agreement, his eyes fixed on Zach's back as he prepared to step aside.

Valoron took a cautious step back, his mind racing with uncertainty and fear. The sight of Zach, approaching with determined purpose, filled him with a sense of foreboding dread.

"Should I flee from this place?" Valoron's thoughts raced, torn between the instinct to retreat and the fear of being labeled a coward. "This could be the end for the lone knight, but to flee now would be to abandon honor."

With each passing moment, the tension in the air grew thicker, the weight of impending conflict pressing down on them like a heavy fog. 

"You can run, Valoron," Zach continued, his voice echoing with a quiet intensity that sent a shiver down Valoron's spine. "But remember, wherever you go, I'll always be there, waiting."

With those words, Valoron's resolve wavered, his courage faltering in the face of Zach's unwavering determination. Without another word, he turned and fled, his footsteps echoing in the empty air as he disappeared into the darkness.

With one last glance back at Zach, Valoron's voice trembled as he uttered his parting words, his resolve unshaken despite his retreat.

"This isn't over, Zach," Valoron's voice rang out, a defiant edge cutting through the air. "You'll face me again, I promise."

With those words hanging in the air, Valoron turned on his heel and disappeared into the shadows, his departure leaving behind an eerie silence that spoke volumes of the battle yet to come.

"Zach... That was swift, quicker than I anticipated," Gargeal remarked.

"Gargeal," Zach's voice was firm yet laden with fatigue as he addressed his companion, the weight of their recent encounter heavy on his shoulders.

"It doesn't matter now," Zach continued, his gaze unwavering as he turned to face Gargeal. "Whatever they throw at me, I'll overcome. But facing Valoron... I felt something I haven't felt in a long time: fear."

With a nod of understanding, Gargeal acknowledged Zach's words, the gravity of their situation palpable in the air between them.

"Let's return to the ship," Zach said, his voice carrying a sense of finality. "The battle ends here."

"Thank you," Gargeal added, a simple acknowledgment tinged with gratitude as they continued their journey side by side.

As they traversed the winding path, each step felt like a journey through the depths of their shared struggles, the weight of their choices pressing upon them like an unyielding burden.

"Gargeal," Zach's voice broke the heavy silence, resonating with a solemnity that mirrored the gravity of their conversation, "Do you ever find yourself questioning the paths we tread? The lives we lead... the consequences we face?"

Gargeal's gaze remained fixed ahead, his expression a tapestry of emotions as he wrestled with Zach's inquiry.

"Every day, Zach. Every day, I grapple with the morality of our actions," Gargeal confessed, his voice echoing with the ghosts of past decisions. "But then I remember why we fight. For those who cannot fight for themselves. For a world where slavery and oppression are mere relics of the past."

Zach nodded, his eyes reflecting the flickering torches in the distance. "Our choices may be fraught with uncertainty, but we cannot shy away from the battle against injustice," he declared, his voice infused with unwavering conviction. "Even if it means confronting the harsh realities of our own existence."

Their footsteps echoed in rhythmic cadence as they pressed onward, their hearts heavy with the weight of their convictions and the knowledge that their struggle was far from over.

"Indeed, Gargeal," Zach continued, his tone laced with determination. "But perhaps, as we journey to the Ember Wind Village, we can find solace in the embrace of peace. Away from the chaos of conflict, away from the stains of bloodshed that mark our souls."

A softness crept into Gargeal's features at the mention of the village, a glimmer of hope igniting in his eyes. "Yes, Zach. Perhaps amidst the tranquility of Ember Wind, we can begin anew. Leave behind the shadows of our past and embrace the promise of a brighter tomorrow."

Their words lingered in the air, a silent pact forged between comrades as they ventured forth toward the horizon, guided by the flickering flame of hope amidst the darkness of their reality.

"You know, Gargeal," Zach began, his voice soft yet tinged with a quiet resolve, "I often find myself dreaming of the simple life we could lead in Emberwind. Away from the chaos of battle, away from the clamor of conflict."

Gargeal nodded, a gentle smile gracing his lips as he absorbed the tranquil surroundings. "Indeed, Zach. The thought of waking each day to the gentle rustle of leaves, the soft murmur of the breeze... it is a dream worth pursuing."

Their footsteps fell in rhythm with the heartbeat of nature, each stride bringing them closer to the promise of a new beginning. "Imagine," Zach mused, his gaze fixed on the horizon where the village lay nestled amidst the verdant landscape, "a life filled with simple joys. Tending to the fields, sharing stories by the fire, finding solace in the warmth of community."

Gargeal's eyes sparkled with the light of hope as he envisioned their future amidst the idyllic setting of Emberwind. "A life free from the burdens of our past," he murmured, his voice filled with longing. "A chance to live, truly live, without the shadow of conflict looming over us."

Their shared vision of a peaceful existence painted a tapestry of dreams, weaving together moments of tranquility and shared camaraderie. "And perhaps," Zach whispered, his voice carrying the weight of their collective aspirations, "in Emberwind, we can find not only peace but also redemption. A chance to atone for the sins of our past and forge a new path forward."

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