ππ‘π„π“π“π˜ 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 | M...

By nanaxmoon

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ππ‘π„π“π“π˜ 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 π—œπ—‘ π—ͺπ—›π—œπ—–π—›, ↳ ex K-pop idol L/N Y/N chooses to join Bastard MΓΌnchen for the Neo... More

ππ‘π„π“π“π˜ 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋


343 16 28
By nanaxmoon

Y/N's voice cut through the air, carrying a mix of determination and apprehension as she closed the distance between them. In her hand, she clutched the pen she kept ever since their exchange in the cafeteria days ago. Despite numerous attempts to return it, fate seemed to conspire against her, with Kunigami persistently evading her, slipping away after their training sessions like a shadow in the night.

Y/N couldn't recall spotting him at dinner either. Perhaps he deliberately avoided it, just to avoid any interaction with her. The thought stoked the flames of frustration within her, especially knowing how tirelessly Kunigami trained to maintain his position at number 3. It only fueled her resentment further. Despite pouring her heart and soul into her own training, she remained entrenched at number 12. Yet, amidst the bitterness, there was a spark of pride in knowing she still outperformed Isagi, even if only by a slight margin.

Kunigami pivoted on his heel, his countenance as frosty as ever, as he observed Y/N approaching him with her trademark smile, a small object held out before him. "You left your pen behind!" she chirped, her voice laced with warmth despite his aloof demeanor. "I've been meaning to return it, but..." Her words trailed off, hanging in the air as she awaited his response, hoping to bridge the gap between them even if just for a moment.

"Annoying," he uttered, his tone devoid of warmth, before pivoting away from Y/N. "Return it after the match," he instructed briskly, leaving her to absorb his words, a mixture of frustration and resolve welling up inside her.

"But I know you'll vanish afterward," Y/N remarked, tilting her head in confusion at his behavior. "So why not just take it now?" she suggested, her tone tinged with a hint of frustration and perplexity.

As Kunigami strode purposefully to the opposite end of the field, Y/N's attempts to engage him went unnoticed, his focus solely on his warm-up routine. Exhaling heavily, Y/N watched in frustration as someone else, their presence announced by the familiar scent of cologne and sweat, snatched the pen from her grasp. "Looks like you're doling out autographs now? Anything to gain attention from males, huh?"

"Attention?" Y/N raised a brow, puzzled by the implication. "From males... Wait, are you insinuating I'm a whore without actually saying it?" she countered, her tone laced with a mix of incredulity and indignation.

Kaiser shrugged, his smirk as present as ever. "Someone who craves male attention... and someone who expects a knight in shining armor to come to their rescue with a handkerchief for their tears... Sounds like an attention seeker to me," he quipped, his words dripping with sarcasm.

Y/N scoffed and shook their head in disbelief. "Excuse me... what? If anything, you guys are practically drooling over me. I don't need to do anything to get your attention. And frankly, I don't even want it. All I want is attention when I'm on the field—that's it, Michael."

His eyes widened slightly, a flicker of surprise crossing his features as he swiftly turned around. Mumbling something indistinct, he briskly made his way toward the rest of the team gathered on the sidelines—the fortunate ones who hadn't been benched. Ness, observing from a distance, furrowed his brow in mild concern, noting the unusual expression on Kaiser's face. Completely unaware of the exchange between Kaiser and Y/N, he couldn't help but wonder what had transpired between them.

"He's always so strange," Y/N muttered quietly to herself, shaking her head in mild exasperation before making her way toward the bench. With a sigh, she settled into a seat beside a guy she vaguely remembered as Kiyora Jin.

Having refrained from interacting with him over the past few weeks, Y/N felt it was time to break the ice and extend a polite introduction. Catching his gaze as she settled into her seat, she seized the moment to strike up a conversation. "I don't believe we've had the chance to chat yet... I'm L/N Y/N," she introduced herself with a friendly smile.

"I'm aware," he responded bluntly, causing a tinge of embarrassment to wash over her. "When I was teamed up with Karasu and Otoya, they couldn't stop talking about you,"

"Oh..." Y/N hesitated, unsure of how to respond, before finally nodding. "I see. Well, I still hope we can get along just fine," she added with a hopeful smile. However, her attempt at friendliness was met with his resolute gaze fixed ahead, leaving her feeling a flush of embarrassment. She had harbored hopes of forging a new friendship, but it seemed those hopes were dashed as quickly as they had formed.

As thoughts of friendship lingered in her mind, Y/N made a mental note to seek out Hiori after the game and extend her apologies. She felt a pang of remorse for snapping at him earlier and for her overall foolish behavior. Reflecting on her actions, she couldn't quite grasp what had come over her. However, one thing she was adamant about was ensuring Hiori remained unaware of her involvement in Kaiser's arm injury. She feared the repercussions if he were to discover the truth and dreaded any potential rumors that could arise, especially given the constant scrutiny they faced while being filmed during matches.

Y/N was set on not allowing her fans to believe she joined Blue Lock solely for male attention, as Kaiser had implied. She loathed the notion of being perceived in such a light instead of being recognized for her skills on the field. Her purpose in coming to Blue Lock was to demonstrate her individuality and to assert that she wouldn't conform to others' expectations.

Recently, Ego had approached Y/N, expressing his desire for her to maintain some level of presence on social media. He emphasized the importance of fan service, especially since she had been absent for a while. Moreover, he recognized the potential for increased interest in the project once Y/N shared her involvement. Not everyone was aware of her participation, and Ego saw an opportunity for her to discuss it during a livestream or through her social media stories. He was particularly keen on her doing so on her upcoming birthday, seeing it as an ideal occasion to engage her audience and shed light on her role in the project.

"And now for the other team, FC Barcha, may their starting members come in," the announcer declared, and shortly afterward, the team members made their entrance.

"New Bachira debuts!" Bachira exclaimed, prompting Y/N's eyebrows to shoot up in surprise. She was taken aback that he had made it into the starting lineup.

"Bachira..." she murmured to herself, her disappointment deepening at the realization that she hadn't made it into the starting lineup.

"Here's the reborn Otoya, yo," Otoya announced, eliciting reactions of frustration from Yukimiya, Raichi, and Igaguri, who were angered by the fact that the two newcomers had earned starting positions in just ten days.

"So Isagi is benched, huh?" Otoya questioned, slipping on his gloves as Bachira began stretching nearby. "I'm going on ahead, egoist Isagi Yoichi."

"are you sad that you didn't make it? sad. sad."

Y/N glanced at the seat beside her to find Kurona addressing her. She shook her head slightly, a smile playing on her lips. "Not sad, but... I am disappointed in myself. I believe I could have performed better in those ten days."

"The rules are 'first to three goals' 'infinite substitutions' where you can sub anyone in and out indefinitely! and the 'star change system' in which the master striker is allowed to play for just three minutes! in addition the master also serves as the team coach. then let's get started, neo egoist league 1st match, Germany vs Spain! Kick-off!"

With the announcer's declaration echoing across the field, Kaiser took charge of the kickoff, deftly sending the ball into play with a precise pass to Ness. As the ball found its mark, Ness, ever the strategist, scanned the field with a discerning eye. His gaze locked onto Grim, strategically positioned behind two defenders who sought to impede their progress. Sensing an opportunity, Ness swiftly redirected the ball to the left, ensuring that Grim's pace remained uninterrupted. With seamless coordination, Grim received the pass and immediately sprang into action, his feet a blur as he deftly navigated through the opposing players with astonishing speed, leaving them trailing in his wake.

"As the leader of the charge, my role is one destined for death. But that too is amusing in its own way," Grim remarked, his focus unwavering as he continued to dribble, determined to carve open the shortest path to victory. Despite being closely marked by his opponent once again, he maintained his composure. "I am just the first stage of a rocket, burning to completion and falling off at launch. But that too is life,"

He suddenly passed over the crowd towards the far side of the field as Gesner received his pass, scoffing, "What a messy pass. I'm the only one who could have reached it in time, you octopus."

Gesner swiftly navigated through the crowd, skillfully dribbling past defenders as he continued his advance. However, as he found himself surrounded by opposing players, he made a calculated decision to pass the ball. "Let's see what you've got, smegma,"

As Gesner executed a flawless pass, delivering the ball precisely to his awaiting teammates, Kaiser positioned himself to receive it. However, before Kaiser could make a move, Kunigami swiftly intercepted the ball with a deft chest trap, effectively thwarting Kaiser's attempt to gain possession.

Kunigami swiftly set his sights on the goal, launching the ball with precision using his right leg in a swift and decisive strike. However, his attempt was swiftly thwarted by the opposing goalkeeper, who managed to intercept the ball with a well-timed save. "Tch," Kunigami muttered in frustration, his expression betraying his disappointment as he realized his plan had failed to yield the desired result.

Y/N observed Kaiser casting a sidelong glance at Kunigami, even as the other players argued that the ball was still in play and urged them to continue.

Ness gazed at Kunigami, who was poised to resume his run. "That play just now... what were you trying to do? If you had passed to Kaiser in front of the goal, he would have scored. You definitely saw him, right? Your irrational showboat plays with little hope of scoring... have no place in our team."

"Do I look like I give a shit, you bootlicker?" Kunigami's tone was cold as he locked eyes with Ness. "I follow my own way of dominance. Go bark up another tree, you parasite."

Ness froze suddenly, his expression hardening as he reached out to grasp Kunigami's shoulder, forcibly turning him to face him. "My, my, I can't have that, Kunigami-san," Ness said, his smile strained with visible anger. "A violation of loyalty to Kaiser. That's your first yellow card."

Y/N gulped nervously, taken aback by this side of Ness. It was a stark contrast to how he had been acting earlier, especially when he had shown concern for her during her breakdown in the cafeteria. His sudden shift in demeanor left her feeling unsettled and apprehensive.

The match pressed on, and Bachira seized control of the ball, effortlessly dribbling as he surged forward with immense speed. "Time to raise the BPM," he declared, his determination evident as he pushed himself to excel on the field.

With precision and finesse, Bachira continued his dribble, seamlessly maneuvering as Ali closed in on him. However, just as Ali approached, Bachira effortlessly dribbled past him, slipping behind with ease. His control over the ball was impeccable, as if it were magnetically attached to his foot. Despite the rapid movement, his upper body remained remarkably still, adding to the difficulty in anticipating his next move. It was this uncanny ability to keep the ball under his command that made him such a formidable opponent to defend against.

As Sachs stood in front of Bachira, a perplexed expression crossed his face as he struggled to anticipate Bachira's next move. Despite Bachira's continuous dribbling, he seemed to be going nowhere, leaving Sachs unsure of how to react. Frustrated by the lack of progress, Sachs decided to take matters into his own hands and moved to intercept the ball. However, just as he made his move, Bachira executed a deft maneuver, flicking the ball into the air with precision. With impressive agility, Bachira swiftly regained control of the ball while mid-air, leaving Sachs momentarily stunned. Now facing Kunigami, who maintained his characteristic cold expression, Bachira prepared to continue his assault on the opposing defense.

Bachira smirked as he looked at Kunigami. "Let's go, wild hero. I don't know what comeback match you've won, but it's good seeing you again, Kunigami."

"Bachira, if you're looking for a dance partner— I'll take the lead," Kunigami declared as he sprinted to intercept the ball. However, Bachira remained patient, waiting for Kunigami to make his move. As Kunigami closed in, Bachira deftly maneuvered the ball behind his right foot, catching Kunigami off guard. Yet, Kunigami quickly adjusted, keeping pace with Bachira's agile footwork.

With determination burning in his eyes, Bachira realized that his best option was to rely on his speed. Without hesitation, he swiftly passed the ball, zipping past Kunigami and leaving him trailing behind.


"Muscles alone aren't enough to be my dancing partner," Bachira remarked as he pressed forward, his gaze shifting to Grim and Gesner who were positioned ahead, blocking his path.

"how about this?"

"i'll crush you smegma."

Bachira swiftly executed a backheel pass, sending the ball towards the left side of the field where his teammate awaited. "Attaboy, dancing bee,",  Without missing a beat, he then passed the ball to Otoya, who was making a run towards it. "Ninpo off the ball Tiki-Taka no jutsu," he quipped, employing a blend of skill and strategy to keep the play flowing.

Otoya deftly passed the ball back to Bachira using his heel, and Bachira swiftly received it in mid-air. "Nice session! Bee shot!" he exclaimed enthusiastically. Bachira wasted no time, immediately launching the ball towards the goal with precision. As the ball sailed into the net, his team erupted into cheers, celebrating his impressive shot.

Y/N came to a realization: Bachira had undergone significant growth in a remarkably short time. It was akin to a perfect chemical reaction. His style of play had evolved substantially. He meticulously analyzed every situation, patiently waiting for his opponents to make their moves before deftly countering with his own. His strategic prowess was truly remarkable.

"Whoa..." Y/N murmured softly as Kiyora glanced at her for a brief moment, likely also analyzing and processing what he had just witnessed.

As her team discussed Kunigami, Y/N observed Isagi, who seemed deep in thought. He was likely contemplating how to prove himself in Bastard München, how to adapt his style, and how to secure a spot among the regular players.

Y/N smiled to herself, her gaze returning to the action on the field as the match resumed.

"Well, well, what are you gonna do now, Kaiser?"

"Execution," Kaiser smirked, initiating the kick-off and passing the ball to Ness.

"Okay, Kaiser," Ness replied with a smile as he received the ball. "Public execution it is."

"Go Ness," Kaiser urged, deftly maneuvering past the Spanish players as he sought the ideal position to create an easy passing lane. Meanwhile, Ness maintained the perfect distance, poised to make a pass at any moment. Thanks to his flexible ankles, he seamlessly changed direction, gliding past Otoya with ease.

Kaiser swiftly positioned himself near the goal, his strategic maneuvers proving invaluable throughout the entire game. Y/N was impressed by his meticulous approach, marveling at how he carefully planned each move to ensure no movement was wasted.

As Ness also approached the goal, the opposing team worked diligently to close down any passing lanes he might exploit. However, Ness swiftly took a shot, catching the defenders off guard as Kaiser appeared in a prime position, unnoticed by the others.

"Man, that's rad. Both that gold hair and that blue rose tattoo. Makes me wanna break ya," Bachira remarked as he approached Kaiser from behind. Kaiser simply held out his hand, blocking Bachira's path. "Shoo, you fly," he quipped with a dismissive gesture.

Kaiser patiently awaited the ball, opting not to take a direct shot in order to evade the last defender. As soon as he trapped the ball upon landing, he...

He unleashed the ball with astonishing speed, his shot so swift that it seemed to blur past everyone, catching them off guard. Before anyone could react, the ball found its way into the goal, leaving Y/N wide-eyed in amazement.

"when did he..."

Kaiser bowed slightly, extending his arms as he smirked and looked up. "Executed," he declared confidently.

Y/N let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding. That was impressive—more than impressive. He was a genius, a player who embraced his own unique style of play and executed it flawlessly. His movements were unparalleled, a testament to his incredible skill and ingenuity. He truly was remarkable. Isagi was equally amazed, carefully analyzing his playing style.

Noel Noa rose to his feet, addressing the team as his focus remained on Kaiser. "That right foot kick of his, using his entire body at once to execute—it's the fastest in the world when it comes to the swing. That's the only thing in which he has me beat," he remarked.

Y/N observed Kaiser from a distance, her attention drawn to him as Ness praised his performance. As Kaiser's gaze met hers, a smirk graced his lips, betraying his sense of pride and satisfaction. It was understandable; after all, who wouldn't be proud to possess such a formidable weapon that could consistently dominate any game?

"Impressed?" he mouthed in English, his smirk growing even wider as he raised a brow.

Y/N let out a deep sigh. Of course she was impressed by his playing style. She even found herself questioning her own place in the football world, wondering why she was allowed to play alongside someone like him. But there was no way she could voice those thoughts out loud.

She put on a smirk of her own as she shook her head, mouthing back,

"not even the slightest."


describing every single thing in the match
is so exhausting 😭

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