Death Zappers: The doll closet

By Thebest2435786

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Doll power. Alfred Bevicted has been told so many times by his little sister, Tess Bevicted to stay out of he... More

The doll closet

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By Thebest2435786

Hello, Jeremiah McDermott, here once again with another scary Death Zappers book. This is one of my top three favorite books so far. The other two will be published sooner or later. The doll closet is my number one favorite book I have written by far and in the future, I want this to get a movie.

Back when I was a kid growing up in California, me and my sister would get in all sorts of arguments when we were younger and she always won those arguments and wanted to know why. Ever since I was a kid I was afraid of her damn Howdy Doody doll. The face and the hair looked so damn realistic, that was one of my biggest fears growing up. I never face any of my fears growing up and the things that still scare me today still scare me. I tried to get my mom to throw away that doll because I was too scared to even touch that doll. My mom never wanted to throw away Howdy Doody. She always says this, "That doll means too much to your sister and you have dolls, you never run away and cry from them", said Jeremiah's mom. Well, the dolls I had don't have fucking realistic faces on them, you fucking idiot mother that I have. To make a long story short, every time me and Bristol would get into an argument, she always pulled out Howdy Doody from under her pillow and show it to me and I would run out of her room crying my ass off her long minutes.

So, Alfred, I know what it's like having an annoying sister. There would be times I wished I was the only child and still to this day, sometimes I will still wish for that.

Another thing I like to add is, in seventh grade, I hate the most annoying music teacher ever. She drove me crazy. She always treats me differently than the other students. It got to the point that after second period was over, I would go straight to the boys bathroom and wait out the first ten minutes of class. If I remember correctly, third period was only twenty minutes. After ten minutes of me standing in the boys bathroom stall, I would leave and go to class but for me the period was now half way over. I made third period easy for me. I would always wear a watch to tell how long I was in that bathroom stall. The watch doesn't work anymore. It's a shame too because that was really a nice watch. I mean, can you really blame me? That teacher was mean. Any kid would do the same. I was twelve at the time and during the year of seventh grade I turned thirteen. But during the bathroom hideout, I was twelve. Can you blame me, after all I was just a kid. 

You're probably wondering what does this music stuff have to do with the story, read the story and find out. Well, my friends, you're about to find out. No spoilers.

The front and back cover was designed by Freepik.

Enjoy the book. Death Zappers. This is the fourth book in the Death Zappers series.

The doll closet

How long have I been in this bathroom stall? I look at my phone. I have been here for ten solid straight minutes. Man, I hate being in this cramped bathroom stall, but hey, it's better than watching your little sister's basketball game. That's for sure. I put my phone back into my pocket . Every time my little sister, Tess has a basketball game I would always tell my parents I have to take a long poop and when the basketball game would be over, I would always tell them I ate too much food. My little sister knows I'm lying but she can't tell mom and dad because I would always make sure Tess and mom sees me eating something and after mom would leave the room, I go next door and fed the neighbor's cat. Only thirty more minutes until the basketball game is over. Man, I hate going back to my old elementary school just to see Tess play a forty minute game of basketball.

Hi, I'm Alfred Bevicted and I hate school and basketball. I wanted to be a writer that writes romance novels on my phone and sent them to a publisher one day but I can't do that because one of Lardy middle school's top rules is no phones. I hate that rule. So, I'm forced to leave my phone at my house. Tess also has the same problem with her phone. Lardy elementary school's top rules are no phones too. Tess wants to be a writer who wants to write basketball novels. Looks like me and Tess are in the same boat. Did you know Tess has a much better phone than I do? I have the phone thirteen. The phone thirteen is a regular modern phone with the number thirteen on it. The phone thirteen carries twenty seven pictures on it. That means it can only hold twenty seven photos on it. After the twenty seven photos on the phone the picture won't take. Tess has the phone twenty six. The phone twenty six is a modern phone with the number twenty six on the back of it. The twenty six phone carries one million pictures on it. You heard me fucking right. ONE MILLION.

How can Tess have a much better phone than me?

Oh, right, I forgot to tell you what I look like. I have black hair. The nicest combed in the world. I'm Asian. I have a four-point-three inch nose. I have bright yellow eyes. I wear glasses. The glasses are black. The lenses are shaped like squares. I'm wearing a light blue solid color shirt. The shirt is short sleeved. Over the shirt, I'm wearing a dark blue polo shirt. The shirt has two purple stripes on it. There is also a pocket on the left side of the polo shirt. There are two white buttons on the polo shirt. I only have one button. On my right wrist, I'm wearing a watch. It's one of those old fashioned ones with the clock arms. On my left wrist, I'm wearing a watch. It's a digital one. What, it's not my fault I love time. Time is very important, one day, you'll see. I'm wearing gray pants and in one of the front pockets, my phone is in one of them. I'm wearing purple socks. I'm wearing dark blue sneakers and the dark blue sneakers have bright purple shoelaces on them.

In case, I haven't made it clear, my two favorite colors are blue and purple. Especially dark blue and bright purple.

Today is March first. It's a Monday night. It's seven-twelve . The year is two thousand and twenty four. Me and my family live in Medford Texas. It's a great place to live in. Most kids probably would say that about the place that they live in.

Speaking of seven-twelve, I am twelve. My birthday was in January. January third. This is my last year of being a kid. During my whole childhood, I tried to make the most of it. But my friend Sheena Zawonder just wants to collect phone books from different countries and states and cities. That's what we have been doing ever since we wore diapers when we were toddlers. Sheena is also twelve just like me. Most of my childhood has been sad so far because all I do with Sheena is collect phone books. We didn't even prank call the numbers we see in the phone book. Sheena doesn't like prank calling. If I can restart my life and did things different, I would.

For starters, I wouldn't become friends with Sheena. And make sure Tess isn't born. I miss being the only child. Tess always gets me in trouble. Even for the littlest things. Like how she got me in trouble for watching My Big Poodle. I was channel surfing.

My Big Poodle is a show that takes place in a kingdom called Toothville. There are four types of poodles in the show. Ghost poodles, zombie poodles, skinless poodles, headless poodles. The main character is named Wine Sparkle. Wine Sparkle is an alien poodle in the show. The other poodles in the show had a war with the aliens and banished them away from a different planet. The planet was Mars. Wine Sparkle was sent here to Toothville as a punishment for accidentally giving the alien poodle mayor some barbecue food she baked. Wine Sparkle didn't know the mayor was deadly allergic to barbecue food. Her punishment was she was forced to live in Toothville forever. The mayor grabs this light blue box with this white goop and when the mayor pours all of this stuff on Wine Sparkle, she transforms into a ghost poodle. After that the mayor has this magic necklace which he throws at Wine Sparkle. The magic necklace teleports Wine Sparkle to Toothville which she is forced to live there throughout all eternity.

I check my watches to see what time it is, since the last time I checked the time was on my phone. It's seven- twenty. The basketball game is going to end in twenty minutes. My phone has a low battery. My phone is on five percent. Dammit, I should have charged my damn phone before I had to go to the basketball game.

I decided to leave the stall. I'm still in the bathroom but I'm walking just back and forth. Every few seconds, I will groan. This is not the first time this has happened. I always do this every time Tess has a basketball game.

I hear loud thunder and rain. It's raining. I stop walking back and forth and walk slowly to the bathroom window which shows outside. It was raining cats and dogs. Every inch from outside was wet. Wet to the brim. Let's just hope when the twenty minutes are up, the rain would stop.

I look at my watches again. Seven-twenty three. This game is going to be long just like the other ones.

A few long minutes later.

"AND THAT'S GAME", yelled the game announcer. I ran out of the bathroom and waited outside for my parents and Tess. The rain has stopped. The bad part is we are going to have wet roads. Slipped.

A few seconds later.

I see my parents and Tess. My parents walk up towards me and begin bragging about Tess, again. Typical.

"Talk about our little champion", yelled Alfred's dad. "It wouldn't surprise me if she was an Olympian for basketball", cried Alfred's mom. "I can't believe a poop took that long, when I was a kid, my poops only lasted a minute, I timed it too", said Alfred's dad. "As long as Alfred is fine and healthy, that's all that matters", said Alfred's mom. "Mom, dad, can we go home now", asked Alfred. "Sure, sweetie", said Alfred's mom. I smile at her. What Tess said next made my smile fade away. "Mommy, you and daddy promised me you and daddy would buy me a doll for my closet", cried Tess. I groan disgusted when Tess said that. Tess always pulls this crap. Tess knows I hate the doll store. That place is so boring. I'm afraid I will die of boredom in that store.

"Sure, my little champion, you deserve a new doll for winning the basketball game for Lardy elementary school", said Alfred's mom. "We will all go, even Alfred", said Alfred's dad. "But, dad, I always go, can I just wait in the car", said and asked Alfred. "Not happening, Alfred", said Alfred's dad. "You missed your little sister's basketball game so you need to make up for it, you're going to the doll store with us whether you liked it or not", said Alfred's dad. "This isn't up for debate, you're going one way or another", said Alfred's mom.

A few minutes later.

After walking on wet roads, we made it to our orange station wagon car. My dad was the driver. My mom was sitting in the passenger seat. Me and Tess sit in the back. Tess always sticks her tongue at me whenever I miss her basketball games. I wanted to yell at her or even pinch her but I know I will get in some type of trouble. I don't want to get in more trouble. I'm already in enough trouble how it is, I don't need anymore. Tess loves taunting me though. I looked away at Tess.

My dad had black hair. My dad also wears glasses. My dad's glasses are white. My dad has dark orange eyes. My dad had a five-point-one inch nose. My dad is Asian. My dad wore a purple polo shirt. My dad had every button buttoned up. The color of my dad's buttons on his polo shirt were dark blue. My dad wore a bright blue blazer. My dad wore a watch on his left wrist. It's the watch with the clock arms. My dad is wearing dark purple pants. My dad is wearing black socks and he is also wearing black loafers.

My mom has black hair. My mom has her hair in twin drills. My mom has light yellow eyes. My mom is Asian. My mom has a three-point-four inch nose. My mom is wearing silver round earrings on her ears. My mom is wearing a white bead necklace around her neck. My mom wore a bright orange dress. On my mom's right wrist, she was wearing a watch. It was a digital watch. My mom wore open toe shoes. 

Tess has black hair. Tess has her hair in a bun. Tess has bright orange eyes. Tess has a one-point-seven inch nose. Tess wore her basketball jersey. The color of the jersey was orange. Her last name was on the front side of it. Bevicted was in black font of Tess's jersey. On the back side there was the number six on it. The six was how many games Tess's basketball team has won. The six was in bright purple font on the back of her jersey. I dunno the name of her team and I don't want to know. She's in elementary school and I'm in middle school, it will be different if I got held back in Lardy elementary school but I didn't. I graduated two years ago. I'm in the seventh grade and Tess on the other hand is in fourth grade. On Tess's left wrist, she is wearing a watch. The watch is one of those ones with the clock arms. Tess is wearing bright red gym shorts. Tess is wearing bright blue socks. Tess is wearing light purple sneakers with white shoelaces.

A few minutes later

We made it to the doll store. Shimmy's doll store is Tess's favorite doll store. Mom and dad always buys her dolls from this store. In my point of view, I think Shimmy's doll store is the most boring store in all of Medford Texas. Heck, even the whole world for that matter.

We began unbuckling our safety belts and stepped out of the orange station wagon. We walked inside.

Tess began running as the second we got in that damn store. She was looking for the best doll to play with. That store is packed with dolls to the floor to the ceiling. You know what's scary about the store, those life sized dolls that are thousands of times bigger than the average human being itself. Good thing those dolls cost around eighty dollars. My parents couldn't afford that. Thank, god, too.

After a while of Tess running in the store and looking for the doll she wants, she found it.

The doll was in a small plastic box. The box was a light shade of pink. You can see right through the box. There was a small doll in the see-through box.

The doll had hard plastic looking blonde hair. The doll was a female doll. The doll had bright green eyes. The doll was a white skinned doll. The doll had no nose at all. The doll had a forced looking smile. The doll wore a pink dress. On the left wrist, the doll wore a silver gray wristband. The doll was wearing a tiny pink slip on shoes. On the box there was a price tag. The price tag was a white square with black font of a number telling how much Tess's doll costs. The price tag says the doll is eight dollars.

To make a long story short, my parents bought Tess's doll and on the ride home, Tess unboxed it and pretended the doll was some type of superhero. She made flying noises with her mouth.

"Can you please stop that, Tess", asked Alfred. "No, she's my doll", replied Tess. "Alfred, it's Tess's doll, she could do whatever she wants to do with it, one day you'll understand", said Alfred's mom. "I think he should already understand, Alfred is twelve years old, not five", said Alfred's dad. "Yeah, Alfred", said Tess while she pretended the doll was a superhero. 

I think the noises got a tad bit louder. My family is against me all the time every day. Now, Tess was feeling the doll's hair. Does Tess think that doll is actually a human being? I hope not. "Prepare for a trip in the doll closet", whispered Tess. No one has been in Tess's closet. Tess keeps her clothes in her dresser. Never in her closet. She always calls it her doll closet. That's where she keeps all of her dolls. I have never been there and I don't want to go there anytime soon. "Prepare to get tortured in the doll closet when I bring you to life", whispered Tess. I heard Tess say that. Okay, now I have to see what's this doll closet is all about. What does Tess mean by tortured? I want to find out. Plus, my childhood so far has been boring. Well, things are going to become UN-boring.

I think the doll closet is some type of tortured chamber where there is a pentagram on the floor with lit candles and Tess says this chant to bring the dolls to life. After that Tess beats up the doll. She kicks it like a soccer ball. Tess throws the doll like a dart being thrown on a dart board to hit the bullseye.

Okay, here's my plan. While everyone is eating dinner, I will tell my parents I have to go to the bathroom. Going to the bathroom is a code word for me entering the doll closet. When I go to the Tess's doll closet I will discover what the doll closet is really all about. It will be fun. Operation doll closet is a go.

A few long minutes later.

We made it home. Mom was cooking low main noodles. Everyone was changing out of their clothes. Even me. When I went to the bedroom which is clock themed by the way, I changed my clothes.

I'm wearing a bright orange shirt. The shirt is short sleeved. The shirt has a design on it. The design is a pocket watch. The pocket watch looks so realistic on the shirt. That's how you know this shirt took years to make. I'm wearing black shorts. The black shorts have pockets in case you were wondering. I'm wearing dark purple socks. I'm still wearing my watch with the clock arms. I took off my digital watch and put it on my blue dresser.

I look at my phone to see what percent it's on. My phone is on ninety five percent. The phone is almost done charging. Only five more numbers to go until it was done charging. ninety five is good enough. I unplug my phone charger from the wall. I grab my phone and put it in my pocket. Operation doll closet is going to be so awesome. I just know it.

"DINNER'S READY", screamed Alfred's mom. My mom always screams so loud. Tess and I think one day she's going to wake the dead.

I ran down the white carpet stairs. I went inside the kitchen and went to the small table. Everyone was there except for me. I sat in my table seat. Everyone changed their clothes.

Dad was wearing a dark purple sweater. Dad was still wearing his digital watch. He took off his clock arm watch and left the digital watch on. Dad was wearing black sweatpants. Dad was barefoot.

Mom was wearing a dark red shirt. I couldn't see much of it because she was wearing an apron with daisies and sunflowers. The daisies and sunflowers were in a cartoon looking style on the apron. Mom took off her watch and her necklace. Mom was wearing beaten up blue sweatpants. Mom was barefoot.

Tess had her hair in pigtails now. Tess always changed her hairstyle before and after school. She's unpredictable. Tess was wearing a bright pink shirt with red overalls. Tess was wearing a light pink mini skirt. Tess was wearing red socks with pink spots on them.

After a few minutes of me and my family eating our low main noodles, I say this. "I'm going to the bathroom, I drank too much water and now I have to pee, so later", said Alfred with a fast tone of voice. I ran away from the kitchen table. I ran upstairs. We don't have a bathroom downstairs which is weird when you slowly think about it. I made my way to Tess's room. I went in and closed the door behind me.

I walked to her white closet doors. I grab my phone out of my pockets and turn on the flashlight feature on the phone. Man, that flashlight is bright. I open the closet doors. I shine my flashlight in the closet. What I saw next will always confuse the hell out of me.

I see dusty gray stairs leading downward. It's like this closet was leading to a basement that me and my parents didn't know about. I walk down the stairs with my phone in my hands with the flashlight on. I walk all the way down. After walking down on six gray creaking stairs, I see a purple and black checkered hallway. And what I heard next scared me shitless.

"STAY OUT OF THE DOLL CLOSET", screamed a voice. I almost dropped my phone in fear. I turned off the flashlight on the phone and put it in my pocket and turned behind me. Facing the top of those six gray stairs. I see Tess. She was not happy one bit. I slowly walk up the stairs in embarrassment. I wonder, did mom and dad hear Tess yelling? I hope not. I walked out of the doll closet. I look down on Tess. Tess had her arms crossed. She still looked pissed.

"Start explaining, Alfred", demanded Tess. "Well, you see, funny story", said Alfred. After I said a funny story, I stared at Tess, I didn't know what to say. Words didn't come out of me. "I'm waiting", said Tess with a quiet tone of voice. Tess was pretending to yawn.

I tried to run out of the room but Tess tripped me on the carpet floor. I fell to my stomach. I think I bruised my stomach a little bit. I slowly got up. I got up from the floor and wiped off some dust that got on me. That's when I noticed something. That doll that mom and dad bought for Tess after winning the basketball game earlier that night was on her bed. I ran to it and picked it up with my right hand.

The left eye was missing. All of the fingers were gone on the right hand. The thumb on the right hand was still there. On both of the shoes, there was a little burnt spot on it. Was this doll in a fire? Why would Tess want to burn her dolls. She loves dolls. She loves them with a burning passion and no pun intended. Tess slaps my hand. The same hand I was holding the doll in. "OW", screamed Alfred. "Don't even think about it", said Tess with a quiet tone of voice. "What's wrong with your doll, was it in a fire", asked Alfred. "That's none of your business and consider yourself I'm not telling mom and dad on you, Alfred", said Tess with an evil tone of voice.

"You are not telling mom and dad on me, is this the same Tess I have been living with, who are you and what have you done with the real Tess", said Alfred with a laughing tone of voice. Tess kicks me in my knees. "OW", screamed Alfred. How are her feet that strong? Tess plays basketball. Not soccer. "I'm serious, Alfred", said Tess with a quiet tone of voice. "Now, let's go back to eating dinner and let's move on with our lives", suggested Tess. "Okay", said Alfred with a confused tone of voice.

Tess and I walk down the stairs. I'm not giving up that quickly. What am I? Crazy. Tess and I made it back to the table where we continue eating our low main noodles. "What were you kids doing", asked Alfred's mom. I forgot to mention this. Tess sits next to me at the table. "Well, you see", said Alfred. Before I could even finish my sentence, Tess stomps on my toes. I didn't scream but it was hard. Tess has some strong feet for a ten year old. "Alfred was constipated and I thought it would be the right thing to do if I checked up on him", said Tess. Tess said that with a straight face. "Awwe, aren't you sweet, Tess", said Alfred's mom with a quiet tone of voice. "She has our perfect angel, honey", said Alfred's dad. For the rest of the dinner, mom and dad always talked about Tess. That's all they talked about during dinner was Tess of checking on me for a constipated poop which I didn't even have. Well, look on the bright side, at least Tess is not telling mom and dad about me for invading Tess's doll closet.

After dinner, I went straight to bed. I turned off the light and went to bed. I put my glasses on my red dresser. But then I heard something. A little voice. "Help me, please", said a small voice. After I heard that voice, I was shaking in fear. "We are in the vent", said the small voice. "Who are you", asked Alfred with a scared tone of voice. "I'm Brittney Rose and I'm in the vent and please come to the vent before she comes back", said the small voice who was now known as Brittney Rose. I jumped out of bed. I was scared. I grabbed my glasses and put them on. I walked to the vent that was on my wall. I popped open the lid. In my right hand, I'm still holding the vent lid. I saw what was in the vent. I see Tess's doll. The same one from earlier. Brittney Rose. She was laying down on the vent floor. She gets up. The doll was alive this whole time.

I gasp in shock. I put the vent lid back on and ran to my bed. Shaking in fear. "No, wait, I'm not a bad guy, please listen", screamed Brittney Rose. "Go away, you're not real, you're just a dumb doll who's purpose was to entrained small children like my sister, Tess", screamed Alfred. "Where's Brittney Rose at", screamed Tess. Tess screams that. I heard her through the walls. "You left me no choice, Alfred", said Brittney Rose. Wait, what? What does she mean by that?


Mom and Dad came bursting into my room. They flip on the light switch. "ALFRED, WHAT'S WRONG", screamed Alfred's mom. "Alfred, why did you want my hunting knife for", asked Alfred's dad. "MOM, DAD, BRITTNEY ROSE IS ALIVE", screamed Alfred. "CHECK UNDER MY BED", screamed Alfred. Mom and dad look at each other in confusion. They think I am crazy but I'm telling them the honest truth. "Alfred, you probably had a bad dream", said Alfred's dad. "No, dad, it wasn't a dream, it's real, every inch of Brittney Rose is real, one hundred percent real", said Alfred. "Alfred, we don't have time for your crazy theories about this Brittney Rose person, who is she, anyways", said and asked Alfred's mom. "Brittney Rose is Tess's doll, she came to life somehow, she kept whispering help me, she eventually kicked down the lid to my wall vent", said Alfred. Mom and dad faced my wall vent. "Well, it's still on, no dolls named Brittney Rose kicked down your wall vent lid", said Alfred's mom. "Look, Alfred, we can talk about this doll crap in the morning, it's almost midnight and me and your mother want to catch some Z's", said Alfred's dad. My dad is the first one to leave my room. My mom turns off the light switch. Mom said this before she left my room. "Don't beat yourself, honey, we have our bad dreams here and there, like when I was nine, I had a bad dream about my mortal enemy, Tala Duckson, in elementary school we were badminton players and eventually in time we became big rivals, one day when I was nine I had a dream about her, the dream starts off with me, standing in the gym of my elementary school and in my right hand, I'm holding a badminton racket, I look around and see a net and I also see Tala, she was holding a badminton racket with her right hand, when she serve the shuttlecock, the shuttlecock got bigger and bigger and when it landed on my forehead, it crushed me and killed me, breaking every bone in my body, and I woke up, I let Tala won the rivalry between us because since that dream for the rest of elementary school, I have been afraid of Tala Duckson", explained Alfred's mom. With that mom and dad left my room like it was nothing. She closed the door behind her. They don't believe me. They think I am crazy.

Mom wore a bright pink robe with light blue socks. Dad still wore his glasses and he wore a dark blue robe with light pink socks.

I ran to the light switch and flipped it on. When I turned around I saw Brittney Rose standing up from my bed. "You know, if you tell anyone about this, they're going to think you're cuckoo", said Brittney Rose with a low tone of voice. Okay, I didn't want anyone to hear this conversation. I started talking to Brittney Rose. "How are you even alive", asked Alfred with a weak tone of voice. Brittney Rose gasped, like she was going to tell me a long story and she will probably tell the story very fast. Before Brittney Rose could even say anything, Tess came into my room. I face Tess with horror. She swung open the door. I stopped looking at Tess and saw Brittney Rose. The air from the door swing made Brittney Rose fall down. She is still on my bed. She is not standing up anymore.

Tess runs to my bed and picks up Brittney Rose. "Tess, be careful, Brittney Rose is alive, she came into my room and started talking like she was a human being", warned Alfred. Tess let out a small chuckle. "What's funny", asked Alfred in confusion. "Who do you think brought Brittney Rose to life in the first place, I did, now if you ever tell anyone about this ever again, you're ending up in the doll closet where I will tortured you forever", threatened Tess. I stand there in fear after Tess said that. I didn't even blink my eyes. Tess leaves my room still holding Brittney Rose in her left hand. Tess closes the door behind her. She didn't turn off the light switch. I walked over to the light switch and flipped it off. I ran in my bed. I'm curled up into a ball laying on my bed. I'm too scared to go to sleep after seeing Brittney Rose talk and move. That will keep anyone awake.

Tess wore a pike striped white pajama shirt. Her pajama shirt was long sleeved. Tess had every button buttoned up. The color of her buttons were light red. That shade of red is one of the last shades of red before the red turns into white. There were two pockets on the right and left side of Tess's pajama shirt. Tess wore pink striped white pajama pants. Tess was barefoot.

A few long ass hours later.

I didn't sleep that night. I was too scared to close my eyes. I was afraid Brittney Rose or Tess would come out of some type of hiding place in my room and come out and get me. My alarm went off on my clock radio. I jumped out of bed and turned off the alarm on the clock radio.

The alarm was at six. Today is a new day. Today is Tuesday. March second. The time is six o' clock. Well, now, the time is six o' one. A minute has passed of me turning off my alarm on my clock radio.

Normally, I'm the first one to shower in the morning but not this time. I know under one of my pillows, there are hand wipes. Look, I'm too scared to shower. I'm afraid when I have to close my eyes for my shower scrubby with some body wash on it, so I can scrub my face with it.

I grab my first pillow and I see the hand wipes. I put the pillow down on the bed and grabbed two hand wipes out of the bag of hand wipes. I closed the bag after I grabbed my two. I started rubbing my hands and legs and parts of my face with the hand wipes. I started rubbing my armpits too. I was also too scared for deodorant too. I was too scared for anything. Look, you might think I'm gross but when you see a doll moving and you're little sister brings these dolls to life and tortures them, you will up too. You would also be too scared for anything.

I took off all of my clothes and grabbed some fresh new clothes out of my dresser. I put on my new set of clothes.

I'm wearing a short sleeved black striped white polo shirt. There is a pocket on the right side of the polo shirt. There are three gray buttons on the polo shirt. I only button two. I left the last button unbuttoned. I'm wearing black pants. I'm wearing black socks with red dots. I'm wearing the same shoes since yesterday.

I ran to the bathroom. I wanted to see if I had bags under my eyes. I probably did since I was all awake last night. I opened the door and flipped on the light switch. When I did, I wished I never went to that bathroom.

On the bathroom mirror, there was writing in bright red ink. It looks like a marker. The red font on the bathroom mirror said "BEWARE, THE DOLL CLOSET, -BRITTNEY ROSE". That's what the mirror said. What makes this even scarier is that Brittney Rose was the one to wrote that. She even signed her name. I ran to Tess's room, leaving the bathroom light still on. I'm pounding on her bedroom door.

"TESS, COME OUT, IT'S BRITTNEY ROSE, SHE WROTE ME A MESSAGE ON THE BATHROOM MIRROR", screamed Alfred. With that Tess opens her door as soon as I was done screaming that. Tess runs to the bathroom without saying a word to me. Tess was still wearing the same pajamas. She was still barefoot by the way. Tess entered the bathroom and there was no way in hell she was happy.

"Brittney Rose is going murdered into the doll closet", whispered Tess. "I'll clean up this mess, you go and stay away from the doll closet", ordered Tess. "Yeah, I will, but tell your stupid dolls to leave me alone and tell them to stop writing me messages and invading my room", ordered Alfred. "Don't worry, Alfred, it won't happen again", said Tess with a nice tone of voice. I left the bathroom. Tess said she will clean up the mirror.

A few minutes later.

I had a bowl of cereal. We didn't have any milk so I had to eat my cereal with my bare hands. I left mom and dad a sticky note on the refrigerator. I'm waiting outside for the Lardy middle school's school bus. I have my black backpack. My phone is in one of my pockets. I'm wearing both of my watches. I'm just waiting.

A few seconds later, Tess shows up next to me.

Tess had her hair in pig tails. Tess had on a green bead necklace. Tess is wearing a bright purple short sleeve shirt with a pair of dark red overalls. Tess is wearing a bright green mini skirt. Tess is wearing bright green socks and she is wearing the same shoes as yesterday.

Tess waits for the Lardy elementary school's school bus. Remember, I'm in seventh grade and Tess is in fourth grade. The elementary school's school bus always comes first so that means Tess always leaves first. Tess and I didn't say a word to each other while waiting for our school's buses. Tess has a bright pink backpack.

A few minutes later.

The Lardy elementary school bus is here. It even says Lardy elementary school on the bright yellow school bus. Before Tess gets on the bus she winks at me and she enters the bus. The bus leaves. I still need to wait for my bus.

A few minutes later.

My school bus arrives. I ran inside the bus. stand there for a few seconds looking for a place to sit until I hear a voice. "ALFRED, OVER HERE", screamed a voice. I know this voice. It was Sheena. Sheena Zawonder. She stands up from her seat and waves her hand at me. I smile. I ran to Sheena and sat next to her. I sit on the right side of the seat while Sheena sits on the left side of the seat. I was so happy to see her. I put down my backpack on my toes and I hugged Sheena while I was still seated in my seat. Sheena just pats me on my arm. "Okay, Okay, I miss you too, big guy, long day with Tess", whispered Sheena. "More like scary", whispered Alfred. "Aw, man, that sucks, tell me all about it", whispered Sheena. I break up the hug and Sheena puts her arm around me.

I told Sheena everything, the basketball game where I just hid in the boys bathroom at Lardy elementary school, the doll store, Brittney Rose, the doll closet. Sheena replies. Sheena starts laughing. She doesn't believe me either. I mean, when you slowly think about it, who would?

"Yeah, right, and my phone books are haunted", said Sheena with a laughing tone of voice. Sheena takes her hand off of me.

Sheena wears a red baseball cap backwards but she moves it to her left side so the hat doesn't get bent from the school bus's seats. Sheena has blonde hair. Her hair is always messy. Sheena has bright green eyes. Sheena is white skinned. Sheena has on a powder blue shirt. Her shirt has a design on it. The design is a cloud. The cloud was in a cartoon looking style on Sheena's shirt. Sheena wore a black denim jacket. She had the jacket completely unbuttoned. The color of Sheena's buttons was white. Sheena was wearing dark blue pants. Sheena wore bright pink boots. Her boots were so tall that I didn't even see her socks. Sheena has her bright green backpack on her feet.

"Tell you what, Alfred, after school today, I will come over to your house and you can show if this doll closet is what it's cracked up to be, I'm going to the doll closet", ordered Sheena. My mouth nearly fell off my face when Sheena said that. Not literally. "Sheena, that's not a good idea and you probably know it too", said Alfred with a scared tone of voice. "Too late", said Sheena with a joyful tone of voice. "I'm going to the doll closet, Alfred, are you coming", said and asked Sheena. "No", answered Alfred. "Chicken", replied Sheena. "Sheena, don't go in the doll closet", said Alfred. "I'm going", said Sheena. After that we stopped talking. There was no getting her out of this. I didn't know if Sheena was just saying that. Maybe, she was just saying that?

A few minutes later.

We made it to school. All of the kids, including Sheena and I, left the Lardy middle school bus and went inside Lardy middle school.

A few hours later.

I'm on the school bus again. School is over. Man, let me tell you about my day. Who knew you can get in trouble for putting your down on your desk and yawning non-stop. That doesn't matter now. What matters now is that I'm about to go home. I'm going to take a long ass nap because I need it. I tried to take a nap on the school bus but Sheena loves talking about the doll closet and her phone books. Sometimes, I wonder If Sheena Zawonder is even from earth? Like, she was a shape shifting alien who took the form of a human who died years ago. "Maybe, the doll closet smells like eggs, the rotten kind too, maybe", suggested Sheena. I didn't talk to Sheena during the ride back from home. Too bad, I'm sitting next to Sheena and Sheena is my only friend. I really need to make more friends.

A few minutes later.

I'm back. I'm back home. I place my black backpack on the floor of my room. I made it back home and guess what no Sheena. Sheena said after school, she was checking out the doll closet but guess what. I am the first kid to leave the Lardy middle school's school bus. Maybe, Sheena forgot? Suck on that Sheena.

As I close my eyes in days, I feel my phone vibrating. Shit. That means someone is texting me. I made a loud angry groan. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and unlocked it and saw a text from mom.

The text read, "Hey, Alfred, your father and I are going on a date at the most fanciest restaurant in all of Medford Texas, be back at home in a few hours". That's what the text says. I look at the time of the text. Three thirty four. The time is three thirty five. Mom just sent that text to me a minute ago. I turned off my phone and put it back in my pocket. I hear the doorbell ring? I hope this is Tess.

I walked down the stairs. I look through the peephole first to see who this is. I saw Sheena. Sheena still wants to check out Tess's doll closet. I open the brown front door. "You thought I was going to forget about the doll closet, Alfred, if so, then you are the world's biggest sucker ever", said Sheena with a laughing tone of voice.

Sheena was wearing the same clothes as she did in school. Sheena was still wearing her red baseball cap. The only difference is Sheena doesn't have her backpack. Sheena pushes me to the ground and runs up to Tess's room. She is going to the doll closet.

You know what, she deserves it. I tried to warn her but she didn't believe me. I'm just going to let it all happen. This will teach Sheena a lesson. A lesson about you should believe you're friends when they are telling you something and it's wrong to push them and literally invade their homes.

I got up from the floor and got to the front porch. I'm sitting on the front porch steps. When Tess gets home, I'm going to tell her about Sheena. I'm going to say, "Tess, while me and Sheena were playing hide and seek, Sheena hid in the doll closet, I know this because Sheena left her backpack on top of your bed, Tess". That's what I'm going to tell Tess as soon she gets off the school bus.

A few minutes later.

Tess finally gets off from the Lardy elementary school's school bus. I waited for Tess to walk towards me. After seconds, Tess finally walks up to me. She is a slow walker. I told Tess what I was going to tell her about Sheena. You know, the hide and seek lie. Tess throws her bright pink backpack on the grass of the front lawn and runs to her room. Okay, I have to see this. Something tells me a huge fight is going to happen. I follow Tess up the stairs and into her bedroom. Sheena's backpack was on Tess's bed. Tess shoves me out of her room and slams the door on my face. I heard doors getting swung open in anger and a minutes later, I heard Sheena screaming.


I ran to my room after I heard this. What did Tess do to Sheena? I mean, Sheena kinda had it coming. I need something to get my mind off of Sheena invading Tess's doll closet. I walked to the kitchen and made me a bowl of cereal. That's what I had for dinner.

After I was done eating my cereal and drinking the milk and putting my bowl into the sink, I saw Sheena in my room. Sheena was wearing the exact same clothing and she had her backpack and her shoulders and even her red baseball cap she wore to the left side.

"Hello, Alfred", said Sheena. "Sheena, what happened to you in the doll closet, what was it like in there", asked Alfred with a scared tone of voice. "It was amazing, Tess and I had a tea party and a fashion show and a ballet recital, awe man, Alfred, you should have been there, you would have a blast there", said Sheena. "Well, I gotta go, see you in school tomorrow", said Sheena. "Bye", said Alfred with a nervous tone of voice. With that Sheena left my room. That was weird. If she had a good time there, why would she scream? I need to get to the bottom of this now.

But first, I need to distract Tess. I have the perfect idea. I ran to the front yard and saw her pink backpack was still there. That was good. I ran back inside the house and ran to Tess's room. I'm standing in the doorway, I'm really not in her room.

Tess was sitting on her bed. Tess was wearing the same clothing. What struck me the most was the doll she was playing with. It was not Brittney Rose. This doll looks a lot like Sheena. The doll even had her red baseball cap she wore to the left side. Tess looks up at me.

"What's up, Alfred", asked Tess. "Oh, man, I see a boy sniffing your backpack and this boy is the same age as you, I think he has a crush on you, you should check it out, maybe, you two can become boyfriend and girlfriend and twenty years from now, you guys can become husband and wife", said Alfred with a happy tone of voice. Tess puts the doll on her bed and blushes really hard. Tess pushes me on the ground and leaves her room to the front yard. After that, I saw a glass vase on top of her dresser. I grab the vase on her pink dresser. I ran after her.

We made it to the front yard. Tess ways left and right for the boy I lied about. The reason I lied was to Tess out of her room. When Tess was about to talk without looking at me, I smashed her head in with the vase. Some of Tess's blood was on the grass and some broke pieces of the glass vase.

I check her pulse on the wrist. She still had a pulse. She was still alive. I had to hide her knocked out body. I really KO her. I picked up her body and put it on the kitchen floor and ran back to my room.

The reason why I ran back to my room is, I need something to stop Tess from getting up from the floor. I looked in my closet and searched every inch of it. After a while of searching, I found two pairs to two handcuffs. Sure, it might not be real handcuffs but at this rate something is better than nothing. I literally mean that, too.

I ran to the kitchen floor and handcuffed Tess's wrists and her feet. I mean, Tess can probably break out of those. I know how strong her feet are because she loves stomping on my feet from time and time again but I don't know how strong her wrists are though.

I need one last item. I ran to the garage. After what seemed like me being in there for a decade, I found some duct tape. I'm going to duck tap Tess's mouth shut so I don't hear her whining all day long.

I made it back to the kitchen and duck tapped Tess's mouth shut. Let's hear her whine after this. Oh, right, she won't. I put the duct tape back into the garage and ran to the front yard and picked up the broken pieces of glass and put them under my bed. I'm finally going to see what's in the doll closet.

There's no way in hell, there are tea parties. There are dolls that are coming to life and being tortured by Tess. I ran to Tess's room. I went under her behind. Searching for a weapon. I found her red baseball bat. This has to be the best weapon ever. I grabbed it and before I went in the doll closet, I heard a voice. This voice didn't sound like Brittney Rose. It sounded like Sheena. Just like Sheena.

"Alfred, help me, please", said a voice that sounded like Sheena. I looked behind me. "WHO'S THERE", screamed Alfred. "It's me, Sheena Zawonder, I got turned to this doll and what you saw wasn't the real Sheena Zawonder, it's was a clone, the clone taking my place while I'm going to be tortured in the doll closet forever", said Sheena. I mean, it made sense. Why would Sheena scream, if she's having a good time with Tess. I slowly walked to Tess's bed.


"IT'S REALLY YOU, SHEENA, HOW DO I CHANGE YOU BACK, HOW DO WE DEFEAT YOUR CLONE", screamed Alfred. "I don't know how to change me back but I can tell you how I got turned into this doll", answered Sheena. "Tell me", said Alfred with a worried tone of voice. "Tess isn't a human exactly, she is witch, when she entered the doll closet, she transformed into this green ugly monster, the shade of green was a light shade of green, one of the last shades of green before it's turns into white, the witch named Tess screamed at me, after she done that, I got turned into this doll, that scream was powerful", explained Sheena. "Don't tell your parents about this, Alfred, they won't believe you", said Sheena with a concerned tone of voice.

"Yeah, right, like I will ever tell them, they're going to think I'm cuckoo", replied Alfred. "I'm sorry, Alfred for not listening to you, I should have stayed away from the doll closet", said Sheena. "It's fine", replied Alfred. After I said that, I heard a loud roar sound and loud grunting.

"That's her, that Tess, you are so fucked right now", cried Sheena. I dropped the Sheena doll on Tess's bed. I put Tess's baseball bat back under her bed very quickly. I ran to the doll closet and slammed the door behind me.

A light bulb was flicking. I saw some blood stains on the steps. I didn't step in the blood. I walk next to it. For all I know that could be Sheena's blood. I walked down those gray little steps again for the second time. After I was done walking down those steps, it was really dark and then I remembered, I brought my phone with me.

I unlocked my phone and turned on the flashlight feature on it. I could use this to see where I'm walking. This is going to make this a hell of a lot easier. When I turned on the flashlight, there was a long black hallway with a lot of doors.

I walked to the first door I saw. It was a cornflower blue door with a white door knob. There was writing on the door. "THE CAGE ROOM". That's what the door says in purple writing. I entered the cage room. When I entered the room, I saw dolls in cages with bright blue padlocks. The cages were on the floor. They were screaming at the top of their lungs they probably don't even have since their dolls.

"LET'S US OUT", screamed a doll.

"HELP ME", screamed a doll.


"How are you guys even alive", shouted Alfred. "In the next room, there is a cauldron, Tess puts us in that cauldron and she says the magic words in that spell book", explained a doll. "GU KRU LOZ MOE NOE JUSTUGO FEELDEE GF AMOFONG", explained a doll. "Those are the magic words", explained a doll. "After Tess brings us to alive, she tortures us by putting us in these cages", explained a doll. "JUST GO", said a familiar voice. I know that voice. That Brittney Rose's voice.

"BRITTNEY", screamed Alfred. "I'm in the cage that's all the way in the bottom", explained Brittney Rose. I bent down on my knees and saw Brittney Rose. She looked exactly as I described her and she didn't change. The doll in the same cage as her almost made me faint.

The doll didn't have a head. The doll was almost naked. The doll was only wearing shoes. The doll was giving me the middle finger. She was flipping me off. That doll must think I am Tess. I mean, how is that doll supposed to see who's who?

"Do you know where the key is", asked Alfred. "Nope", replied Brittney Rose. "What's your cellmate's story", asked Alfred. "I dunno, she was already here and like that when I first got in this cage", answered Brittney Rose.

I stopped bending down and walked to the doorway and said this. "I'll find a way to release you guys if it's the last thing I'll do, I will be your guys savior", said Alfred. The dolls cheered. I close the door and saw the next door.

This door was candy apple red and the door was a bright green door knob. It reminds me of Christmas since the colors are red and green. There was writing on the door. "THE CAULDRON ROOM". That's what the door said in dark green writing. I entered the cauldron room.

Every wall and the floor and the ceiling were bright red just like the door. There was a black cauldron in the room. I walk around the room. Next to the cauldron, there was a camp fire right next to the cauldron. How is our house not burned down yet? The next thing I saw was a brown cardboard box and on top of the box was a book. In my other hand, I grabbed the book since I'm holding my phone in one hand. The book cover was purple with shooting stars on it. I read the title of the book. "SPELLS THAT INSTANTLY WORK IN 2024". That's what the book cover says. These spells in the book only work in the year two thousand and twenty four. That's this year. The present year. I threw the spell book in the fire. No more dolls will it tortured. Not on my watch. I opened the box that the spell book was on. I saw more spell books. Spell books from two thousand and twenty three and two and one. Tess has been doing this for years. Bringing alive these dolls just to tortured them. I poured the spell books out of the box and the spell books landed on the fire. All of those books were in ashes. I left the room and closed the door behind me.

I see a black door with a red door knob. There was writing on the door. "THE CLONING ROOM". That's what the door said in powder blue writing. I open the door. Every wall and ceiling and the floor were frost blue. I see a glass tank. Inside the glass tank was me. A clone of me. He looked just like me. He was wearing the same clothes as I did. He even wore the same watches as me and he had them on the same different wrists as me. The only thing that was different was he had a phone in his pocket. I can see the phone's outlines. The clone starts talking.

"Oh, man, just wait I will be released from this cage and I get to take your place as you forever", said Alfred's clone. "What do you mean", asked Alfred with a crept out tone of voice. "I mean, that when you get turned into a doll, you will be in a cage forever and getting dust on you", explained Alfred's clone. Then, it hit me. When Sheena left my house, that was Sheena's clone. That was not the real Sheena. I ran out of the room and closed the door. I kept on running in this hallway.

After a few minutes of running, I see a gray locker. There was no lock on it. I opened it up and there were no locker shelves in the locker. I hop inside the locker and close the locker door behind me. There were tiny holes in the locker. Those rectangle shaped lockers you see in every locker. I couldn't see through the holes. It was really dark in here.

I heard loud footsteps. That person was running. The locker door swung open. It was Tess. Tess was wearing the same clothes as she did when I knocked her out. She got out of the handcuffs and the piece of duck tape was not on her mouth.

"Time for you to get turned into a doll", said Tess. "But first, I want you to drink these apple juice", ordered Tess. Tess pulls out a juice box out of her pocket. The juice box always has the straw in the box. I grab the juice box out of Tess's hand. I take a large sip. After I do that, I kinda let out a small burp. Then, I feel sleepy. Tess steps away from me. My vision becomes blurry. I fall on the closet floor. I'm not in the locker anymore. Everything went to black.

What seems like an eternity, I wake up in the cauldron. The same cauldron I saw in the cauldron room. The camp fire was even still there. Tess was in the room, too. Something was off about Tess.

Instead of having normal Asian skin, she had light green skin, like Sheena said. Tess is really a witch. "Tess, you're a witch, but how", said and asked Alfred. "I was swapped at birth, the day I was born, there was a family of shape shifting witches and wizards you disguise themselves as regular humans, we so happen to shape shift to Asian people and to make a long story short, I'm not a human and your guys real human girl is with a family full of witches and wizards", explained the witch. "Since your clone is already taking your place as you right now, there's no point in escaping the doll closet", explained the witch. "But, I got another plan for you", said the witch.

"What is it", asked Alfred with a scared tone of voice. "Ever since I was a toddler in pre-school, I wanted a pink bunny and since, your clone is taking your place, there's no point of getting out, so you might as well become my pink bunny", said the witch. "You have no spell books, I burn them all", explained Alfred. "A confession", shouted the witch. "You know what, instead of you being my bunny, I got another plan for you but this I wouldn't tell you", explained the witch. The witch pulls out a magic wand.

It's long and black and it has white tips. The witch points it out at me. The witch starts chanting some magic words. "KUU FUNG HUT DCX FDSA HGERA DFSVBDH FASDA MORRI", chanted thw witch.

A few days later.

I lost track of the days. I lost my watches. I lost my phone. I lost my clothes. Ever since Tess chloroformed my apple juice, I have been stuck living as a brown earth worm in the doll closet. I should have known Tess chloroformed my apple juice. It would make sense because the apple juice box was already open. The straw was already in the box. I'm in a worm farm in the doll closet. I'm the only worm in the worm farm. No one else is here or should I say no worm else is here. The witch only feeds me tiny scraps of paper. I miss being a human. Being a worm sucks. I hate my new life. I wished I never went into the doll closet. I should have minded my own business and now I'm paying the price for it. I'm going to be a worm forever. To make things worse, I didn't save those dolls. I broke my promise to those dolls. I just hope my clone saves them, one day.


The more that you read the more you feel surrounded by death. 

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