Convergence [KLONNIE] โœ“

By numinousx

96.9K 4.3K 2K

COMPLETED โœ“ {Book One} "There is no surprise that you do not trust me, Bonnie Bennett," Klaus began, taking a... More

cast โ”
โ†ณ act I
chapter one โœ“
chapter two โœ“
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
โ†ณ act II
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight
chapter twenty-nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-five
chapter thirty-six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty-eight
chapter thirty-nine
chapter forty
chapter forty-one
chapter forty-two
chapter forty-three
chapter forty-four
chapter forty-five
chapter forty-six
chapter forty-seven
chapter forty-eight
chapter forty-nine
chapter fifty
chapter fifty one
chapter fifty-three
chapter fifty-four
chapter fifty-five
chapter fifty-six
chapter fifty-seven
chapter fifty-eight
chapter fifty-nine
chapter sixty
chapter sixty-one
chapter sixty-two
chapter sixty-three
chapter sixty-four
chapter sixty-five
thanks + sequel

chapter fifty-two

412 22 22
By numinousx

Chapter 52


"Holy hell, this family can never catch a goddamn break."

Mina put her head down on the hard table harshly. If anything, the way things were going at yet another family meeting was making her want to bang her head against the table until she was seeing stars.

Bonnie put her head in her hands, refusing to seek refuge in Klaus at the moment, but needing the comfort of something.

According to Marcel, the problem at their feet wasn't another physical attack, but it was one that could damage their plans just the same. After feeling like Marcel had let down the people of New Orleans, the faction rivaled together, announcing their disappointment with Marcel's familial choices.

Not trusting him anymore, the city of New Orleans called for a new King. And instead of allowing someone to self-proclaim themselves as the king, like Marcel did, they wanted a vote. A vote in which no Mikaelson, blood or not, last named or not, were on the ballot.

"There isn't a world where I'm not the king of New Orleans, Klaus," Marcel snapped in disbelief. He could hardly believe the words coming out of the hybrid's mouth. For the last five minutes, every plan Klaus had suggested had involved leaving Marcel at the Compound. "It's my city."

"I've let you play king to your army of untrained children for months into my arrival at New Orleans, but now that this city no longer respects and adores you, it is time you step down."

"Step down?" Marcel growled. "I am the only person at this damn table who has the support of the people in this city."

"Are you not aware of the revolt happening as we speak?" Klaus asked sarcastically. "The factions, including your vampires, are marching the streets, planning to vote in a new king in spite of your ruling."

"And who told me that, Klaus?" Marcel asked. "Josh did! I still have half of my army. That's better than what you all have without me!"

Klaus scoffed, the man he once called son staring into his eyes. "What we have without you are the witches, so quaked with fear, they would help us if commanded. What we have is my alliance with some of the wolves. What we don't have, Marcellus, is everyone in this house working for one bloody purpose. You being king is not the focus here! It is protecting this city for my little girl."

"I'm working for the good of this family, Klaus," Marcel exclaimed. "I'm trying–" 

Klaus slammed his hand down on the table causing everyone's glass to rattle. "What I need you to do is be quiet and do what you're told!" 

Marcel gulped down the rest of his bourbon before sliding his chair back with the back of his legs. "It seems like there's no need for me, right?"

"Marcel," Mina started, groaning in her head. "No one is renouncing your place in the family. You are needed."

Marcel Gerard shook his head. "Try fighting this war without me," He nodded. "Well see just how much you have without me... Davina," He called, grabbing her attention. "Pack your drawings. We're leaving."

"Marcel," Bonnie pleaded. With Kol, Elyza, and Rebekah gone, the last thing they need is for more family members to step out. "Your place is here."

"And you're the only person with access to the vampires," Mina added. "The vampires make up a large piece of New Orleans. Without them, without you," She said, glaring at Klaus. "We're done before we even start."

When Davina came downstairs with a backpack in tow, Marcel grabbed his keys off the kitchen island. "I'm not the one you need to tell that to."

Bonnie sighed as the heard the front door slam. Coming in behind Marcel with shock evident on his face, Elijah came into the room with Isabel hot on his heels. They were both about to continue on with the conversation they were having, but they stopped when they were met with the faces of their family.

"Please, enlighten me," Elijah commanded. "What has happened now?"




Mina and Bonnie Bennett sat in the living room, both of them completely surrounded by ripped-out pages and grimoires that were in too many languages to be coherent.

After the revelation of the newest crisis in this family and Marcel's departure, the two Bennett witches decided that this was the perfect time to go ahead and put Bonnie's plan in place. Not only would being the queen of the most powerful coven in the world act as an indestructible shield over Alixandra, but being regent of New Orleans would give her an entire faction dedicated to protecting her daughter.

The problem, however, is that activating the Bennett coven is a little bit more complicated than Harley had told her.

As that thought passed through Bonnie's brain, a knock at the door made the two Bennett cousins look at each other. Pushing it open, it revealed Harley Bennett. With grimoires floating behind her and bags, in her hands she sighed. "I have snacks, coffee, and ice cream... Chocolate of course."

"I'll take the ice cream," Mina announced first, holding her hands out. 

"Thanks for coming," Bonnie started, deciding to take one of the coffees off of Harley's hands.

"I'm late, I know," She muttered coming into the room and sitting down next to Bonnie. "There's so many people just standing in the middle of the road."

"We know," Mina nodded. "They're protesting... Against Mikaelson rule."

"Oh–" Harley started, before opening one of her books to a specific page. "Anyways, I have something that I think you might like, Bonnie."

Bonnie smiled as she leaned over watching as Harley dragged her fingers through the words, obviously looking for a specific part. "Thank you because I need some positivity right now."

"I got you, girl," Harley chuckled. "Em' and I were looking for some information, and in everything that we found being written about the Queen, they all mentioned The Book. Apparently, it's needed for the ritual?'

"What's 'The Book'?" Mina asked, taking a spoonful of ice cream into her mouth.

"Good question," Harley replied. "I found that it has all of the names of the former queens and it's the permanent placeholder for some mystical dagger that is also definitely needed in the ritual."

Bonnie nodded slowly. "A book with a mystical dagger inside of it? Sounds easy enough. Where is it?"

At this, Harley cleared her throat. Her eyes darted away quickly, forcing Mina to sit up. "Harley," Mina called out. "Where is it?"

"No one knows for a fact. It's the Keeper's job to hold that stuff. " Harley began, clearing her throat. "But... um... it was last believed that it was in Mystic Falls..."

"There's something else," Bonnie started suspiciously. "Isn't it."

Harley closed the book, using her finger as a bookmark. She rubbed her hands against her cargo pants nervously. "Bonnie, I don't think you want to know."

Bonnie stood up. "Tell me."

"The last Keeper... according to rumor... is a descendent of um–"

"Harley!" Mina gasped, placing the tub of ice cream on the floor. "Spit it out. A descendent of who?"

The eldest Bennett cousin sucked her tooth glancing between her two little cousins. "Shelia Bennett."

Mina chuckled. "There's only one descendent of Shelia Bennett," She determined. "And she's standing beside us."

"Mina," Harley sighed knowingly. "Who's Bonnie's mother?"

Bonnie wiped her hand over her face, doing her best not to cry. "I have to go to Mystic Falls to see... my mother?"

"Yeah, no," Mina objected instantly. "We're not going back there."

"We have to go back," Bonnie nodded slowly.

"No," Mina pushed. "I draw the line. You have a daughter, Bonnie. Why go back there and risk running into that gang of bitches you used to call friends. Or worse, the woman who brought you nothing but torment."

"This isn't for me, Mina," Bonnie argued. "This is for my daughter. So she doesn't have to walk around her home in fear. So we can have an entire coven of people dedicated to protecting her when I can't."

"When you can't?" Mina questioned. "What the hell does that mean?"

"I'm going to give you two a second," Harley mumbled before sliding out of the door, taking the chips with her. 

"Everyone in this house," Bonnie began. "All of Alixandra's family is immortal but me. There will be a day where I am no longer living, and I–I want to make sure she's alright."

"Bonnie, I–you–that's a long time away."

Bonnie shook her head, walking over to one of the photos she had printed of Alixandra. "Is it?" She rubbed her thumb over the frame. "I have this feeling, Mina. The same feeling I had before you died... and again when my magic told me to kill Jane-Ann."

Mina shook her head in confusion. "Bonnie–"

"It's why I've been trying to get Klaus in line," She continued, ignoring Mina's attempt to get her to stop. "Why I want to build her home here."

"Bonnie, stop this," Mina cried out, seeing where this rant was going. "You're not dying."

"I am," Bonnie said simply. Wiping a tear from her eyes, she continued. "My magic is whispering... fluttering. My love for my daughter... it's going to kill me. And it's going to kill me soon. So if I must find my mom, so be it."

Mina pushed herself up from the floor. She knew that magic as powerful as Bonnie's wouldn't lie to her if it sensed something. But it didn't make any of this easier to hear. "You want to go to Mystic Falls, fine. But stop this talk of you dying."


The older Bennett cousin used her magic and pushed the nightstand over, sending the lamp on top of it crashing to the ground. "Damn it, Bonnie! I said stop. Do you think I want to hear of your magic proposing your death?"

Before Bonnie could retort, the two Bennett witches felt a chill run down their spines.


"Isabel!" Mina screamed realizing the high-pitched. Without a moment of hesitation, Mina flew down the stairs, appearing to the little witch within seconds. Seeing someone standing over her, she wrapped her arm around their throat, before throwing them back.

A part of her was wondering who the hell was this and how the fuck did they get through her boundary spell, but she couldn't make herself care right now.

Mina gasped as the person proved themselves to be a vampire. The woman, who was obviously faster than Mina, reached out, grabbing the heretic by the throat and throwing them both into the wall. As the vampire's fist threatened to connect with Mina's face, Mina closed her eyes, grabbed the woman's fist, and siphoned. 

As a result, screams echoed throughout the living room. Before Mina could shove the, now weakened, vampire off of her, the woman's body flew into the back wall of the Compound. 

 When the older Bennett cousin opened her eyes, Isabel was standing over her protectively, her eyes glowing gold.

"Mina," Isabel called calmly. "Are you okay?"

"Mina?" The vampire tested on her tongue.

When the vampire moved like she was about to rise, Isabel bared her fangs. "Come towards her and you'll see how much werewolf bites hurt vampires."

Throwing up a protection spell over Isabel, Mina stood dusting off her pants. Stepping in front of the teenager, Mina summoned her power, balling her hands into fists. The action thrusted a wave of magic towards the vampire.

"I got this, Isa," Mina confirmed. As fast as this fight had gone, she had almost forgotten that she was a witch. Now, the vampire wouldn't dare come at her again. "Go get the others."

Nodding frantically, the werewolf ran off. Within seconds, every vampire was in the living room, watching as Mina's magic held down the intruder.

"Mina!" Bonnie called out, her voice closer to the group than anyone expected. "Stop!"

Stopping her spell, Mina turned around in shock. She ignored Elijah's protective stance, her eyes landing on Bonnie. "She attacked me!"

"Bonnie?" The vampire called out.

Bonnie ignored the weird looks before stepping forward. Her eyes glanced around the living room. All of the glass that was just replaced was once again shattered. On top of that, there was a hole in the wall and Isabe's heart was racing. 

Bonnie tensed as the word slid out of her mouth. "Mom?"

Mina's eyes widened as she realized who that was. Searching her features, she realized that she knew this vampire. "Abby?"

"Huh?" Isabel gasped. She hadn't been in the house long, but she never heard anyone mention Bonnie's mom.

"Bonnie," Klaus growled, appearing behind the Bennett witch. Allowing his eyes to transform, long black veins grew under his eyes.

Seeing Abigal back up, Bonnie turned to face the Mikaelsons. 

Elijah stood protectively beside Mina and in front of, a still-defensive, Isabel.

Klaus stood behind Bonnie, his hybrid nature easily slipping out through his protective stance.

"Mom..." Bonnie trailed off. Her heart was beginning to race as all of the memories of her childhood came rushing back to her. "I–"

"You think I wanted you?" Abigal spat, taking another sip of the red wine she was always drinking. "I nearly died birthing you yet this is what I get. Some weak little girl who can't even do magic."

Noticing the look in Bonnie's eyes, Mina gulped. "Why are you here, Abilgal? Hell, how are you here?" she bit.

"My spell..." Bonnie answered, the palm of her hands starting to sweat. "I used our blood as a binder meaning any witch of Bennett blood can enter."

Bonnie turned around, trying to blink away her tears. "Alix..." She mumbled, her attention going to her daughter. Who was up there with her right now?

"Your cousin is with her," Klaus soothed, trying to force himself to calm so that he could calm Bonnie. She had told him small snippets of her childhood and nothing about it was healthy. "She's fine."

"You summoned me," Abigail confessed, not feeling so confident in her vampiric abilities now that she was standing in a room of originals.

"Mommy?" 4-year-old Bonnie called out hesitantly. The entire house was pitch black dark other than the living room. Her punishment had ended as soon as nightfall began, so her isolation should've been done by now. "Can I come out now? I'm sorry."

Mina looked over at Bonnie, her cousin having frozen in her spot. After a couple of seconds of silence, Mina shook her head. "Um, no. Neither of us summoned you."

"Yes, daughter," Abigal spat, her sending her attention to Bonnie. She said the word daughter as if it were a curse. "When you opened my grimoire and spoke a need for materials to become the Bennett queen, you summoned its keeper."

"You're a vampire!" Mina exclaimed. "How the fuck are you the Bennett Coven's Keeper?"

"I was born a witch," Abilgal explained as if she was talking to a four-year-old. "And the only way a new Keeper is positioned is if I were to transfer to our ancestral realm."

"Mommy!" 5-year-old Bonnie Bennett screamed throughout the empty house. "MOMMY!"

Bonnie jolted herself back to the present. As she fought to keep her eyes on one thing, her chest began to rise and fall at a rate too fast for a mortal. She tried to say something, to tell anyone, but she couldn't quite form the words. 

However, the effort was proved unnecessary. Seeing Bonnie's state, Klaus didn't hesitate to grab her arm and speed them both up the stairs. 


(Part Two Coming Soon) 

I know we were expecting a spicy chapter this chapter, but I forgot that I'm one chapter ahead of y'all always. So next chapter we should have some fun if my writing says the same. 

I wasn't planning to introduce Abby this early, but I had an idea and I ran with it. 

Tell me what you think here ----->

Please comment, vote & share if you like it! Thank y'all for all the interaction.

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