Skinny Jeans

By fuckmeupjauregui

261K 7.6K 2.6K

"This is the last pair, but I'll let you have them in exchange for your number." More

Skinny Jeans: Prologue
Something's Missing
Let's Call Her 'Skinny Jeans'
The Kissing Rock
Who Is This Girl?
Get Out Of My Head
I Can't Shake My Feelings
I Can't Shake My Feelings - Part 2
Cherry Stems And Keeping Secrets
Should've When You Could've
Special Guests
Smoking In The Library With A Tiger
Plan B
Pip And Estella
Discussing Ali's Ex
Ali Takes The Wheel
Just Friends
College And... Camping?
Your Highness
No Glove, No Love
Confessions Of Kate
You Kissed Kate
You Killed Kate
Forgiven... Not
Little Bitch // Face To Face
That's Jason
All These Dogs
Ch. 30
Ch. 31
Ch. 32
Ch. 33
Ch. 34
Ch. 35
Ch. 36
Ch. 37
Ch. 38
Ch. 39
Ch. 40
Not An Update: Rant//Emison Prom
Ch. 41

Emily's Big Day

8.6K 227 109
By fuckmeupjauregui



November 19, 2014


"Happy birthday, Em!" Aria and Spencer shouted to wake Emily up.

Emily turned over and looked at Spencer and Aria standing there. Spencer was holding a bouquet of roses in her hands.

"We found this on your door step." Spencer said, handing them to her.

Emily took them and sat them beside her on the bed. She picked up the note and read it aloud.

'I fell in love with you.
Not just for how you look, but for who you are.
(Although you look pretty damn sexy too)

Happy Birthday, Babe. I love you!
-Kisses Alison'

"She loves you, Em." Spencer says with sympathy.

Emily scoffed. "Yeah, she probably sent those ahead of time." She put the roses on her bedside table and turned on her side, pulling the blankets up to her neck.

"Emily-" Aria tries.

"I want to be alone." Emily says and cover her face with the blankets. Aria let out a big sigh and walked out of the room with Spencer following behind her.


"Ali!" Hanna shakes her awake.

"What?" Alison asked sleepily.

"You told me to wake you up, so you could surprise your girlfriend." Hanna says and rolls Alison off the bed.

"Why do you alway do this to wake me up?" Alison asked with a laugh.

"It's tradition!" Hanna said excitedly. "Now go get your girl!"

"What happened to the flowers I was gonna give her?" Alison asked, sitting up from the floor.

"I already delivered them." Hanna says. "Because I couldn't get your lazy ass up."


Alison walked up to Emily's front door and knocked on it.

No answer.

Alison knocked again.

No answer.

Emily didn't feel like seeing anyone so she didn't bother.

Eventually Alison gave up and let herself in, Spencer and Aria had left the door unlocked. Alison walked up the stairs up to Emily's room and stood in the doorframe for a second before knocking on the wall.

Emily, thinking it was Spencer and Aria, got out of bed, only to be met by Alison.


I got up from my bed when I heard another knock at my bedroom door. I thought it was just Spencer or Aria or both.

I saw blonde hair and I knew it wasn't Spencer or Aria or basically anyone I knew for that matter. I only knew a few blonde people, and the only one that would be here right now was Alison, and in that moment I wanted to just curl up in a corner and die when I saw those beautiful blue eyes.

I looked down and my feet, I didn't want her to see me. But I couldn't kick her out either, I didn't know what to say. She put a finger under my chin and lifted my head to look her in the eyes.

"I'm sorry, I overreacted in the locker room." Said Alison, "I would've taken it better if you had just told me. I love all of you, Emily." She kissed me on the lips. "All." Kiss, "Of." Kiss, "You." Kiss.

"I love you too."

"You should've just told me." She said, kissing my cheek.

"I was going to, but then Hanna walked in and I chickened out of telling you." I explain.

"Hanna always walks in at the worst moments." She giggled.

"Yeah, I can tell."

I grabbed her waist and pulled her body into mine, for the first time. Alison wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me in for a slow, passionate kiss. I walked us back towards my bed, once the back of her knees hit the bed I laid her down. She licked her lips and stared at mine. I closed the small gap between us and kissed her deeply, her lips moved along with mine in a perfect rhythm. With my thumb slowly tracing her jawline, I leave trails of kisses, going lower under her neck. I sneak my hands underneath her shirt, feeling her warm skin with my cold hands.

Alison slightly jumped in pleasure, I'm assuming, at my hand grazing her thigh. I found the front of her underwear and started to tug on them. Black lace, leave it to Alison to wear sexy lingerie when she wants sex.

"So, what do you suggest we do today?" I tease, breaking away from the kiss.

She gave me a look saying, 'Are you being serious right now?'

"I have a few ideas." She said, running her hand through my hair.

She sat up and pulled off her shirt and threw it somewhere in the room. Next, she slipped off her jeans - She's always wearing these damn skinny jeans - and tossed them on the floor. She basically tore off her lingerie.

Holy fucking shit, she has a really hot body. And she's all mine. How have I not noticed this before? Perfect curves, toned stomach, even skin tone, perfection.

"Are you sure?" I ask her. This is going to be our first time together. Maybe she doesn't want this yet. Or maybe she doesn't want this at all for that matter.

"Positive. I want you to be my first." She said. First? She's a virgin? Holy shit! I feel so happy, but nervous at the same time. I'm gonna be her first. She's giving herself to me.

Didn't she have a girlfriend for like a year? Haha, whatever her name is must've been pretty horrible if she didn't get any sex in that year.

She opened her legs so I was looking right at her centre. I pulled down my boxers and took off my tank top and bra. Alison looked at me with a smile on her face. Alison ran her hand down my abs and grabbed my cock. We both let out a loud moan as she pushed me inside of her.

She leaned her head back, closing her eyes, letting the pain and pleasure take over her. I started to thrust in and out slowly, I don't want this to be too painful for her.

"Hey, Emily I was-" Hanna stopped mid sentence and her jaw dropped. "Oh. My. God." Hanna laughed.

"Get out!" I shouted at her.

"No, this looks hot, keep going." Hanna said.

"Leave!" I threw a pillow at her and she ran out of the room.

"Sorry about that." I said softly to Alison. I kissed her softly.

"I love you." I whispered in Alison's ear. She opened her eyes and pulled my face to hers for a passionate kiss. I started going faster and faster, and she moaned in pleasure.

"Ohhh..." She cried out in pleasure as I gave her one last thrust. I kissed her softly on the lips then laid down beside her.

She turned on her side and smiled at me. "That was amazing." She said.

"Yes, love. You're mine now."

"Yes, I'm yours." She softly touched my face . "You're my first."

"Any regrets?" I asked.

She shook her head smiling. "Nope. None. I love you so much."

"I love you too, babe." I kissed the top of her head.

"Round 2?" She asked with a smile.

I guess I would be getting sex on my birthday after all. It wasn't just sex though, it was with someone I really loved. Someone I was in love with. And she was giving herself to me.

Thank God my mom wasn't home.


"Emily," Someone said, shaking me awake.

"Huh? What?" I said, nearly falling off my bed. Spencer and Aria were standing in my room with their arms crossed.

"Why are you naked? And why does it smell like sex in here?" Spencer asked. I looked to my side and see Alison isn't there. I felt my heart break a little bit, why isn't she here?

"Well, Alison was here." I say sadly. Just then Alison walks back into the room, her legs were shaking a little bit. I couldn't help but smile to myself at that. Good work, Em.

"Hey..." Alison said awkwardly and climbed back into bed with me. She was wearing only her black lace lingerie.

"That explains why it smells like sex in here." Spencer says. "So, I take it you guys made up."

"We did more than that." Alison says with a wink. I smile at her and pull her in for a soft kiss.

"Yeah, we can tell." Hanna laughs, walking into the room. "You're walking funny, Ali. Keep up the good work, Em." Hanna winked at us.

"Hanna," Alison scolded.

"What? Nobody walks like that if it's not good sex." Hanna laughs. "And Ali, you might wanna cover up a bit more, those hickeys on your body are kinda disgusting."

"Hanna," Alison scolded again.

"I'm just sayin'," Hanna says, putting her hands up in surrender. "So, do you guys have to like, finger each other? Or what?"

"She doesn't know," Alison whispered in my ear.

"What did you say about me?" Hanna asks offended.

"Nothing," Alison said. Hanna jumped on her, straddling her hips.

"Tell me!" Hanna shouted, pinning Alison's hands above her head.

"Nothing," She pushed Hanna off of her making her fall to the floor with a thud.

Hanna jumps back onto her feet, dusting her clothes off and walking back to stand next to Spencer and Aria.

"Seriously though, do you guys use like, a strap on or something?" Alison laughs at Hanna. "What? Don't you guys need one? Spice up your sex life a little."

Nobody answers her. We sit there in awkward silence for a moment, waiting for them to leave.

"We're just gonna go..." Spencer says awkwardly and grabs Aria's arm. She was about to grab Hanna's too, but Hanna gave her look saying 'Touch me and I'll fuck you up'.

She pulled Aria out of the room, and Hanna followed. But not before sending us a wink.

Alison snuggled back up to me, laying her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed the top of head.

"Happy birthday, Em. I love you so much." Alison said.

"I love you more, babe."

*While I was writing this, the song that played in 5x05 while Em and Ali were hooking up was playing and I was just like... That's the song. Emison AF.*

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